Chapter 27 ྿ Ratchet

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The quinjet flew over the clouds and straight towards the city as men shouting in Japanese and gunfire could then be heard. Some grunts from men were heard following its place. "It's him! He's after Akihiko!" A man yelled in his language. An assassin among them could be seen taking each person out one by one skillfully; destroying property along the way. Jumping from building to building. "Why are you doing this?" A man asked the assassin. "We never did anything to you!" He added afterwards. "You survived. Half the planet didn't. They got Thanos. You get me.." the assain told him as a remark and they fought till the Japanese man ended up falling to the ground, defeated.

Wiping off the blood of his weapon, he pulled off his mask before saying, "you shouldn't be here." A view of Natasha holding an umbrella as it rained was shown. "Neither should you." She replied back, causing him to look over at her. "I've got a job to do." He said. "Is that what you're calling this? Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back." She admitted and started walking towards him. "We found something." She added on. "A chance, maybe." He looked up at her once again as he lightly shook his head "don't."

"Don't what?" She questioned. "Don't give me hope." He replied. "I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner." She added before taking her best friend's hand into her own. The scene around them showed dead bodies practically everywhere due to what Clint had done.

The pst sound of a soda can, or any can for that matter, could be heard opening as Thor held it in his hands. Taking a sip, he heard a voice near him. "You're drifting left." Tony announced to the right of the god. "One side there, Lebowski." He added as he was carrying an object with him. "Ratchet, how's it going?" He asked Rocket. "It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal." Rocket retorted. Tony nodded and Thor burped from all of the drinks he had consumed.

In another room, Scott could be seen wearing a new type of suit as Nebula adjusted some of the wiring. "Time Travel Suit, not bad." Rhodes said as he entered. "Hey, Hey, Hey! Easy! Easy!" Scott told Bruce when he noticed him trying to place the small capsule into his suit roughly. "I'm being very careful." Bruce said. "No, you're being very Hulky." Scott states. "I'm being careful." Bruce backed up. "These are Pym Particles, all right? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it! This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott mentioned as he held the particle.

"Scott, calm down." Rhodes attempted to reassure. "Sorry." Scott said before adding "we've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Placing the tube in, he yelled when it worked automatically before he came right back. "One rest run." He then said and Rhodes sighed. "All right. I'm not ready for this." Scott said. "I'm game." Clint spoke up from the doorway. "I'll do it." He added. Sooner than later, Clint was suited up in. You and Pietro appeared at the scene. Loki was chatting with Eva and Bibi in the common room.

"Clint, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about that." Bruce told him. "Wait a second. Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos? You know, and..." Rhodes said before doing hand gestures. "No." You told him. "First of all, that's horrible." Bruce said. "It's Thanos." Rhodes added. "And Secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future." Bruce said.

"Look, we go back, we get the stones before Thanos gets them... Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved." Scott announced and you nodded. "Bingo." Clint said. "That's not how it works." Nebula finally told everyone. "Well, that's what I heard." Clint said. "Wait, but who? Who told you that?" Bruce asked. "Star Trek, Terminator, Timecop, Time After Time." Rhodes started to list off. "Quantum Leap." Scott added. "Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in time, Hot Tub time machine. Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel." Rhodes continued.

"Die hard." Scott suddenly said. "No, that's not one." Scott added right after. "This is known." Rhodes said. "I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true." Bruce implied and you rolled your eyes at the situation before disappearing with your brother to find Natasha, Steve and Tony. "Think about it. If you travel to the past that past becomes your future... and you're former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future." Bruce states and Nebula agrees. "So back to the future is a bunch of bullshit?" Scott questioned and no one responded knowing the exact answer to it due to Bruce's explanation.

Standing alone in the center of the machine, stood Clint. "All right, Clint. We're going in three, two, one." Bruce said as he was the teleported. You stood around with Pietro, Steve, Thor, Rocket, Nebula, Rhodes and Bruce. He yelled at the pain as he felt through the teleporting then breathed a little heavy as he looked around. He was shocked to see his home. Walking over, he picked up a baseball glove from the ground. "Cooper? Where are my headphones?" His daughter Lila could be heard yelling. "Lila?" Clint muttered. "I never had them." Cooper yelled back. "Lila?" Clint said again as he looked over. "Yeah, you had them yesterday!" She yelled back at him and he ran in yelling his daughter's name but got teleported back.

Natasha was the first to run up. Followed by Tony, You, Scott and the others. "Hey, Hey, look at me. You okay?" She asked him as she helped him up. "Yeah, Yeah." He breathed out. He showed her the glove and said it worked. You were standing next to Tony as Scott was standing on the other side of Tony. You smiled lightly as he threw the glove to Tony. "It worked." He told him.

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