Chapter 30 ྿ America's Ass

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While Nebula was fighting off an Alien, she yelled in frustration; knocking them down before hearing a beeping noise of a nearby bomb. Seeing it last minute, she flew backwards from the blast and grunted softly. Sitting up quickly, she was faced with the same alien she had taken down. It was about to strike her when a yell could be heard; along with a piercing noise as it was then thrown into a fire nearby. That's when Gamora was revealed to be the one who did it.

Gamora sighed from the fight as Nebula grunted in frustration from losing again. "You're welcome." Gamora told her as she took a closer look at the site. "I didn't ask for your help." Nebula replied. Gamora took a few steps in front of her sister before lending a hand. "And yet, you always need it." She told her and Nebula sighed as Gamora chuckled. Nebula smacked her hand away from her.

"Get up. Father wants us back on the ship." Gamora told her and Nebula asked why. "He's found an infinity stone." Gamora stated and that's when Nebula's face snapped up to look at her. As if saying 'you can't be serious'.

A shot of one of the floating 'disks' (or donuts), could be shown near a planet's orbit. "Where?" Nebula asked. "On a planet called Morag." Gamora said. Looking at a hologram of some sort that showed a planet, Nebula stood in front of it as she said "Father's plan is finally in motion." Gamora walked towards her sister as she said "One stone isn't six, Nebula." Her hands were resting on her hips. "It's a start." Nebula started to say before adding "if he gets all of them...."

They were quiet for a moment, thinking about it till a thud followed by a portal like opening could be heard behind them. Thanos walked out as he started to speak. "Ronan's located the Power Stone. I'm dispatching you to his ship." That's when Gamora added in. "He won't like that." Nebula wasn't as close to Thanos as Gamora was. She was still near the hologram as her sister stood not too far away from the Titan.

"His alternative is death." He said as he took something off of his blade. "Ronan's obsession.... clouds his judgement." He added as he continued to walk. That's when Nebula walked forward till she got in front of her sister, taking a knee as she said "We will not fail you, Father." Gamora made a face. "No you won't..." He told her. "I swear... I will make you proud." She added. Just then her circuits near her eye started to electrocute her and she groaned in pain before falling back on her butt and sitting there. Gamora was by her side when it happened and a hologram appeared.

"....We just wait around for this Quill guy to show up... and then he leads us to the Power Stone, is that it?" Rhodes could be seen speaking to the future Nebula. "Let's take cover." The future Nebula could be heard telling the man before adding "We're not the only ones in 2014 looking for the stones." Thanos out of the hologram could be seen making a face. The past Nebula broke out of it and grunted in pain as she held the side of her head. "Who was that?" Gamora asked her.

"I don't know." Nebula breathed out. "My head is splitting. I don't know." She added and Gamora glanced around before getting up to face her father. "Her synaptic drive was probably damaged in battle." Gamora started to defend for her sister's unexpected occurrence. "Shh.." Thanos started to say as he got closer. Using his blade, he placed it gently under Nebula's chin as he lifted it so she could look at him. "Bring her to my ship." Was all he mentioned.

A shot of New York was then shown as Iron Man could be seen on a side of a building near his own, watching from far. "Better hustle, Cap." He told Steve. "Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." He added. "Got it. We're approaching the elevator now." Steve replied as you were walking beside him. Tony managed to enter the building undetected as he made his way around to an area where he could see everyone better. "If it's all the same to you...." Loki could be heard saying. "I'll have that drink now." He told the past Stark as the future Stark was watching.

That's when the 2012 Stark spoke. "All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later." That's when the past Tony started to walk. "By the way, feel free to clean up." He added. A scoff from Tony now, could be heard as he said "Mr Rogers, I almost forgot that that suit... did nothing for your ass." Ant-Man could be seen on Tony's shoulder as past Cap could be seen walking.

You smiled a little on your end from hearing it in the earpiece. Him and Steve sometimes bickered but not as much compared to Sam and Bucky. "No one asked you to look, Tony." Steve could be heard saying. "It's ridiculous." Tony replied. "I think it looks great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." Scott decided to add in and you couldn't help but laugh softly; trying not to expose you and Steve's whereabouts to anyone nearby.

"Who gets the, uh, magic wand?" 2012 black widow could be heard asking. "S.T.R.I.K.E team's coming to secure it." 2012 Steve spoke as the elevator beeped. The elevator, unfortunately, was right in front of the Future Tony so he had to quickly move before he was caught. The elevator that opened had the strike team and they were seen exiting. Tony got another position to continue watching as a man named Sitwell spoke.

"We can take that off your hands." He told 2012 Natasha. "By all means." Nat told him as she handed it over. Clint could be seen as he watched the hand over as Rumlow passed right by them. "Careful with that thing." She added as she walked away and towards Clint. "Not, unless, you want your mind erased. And not in the fun way." Clint could be seen saying as he handed Nat drink. "We promise to be careful." Sitwell states as he placed it in a large suitcase.

"Who are these guys?" Ant-Man asked. "They are S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, actually Hydra, but we didn't know that yet." Tony replied. "Seriously? You didn't?" Scott said. "I mean, they look like bad guys." He added. "You're small, but you're talking loud." Tony told him.

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." 2012 Steve said as he passed by the rest of the Avengers. That's when Loki made himself look like Steve and copy what he said. "On my way down to coordinate search and rescue. I mean, honestly, how do you keep your food down?" Loki then asked after mocking. That's when Thor pulled out the mask like object and placed over his mouth as he told him to shut up, then moved him with them.

When Tony noticed how quick everything was happening and saw his opportunity, he told Scott "Ooh. All right, you're up, little buddy." Scott readied himself up as Tony added "There's our stone." Scott bent down and stuck his butt up towards Tony. "All right." He said, ready. "Flick me." He added and Tony did what he was told.

Scott landed on 2012 Tony and started to run up his arm; taking higher ground. Future Tony saw this and backed up quickly, activating his suit before leaving. "Move." Hulk's voice could be heard telling everyone in the elevator. "Whoa whoa whoa" someone could be heard saying "hey." 2012 Thor said with his hand raised as Tony spoke. "What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached." Hull snarled at them as the doors began to close. "Take the stairs" Thor suggested. "Yeah." 2012 Tony said till he saw Hulk's face. "stop, stop." He added.

Hulk turned around as he muttered and grunted "Take the stairs. Hate the stairs."

The future Tony could be seen flying out of the tower and getting a visual from outside the building. "All right, Cap, I got our scepter in the elevator... just passing the 80the floor." He told him. "On it. Head to the lobby." Cap replied as he told you to follow his lead, which you nodded. "All right, I'll see you there." Tony told him.

Sitwell was seen on the phone while in the elevator. "Evidence secure. We're en route to Doctor List. No. No hitches at all, Mr. Secretary." He spoke and the doors opened revealing you and Cap. Walking in, you both took your spots as he pressed a button. "Captain. I thought you were coordinating search and rescue." Sitwell said before asking who you were. "Change of plans." Cap said before adding. "And I found this one lurking the hallways where she wasn't supposed to be."

Rumlow didn't look at all too happy and made a face before looking at Steve. "Hey, Cap." He said. "Rumlow." Steve replied. One of the men gripped their weapon that was strapped onto their leg and you wanted to advance to your own but Steve advised not to. "I just got a call from the secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter." Steve stated which caused Sitwell to turn around. "Sir? I don't understand." He told Steve. "We got word there may be an attempt to steal it." Steve mentioned and Sitwell looked at you.

"Sorry, Cap. We can't give you the scepter." Rumlow said. "I'm gonna have to call the director." Sitwell said as he started to reach for his phone. "That's okay. Trust me." Steve began to tell him before leaning down and whispering in the man's ear 'hail hydra.' The man looked at him with a flabbergasted look; causing Rumlow to hand over the scepter. The elevator stopped and the both of you stepped out. Steve gave a cheeky like smile once he was far enough.

Hulk was shown heading down some stairs as he grunted. Looking down at the stairs to see how many he had left, he groaned in frustration as he yelled "So many stairs!"

The elevator bell ringed and the 2012 Avengers walked out with Loki in cuffs. Future Tony stood there in a security like suit as he spotted the prize. "Thumbelina, do you copy? I've got eyes on the prize. It is go time." He told Scott. "Bombs away." Scott mentioned as he was seen sliding down Tony's shirt till he landed on the arc reactor. "Is that Axe Body Spray?" Scott questioned.

"Yeah, I had a can in the desk for emergencies. Relax. Can we focus, please?" Tony said casually. "I'm going inside you... now." Scott said as he slipped inside. Unnoticeable. 2012 Tony and a Thor we're stopped by Alexander Pierce and Loki wasn't far behind with a few guards. "Uh, May I ask you where you're going?" Pierce asked. "Bit of lunch and then Asgard. I'm sorry, you are...?" Thor said towards the man. "Alexander Pierce." 2012 Tony told him. "He's the man above the folks behind Nick Fury." Tony added and Thor nodded. "My friends call me Mr. Secretary. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that prisoner over to me." Pierce said.

"Uh, Loki will be answering to Odin himself." Thor told the man. "No, he's going to answer to us." Pierce states trying to get it his way. Loki rolled his eyes. "Odin can have what's left. And I'm gonna need that case. That's been S.H.I.E.L.D property for over 70 years." Pierce added. A man reached for it as he said 'hand over the case, Stark' but Stark pulled back as if saying no. Thor places a hand on the man to keep him back and away from Stark.

Future Tony saw what was happening and turned away to talk with Scott. "All right, move it, Stuart Little. Things are getting dicey out here. Let's go." That's when the 2012 Tony could be heard again. "I'm not gonna argue who's got the higher authority here..." he said and that's when Scott spoke. "You promise me you won't die?" He asked. "You're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia." Future Tony replied. "That doesn't sound mild." Scott said.

"I need the case." Pierce kept pushing for it. "I know you got a lot of pull, I'm just saying, jurisdiction..." 2012 Tony started to say but Pierce cut him off. "Okay, then give me the case." He said. "Well, jurisdiction..." Tony started to say before the man that was trying to take the hand grabbed Tony's wrist. Others were grabbing Tony's other arm. "Do it, Lang!" Future Tony hurried. "Get your hands off me." 2012 Tony could be heard saying. "Window's closing. Pull my pin." Tony tried hurrying Scott more. "Here goes!" Scott stated.

The pin was pulled and 2012 Tony started to gasp and choke; needing air. The case was dropped from it. "Stark?" Pierce asked suddenly concerned. "Stark?" 2012 Thor said in a more worried tone as he went quickly towards the man. "He's convulsing. Give him air!" An agent called out. "Medic!" Pierce called putting as Future Tony called for a medic as well. "Give these guys some help." He added.

"Speak to me." 2012 Thor told Tony before Stammering. "Stark, is your chest machine?" He asked and Scott could be seen running down Tony's arm. Making it to the case, he hit the case and it slid across the floor. Loki, curious he was and watched the case slide away. "Breathe, breathe." A medic said. Loki then looked over at 2012 Tony with a 'the fuck?' Like face. That's when future Tony took the opportunity to grab the case and attempt to casually walk away.

"Good job. Meet me in the alley. I'm gonna grab a quick slice." Tony started to tell Scott. Just as he was about to make his escape, Hulk bashes through the door and looks around as he roars. Resulting into the case falling, the stone falling out and sliding towards Loki's feet. Loki confused as ever, glanced down at his feet wondering how it got right back towards where he was. "No stairs!" Hulk could be heard yelling. People screamed as they ran away from him. Loki noticed no one was watching him and quickly grabbed the stone; vanishing with it at the moment he could.

"Uh... Come on, Stark, stay with us." An agent said as 2012 Thor moved his hammer. "I'm going to try something. Okay?" Thor told Tony. "I have no idea if it's going to work." He added in total honesty. Placing the hammer on the man's chest, he tapped on it to cause some electrical surge. Which helped because 2012 Tony came back. "Yes!" Thor exclaimed happy. "Oh, that worked a treat." He told Thor. "Dude, that was so crazy." He added as he looked at the god. "I had no idea that was gonna work." Thor admitted with a smile.

"The case." Tony told him. "The case is, uh..." Thor started to say as he got up to look around. "Where's the case? Where's Loki?" He questioned. "Loki!" Thor could be heard calling out and Future Tony removed his mask. "That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" Scott asked him. "Oh, we blew it." Tony replied. "Loki?" Thor could still be heard calling out.

Meanwhile, you and Steve were on your way out when you both overheard the chatter in the coms. "Tony, what's going on?" He asked him. "Tell me you found that cube." He added and you waited for an answer just like him. It wasn't till you both had to stop due to what you both saw. "Oh, you gotta be shitting me." Steve muttered and you glanced over at the 2012 Steve then the one who stood next to you. "I have eyes on Loki. 14th floor, and he has taken a hostage." The 2012 Steve mentioned.

"I'm not Loki...." Steve started to say as he lowered the case down before pushing it gently towards your way. You grabbed it and placed it near you. "And I don't wanna hurt you." Steve added. They both started to fight head on. You had to move over a bit to the side once the 2012 Steve kicked the other backwards. "I can do this all day." He told the future one and the future one sighed as he got up. "Yeah, I know." He said. "I know." He added as he faced himself again.

Throwing punches here and there before breaking part of the glass was what happened. Steve falling down towards the bottom level was another. "Steve!" You called out and used your magic to fly down with the case. They both landed with a thud and the compass that had Peggy's photo was laying on the ground. As Steve from your time was getting up, the 2012 Steve got the compass quick. "Where did you get this?" He asked him, before placing him in a chokehold.

You weren't gonna let that happen and ran towards them; tackling the 2012 Steve to the ground. When you were getting up, he knocked you back down by throwing a rough punch to your face; twice, noticing your refusal to stay down. It caused a little split on your bottom lip. Future Steve grabbed him again and they fought, again, before he was placed in another chokehold. "Bucky is alive." Future Steve said which caused 2012 Steve to instantly let go.

Steve from your time started to cough. "What?" 2012 Steve muttered before the other Steve straight up punched him. Grabbing the scepter quick, he used it on the 2012 Steve; making him fall back down. He sighed and got up. Placing it back in the case, he went over to you to help you the rest of the way up. Seeing the split lip, he apologized for it. "It's okay." You told him. He sighed as he took a breath from fighting. Glancing down at his other self he nodded. "That is America's ass." He mentioned before walking off with you.

- hope you guys liked it :)

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