Chapter 31 ྿ Two Nebulas

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Hulk was sleeping on a chair that was leaning up against a brick wall with a hat covering his face. "Please, please." Bruce begged the Ancient One. "I'm sorry, I can't help you, Bruce." She told him as she walked and he followed along. "If I give up the Tome Stone to help your reality? I'm rooming my own." She added. "With all due respect, all right... I'm not sure the science really supports that." He told her and just then, she made a magic line of what looked like dust particles appear between the both of them.

"The infinity stones create what you experience as the flow of time. Remove one of the stones... and that flow splits. Now, this may benefit your reality.. but my new one, not so much. In this new branch reality.. without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness, our world would be overrun. Millions will suffer. So, tell me, Doctor. Can your science prevent all that?" She finished off and he raised his index finger at her.

"No... but we can erase it." He suggested. "Because once we're done with the stones.... we can return each one to its own timeline at the moment it was taken. So, chronologically.. in that reality, it never left." He added as he tried to explained what he was thinking of doing. That's when the ancient one turned around and started to walk a few steps away from him before speaking. "Yes, but you're leaving out the most important part." She stopped walking before turning to face him again. "In order to return the stones, you have to survive." She added afterwards.

"We will. I will. I promise." Bruce started to tell her as he took a step or two forward. "I can't risk this reality on a promise." She replied. "It's the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone." She added and he made a face at her. "Then why the hell did Strange give it away?" He asked her. "What did you say?" She asked in return; surprised to hear about this new information. "Strange. He gave it away. He gave it to Thanos." Bruce added. "Willingly?" She asked. "Yes." Bruce mentioned.

"Why?" She questioned as she was still trying to wrap her mind around the thought of the stone being given away. "I have no idea. Maybe he made a mistake." Bruce told her. She made a look that seemed as if she were in deep thought, sharing a look with Bruce as she said "Or I did." With a flick of her hand, the body of Hulk started to make its way towards Bruce before they joined as one once again. She started to reveal the stone that was in the amulet around her neck.

Taking it out, she handed it over to BRuCe and waited for him to accept it. "Strange is meant to be the best of us." She told him. "So, he must've done it for a reason." Bruce added. "I fear you might be right." She added as she still held the stone in her hand. Hulk sighed as he took the stone into his hands. "Thank you." He replied. She looked at the stone one last time before placing a hand on his. "I'm counting on you, Bruce." She stated. "We all are." She then added.

Thanos' ship was shown flying through space as another scene was shown right after with Ebony walking towards a screen. Typing a few things in, a piece of machinery was scene lowering down from the ceiling like area. Thanos was seen shortly after taking the piece and connecting it to the back of Nebula's head, who was that suspended in front of him. "Run diagnostics." He spoke to her in his deep like tone. "Show me her memory file." He added after.

Looking through, Ebony found something different about it. "Sire, the file appears entangled." He replied. "It was a memory, but not hers. There's another consciousness... sharing her network." He added. "Another Nebula." He finished. "Impossible." Thanos replied. "This duplicate carries a time stamp from nine years in the future." Ebony mentioned time his father.

"Where is this other Nebula?" Thanos asked.

"In our solar system on Morag." Ebony stated.

"Can you access her?"

"Yes, the two are linked."

"Search the duplicate's memories... for infinity stones."

As Ebony did as he was told, a projector like thing revealed itself from Nebula's eye. "And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Banner could be heard speaking. "Our history. So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in." Tony added. "Which means we have to pick our targets." Clint stated. "Correct." Tony replied. "Freeze image." Thanos told Ebony.

Gamora walked over to get a better look at what her father was looking at and once she did, she got an answer. "Terrans." She said. "Avengers." He grumbled at the sight. "Unruly wretches. What's that reflection?" He added before pointing to a particular spot in the image. "Amplify this, Maw." He ordered. Ebony moves his hand and it was amplified for them. "I don't understand." Gamora said as she looked at it. It was the reflection of the future Nebula. "Two Nebulas." She added.

"No. The same Nebula. From two different times." Thanos connected. "Set course for Morag. And scan the duplicate's memories." He told Maw as Maw could be seen moving somethings on his screen. "I wanna see everything." Thanos announced as he looked back at Nebula who was still suspended in the air as the projector still showed the image.

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