Chapter 32 ྿ That's a little bit harsh

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Frigga was walking down the halls of the Asgard's palace with a few others around her. There was a feeling she couldn't shake off so she stopped immediately and turned to face the women around her. "My Ladies, I'll see you after." She told them and they nodded their heads. "Go on ahead." She added before they left her there.

Walking towards a certain area, she passed right by future Thor. He was watching to see if she would've spotted him and made sure that didn't happen; but leaning back against the pillar thinking she was gone, he was startled when she was standing beside him. "What are you doing?" She asked him as he screamed which caused her to shriek from being startled by his actions. He gasped and took a step back.

"Oh, god!" She said. "You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother." She added as she pointed a finger at him. "No, I wasn't sneaking. I was just going for a walk." He tried to lie so she wouldn't suspect anything. That's when she took in his outfit and how he appeared. "What are you wearing?" She questioned. "I always wear this. It's one of my favorites." He tried telling her. He cleared his throat as she placed her hand on the side of his face.

"What's wrong with your eye?" She asked him when she got a better look of it. "Oh, my eye." He started to say and it could clearly be heard that he was trying not to tear up from seeing his mom again. "It's the... uh, you remember the, uh, Battle of Harokin... when I got hit in the face with the broadsword?" He told her with a small chuckle. Shaking her head, she knew. "You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?" She told him.

"Yes, I am." He tried to lie. Taking a step closer to him, she spoke "The future hasn't been kind to you, had it?" He scoffed softly. "I didn't say I was from the future." He said. "I was raised by witches, boy. I see with more than eyes, you know that." She mentioned. His eyes got watery as he looked at his mother a bit longer. "Yeah, I'm totally from the future." He told her as his voice broke slightly. "Yes, you are, honey." She reassured him. "I really need to talk to you." He said and she smiled softly. "We can talk." She replied and they shared a hug with one another as a tear slipped from Thor's eye.

Birds chirped in the distance as Jane started to wake from her nap. Getting up from the little bed, she started to walk towards the bathroom. That's when Rocket could be seen sneaking up as quietly as he could behind her with the tool that would supposedly take out the stone they need.

"His head was over there... and his body was over there." Thor started to tell his mother. He shook his head lightly as he scoffed. "I mean, what was the point? I was too late." He added. "I was just standing there. Some idiot with an axe." He finished. "Now, you're no idiot." Frigga started to tell him. "You're here, aren't you?" She questioned, trying to state a point. "Seeking counsel from the wisest person in Asgard." She added.

"I am. Yes." He replied as he took a sip of his drink he now had in his hand. "Idiot, no. A failure? Absolutely." She mentioned. "That's a little bit harsh." He told her. "Do you know what that makes you? Just like everyone else." She responded. "I'm not supposed to be like everyone else, am I?" He uttered in question. "No." She said in reply as she shook her head lightly and pulled some of his hair away from his face.

"Everyone fails are who they're supposed to be, Thor. The measure of a person, of a hero... is how well they succeed at being who they are." She finished telling him as he nodded. "I've really missed you, mom." He finally said and she nodded knowingly before moving him closer so their foreheads could touch.

Rocket started to run from where he currently was as the tool was still in his hands. That's when he yelled out. "Thor! I got it!" He called out as guards could be seen chasing him. "Get that rabbit!" One guard yelled out.

Thor now stood near an open door like area as he mother walked up across from him. "Mom, I have to tell you something." Thor started to say. "No, son, you don't." Her reply back was. "You're here to repair your future, not mine." She added. "This is about your future." He tried telling her, wanting to warn her about the incoming fate that was in store. "Uh, it's none of my business." She replied.

That's when Rocket interrupted them as a loud thud was heard. "Hi." He said to Thor's mother once she stopped panting from running so far and stood up. She raised a hand to say a little hello. "You must be mom." He connected the puzzle together. That's when he looked over at Thor and lifted the tool up in the air. "I got the thing. Come on. We gotta move." He stated.

Thor glanced back over at his mom. "Oh, I wish we had more time." He said sadly. "No, this was a gift." She replied as she took his hands into her own. "Now you go and be the man you're meant to be." She added. "I love you mom." He told her and she responded with an I love you back. They shared a quick hug with each other before pulling apart. "And eat a salad." She told him based on his appearance which caused him to want to chuckle.

"Come on, we gotta go."

"Goodbye" Frigga mouthed

"In three, two.."

"No, wait!" Thor exclaimed as he reached a hand out towards the open doorway. Rocket looked up as he was confused with what was currently going on. "What am I looking at?" He asked. "Oh, sometimes it takes a second." Frigga reassured him. That's when Thor's hammer appeared and landed right in his hand. Letting out a small laugh of happiness he tossed it lightly before saying he was still worthy. Rocket gave him a look as he shook his head. "Oh, boy." He muttered. "Goodbye, mom." Thor told her and she told him goodbye. That's when they teleported back.

70s funk rock music started to play as Quill from during that time could be seen with a headset on as he danced around. He slid on some parts, danced some more on others and lip synced to parts of the song. That's when he could be heard singing come and get your love from a distance. Unbeknownst to him that Nebula and Rhodes were there watching. "So, he's an idiot?" He questioned Nebula and she nodded lightly. "Yeah."

Quill slid as a dance move and got punched in the face by Rhodes. Nebula checked in his bag to see if he hand anything useful and he did. A tool was what she pulled out. "What's that?" Rhodes asked. "The tool of a thief." She answered as they made it to the door way and were able to open it with the tool she took. There, in front of them, stood the Power Stone. Nebula started to walk forward till Rhodes quickly stopped her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is the part where you know spikes come out... with skeletons on the end of them and everything." He told her and she was confused. "What are you talking about?" She questioned.

"When you break into a place called 'The Temple of the Power Stone' there's gonna be a bunch of booby traps." He continued on as she muttered and oh my god and kept walking. "Okay. All right. Go ahead." He stammered on. Nothing happened to her as he had thought it would've. She was the closest to the stone and reached to grab it.

As she did, the metal of her arm slowly got destroyed but she had managed to pull out the Stone. She handed it to him as she blew on her arm a bit to cool it down. "I wasn't always like this." She told him when she saw the look he gave. "Me either." He replied. "But we work with what we got, right?" He added and she nodded in response. "Let's sync up." He then said. As he was counting down, he was able to make it back with the stone but she didn't. Her eye piece started to malfunction. Causing her pain and falling to the ground.

The past Nebula screamed in pain as her projector started to play out. "You murdered trillions!" Bruce could be heard yelling. "You should be grateful." Thanos was heard saying in response. Banner grunted as Natasha spoke up. "Where are the stones?" She said. "Gone. Reduced to atoms." Thanos told her. "You used them two days ago!" Bruce exclaimed. "I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable." Thanos finished telling them.

"What did you do to them?" Gamora asked after the projector finished playing the scene. "Nothing." Thanos told her standing at the other side of the room to her. "Yet." He added after a small brief pause. "They're not trying to stop something I'm going to do in our time." He announced. "They're trying time undo something I've already done in theirs." He added. "The Stones." Gamora said softly. "I found them all." Thanos stated.

"I won." He added looking at her once he stood in front of her. "Tipped the cosmic scales to balance." He said and she knelt. "This is your future." Ebony tried telling him. "It's my destiny." He claimed and that's when Ebony resumed the video. "My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Nebula could be heard speaking. That's when Gamora looked up.

"Ah," Thanos started to say. "Thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly." He added. That's when Thor could be heard grunting before slicing Thanos' head off. Thanos in the past didn't look too shaken up as Gamora stood up quickly. "And that is destiny fulfilled." He only said. "Sire... your daughter..." Ebony started to say as he took a few steps forward then waved his hand to wrap a piece of machinery around Nebula's neck. "No!" Nebula cried out.

" a traitor." He finished. Gamora placed her hands behind her as if readying her swords in case. "That's not me. It's not, I could never... I would never betray you. Never. Never." She said quickly to her father who was walking towards her as the grip around her neck was getting tighter. He grabbed the metal and broke it off. "I know." He said as he grabbed the bottom part of her face. "And you'll have the chance to prove it." He added.

Nebula from the future came back and moaned in pain. "No! He knows!" She breathed out in a shocked like tone. Getting up quickly, she started to run out of the place she was at and towards the ship. Grabbing a piece that looked like a communication device, she frantically spoke through. "Barton! Barton, come in. Romanoff! Come in, we have a problem. Come on!" She started to get frustrated seeing how no one was answering. "Come in, we have a... Thanos knows." She added before repeating Thanos and stopped; seeing a shadow of a ship. She knew something was wrong. It was Thanos' and he took her into his ship.

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