Chapter 34 ྿ Like A Daughter To Her

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(Feel free time skip this chapter if you'd like. It involves a death. *whispers* Vormir)

Green mists or what looked like clouds were shown as Thanos' ship pierced through. The future Nebula was thrown to the floor and let out a grunt. That's when the past Nebula walked over to her panting. "You're weak." She told her future self. "I'm you." The Nebula that was on the ground replied. The Past Nebula punched the other on the face hard as if not believing her. Grabbing the tool from the future Nebula's hand, she walked away as Gamora appeared.

"You could stop this." Future Nebula told her. "You know you want to." She added as she tried to get up. "Did you see what happens in the future?" She continued on. "Thanos finds the Soul Stone." She added. "You wanna know how he does that?" She wanted to get Gamora to see what was really happening and what happened already in the future. "You wanna know what he does to you?" She said and the Past Nebula stood slightly behind Gamora.

"That's enough." The past Nebula spoke as she went up to the future self and kicked her. She then took out her knife and gripped the other's throat. "You disgust me." The past self said. "But, that doesn't mean you're useless." She added. That's when she took a piece of her part before switching it out with her own. With the new piece attached to her head, she went over to where her father was sitting; handing him the vile. "How do I look?" The past Nebula asked him.

2 0 1 4

A ship flew through space as it made its course to the planet. "Wow." Clint said as he stood beside Natasha, admiring how beautiful yet dangerous Space was. "Under different circumstances... this would be totally awesome." He added. Getting off the ship, they started to walk towards the mountain where the Stone was. Climbing up the mountain, Natasha grunted. "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain." She said. "Technically he's not a raccoon, you know?" Clint mentioned to her back as they looked around.

"Oh, whatever. He eats garbage." Natasha replied. "Welcome." Red Skull spoke as he glided down. Both Natasha and Clint armed themselves. "Natasha. Daughter of Ivan. Clint. Son of Edith." He told them and they both walked a b it closer but didn't stand down. "Who are you?" Natasha asked. "Consider me a guide.." Red Skull said. "To you.. and to all who seek the Soul Stone." He added. "Oh, good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way." She mentioned.

Skull spoke in German before saying "If only it were that easy." He told them before showing them what he meant by walking over to the edge of the cliff. They walked over to see what he was talking about. "What you seek lies in front of you." Skull announced. "As does what you fear." He added as Natasha peered over. "The stone's down there." She mentioned. "For one of you. For the other..... In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love." Skull mentioned. "An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul." He added to finish off.

Clint and Nat thought as they nodded their heads. That's when another scene was shown with Clint waving at the Skull saying "how's it going". Natasha was sitting nearby in deep thought. "Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up." Clint said as he walked over towards Natasha. She sat their with her hands folded as she shook her head no. "I don't think so." She told him. "Why? 'Cause he knows your daddy's name?" Clint said. "I didn't."  Nat said in realization.

Clint glanced back at her as she continued. "Thanos left here with the stone.... without his daughter. That's not a coincidence." Natasha said as she shook her head. "Yeah." Clint agreed with a nod. "Whatever it takes." Natasha replied as her eyes looked watery. Clint looked at the edge of the cliff as he said "whatever it takes." She looked at him and stood up before going over. "If we don't get that Stone... billions of people stay dead." She told him and he looked over at her.

He nodded in agreement again before he looked at the cliff as she continued to look at him. "Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be." He told her. "I guess we do." She replied. He took her hand and she placed her other hand on top of his but by the look she had, he knew something was up. "I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha." Clint told her.

"For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back." She mentioned and he lightly shook his head. "No, don't you get all decent on me now." Clint replied. "What, you think I wanna do it?" She questioned. "I'm trying to save your life, you idiot." She added. "Yeah, well, I don't want you to. How's that?" He states. They both gave each other a look.

"Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become." He said sadly. "Oh, I don't judge people on their worst mistakes." She mentioned in a soft tone. There was a brief pause between them as they thought about what was about to happen. "Maybe you should." He then said to her. She nodded as a tear wanted to escape. "You didn't." She replied. He nodded lightly knowing fully that she wasn't going to change her mind.

"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" He told her and she nodded before they let their foreheads touch. "Okay." He said stepping back and looked at her as a tear slid down her face. "You win." He told her and he looked down slightly as she released a breath. Clint smiled softly before knocking her off her feet. She looked at him with a worried look. "Tell my family I love 'em." He told her. Kicking him over and standing up as she aimed her fist at him Incase she needed to electrocute him, she gave him a look.

"You tell 'em yourself." Natasha told him before electrocuting him before looking at the cliff. Making a run for it, he got up just in time to shoot his arrow near her. It exploded and made her fall to the side grunting. She held her stomach as she notice him start to run towards the cliff. He jumped and she grabbed him last minute. They both were falling till she used a grappling hook to connect to the cliff; stopping them from falling. It matched onto Clint and she started to fall till he grabbed her hand. "Damn you." He said when he noticed what she did and how he was latched on.

He went to use his other hand to grab her but didn't want the line to snap so he retracted and only held her hand with one of his hands. "Wait." He pleaded at her when he saw the look she carried. She looked down then back up at him as a tear slipped from her eye. "Let me go." She said softly. "No." He said trying not to cry. "No. Please, no." He begged. "It's okay." She told him. "Let y/n know I love her too." She added. "Please." He cried and she kicked herself off, making him let her go.

"No!" He cried out as she fell hundreds of feet down. He looked away just before she made impact not wanting to see the pain but looked again to see her one last time. She laid there, dead, lifeless, as a pool of blood formed around her head. Her soul was taken up to the sky and he released some tears as he appeared at a different area of the planet.

He woke up in a pool of water and looked around quickly to try and figure out where he was. Looking down, he noticed his fist was glowing. Opening it up, the Soul Stone was laying inside. He started to cry, both frustrated and sad about losing his best friend. He didn't want her to die and she didn't want to do it but she did it to save all of the lives that were taken.

B A C K  A T  T H E  C O M P O U N D

Everyone teleported back from their places and Loki was there when you arrived, as well as Pietro. "Did we get 'em all?" Bruce asked as he looked around. "Are you telling me this actually worked?" Rhodes said with a smile on his face. It wasn't till Clint had a look on his face and stepped down when everyone looked over at him. You didn't see Natasha and immediately started to get worried.

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce spoke you for everyone. Clint stayed silent as a tear threatened to fall. "No..." you said softly as a tear escaped from your eye. Walking over to Clint, you placed a hand on his arm and he looked at you with watery eyes. "Please.." you told him in the same soft tone and he let the tear fall. That's when you bursted into tears and he pulled you into a hug, crying with you.

"She did it for everyone. She said she loved you too." He said and everyone that was there watching, just as upset. "I really did try to stop her. I did." He added and you looked up at him knowing the pain he felt. Pietro came over and was able to take you from Clint as Clint had to give the Stone to Tony.

A few stood on the dock thinking about what had happened. Tony looked up slightly before speaking. "Do we know if she had family?" He asked. Steve nodded. "Yeah." He said before continuing on. "Us. Y/n was like a daughter to her." He added. Thor didn't look happy at all and walked up to them. "What?" He said. "Huh?" Tony said as he stood up and looked at Thor.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked them. "Just asked him a question." Tony replied. "Yeah, no, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead?" Thor mentioned. "We have the Stones, right? As long as we have the Stones.... Cap, we can bring her back. Isn't that right?" He finished saying. Steve looked down after a tear slide down his face. "So, stop this shit. We're the Avengers. Get it together." Thor added. "Can't get her back." Clint suddenly announced. "What's he.. what?" Thor stammered.

"It can't be undone." Clint continued before looking at Thor. "It can't." He added. Thor starts to laugh. "Look, I'm sorry, no offense, but you're a very earthly being, okay? And we're talking about space magic. And 'I can't' seems very definitive. Don't you think?" Thor said. "Yeah, look, I know that I'm way outside my pay grade here. But she still isn't here, is she?" Clint told him. "No, that's my point.." Thor replied and Tony took off his sunglasses. "It can't be undone. Or that's at least what the red floating guy had to say." Clint stated frustrated. "Maybe you wanna go talk to him, okay? Go grab your hammer and you go fly and you talk to him." He finished saying. That's when you entered.

"Thor." You started to say as you walked towards everyone. Loki nor Pietro were with you. They were speaking with Bibi and Eva. "I possess a majority of it's power." You continued to say as you got a few steps from him. Steve, Tony and some others looked at you. "He's telling them truth." Your eyes were a little watery.

"A soul for a soul. Magic or not, you can't unbind it once it's done." You finished saying and he was looking at your before looking down with a small nod that you were able to catch. "It was supposed to be me." Clint stated and you sighed. "She sacrificed her life for that goddamn Stone. She bet her life on it." He added and you went over, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Bruce got angry and lifted the bench before throwing it across the water. "She's not coming back." He told everyone. "We have to make it worth it. We have to." He added as everyone looked at him. That's when Steve stood up. "We will." He told Bruce.

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