Chapter 35 ྿ It's My Duty

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Once everyone got back inside, Tony was working on making a glove to hold the stones with Rocket in his left and Bruce on his right. He had to make sure that the robot that he was controlling was careful with the placement of each stone. You were talking with Bibi as Eva was training with your brother and Loki was having a word with his brother. Bibi mentioned about a new suit for you that she was able to make herself.

Right when Tony carefully placed the Stones on the glove and released a breath of relief, Rocket thought it was the best opportunity to scare them by saying boom. They jumped of course but gave him a look afterwards. Rocket chuckled mischievously as Tony got off of his chair to get the glove from the other side.

Both Tony and Rocket were placing the new glove in a near box looking object; letting it scan. "All right, the glove's ready." Rocket told Tony. "Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?" He asked afterwards. That's when Thor stepped up. "I'll do it." He said. "Excuse me?" Tony replied in question. "It's okay." Thor told him. By now, Steve, Clint, Loki, Pietro, Bibi, You, Hulk, Scott, and Rocket were wearing their suits. (Your suit below. Pick any color you'd like to go with it. I'm gonna say gold at the moment so, but not like bright. Like a near dark ish color. So whenever you hear gold, you can change it to the color you'd like instead.)

You were standing near Bibi who wasn't that far from Steve and Tony. She had a shield also that was round. Steve shook his head at Thor as Tony spoke. "Stop, stop. Sow down." He told the god. Steve, Scott and Tony held out a hand for him to stop. "Thor. Just stop. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet." Steve told him. "I'm sorry. So, What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor asked Steve. "We should at least discuss it." Scott mentioned.

"Look, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back." He said before taking a breath. "I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me." He added. "Normally, you're right." Tony started to say. "It's my duty." Thor finished. "It's not about that. It's not that." Tony added as he got in front of the god. "Hey, Buddy...." Tony continued. "Stop it! Just let me." Thor exclaimed quieting down Tony's as he grabbed his shirt, showing a saddened face. "Just let me do it." He said softly. "Just let me do something good. Something right." Thor finished.

"Look, it's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you. You're in no condition." Tony finished telling him. "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor told Tony. "Cheese Whiz?" Rhodes questioned and you couldn't help but smile slightly. Rhodes was in the room too. Thor pointed around him as he muttered a quiet yeah before saying "lightening."

"Yeah." Tony said unamused. "Lightening." Thor said again. "Lightening won't help you, pal." Bruce finally spoke. "It's gotta be me." He added and Thor lightly shook his head. "You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him." He continued as he walked; passing you, Loki, Pietro and Bibi. Eva was currently doing something so she wasn't able to be there. "None of you could survive." Bruce finished.

"How do we know you will?" Steve asked. "We don't." Bruce replied. "But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like... I was made for this." Bruce finally states and you sighed softly at it.

Back at the big area of the compound where the teleportation device was, Nebula stood there in front of it. She saw the device they used to activate it and let her machinery fingers hook up into the device. That's when she started to press and switch a few buttons.

"Good to go, yeah?" Tony asked Bruce as he saw the man with the glove in his hands. "Let's do it." Bruce told him. Tony moved over towards the side as he turned and faced Banner. "Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years." Tony instructed. Bruce nodded his head. "Got it." He told Tony.

Everyone started to suit up. Steve had his helmet on, Scott that stood not to far from him placed his on, as well as Rhodes, Rocket placed some safety goggles on as he hid behind Thor, Loki placed a shield over you and him, Bibi raised her shield up as a protection to cover her and Pietro as Tony suited up and placed a shield like field for him and Clint. Bruce nodded his head.

"Friday, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?" Tony told his suit and she told him a 'yes, boss.' That's when the whole compound started to go into this lockdown state. Metal covered the entrances and exits as well as the windows; just for protection. "Everybody comes home." Bruce muttered as he looked at the glove then started to put it on. The pain of the stones latching on caused Bruce to take a knee and you stepped forward but Loki quickly pushed you behind him slightly.

Bruce started to groan in pain as Thor yelled out for him to take it off since he noticed what it was doing. "No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" Steve asked. No answer but more groans. "Talk to me, Banner." Tony added. Bruce was able to take control as he breathed out slightly, "I'm okay." He said. Thor did a thumbs up.

In the meantime, Nebula kept on with flipping some switches and pressing other buttons. The last one though, did the trick and teleported Thanos' ship right through; causing it to destroy the ceiling structure and land outside.

Bruce started to yell in pain as he brought up his hand then snapped his fingers; but as soon as he did, he fell backwards with the glove coming right off. "Bruce!" Steve called putting as he was the first to run to him. Others did as well and you quickly pushed the glove away with some magic but at a distance where the Avengers could see it. "Don't move him." Tony instructed as he went over and placed some sort of ice like thing on his arm. Bruce grabbed onto Steve's wrist to hold onto due to the pain he felt.

The doors started to open back up as Bruce asked if it worked. "We're not sure. It's okay." Thor said trying to comfort him. Scott exited the doors to see the garden had a bunch of birds. Clint was next since he started to hear his phone ringing. He was surprised and nearly wanted to tear up when he noticed it was his wife. "Honey." He answered the phone. She said his name on the phone.

"Guys...." Scott said quietly. "I think it worked." He added. Bruce looked up at the ceiling and made a surprised look. That's when you looked up too and noticed Thanos' ship. "No!" You yelled last minute when the place got blasted. The compound was destroyed and everyone landed in different places. You were split up from Loki, Bibi and Pietro. You didn't even know where Eva was at the moment either.

Water was flooding certain areas as Bruce could be seen pinned by concrete but not as much compared to Rocket who was saying he couldn't breathe. Rhodes groaned in pain. "Canopy, canopy, canopy." He said and his suit ejected him. "Rhodey, Rocket, get out of here." Bruce told them as he tried to hold up a piece of the building. Rhodes pushed himself as much as he could. "Let me up! Let me up!" Rocket called out and Rhodes was able to help him out. Rhodes and Rocket then got pushed by a bit wave of water.

A broken bottle could be seen as some stuff fell out of it. Scott was small again. "Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy?" Rhodes called out as Scott got up. "We're on the lower level. It's flooding!" He added. "What? What?" Scott muttered. "We're drowning!  Does anybody copy? Mayday!" Rhodes spoke again. "Wait! I'm here!" Scott mentioned as he looked around. "I'm here. Can you hear me?" Scott added.

The container of bows were next to be shown as Clint grunted and groaned in pain while getting up. He looked around and noticed he was alone. "Cap?" He called out as he looked above him. Looking down a tunnel, he found the glove right near his feet. Right as he was getting it a low growl could be heard from a distance down the tunnel. Letting go of the glove, Clint slowly got up and quickly pulled out his arrow; facing the direction the growl had came from.

Seeing something crawling his way, he fired the arrow and noticed what they were. They were there the day everyone disappeared. Retracting his bow and arrow, he grabbed the glove and started to make a run for it. The creature should be heard following, snarling and speeding behind.

Outside, Thanos' ship got into a distance before Thanos himself appeared. Nebula could be seen heading towards him. "Daughter." He said. "Yes, father." She replied. "So, this is the future. Well done." He added. "Thank you, father. They suspected nothing." She replied as she took out the piece of the other Nebula's head. "The arrogant never do." He started to say as he took off his helmet since he had arrived with full armor. "Go." He told her as he went to take a seat. "Find the stones, bring them to me." He added. "What will you do?" She asked him. "Wait." He responded and she walked off to fetch the stones.

Gamora watched from the ship as her sister could be seen walking away from Thanos. That's when she took the chance to have a little chat with the other one who was from the future. "Tell me something." Gamora started to say. "In the future... what happens to you and me?" She asked and Nebula looked away. Nebula took a breath before speaking. "I try to kill you. Several times." She said at Gamora as she looked at her when saying several times. Gamora sighed and walked a few steps away.

"But eventually.... we become friends. We become sisters." Nebula added which caused Gamora to stop walking. Gamora slightly sighed as she lent out a hand. "Come on." Gamora told Nebula. "We can stop him." She added and that's when Nebula looked up at Gamora to see if she was lying; but didn't find any indication of her doing so, so she took her hand and got up.

Iron man could be seen walking around the rubble till he found Cap. "Come on, buddy, wake up!" He told Steve and Steve slightly jumped up, gasping as he took a breath. "That's my man." He said relieved when Steve stirred. Tony bent down with Steve's shield. "You lose this again, I'm keeping it." He told Steve. Looking around and saw all of the destruction that was around them. "What happened?" He asked Tony. "You mess with time, it tends to mess back. You'll see." Tony replied.

That's when you could be heard coughing as you stirred from not too far away from them. Tony helped Steve up. "That's y/n." He told the Captain. Steve looked around. "Y/n! Where are you?" He called out and Tony asked his suit to scan for where you were as grunts and some groans of pain could be heard from you. "We're coming, Y/n." Tony said after Steve spoke.

Making their way towards you, they noticed you had a few cuts on your face and that you were pinned underneath a piece of the ceiling. "Come on, let's get this off of her." Tony stated as both him and Steve went to lift the piece right off of your stomach area. Once it was removed, you turned to your side and coughed a bit more. "Come on." Steve said as he offered you a hand.

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