Chapter 38 ྿ From Dust

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Chiều cao dòng <— (Link to an awesome video edit that fits with this chapter. It wouldn't let me place the video up above).

Peter was struggling on his side as he said "I got this. I got this. Okay, I don't got this." You looked over to where he was. "Peter!" You called out before getting pushed to the side. "Help, Somebody help!" He called out. Steve was luckily able to. "Hey, Queens, heads up!" Steve called out as he threw the hammer towards the kid's direction. Peter was able to web it and got pulled away. He was making a great distance till a blast knocked him down.

Pepper was there to catch him. "I got you. Hang on kid." She said as she then threw him to Valkyrie, who easily got him. "Hey! Nice to meet you.." he started to say before screaming in terror. "Oh, my god!" He added. As they were making their way even closer to the area, they got blasted as well and Peter fell with the glove in his arms. He shielded his head as Bucky covered him by throwing himself on top so he wouldn't get hit. You both blasted away from Loki when he called out to you so he could shield you both. Rocket was yelling as he held on to Groot till everything stopped and he looked up curiously.

Looking up, everyone wondered where the blast were shooting but you had an idea of whom. "What the hell is this?" Sam called out. "Friday, what are they firing at?" Tony asked. "Something just entered the upper atmosphere." She replied alerted. You coughed as you went to get up. All of the hits weren't making a dent on the being who entered. They entered the ship and destroyed more than half before their figure was made out. "Oh, yeah!" Rocket exclaimed happily. As she made her way to the ship again to destroy more of it. Thanos was shocked to say the least; he couldn't leave.

"Danvers, we need an assist here." Steve called out to her. Scott opened the back part of his van as he powered on the machine. Carol looked all over with her eyes till she found what Steve was talking about. Landing right before Peter, Bucky had left to fight some more, she gave a small smile to him. Peter laid there with a look across his face as his arms were securely wrapped around the glove. "Hi, I'm Peter Parker." He told her. "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" She replied.

He grunted along the way up as he saw the incoming army advancing towards them and sighed; handing it over to her. "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all of that." He admitted. "Don't worry." Wanda replied as she landed with Valkyrie behind her. "She's got help." O'koye added as she was seen appearing near them then you landed near Mantis and Shuri. "We can take it from here." You told Peter and he looked over at you and you gave him a nod. He took a seat as Loki went over to check if we was alright. He wouldn't have if you didn't tell him to.

All of you stared at the enemy; advancing towards them in return. You all using either magic, assassin techniques or just your weapons. Not one of you backed down, no matter how injured you were. You were angry and used part of you magic to blast a majority of them back and turn some to ash instantly. Carol blasted through other as she flew towards the van. Thanos tried stopping her but didn't get far seeing how Shuri, Pepper and Hope all came out of the black smoke, caused by an explosion, to blast him back. He fell and rolled a few times before noticing where Carol was going. Throwing his blade, it hit the van and exploded; making Carol fall backwards on the ground.

The glove landed near by Tony as Carol was far from it in a structure she landed in. Throwing off the creature that was on top of him, he spotted the glove. Based on where you were, you did too but couldn't do anything at the moment since you were occupied. Thanos ran and reached for it but Tony ran and tackled him. All it took was one hard punch from Thanos to throw Tony to the side. That's when Thor stepped in with his axe.

Swinging it around, he threw the hammer and went to reach for the glove but got pulled by the Titan. Calling back the hammer, he grunted as he tried to use the axe to pierce Thanos. Steve ran in and jumped on Thanos' back as he grabbed ahold of the axe as well; trying to get it closer. Thanos didn't like this and head budded Steve before hitting Thor, grabbing Steve and throwing to the side before punching him; knocking him out in the process.

Grabbing the glove, he started to stand as Carol made her way over and kicked his leg, throwing punches across his face. He tried doing the same but she blocked. Right when she reached for the glove, he grabbed her wrist and threw her to the side. Placing he glove on, he felt the pain of all the stones and right when he was about to snap, Carol stopped him by grabbing his hand. He tried headbudding her but that didn't work.

She gave him a look as he gave on in return that was different than hers. Lifting off the ground to punch him, he noticed what she was going to do if he didn't act quickly. So, what he did was he ripped the power stone out of its place before using that to throw her far back. Tony saw the whole thing as he glanced over to Strange to see him put up his finger; referring to the one in 14 million.

Pietro quickly sped over and grabbed Thanos' hand when he saw what happened, they struggled for a bit till he threw him over towards Proxima where she stabbed him; killing him in the process. "NO!" You screamed out in pain as Wanda felt it from where she was. A blast (similar time Wanda's in Age of Ultron) dispersed from you as it wiped out whatever creature was near you. Running over, you used your magic to land right in front of the Titan. He went to use the glove against you but that didn't stop you one bit.

Your magic placed a sort of bubble around you and Thanos. No one else were able to intervene between you both. "Y/n! Don't!" Wanda called out in unison to Tony. Your eyes started to glow bright gold as you were furious for what he had done. "You will die today." You gritted as a powerful blast came from you, making him slide back as he tried to get closer to you. Your veins could be seen lighting up gold along your skin as you screamed out in pain; levitating above the ground.

The glove was breaking against the magic you used. With your arms outstretched, you gasped from the amount of power being used as a tear slipped from your eye. (13 seconds left in the song if you're listening to it. Where it says 'from dust.') You crossed your arms together to let out another blast that was brighter; causing you to fly backwards and everyone to shield their eyes. After that happened, the glove was destroyed, no longer useable as Thanos laid there dying. All of the creatures in his army slowly started to turn to ash right before everyone's eyes. Tony quickly went over and grabbed the stones that were lying on the ground; making sure Thanos didn't take them.

Everyone glanced around at the seen of all the creatures dusting away from your magic. With a bloody nose, a near deep like cut on your forehead, you laid there on the ground with your eyes open as the golden light from your power, started to fade. Your eyes looked like a slight grey color as one of those of a dead one. "No, no, no, no." Loki could be heard muttering as he made his way towards where he spotted you. Eva had tears in her eyes as she made her way too with Bibi. Wanda spotted Loki and headed towards his direction.

Steve noticed along with Thor and Peter as they headed that way as well. "Please, no." Wanda muttered as she made her way closer. "Please." She added. Loki bent down and placed your head on his lap. "Come on, Y/n." He said as he tried to wake you. Peter made his way over first before Steve and Thor. "No..." he muttered quietly as he went over and took you from Loki. "Hey... it's me, I'm back. Please, wake up. Don't leave me." He cried as a few tears fell from his eyes.

When Tony, Steve, Thor and Wanda made it over, they immediately stopped. A tear slipped from Wanda's eye as she ran over and bent down. "Don't die on me." She told you as she pushed some hair out of your face. The other heroes started to surround the area as Steve's tears could be seen. When they saw the way you were, they automatically assumed you were dead or dying so they started to take a knee.

Peter just held you in his arm as he cried. No one spoke a word as they were silent, honoring the action you took to save everyone. It was quiet for a moment till an alert can be heard from Loki. "Wait.." he started to say which perked you some ears. "I feel something." He said as he placed a hand to your neck. "It's a pulse but very faint." He added and Thor gave a look. "This better not be a game you're playing." Thor stated but shut up when Tony also confirmed it from his scans.

"Come on, y/n. You can do it." Peter called out to you softly as he placed a hand on the side of your face. "You can pull through, y/n. I know you can." Wanda added. It took a while but a light of gold could be seen going up your arms up until your eyes flashed slightly gold and a wave was released; slightly pushing people back, almost making them fall over. Then right after, you gasped for air before coughing. Peter smiled in relief as Wanda sighed in relief. As well as everyone else. Peter hugged you as you took deep breaths in then out. "Breathe, y/n. Breathe." He mentioned.

Pulling back, he helped you sit up and you glanced around at everyone had smiles upon their faces of relief. Thanos finally dusted away and you smiled slightly. Giving Peter a much needed hug, you pulled away and looked over at Clint. "I did it." You told him and he nodded, thinking you were referring to what you had just done. "No, I did it." You said in a different way as his face now appeared confused.

Just as he was going to question you, you stood up and looked over to a specific direction. It caused everyone else to look when they saw the look you pulled on your own. There in the distance, was a figure; walking towards everyone. No one were able to depict who it was but you did and a tear slipped from your eye as they could finally be seen. It was none other than Natasha Romanoff. "Told you I'll see you in a minute." She stated as the heroes who were there before and after the teleportation teared up. Clint was the first to walk up to her and give her a much needed hug.

A/n: how did you guys prefer this ending instead?

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