Chapter 39 ྿ Strange

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Watching the reunion between Clint and Natasha made you think about your brother; causing you to tear up when you spotted Proxima killing him. Wanda noticed the look on your face and pulled you into a hug immediately. "Please.. don't tell me he's dead too.." you started to tell her in the hug. "I.. I can't lose anyone else. Not after going through so much just to find out you both were alive." You added.

Just as you said that, you pulled away— feeling a pain like pressure on your chest. "Y/n? What's wrong?" Wanda asked and Peter was by your side in an instant. Everyone else looked over to see what was the commotion and you looked up at her. "It can't be..." you muttered. The same place Pietro was stabbed was the same place you had felt the pain.

Looking at the direction you saw him last, you spotted a figure in the distance. Standing up better as the pain faded, you started to walk towards them. Ready to use your power in case if they weren't anyone you knew. "Whoa there little sister, you're going to blast your own brother after resurrecting him?" The person said and you automatically knew it was Pietro by the sound of his voice.

Running up to him, he met you half way as the both of you shared a hug. Pulling away immediately, you asked "but how?" That's when Wanda made her way over and said after giving him a hug. "Might've been the blast that happened when you came back." She told you and you made a face; glancing over at Natasha before looking back at your brother.

But.. I was 'dead' for a while because I was trading to soul Stone for Natasha... my blast of coming back wouldn't.... You started to think with a questioning look upon your face but you just sighed; happy that your brother was back. Trying not to think of the possibilities of it being someone else's doing. Hoping it wasn't a trick of some sort to get you to believe he was back just to rip him away from you again.

Looking over at the group of heroes who were now chatting among themselves and with Natasha, you spotted Peter making his way over. Dismissing yourself from your siblings so they could talk, you met him halfway. "I'm so glad you're not dead anymore." Peter mentioned when you both hugged each other. "Me too. I'm glad you're here though. I thought you were completely gone when you dusted away." You replied and he pulled away.

"I'll always try to find my way back to you. Remember that." He mentioned and you smiled softly before giving him a soft kiss; which he gladly returned— causing the both of you to chuckle afterwards. "So, uh, everyone!" Tony started to speak up. "Let's get out of here and grab something to eat. Clean up ourselves obviously then get to work on figuring out how to clean this whole mess." He added and everyone nodded as they made their way back to the remainder of the compound.

"Try not to use your abilities. You've used a lot of it to do what you did." Peter said in a more concerning tone then a suggested one. Knowing he was right and just being the concerned yet caring boyfriend he was, you nodded your head— letting him place an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walked back. Your siblings a few feet behind the two of you.

"Wanda, I know how you'll react but I need you to promise me you won't tell Y/n." Pietro started to tell his sister as she gave him a look; wondering why he wouldn't want to tell you. "Alright but why?" She asked. "Because you and I both know she would do anything in her power to–..." he started to say but stopped himself.

"I'll tell you back at the compound." He added and she made another look before nodding her head; now her head buzzing with thoughts of what he might say— even after seeing the look you had on your face of him saying, or rather her saying he was brought back the magic blast.

"So, what are you going to do when we get back." Peter asked you with a smile. "Well, I was hoping to clean up after myself and you should too because man are you covered in dirt. Then, I'll eat something because I'm starving but, I was hoping we can just hang out or watch a movie. Something because we've lost a lot of time together since you've been gone." You finished telling him and he laughed softly. "We can definitely hang out or watch a movie after we clean up and eat." He replied with the same smile on his face; pulling you closer to him as he placed a kiss on the side of your head.

Steve, Tony, Thor, and Loki were chatting with each other as Sam and Bucky were bickering away like old times. Carol was getting along with the guardians of the galaxy as Pepper was chatting with Hope, Valkyrie and Natasha. Clint and the rest of the heroes were messing around, having a few laughs as they all got near the remainder of the compound.

Though, you couldn't help but to think how was Pietro alive. You loved your brother a lot, you did, but you couldn't help to think that maybe someone else had a hand in getting him back. While you were dead, you instantly thought of Natasha because she treated you like a sister and you saw her sometimes like a mother figure but Pietro died. There was... you just couldn't think straight and you were starting to blame that on the fact that you were actually dead for a while but for not too long.

Glancing back, you noticed Pietro and Wanda chatting. They must've been having some conversation because you noticed how Wanda's face had changed from being happy to being confused on what Pietro was telling her. It was some look of confusion, unless it wasn't and you were completely wrong on how you read her facial expression.

"Hey, everything alright?" Peter asked when he saw the look on your face; causing him to glance over at your siblings. This made you look back at him with your eyes slightly wide. "Hm? What? Oh. No. I'm fine. Everything's-...." you started to tell him but sighed as you mentioned that you were going to tell him something when you all got back. To this, he nodded his head as he helped you up the Hill that led to the remaining building of the compound.

A/n: *cough* last chapter? Yes. Last book? Mmm..... 🤔

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