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It took quite some time but once the brothers arrived at the lair, they went to the medbay where Raph placed Lillie down on one of the medbay beds as Leo grabbed some supplies and then went to where Lillie was.

He grabbed some bandages and alcohol wipes as he got to work but occasionally Lillie would flinch. "I know it hurts kiddo, but you gotta keep still." Leo said.

"Sorry.." Lillie apologized and she stayed still as Raph saw the kid grip the medbay bed so she could get her mind off the pain as Leo cleaned up her scrapes or cuts with the alcohol wipes.

"Alright, now comes the fun part." Leo said, he set the dirty alcohol wipes aside with the old bandaids he removed from Lillie and Lillie saw Leo hold up seven different colored bandaids for her to pick from, he tried to lighten things up by giving the kid colorful bandaids.

"What colors do you want?" Leo asked, he smiled a little as Lillie pointed to the colors which were red, orange, pink, blue and purple. "Coincidence much?" Leo joked, Raph rolled his eyes playfully but Leo applied the bandaids Lillie picked out to her cuts and used a big pink bandaid on her scraped knee as the red eared slider got up and he smiled a bit at his work.

"There we go, now they won't get infected." Leo said, he then discarded the old bandaids and alcohol wipes as Raph went to ruffle Lillie's hair but Lillie jolted when Raph reached for her, she instinctively covered her head with her hands as Raph pulled his hand back. "You okay kid?" Raph asked.

"Y..Yeah, I'm fine..!" Lillie said quickly, like she was trying to cover up the fact that she didn't flinch at all as Raph arched a brow bone and turned to Leo who seemed confused by the action as well but both of them soon realized something that hadn't hit them earlier. "I don't think we got your name or told you ours yet." Leo said.

"Oh um.. well, I had a nickname from the dragons. Sunflower.." Lillie said, she looked down at the ground and softly swung her legs back and forth as she then glanced up at the two turtle brothers. "Sunflower huh? Is it because you got aโ€“" Leo started.

"Leo, don't you dare." Raph warned, squinting his eyes as Lillie seemed puzzled but Leo smirked at his older brother before cracking his pun.

"BRIGHT smile?" Leo snickered and Raph facepalmed while the two heard giggling, Leo's eyes lit up as he saw that he made Lillie laugh before he gave a laugh and pointed to Raph.

"Never doubt me again, mi hermano!" Leo said, Raph rolled his eyes playfully as he then shook his head in dismissal before he saw Lillie pull her knees to her chest, hugging her legs as she seemed a bit sad still. Leo and Raph looked at each other but nodded as Leo told Lillie that they would be back in a bit.

"Just get some rest kiddo, you need it." Raph said while he walked with Leo out of the medbay and once they left, Lillie laid down on the bed and she turned away from the doors of the medbay as she curled up into a ball in the middle of the bed.

"Okay, something is seriously wrong with the kid." Leo said, he looked at his older brother as they made their way to Donnie's lab so they could talk with the soft shell.

"You're tellin' me, when I went to ruffle her hair she flinched. Like she's scared of some of the contact." Raph pointed out.

"Maybe she's like Dontron, she probably can't handle certain kinds of physical touch." Leo suggested, they made it to the lab after a while and Donnie was typing on his keyboard as Mikey sat back in a swivel chair while he watched his purple masked brother work. Both Mikey and Donnie glanced over as they saw Leo and Raph enter the lab.

"How's it coming along Dee?" Leo asked, resting one hand on his hip in a sassy manner while Donnie sighed and glanced back at the monitor for a moment. "So far I've got no hits. There's hundreds maybe even thousands of cases of missing kids, nome of them matching to the kid we've brought in." Donnie said.

"Speaking of which, how's she doing?" Mikey asked, he had a bit of concern lacing his face as Raph huffed gently but crossed his arms over his chest. "She's all fixed up, but she still seems kinda down in the dumps." Raph said.

"She's probably just hungry. Mike, can you make something for her?" Leo asked, looking over at the younger brother who got up from the swivel chair.

"I'm on it!" Mikey then ran to the kitchen to make something for Lillie to eat, if the kid was sad then was most likely caused from a lack of food which must have left the kid starving.

Leo watched Mikey leave before he turned back to Donnie and he and Raph approached as they looked at the screen, seeing different missing children posters come up.

"Can you narrow down the search?" Raph asked, turning to Donnie and Donnie gave a nod as he filtered out some results.

"Given her facial structure and form, she's most likely between the age of seven or eight. So we'll add that." Donnie said, filtering out most of the missing posters to around a hundred now.

"She's a red head too, no mistake on that one." Leo added, Donnie typed it in and more posters were removed with kids without red hair so it was down to fifty missing posters until Raph spotted a picture of Lillie on the screen, pointing to it. "That's her!" Raph exclaimed.

Donnie clicked it and they saw the poster come up, showing the information needed about the kid that they had in the lair with them.

Name: Lillie Juli
Age: 7-8 Years Old
Status: Alive
Current Residence: Mayfield Orphanage (Current)
Westgate Adoption Center (Previous)
Northside Orphanage (Previous)
Southland Orphanage (Previous)
Ms. Allison's Home for Girls (Previous)
Eastwood Adoption Center (Previous)
Birth Parents/Foster Parents/Guardian: Birth Parents are currently deceased, Lillie has been with a multitude of Foster Parents/Guardians but to no avail will anyone take her in.

Leo, Raph and Donnie's eyes widened at the information that they were looking at and Leo swallowed the lump in his throat as he couldn't believe that Lillie had been through so many homes in the past yet no one was willing to take the child in and adopt her.

"She's been through countless foster homes and orphanages, yet no one takes her in for adoption." Donnie finally spoke and Leo and Raph snapped out of their dazed state before looking at the information again.

"The question is why?" Raph asked, he seemed so puzzled as to why the kid never got adopted and Donnie tapped his fingers against the keyboard for a moment before looking out the doors of the lab. "Let's just hope that Angelo is having better luck than us." Donnie mumbled.

Mikey went to the medbay with a plate in one hand and a cup in the other, he made two PB&J sandwiches he sliced into fourths and got a cup of milk for Lillie as the medbay doors opened once Mikey got close.

Mikey looked over at Lillie and saw her curled up as he approached, setting down both the cup and plate down on a crate for her. "I brought you some food, you'll feel a lot better if you have something in your stomach." Mikey said.

"I'm not hungry.." Lillie said, she remained curled up but her stomach growled softly which was enough for Mikey to hear as Lillie was clearly lying about her hunger and Mikey looked pretty concerned about why the kid had to lie to him and turn away the food.

"It's not healthy to starve like this, but I'm not gonna force you to eat.. you don't trust us, I get it.. if I was in your spot, I'd be scared too. But you shouldn't have to starve yourself.." Mikey said, he then left Lillie be as he figured that the kid would eat if she had no one around.

Mikey went back to the lab and he sensed the current emotions in the air as he raced up to the lab, he walked inside and Leo looked over and Donnie did too while Raph was pacing a bit to think. "Did she eat something?" Leo asked.

"Sorry guys, no dice. She's not taking the food I made for her, its like something is making her refuse it." Mikey said, he seemed a bit distraught about why the kid wouldn't want to eat.

"Maybe it's gotta do with the orphanages? I mean those kids can be pretty brutal." Leo suggested, Raph stopped pacing and he looked at Leo but agreed as he then turned to Donnie.

"Can you tap into any security cameras that can pick up Lillie?" Raph asked.

"It's a bit of a long shot but, I'll give it a go." Donnie cracked his knuckles and then began to press a few keys with some impressive speed as he tapped into several security cameras throughout the city, skimming through the footage and filtering out any video footage of Lillie.

"Okay, I think I got something here." Donnie played a piece of footage he found and the brothers saw it play out as Lillie was running back to an alleyway with a purple poncho on her shoulders, she seemed sleepy but happy.

"Can you get in closer?" Leo asked, Donnie gave a nod and he did so as the video image was enhanced and they saw Lillie go into her makeshift shelter in the alleyway. "Looks like that's her temporary home, it's surprisingly well made." Donnie said.

"For a kid, she's got some smarts and survival skills." Raph said, he was certainly surprised that a child was able to build up a shelter so quickly for her size as Mikey watched the video before seeing something as he tapped Donnie's shoulder, catching the soft shell's attention.

"Go back a bit..!" Mikey said, Donnie rewound the footage and paused it as it stopped on Lillie sleeping, she was holding a plush bunny in her arms. "She's sleeping, is that relevant?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah! That plushy, maybe that's what she's missing!" Mikey pointed to the plushy on the screen as Leo thought about it but remembered seeing Lillie hug her legs as a form of comfort.

"Mikey might be right, kids always have plushies to hug when they need comfort or if it's dear to them." Leo said, he looked at the others as Raph looked at the screen for a moment.

"So if we get the plush, then maybe she'll be more calm and talk to us." Raph said, he thought it was the best way of knowing why the dragons stole the chip and they could get more answers.

"You guys head out and find the kid's gear, I'm gonna hang back for a while." Donnie said, he looked at his brothers as the trio gave a nod and Donnie sent them the location of where Lillie's shelter was so they could find it no problem.

The three went out as Donnie sighed and he then walked over to the workbench where he had placed the glass container, inside it was the chip.

He had removed the glass container from Lillie's poncho when he had thrown the bugged poncho out, Donnie sat down in his chair and put his hands together as he was lost in deep thought.

"Lillie, you're clearly hiding something from us. Why would you have this piece of technology on you? What were the dragons using it for?" Donnie asked himself, he shut his eyes for a second and gave a soft sigh.

He didn't know it but the kid was growing on him despite the disliking and wanting the kid out of the lair but the soft shell seemed to understand much more now about the kid. He wouldn't mind Lillie staying for a night or two, he could only imagine what the kid must have gone through to be hiding this kind of pain.

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