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Raph, Mikey and Leo went up topside yet again as they headed to the location that Donnie sent them to where Lillie's makeshift shelter was, Leo brought Mikey up to speed about what they found on Lillie's missing poster and it baffled the orange masked turtle to say the least.

"Why wouldn't anyone want to adopt a kid like her? She seems sweet." Mikey said, he looked at Leo and the red eared slider merely gave a shrug in response while they jumped from rooftop to rooftop while Raph caught up with the two.

"Let's just focus on gettin' the kid's gear, I got a feeling she's not gonna like being cooped up in the medbay for long." Raph said, Leo and Mikey gave a nod in agreement as they continued their way to the location.

They managed to locate where the makeshift shelter was and Mikey took a peek inside as he saw how everything was placed out before taking notice of the sling backpack hanging on a broken part of a milk crate. "Found it!" Mikey said, grabbing the backpack and he smiled a little while he turned back to Leo and Raph.

"Let's hurry back, knowing Donnie he's not gonna like being near Lillie too much." Leo said, he sighed mentally but the trio made their way home as Mikey was rather curious of the contents of the sling backpack but he didn't mess with it since it was like overstepping a barrier.

When they did get back to the lair, they went back to the lab as Donnie heard footsteps approaching and he turned to the doorway to see his brothers come back. "Did you retrieve it?" Donnie asked.

"Got it right here Dee!" Mikey held up the bag and he handed it over as Donnie grabbed the sling backpack and opened it, walking over to the workbench he cleared off as the others followed behind.

Donnie emptied the sling bag of its contents which consisted of a folded up throw blanket, a small stack of drawing paper, a pack of markers, a folded up photograph, a small coin bag and the plush bunny as well.

"Geez, that plush looks like it's seen better days.." Leo said, grabbing the plushy and he examined it curiously as Mikey did too before softly taking the plush into his grasp. "I can fix this plush right up!" Mikey chimed.

"That would be a big help, plus the sooner the kid gets her plush the better." Raph said, Mikey gave a nod as he then went to his room and he searched around for something until he found what he was looking for.

He grabbed a travel sized sewing kit, Mikey also grabbed some green thred and rummaged through his other art supplies as he then got to work.

He added a bit more stuffing to the plush so it didn't feel so flattened out, then sewing up any tears on the plushy, occasionally pricking his fingers with the sewing needle in the process but ignored the pain. He even added a new button eye to the plushy since one of them was missing, the plush looked good as new and Mikey smiled a little at the work he had done.

While they waited for Mikey to be done, Donnie found the folded up photograph and he unfolded it as Leo and Raph took a peek as well and they saw the photograph was of Lillie and her parents. "I feel sorry for the kiddo, she shouldn't have gone through that much pain." Raph said.

"As much as you should feel sorry for her, she's still a child and we need the answers from her about the dragons. Let's focus on the task at hand here." Donnie said, he looked at Raph and Leo gave a small groan and turned to Donnie while he thought to himself quietly.

"C'mon Dontron, we can deal with the dragons later. Right now Lillie's already in enough suffering, how about we focus on helping her feel better?" Leo suggested, he looked at his twin who seemed annoyed but he gave in with a tired sigh.

"Fine. Just this once." Donnie said, eventually he looked over to see Mikey came back as he held up the now fixed up bunny plushy with a small smile. "Good as new baby!" Mikey said.

"Whoa, nice job Miguel!" Leo examined the plush and he was surprised how well Mikey managed to fix it up so quick, like the plush wasn't damaged in the first place.

The four then made their way to the medbay and Lillie stayed curled up on the bed as she gave a soft whimper, she felt tired and hungry but she refused to eat since she still had some trust issues along with the girl's missing plushy.

Lillie heard the medbay doors slide open and she stayed curled up, not turning to the brothers quite yet as Raph stood forward to check up on the girl. "Hey kid, Mikey told us you didn't want to eat." Raph said.

"Yeah, if you're here to yell at me about it.. then do it.." Lillie said, Raph was caught off guard by the response and he never thought a kid like her would get yelled at as he sighed softly.

"I'm not gonna yell at ya, I don't got a reason to. But, Mikey brought someone who can make you feel better." Raph said, he looked at Lillie before he glanced at Mikey and motioned the younger brother to come over.

Lillie looked over for a moment and Raph stepped aside as Mikey came over and he held out the plush bunny for Lillie, Lillie's eyes lit up and she sat up quickly as she softly grabbed the plush from the orange masked turtle's hands. "Mei! You.. you fixed her?" Lillie looked up at Mikey who gave a nod and he smiled a little, showing off his cute gap-toothed smile.

"Yeah, she's as good as new!" Mikey said, Lillie hugged her plushy closely and she seemed to calm down a lot more as Leo found the plate of cut up PB&J that Mikey placed on the crate so he grabbed it and placed down the plate near Lillie so she could eat. "Here, at least try and eat something." Leo said.

Lillie held her plush bunny in one arm and she was hesitant but grabbed one of the cut up PB&J sandwiches and she bit into it, finally eating which gave Mikey relief that the kid now had something in her system.

Raph was glad that the little kid didn't go hungry and Donnie was a bit relieved as well but soon the four heard small sniffles, they saw Lillie had tears falling down her cheeks as Lillie wiped them away and Mikey got worried that something was wrong.

"Is it bad? I can make something else if you want!" Mikey said, he saw Lillie shake her head no and she finished the piece of the sandwich she ate. "It's really good, thank you...!" Lillie chimed, she felt grateful and Leo smiled a bit as he gave a chuckle before gently patting Lillie's head.

Eventually the brothers gave Lillie her space as Lillie happily ate up the sandwich slices that Mikey made for her and she seemed to feel a lot better after she had something to eat, Lillie got to play with her plushy for a bit and she gave a small hum to herself.

Lillie heard the medbay doors open again and she looked over to see Mikey came to check up on her while he entered the medbay as she then hugged her plush bunny closely.

"Hey Lillie, you feeling any better?" Mikey asked, he saw the kid nod and he had been told by Donnie to bring Lillie to the lab for a few questions.

"That's good, but look.. me and my brothers just wanna ask you some questions, you okay with that?" Mikey asked, he didn't want the girl to feel too scared or nervous to answer whatever questions Donnie had for Lillie.

"Yeah." Lillie responded, Mikey then carefully picked up Lillie and set her down on the ground so she didn't have a hard time getting off the medbay bed. He then led Lillie to the lab as Lillie stayed close to Mikey so she didn't wind up getting lost in the rather spacious area.

Lillie looked around with curiosity as it was certainly much more different than the purple dragon's hideout. "This place is huge..!" Lillie chimed.

"Yeah, even when I was a tot I'd still get lost." Mikey said, he looked at Lillie for a moment before they continued their way to the lab and when they got there, Lillie got a bit nervous when she saw Donnie and she hid behind Mikey as Leo was still puzzled why the kid was so afraid of Donnie.

"Relax Lillie, Donnie won't bite." Leo said, Raph then got a chair set up for Lillie and Mikey led her over to the chair as Lillie sat down on the chair Raph set up while Donnie got his notes at the ready. "Alright, we're just gonna ask some easy questions. Just let us know if they become too much, okay?" Leo asked.

"Okay..!" Lillie chimed up, she looked at Leo and she then hugged her plushy as she was curious about what they wanted to ask her about. "Okay, first question. Why were you out on your own like that?" Donnie asked, looking at the little girl and Lillie flinched a bit but she gave a quiet sigh.

"I ran away from the orphanage, I just used the skills my papa taught me." Lillie responded, being honest and Raph didn't expect a kid like her to just run away and Donnie typed up the response in his notes as Mikey stood with Raph while Leo stood next to Donnie.

"Second question, how and why did you join the dragons?" Donnie asked, he looked up from his notes as Lillie hugged her plush a bit tight while Leo had slight concern lacing his face. "Isn't that a bit forward to ask?" Leo asked, looking at his twin.

"No, it's fine.. I just did what Kendra told me to do, she told me that we played a game.." Lillie said, Donnie arched a painted brow in confusion but put it down in his notes as Mikey seemed just as puzzled. "What kind of game?" Mikey asked.

"I had to sneak into a warehouse through the skylight, Kendra told me to grab as many electronic parts as possible and I'd earn a point for each one." Lillie explained, she didn't know that what she did was stealing as Mikey was shocked and Raph gave a quiet growl, one hand balling into a fist.

"After the game, they took me back to their hideout and gave me that poncho." Lillie said, she hugged her plush bunny for comfort as Donnie typed up what Lillie said in his notes and he couldn't believe that the Purple Dragons used a child to steal things for them.

"Alright, third and final question. How did you obtain the chip? The one you had in your poncho." Donnie asked, Lillie flinched and remembered what Jason had told her and how he had helped her escape from Kendra as her body shook a little.

"Lillie?" Mikey asked, his tone gentle as he saw Lillie had tears falling down her cheeks and Leo seemed worried since he thought that they may have overstepped a barrier for the little girl.

Lillie ended up crying and Mikey went over to Lillie as he pulled the kid into a comforting hug, Donnie sighed softly and rubbed his temples before he got up. "I suppose we can pick this up tomorrow, it's been quite an emotionally packed day. Even for you to handle." Donnie said.

"Yeah, lets get some sleep." Raph said, Mikey softly picked up Lillie and the brothers then went to their rooms as Mikey took Lillie to his room where he had set up an air mattress for Lillie to sleep on.

Lillie calmed down after a bit and she sniffled a little as she hid her face in Mikey's plastron. "I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to make him upset.." Lillie started.

"You're okay Lillie, it's not your fault. Whatever happened between you and dragons must have been personal, we'll talk about it tomorrow okay?" Mikey said, he then softly put Lillie on the air mattress and he tucked her in with the throw blanket Lillie had.

Mikey went to his hammock and he got in it with a small yawn as he stretched, slowly drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight Lillie.." Mikey mumbled, he went to sleep as Lillie glanced at Mikey before she nuzzled up into the throw blanket.

"Goodnight.." Lillie said, she then slowly started to fall asleep as she held her bunny plushy closely to her and she honestly felt even more tired than before but for the first time since her escape, she felt safe and slept peacefully.

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