🔲Episode 14: The New Guy & Girl🔲

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Episode fanfic title: Kia Roberts 1 = New Guy 0!🤣 


(Cassandra's POV)The next day...

Shutting off my computer, I headed to the elevator, where I used my blue power ring to transform secretly into a blue lantern by heading back to Coast City to visit Aunt Carol and see how she was. Happily, I landed safely inside the Ferris Aircraft locker rooms without getting caught, and the moment I entered, I exclaimed: 

"Guess who' s-Oh!" Unexpectedly, I was greeted by my Uncle holding a box of his belongings and his green battery. Carol stood with her arms crossed and looked angry; I realized I had walked into an argument. "I uh... should I go and wait?" Carol sighed and massaged her eyebrows a bit, "No, I think we're done here... Also, Cass, did you know about his secret for how long?" "After getting rescued by my Uncle." 

I looked down in guilt before saying, "I tried telling my Uncle to tell you at your lunch date, but then his superiors called him, and I...I threatened him to take me with him." "I'm not mad at you; I'm just disappointed that you knew and I didn't." Uncle Hal interjected, "Carol, it wasn't Cass's fault. I should have told you sooner, but I don't know how to." Carol's expression softened as she looked at him, "I understand, Hal. It's just a lot to take in."

I stepped closer to them, feeling a sense of guilt for causing this rift between them. "I'm sorry for keeping this from you, Aunt Carol. But the personal I did it was because I had a heart condition..." Carol exclaims, "You had a heart condition?" "Yeah, I used to. But not anymore. I got cured, and I'm now a distant relative to a royal alien queen named Iolande, who was willing to save me. I'm still sorry about that... I ruin your relationship."

Carol sighed and hugged me tightly: "It's okay, Cass. It's not your fault. I'm just glad that you're safe and healthy now. And I'm sorry for overreacting earlier. It's just a lot to process, but we can work through this together," Carol said with a warm smile. Uncle Hal approached us and put a hand on my shoulder. "We're a family, Cass. We stick together no matter what," he said. 

Feeling nervous, I said, "Oh, is it a good time to tell you guys that I also became a lantern?" He and Aunt Carol were stunned and asked, "Wait, what?" Immediately, I transformed into my suit to prove to them that I wasn't kidding. "See?" Suddenly, my Uncle hugs me and smiles brightly: "This is great news! I had no idea our family had so many heroes. Looks like being a hero runs in the family." 

Feeling overwhelmed with love and support, I smiled and hugged him tightly, only to realize that Aunt Carol was frowning. I went over to talk to her, only for our conversation to be abruptly interrupted by a news reporter making an announcement:

"==𝘞𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘳.==="

"Carol, we should go." "They need you." Carol sadly nods, making us get ready to leave. Before he closes the door, he tells her, "We'll continue this discussion over dinner. 5:00, Chez Nous?" "Fine." "I'll be there." Once Uncle Hal left without me, Carol nodded, a steely resolve taking over her features. 

She turned to me and said, "Cass, stay safe." "I will, and here is something I made for you." I hand her a unique bracelet into her hand, to which Carol stares at it in confusion, and I continue: "It's a unique bracelet that gives you access to contact my Uncle's power ring to stay in contact. Love you." "Bye."

At the construction...

My Uncle and I flew towards the construction site to save both construction workers from falling, and needless to say, I'm doing great: "Okay, Cass. This is your first time, so I'll handle the workers while you handle the construction pipe and ensure you never get distracted. You got that right?" "Aye, Captain! Also, I came up with a superhero name last night." I did as told by flying other to use my imagination for my blue power ring to hold the yellow pipe from falling and lifting it, which Green Lantern (My Uncle) raised an eye on me:

"Really? Wanna tell me?" I nodded eagerly and said, "Blue Blaze." "Huh? Nice one." He hums when a construction is just about to fall onto me but is only saved by none other than Kia, "So, want me to crash the party?" "K-" Kia's words cut me off: "It's Green code, Blue Blaze!" Kia and I, Green Code and Blue Blaze smirk together by pushing the yellow pipe upwards from falling to the crowd as a team while a ginger guy comes in with my Uncle.

Who is undoubtedly baffled, but he keeps his cool. As for the ginger guy, I'll assume he's the Guy that Kia told me about at my 'late birthday party,' He is hugely worse than my Uncle's temper and flies towards us: "This is Guy, huh?" "Yup, he's so late for saving the day. Again!~" Kia sings evilly, making me burst out laughing as we continue fixing the construction together. With no problem, we both high-fived and heard the helicopter flying down towards us:

"=𝘖𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘎𝘶𝘺 𝘎𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳's 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳, 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮-

"Blue Blaze, ma'am," I replied with a wink.

 "=𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘻𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦...other 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯? 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴!==="

The news reporter happily announced, making my Uncle reply, " 'Some other?' You really should check your facts. I am the only Green Lantern of--uhh!" At this point, Green Code and I gasped before running over to check on him, " 'Green Lantern of uhh?' Hey, better get back there." Guy Gardner continued: "And the 'Blue Blaze' name? There's no such thing as-" Guy then got bitch-slap by none other than Green Code, who just happened to fly in at the right time in her Green Lantern outfit to snap, "There is such thing as a jack-ass, self-absorb, bitchy attitude like you, partner.~

If looks could kill, Green Code (Kia) can easily scare the world with her threatening smile: "Plus! It's about time that girls get the RESPECT they deserve." That's when I did the same and kicked Guy where the sun doesn't shine. "As for Earth, when trouble calls, Green Code, Blue Blaze, and the Green Lanterns will pick up." I chirped. The reporter gets to ask us questions while Guy Gardner nervously gets up after feeling his pride being hurt and slowly comes towards us.

"I'll live... Stay cool, Hal." My Uncle mutters, "I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation." Green Code and I snickered at what else we should do to make Guy's day worse since he pushed my Uncle away from the reporter. "So, you want an autograph?" "Mr.Gardener, I'm a reporter!" 

The news reporter named Vinessa scolds him, only to change her expression into curiosity, and slowly approaches Guy and points out, "That's Vinessa, with an 'I.'" "My cell number's on there, too." He winked, and once she turned towards us, we also gave her an autograph by us. After getting the autograph from Green Code and me, she left us as my Uncle walked over to say, "Hey, just wanted to say nice work. You did a great job out there."

Both Kia and I were like:

'HE DIDN'T JUST COMPLIMENT THE ASSHOLE DID HE?!' We both thought in sync with horror, but immediately, we saw Guy put a hand in front of my Uncle before saying: "Sorry, pal, the autograph shack is closed. Can't risk a hand cramp." "Do I look like a fan?"As calm as can be, Guy looks from toe to head at my Uncle by confirming his idiocy, "Halloween costume, weird, tiny mask. Yeah. Yeah, you do." 

"How about we girls make it real by punching you where the sun doesn't shine?" I threatened, showing my Uncle's power ring to his face for a closer inspection. Mine wasn't green. It was blue, so it wasn't easy. "N-Neat, your ring glows just like a real-oh!" Guy's smirk grows wider, and he says, "You must be that last Green Lantern we had, who left the planet high and dry." 

My Uncle remained calm, but I could see a hint of annoyance in his eyes as he replied, "I was busy saving the Universe. You know, Red Lantern invasion?" With my arms crossed, I cut in as Green Code transformed into her usual Kia self. I did the same by growling at Guy for being ignorant, who already is nervous when we're around: "Hmm. No, it doesn't ring any bells."

"I'll explain it to you next time, Guy." "Ah, that's okay." My Uncle adds, "Guess I should have known the Guardians would send a temp to cover for me while I was away." Guy had no trust in the Guardians. "Cover? Nuh-uh. You've been replaced." "What?" I was piqued in shock, "Guardians didn't tell you? It's typical." He annoyingly explained: "Can we ever really trust those little blue jerks?" 

It seems that Guy could tell how the Guardians had treated my Uncle and knew they could not be relied upon to share important information like knowing who the replacement was; he did have a point. "Don't get me started," He said, frustrated with the Guardians and their lack of transparency. 

Being wary of how he spoke and bullied my Uncle a while ago, Guy did have a point: You can never trust the Guardians to inform you about new info that you get replaced suddenly like that, except for Ganthet. I miss that guy: "You both got a name, or does the tiny mask prevent you from telling me along with your partner?"

After a little of trust, my Uncle shook his hand and introduced me to him: "Jordan. Hal Jordan. And this is my niece, Cassandra, and she just turned into a lantern after the Invasion was over." "Really? Seems like we have some official Green Lantern AND Blue Lantern catching up to do." Then Guy suddenly ended the handshake with me and later my Uncle, who narrowed his domino eyes at him; as soon as I was about to question his private life, he asked, "Do you guys like hot wings?" 

My Uncle confidently replied, "As a matter of fact, I do. Cassie prefers burgers with mozzarella sticks." He smiled, and while we all began following Guy to a place where we could get takeout, I flew next to Green Code and commented: "He seems to have less in common with my Uncle, Kia. Except the part with that the Guardians are a piece of crap." 

Green Code agreed, "Yeah, but the one thing I like about Guy is that he pays for my lunch now." Her answer left me dumbfounded, as I was envious that she gets her lunch paid for by someone while I pay my own every time I go out when I intend to save up my money for weeks. We all agreed to meet somewhere for lunch on top of McDuffie's, which has been long since I had any of their amazing burgers and mozzarella sticks.

It caused me to glare at my Uncle, who noticed and quietly sweatdropped. However, he continued flying and explained Green Code about how cool space missions were during the Invasion.

At McDuffie's...

"How often do I have to tell you that I ain't going to fall for you?" Green Code complained while sitting on the ledge next to my Uncle. I lay on her lap, just like she and I do when we eat on a rooftop. Staring at the sky in amusement, we continued this conversation for the last two minutes after we had all ordered our lunch.

"Ah, c'mon, you certainly like my style." Guy flirted, making me snicker at how he wasn't afraid of her for anger like before, which meant that my Uncle was trying his best not to make them fight, and to be honest, I found it funny: "Okay, no fighting here, please." He tells them, only to be ignored as the argument continues, "Oh, we're not fighting; it's just that this ASSHOLE'S style is pointless; I only agree because you pay my lunch every time we do 'work,' pendejo.

Green Code points at him before rolling her eyes, still wearing green shades. I lay peacefully on her lap, amused by how this banter would end. Meanwhile, she kept feeding me mozzarella sticks so I wouldn't make a smart-ass comment at Guy: "That's because I want to date you, tiger.~" This caught her off guard, and her frustrated look rose from -9 to 100+, and she immediately began glaring daggers at how Guy was trying to hit on her for the 7th time.

Whereas she flipped him off before shoving her burger in her mouth in anger as I decided to change the subject: "I absolutely can't believe it. My Uncle was fired, not once but twice in a single day," I exclaimed. My Uncle agreed with my sentiment, saying, "It really does bother me." Curious about his previous occupation, Guy asked, "What did you do for work?" Who nonchalantly tossed a small wing bone over his shoulder. 

My Uncle replied, "I was a test pilot at Ferris Air. Things can get a bit complicated when you're dating the boss." Green Code silently pats his shoulder to comfort him that he isn't alone and has friends: "For once, Guy is right." She begins, "There's your problem with dating. Relationships. No one gets hurt when you're a one-person band-" "No strings equals no problems." Guy cuts in, making me smile and sit up to join in the conversation, but still wary as I wasn't fond of his 'style,' as he puts it, "You'd make a good guardian, Guy." 

I forced myself to compliment without giving it away; Green Code picked up on it and began eating her mozzarella sticks while Guy smirked and winked away from me, "Yeah, thanks, gorgeous, a zillion-year-old with zero social skills." He continues, "You and your Uncle should call them and tell them off." Green Code scoffed at that advice and ignored him, "Someone needs to." Of course, I liked telling off Appa for not telling my Uncle about Guy, but my conscience says otherwise. 

Ever since I became a blue lantern, my mind has never been this calm nor relaxed, but I guess it is a new trait I'll have for a long time: "You know what, I think I will." He gets up from the roof's ledge with determination in his eyes: "That's the spirit!" "Green Lantern of sector 2814, calling the Guardians, come in." "-We are very busy at the moment. What is the purpose of this call?-

My Uncle starts saying, "The purpose? I'll tell you the purpose. You've got a lot of nerve loaning my sector to a new-" "-Is that Guy Gardener? How are you, Guy?-" Appa happily says, making me and Green Code choke on our drinks, exclaiming in shock: 




"HOW?!?!?!" We sync in unison by eating our food rapidly before making sure we use the napkin to clean our mouths and run up towards my Uncle and look back at Guy in disbelief on the questions we want to know: 'HOW THE HELL DID GUY MANAGE TO MAKE APPA BE NICE AND KIND TOWARDS HIM AND NOT US? THIS IS RIDICULOUS!' We thought, and at the same time, we glared angrily at Guy and listened to their interaction: "Doin' great, Abster." "Abster?" 

The three of us looked at one another in confusion and disbelief as Appa chuckled wholeheartedly at Guy's answer, "-Wonderful to hear from you, Guy. Unfortunately, it is chaos at the moment, but later this week, a few of us will be tasting delicacies from faraway quadrants. Perhaps you'd find it interesting. I'll have an invitation sent!-" The call ended, and my Uncle and even I started to stare in annoyance with the same questions: how is Appa nice and cute with Guy while Green Lantern gets a grouchy smurf?

"Green Code, I want answers." I strictly spoke by sitting up already, Green Code's fists clenched as she flew angrily towards Guy. Although her green shades concealed her eyes, I could sense the intensity of her gaze burning into his soul. My Uncle could tell she was furious, and who could blame her? She was a hot-tempered yet patient best friend who did not appreciate being kept in the dark. It seemed likely that Guy had failed to inform her about something important.

"Hijo de puta! When were you going to FUCKING tell me about your BFF Appa grouch being such a kiss asser? Huh? You are lucky that there's a 'don't kill people' rule, but te prometo is that I will end your life with just One. Single. Punch." Green Code angrily threatens, and my Uncle uses his ring to pull her away and put her next to me; where I was just fuming in flames at how someone like Guy managed to get on Appa's good side: "This is unreal." I thought out loud and noticed my Uncle telling Green Code to cool off, which she growled.

Now it was my turn to scowl at the ginger guy: "What happened while we were gone?" "Ohh, it's been fun. I got to run." Guy immediately takes off flying like a coward, "Thanks for the wings." Before he could leave, my Uncle

"Hold on, I'm not finished with you yet. We still need to sort out whose sector this is."

Seeing as I'm the Green Lantern and you're not, except Green Code and Blue Blaze, I'd say this is our turf."

Ugh! True, but that's because Green Code and Blue Blaze have something that makes them better lanterns than you," My Uncle tells him, "Look, don't make me take that ring and jam it up your nose."

In an instant, my Uncle and Guy Gardner began a feud into wrestling to determine who was the rightful Green Lantern of Earth. As the two lanterns battled each other, Green Code followed them while watching the whole thing funny, but still, I was a bit worried about my Uncle losing the fight, "Do you think we should stop them?" Green Code asked me before I handed her the leftover soda for us to drink, "Nah, let's enjoy the battle scene and drink our sodas."

We giggled and made our votes on my Uncle to win the fight by cheering on for him.

Time skip somewhere on Earth...

After hearing the news before the guys could say anything, I was interested in what was happening in the caves; Green Code, known as Kia, excitedly brought me along to check it out. We landed in front of the entrance and began throwing snowballs while we waited for the Green Lanterns to come, and it turns out that Guy came first: "Hello, ladies~!" 

"Don't start," We glance at each other like bitches ready to destroy a man's career, "Or we can hack and expose your personal life with our hacking skills with one flick of a button?" At this point, Guy's annoying smile turned from happy to terrified, and by the looks of it, I'm pretty sure he was freaking out: "You b-both are bluffing! Right?" 

The Guy nervously laughs at us, thinking it is a joke to scare him, but we cross our arms when we give him a serious look. We sync before I speak up: "We just want to ensure you keep thoughts to yourself." As sweetly as possible, Kia laughed at how bad my sweet' threat sounded. I gave her an earful about not teasing me until my Uncle came flying in to be left confused about what was happening, so I explained it to him in a shorter way. 

As it turns out, Guy accidentally stepped on a trap button, and many attacks were fired at us until we managed to fly more by exploring even further. After the mechanical traps inside the cave were stopped, Kia, me & my uncle, and Guy began floating around, looking for the professor, who happens to be an archeologist, to find stuff underground or anywhere around the world... who we all also found dead. 

Immediately, we mourned a little before continuing to find a giant metal robot in red and purple paint lying on the ground and leaning on the wall; we were all silent until my Uncle asked his ring to translate the ancient writing: " 'ℕ𝕆 𝕄𝔸ℕ 𝔼𝕊ℂ𝔸ℙ𝔼𝕊 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕄𝔸ℕℍ𝕌ℕ𝕋𝔼ℝ𝕊.' " "Manhunters... where have I heard that before?" Guy questioned himself as Kia narrowed her eyes through her sunglasses while I walked up to it to examine it, "Cassie, don't." 

"Let me examine them, Kia. And maybe we can further investigate them back at the CodeLight for questions afterward." Moving with cautious determination, I boldly approached the Manhunters to get a better look. I then turned to my Uncle and proposed that we ask the alien refugees about their knowledge of the Manhunters. I confidently utilized my blue power ring to illuminate the area and quickly identified the broken wires. "Hey, aren't these the ones that caused the Red Lantern invasion?" 

He nodded at my question and explained to Guy's confused look at the robots: "Yep, we stopped while you were here on Earth and not helping in any way except Green Code; she helped out-inciting by those things." Green Code made a 'hm' sound of interest by walking and standing across from me as we both are technicians in hacking; she began examining them. She seemed curious by the looks of it and asked, "So what are they, ancient robots?" 

"They're more like the forerunners to the Green Lantern core." I continue explaining: "Their prime directive was to hunt and destroy the criminal element. Somehow, they decided to include all life forms with emotions. They wiped out an entire sector..." Kia covered her mouth in horror at what I told her by frowning. She immediately felt sympathy for the alien refugees, making us click and understand that it must be why they came to our planet: to be protected.

"I'm glad we protected the aliens from the government officials' experiments, Cassie," I said, glancing at her. "These Manhunters are the cause of all this chaos," Kia growled in agreement, but I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, reminding her that we did the right thing. Suddenly, our moment was interrupted by the appearance of the Manhunters. They ordered us to move, and we had no choice but to fight back. My Uncle and Guy also joined in the battle, although they argued a little about who would win. 

In the end, we managed to save the ginger male's life from certain death. We all flew away and tried our best to get out, "Good plan. Glad I thought of it." Guy was the first one to speak, as we yelled at him: "Our/Her Uncle thought of it than you, dumbass!" "Woah, okay, okay, chill ladies. You both need some therapy." Before we could threaten him again, my Uncle told us not to harm him we began mumbling small plans about what we could do to take away his power ring and mentally kill Guy with our hacking skills:

"Green Lantern of sector 2814 calling senior intelligence analyst." A holographic of Salaak shows up, and we fly closer to understand the situation since almost everyone died because of the manhunters. "Would you please tell me what dormant manhunters are doing here on Earth?" "As you know, Hal Jordan, all Manhunters were decommissioned eons ago. Is this an example of your Earth humor? I do not get it." Salaak's response of confusion about my Uncle's question left us grinning but hid it well, "Oh? Is that Kia and Cassandra? Hello there, you too! Are you both on a mission with Hal Jordan?"

Now, it was our turn to be surprised that Salaak was nice to us. We both smiled: "Yep, we are! But we can discuss hanging sometime later." Kia politely offered, making the alien squid nod as I changed the subject immediately: "Anyways, my Uncle—" "No, Salaak, these things are here." My Uncle cut me off to explain: "We just saw three of them with our eyes." Salaak widens his eyes in a soft shock, "It cannot be. But if you all were, and you failed to stop them, they would exterminate every sentient being they could find."

"Then let's hope we crushed 'em." Guy spoke, and we immediately attacked him with our holographic rings swords; he squeaked by looking away in fear, which earned us pleasure in amusement. Much to our dismay, my Uncle ended the call by turning to see us ladies aiming to glare deadly at Guy. Secretly, he won't say it, but he feels better that we are ready to kill. Interrupted by the sound of the helicopter, the four of us lanterns stare in confusion as to why the reporter was here: "What happened inside that tomb?" "What else? Guy Gardner stopped some evil robots."

Our cue of order from my Uncle motions us to go to the reporter to answer while he puts Guy inside a jar that makes us smirk in victory. He comes in by floating next to us: "Luckily, the real Green Lanterns of Earth and our Blue Lantern partner managed to squelch a major threat with some minor assistance from my sidekick here, Carrot Top." 

Before someone can speak, a sudden sound of rumbling comes from the destroyed cave as it turns out that the Manhunters are still alive, "What is that?" "Nothing you want to be around for, so take cover." He turns and motions to us, "Everyone gets ready."

"Steve, roll the camera!"Get out of here, now! We'll hold them off.

"Nothing I can't handle, baby.~" Guy flirts with a wink before leaving, making me and Kia secretly give Vinessa about his personal life, which, in the end, she seemed disgusted before she said something about winning an anchor desk as her promotion. We immediately left to fight for our lives, now that I'm a lantern and Kia. 

We would do anything to protect our planet from harm's way. Determination in my eyes, I widened my eyes and called: "GREEN LANTERN! Oof!" I refrained from calling out to my Uncle after I saw him getting hurt by the Manhunters. This made me calm down for a while, but soon after, I started moving in circles around the robots and created a holographic giant hammer in the shape of Harley Quinn using my power ring. 

However, I got shot in the back, which was painful, but I used my ring's power to heal myself and get back in the fight. Meanwhile, Kia/Green Code kept fighting, and I felt proud of my best friend forever, "C'mon, we can do it!" She exclaimed and managed to dodge the blasters as we all noticed the danger of the reporter; both of us girls left to destroy one by drilling the robot to death. We then saw the two Manhunters heading towards the village, and we began fighting more like playing football with Guy. For once, it wasn't bad.

"Nice, did you play ball?" 

"Mostly baseball." My Uncle replied; Guy then turned to us: "And you ladies?~" 

"Boxing and Volleyball." Kia answered, and it was my turn, "Volleyball and Baseball." We all got excited about the fight when we all got an idea with my Uncle about playing baseball with the Manhunters. Long story short, we destroyed them and were victorious: "Ah, tough sports." "Tough enough for a jet pilot!" We all started fist-bumping together and laughed, "Oh, yeah! Ha ha, yeah!" I exclaimed, "Finally! We can never get a fist bump out there!"

Kia then scoffs, "I know, right? Thousands of species are in the core, and we're the only ones who fist bump. We Earth Lanterns got to watch each other's backs, right?" "You bet, pal." Suddenly, after everything we've been through, I'm glad we got a chance to save the day... that is, until Uncle got a call from Carol. After they ended the conversation, the last thing Aunt Carol said was, "And Cassie... Be careful. Bye." "Bye, Aunt Carol..." I trail off in guilt that I didn't remind him about his second chance at dating her again. I went up to him and hugged him as a sign of comfort, "It's going to be ok, Uncle...She needs time to get used to it, you'll see." 

His weak smile made me notice how heartbroken he was, and I let him go and sighed, but Guy's words ruined the sadness. "At least she didn't say she wanted to be friends." "Don't start, Gardener." My Uncle warns him, who holds a look of kindness by explaining: "I'm not, buddy. I know exactly what you're going through." Kia nods in agreement, "Same." Now it was my turn to show sympathy for her and Guy, "What? You think I don't know what it's like? We're on call 24/7, busting our humps to save lives, but when it comes to having a life? Making connections? Oh, there's not enough time in the day."

"That's the truth." "Except for me and Kia." Both men look at us weirdly and asked the same question together, "How?" "By simply asking the ones we care about to help with our CodeLight club." I smiled, "My family are helping us out whenever we are busy because they-" Guy exclaims: "Hold on! You told your parents?" Kia nods, "Yup, except for Cassie. She told me she'd tell them and asked to help us while we were gone after this discussion." I blush in humiliation as my Uncle grows concerned: "Cassie, you-" 

I sighed, "I'm planning on doing it, Uncle." I continue, "Kia and I are the ones who created and are in charge of the club; it's our responsibility to have someone we trust. We have people who care about Kia and me and will always help. That's why we have alien refugees in our care with our family, to show them that second chances can happen; I love my club. I see it as my home and new family, and I think that after all this time, we girls managed to get through it all without using power rings. Now that we're both next-generation lanterns, we are more professionals than you." 

Both guys nodded at my words and realized how much I cared about the club, "You love the CodeLight, huh?" "We do, it's our home." "...Y'know, who would even notice if I left Earth?" Guy looked down, "You always have your fans." My Uncle starts, "Everyone loves a hero, right? But only in theory." Guy's eye smiles a bit. We both girls shrug at how it sounded easy for us. "Careful, Guy. You almost sound human." My Uncle tells him, making Kia snort at the comment, but Guy changes the subject from being nice to a jackass: 

"So think I could get Carol's number? She seemed really nice, and I think she was checking me out on the phone. Seeing as you guys are split up." 

Angering him, Uncle Hal punched him in the face before receiving a call to report to Oa. Green Code goes to threaten Guy into protecting duty because she already told the reporter about his secret affairs of being a playboy and his egotistical way of his life being messy; oh, he freaked out and immediately went flying back to Coast City, so he doesn't get murdered by her. 

Well, that's GhostHacker for you. Green Code (Kia) wanted to come, which my Uncle didn't seem to mind as she followed us to space: "Well, that punch happened." "Yup!" We began laughing all the way to Oa.

Location: Planet of Oa.

Of course, we were all angry at the Guardians, who informed him while we stood next to him as we heard them: "-Hal Jordan, this council has decided that you will be immediately removed from duty as Green Lantern of sector 2814 and replaced by Guy Gardener.-

"Thanks. I already got that message." As he prepares to badmouth the Guardians, they state, "I think you misunderstood our actions, Hal Jordan. Allow me to finish." This left Kia and me to raise suspicions about what Appa meant: "-Your bravery in defeating the Red Lanterns has not gone unnoticed along with your niece, Cassandra Jordan.-"

"I'm not sure where this is going for Mr. Jordan-" Green Code gets cut off by Appa again, "-A Lantern of your caliber is underutilized when working in only a single sector. Henceforth, you shall patrol all of Guardian space.-

I jump in disbelief, "So he isn't fired?" "-Indeed not, and congratulations, Hal Jordan. You have been promoted to the Honor Guard of the Green Lantern Core.-"

My uncle was left in shock before Sayd also began: "~As for your niece, giving new knowledge that she became a new Lantern by Kia Roberts means that she will be assigned to be trained by you and Kilowog. Also, congratulations on becoming a lantern.~"

Aftermath... Back on Earth!

Kia and I were fully excited about our assignment. We told my Uncle we'd get our things from our flat to pack everything we needed for our training. Since he became the Green Lantern Honor Guard of Oa, we knew that going on different missions across space and teaching us how to be better lanterns was tough. It also meant we had to leave our CodeLight Club.

"We should probably tell..." "Yeah...Yeah, I know..." I frowned. 

Kia firmly placed her hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a reassuring hug. I confided in her about my fear of my parents' reaction, but she quickly convinced me that we didn't have to tolerate their negativity. She reminded me that if they reacted poorly, we could cut them out of our lives without hesitation, except for funerals and parties. I wholeheartedly agreed, and we embarked on a three-hour bus ride to my parents' house. 

During those hours, we contacted her siblings about our departure, and Kia's family understood our assignment to them. We also decided to introduce our CodeLight Club and my best friend to my parents, and we were determined to stand our ground. As we knocked on the door of my old house, my mom embraced me tightly, but I could sense the animosity in her eyes. She gave Kia a judgmental glare, but I stepped forward to defend her. No one would make us feel bad about who we were or who we chose to be friends with. 

"Mom... I want to tell you something, so please bring my siblings and Dad downstairs because you all need to know about what I've been doing." Everyone was downstairs and sitting together on the couch inside the house. Kia nervously smiled at my siblings, who were excited to meet since I told them cool stories about her. My parents listened to my explanation about my illness and everything that I do for a living now with Kia. 

With that being said and all, the first thing my parents did was wrap their arms around me in tears by telling me how proud I was (promising to help out after we leave), to also not keep a secret about me being sick ever again, along the lines of now accepting Kia to be my friend, and that they'll promise to keep my Blue Lantern identity a secret to which they asked if she knew; I said yes and that Kia was Green Code. 

Of course, they understood that heroes needed training, but they were concerned that I'd get hurt, and I reassured them that we'd be fine. At the end of the day, we said our goodbyes and promised to return as fully-fledged lanterns to protect Earth-like pros.

Flying out of Earth, we both smirked and yelled: "FREEDOM!!!!!!"

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