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There is some choking in here I just wanted to let you guys know just incase it triggers you or you don't want to read it that's ok!

      I sat on the kitchen countertop, waiting for my muffins to bake.

     I pulled out the book 'Red Queen' and started to read, when I heard a loud "BEEP" signaling that the muffins were done.

     I put my bookmark inside the book and walked over to the oven, almost forgetting an oven mitt!

    When I opened the oven, the muffins looked perfect, which means they are perfect for perfect Achilles.

        I put the muffins on a plate and poured 2 glasses of milk, because milk with muffins is a must.

    I peeked into our room, Achilles was rubbing his eyes, "Were you watching me rest?" He laughed,

    I blushed "No! I was..coming to wake you up—" I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed "—I made muffins!"

     He rubbed his chin, "Are they chocolate chip?" 

     I laughed at him, "Does it matter?"

     "Just wondering..." I giggled as we walked into the kitchen.


     I love when he gets exited over little things, it's cute, I mean— ok I won't try and deny it any further, I just have to face the fact that...I have a massive crush on Achilles.

     Friends don't listen to love songs together in the same bed, I don't think.

        We ate, talking about what muffins are the most "superior" compared to the others.

     He says chocolate chip, I don't really mind. 

    Randomly, as I was staring in Achilles charming eyes, I burst out laughing.

    He laughed, "Patroclus! Why are you laughing, it's making me laugh!"

     I tried to stop laughing, but I could not. I started to choke on my muffin, Achilles laughing, suddenly his face turned to worry. "


     I coughed serval times, unable to speak. I was pointing at myself and the muffin, that I dropped, trying to signal I was choking.

     I can't really describe it, because well, I was choking, but it was very difficult to breath, my skin paled and I felt an impending sense of doom.

     I think Achilles finally picked up on the hints that I was choking, he came behind me and started to do the weird thing, I think it's called, a Heimlich maneuver?

     Parts of mushed up muffin came out of my mouth onto the floor, it was disgusting.

     I panted trying to catch my breath. "Thank...thank you..." I gasped and hugged Achilles like the world would end if I let go.

    That was a horrifying, disgusting, experience, I do not recommend choking.

     "Are you alright?" Achilles asked, stroking my hair.

      "Yeah I'm ok." I smiled looking at him, I am grateful he was here to help, he's a true lifesaver.

      We stood there, hugging for a while, trying to calm down from what just happened.

    "No more muffins?"

     "No more muffins!"

    We laughed along with each other and cleaned up the kitchen. "First flying out of a raft on a water slide, then you almost choked to death—" he walked over to me, "—your life is really interesting!"

     I laughed, "it's really not..."

   "Oh yeah?"

   "Yeah!" I nodded, a little annoyed.

     "I don't think your life is boring! Your going to Collage to be a doctor, you read for fun, which is insane and you always get caught in crazy situations!"

     I grinned, "Maybe it's the hanging with you." I teased, he scoffed and I laughed.

    "Are you saying you don't like hanging with me?" He leaned forward, a pout on his lips.

    "You know that's not what I meant!" I complained, crossing my arms.

    "So do you like to hang with me or not, Patroclus?" He asked, leaning dangerously close.

     "I don't not like hanging with you..."

    "Give a direct answer, Patroclus!"

  Woah geez, I should give him a direct answer—not!

"I said, I don't not like not hanging with you." I smirked, he was very irritated at this point.

     "Patroclus, please tell me!" He pouted, I smirked

     "Perhaps I will tell if you do my laundry..."


      I sighed, "Ok fine, you can take me to the bookstore, and buy me some books and I will tell."

     "Ugh fine!" He groaned, but Patroclus was happy. Time with Achilles and books, whats better than that?

     I grabbed my keys and we walked to my car. This time I opened the door for him, he pouted when he sat down, and crossed his arms, looking away from me.

     "Don't pout, I'll tell you now if you listen!" He perked up and leaned in, curious.

    "I don't like hanging out with you." I smirked, he frowned and looked down,


    "I love hanging out with you, and being with you." Okay, Im totally flirting with him at this point.

    His face lit up, I maybe even saw a faint...blush on his cheeks. "Why would I let you live with me if I hated you?"

    He panicked,"You hate me?"

    "No!" I laughed, he is so dumb at times but its lovable.

     I started the car and started to slowly drive out of the neighborhood.

"So you don't hate me?"

    "Of course not! I really enjoy life with you! Even if it's only been one day, that day was the best day of my life.." I explained, glancing away from the road for a moment to admire him.

     He smiled, "Mine too, and im not just saying that..." and this time, there was no GPS interruption, just the our lips meeting, his lips were soft and he was a delicate kisser, it was all so wonderful, until...

CLIFFHANGER muahahaha, I'll try and update ASAP!

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