Taylor Swift

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I know I said this would be a long chapter, but idk, I need to brainstorm so enjoy this for now!

Rain poured on us, thunder rumbled in the distance, kids screaming but we just laughed and laughed feeling like our lungs would burst.

When we made it to Achilles car, he opened the door for me, and I hopped in the car. He wrapped a towel around me and smiled at me,

  "You look like a snuggly burrito!"

I blushed and laughed. He's so ridiculous, I though endearingly.

He tied his wet hair back and started his car. We drove in silence on the way back to my apartment.

     We sprinted inside, laughing and shivering from the cold AC on our damp skin. We walked into my room and Achilles retreated to the bathroom to shower.

I sat on the bed, thinking of how awesome today was, when I heard faint singing. Is Achilles singing in the shower? I heard faint tunes of Taylor swifts 'You Belong with me'  his voice is as angelic as always, but it feels more angelic you know?

Well YOU don't but it's magical— ok, ok I'll stop with my "cringe" love sick school girl way of talking.

I was kinda disappointed when the song ended, I kinda wanted to hear more. I played the song on my phone and closed my eyes, thinking of achilles beautiful hair and award-winning smile.

Achilles walked out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, laughing.

"You heard me singing?" He asked, a slight embarrassed blush appearing on his cheeks.

I giggled, "you belong with meeee!" I horribly sang, smirking at Achilles. He rolled his eyes and grabbed some PJs from my drawer.

"You're horrible singer, Patroclus." "

"Thanks..." I smiled, I felt so happy in this moment. I took a mental picture, hoping to remember this forever.

He went back into the bathroom to get changed, when he came out and I went in to shower.

       An hour later, we were laying down in our pajamas listening to Taylor swift, specifically 'Today was a Fairytale (Taylor's Version)' because 1) it was and 2) Taylor swift!

We where on our sides facing each other, absorbing the song into our souls until he paused it!

"Hey!" I pouted,

He smiled in response "Sorry not sorry!"

I rolled my eyes then smiled. He pulled the covers over our head and looked at me dead in the eyes. I could barley see a thing.

"What?" I asked


  "What!" I whined.

He fumbled with his shirt like he was scared to say what he was about to say. "Do you know anyone with green eyes?"

"I know someone with a green eye." I responded and he frowned.

"Who is it?"


He laughed, "Ohhh!"

I smiled "why do you ask?"

  "No reason..." he shrugged.

  I grabbed my phone typed a song title into Spotify.

"What are you doing?" Achilles questioned, trying to peek over my shoulder.

I played 'Wonderland' by Taylor swift, the one based of Alice in Wonderland. We were talking about green eyes and it made me think of a lyric in that song about green eyes.

We laughed and sang along under the covers, looking at each other's one green eye.

       Wait- wait-wait- we both have one green eye, and both a brown one. But that's not really rare, anyone could have that combo...right?

I started to drift into my thoughts, getting weary, my eyes shut and before I knew it I was sound asleep.

        I woke to Achilles, moving in his sleep, his arm warping around his waist, I was blushing ferociously.

I carefully slid out of the bed, trying not to wake Achilles. I watched him sleep, trying not to be creepy, but I couldn't not admire how flawless he is...I should make him a nice breakfast!

    I walked to the kitchen, grabbing out a packet of muffin mix and putting my earbuds in.

    I clicked shuffle on Taylor Swift and got to baking muffins for my angelic roommate who was snoring in the other room.

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