𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴

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I'm sorry for this wait even longer than the previous ones, but honestly I have no idea how to continue the book, and the writer's block does not make me think of a decent plot for the story. However, I don't even want to abandon this work, I like the idea, although there are some changes to be made in the chapters now old and different from my present writing. I hope you can enjoy this chapter even if probably empty, but still a small continuation of the story.

in the hustle and bustle of frightened pupils trying to escape from the sudden sound outside the school, the Ninja managed to get out of their classrooms. Or rather they were pushed out, reconciling again in the corridor.

"I didn't think he would really come back after just one day.." Kai said, watching all the kids run away, wondering if they were used to it by now.

"Welcome to our typical days, then!" M!Lloyd pretended "at least once a day he must create problems" and the frustration of being currently his son has returned as usual as always.

"We are in your hands, you will simply have to tell us how it would be best to attack" Lloyd said, waiting for their couples to go into action, but all they saw, was them going to their own lockers, and with a proud smile, the lockers became anything but what they should be, descending from what looked like vertical slides.

"we never have a plan," M!Nya said, only to disappear like the others down their lockers.

"mh.." Cole murmured, doubtful about the whole thing.

"Well, I guess we'd see them on the spot" Kai said, sharing the same general doubt and confusion as Cole.

And so they did, throwing themselves into chaos. As soon as they stood in front of the enemy's various sea-themed mechs, they immediately felt the ground shake beneath their feet. They looked ahead, finding again the mechs of their ownself but of a different dimension.

As soon as they saw that that ninja had given way, using their mechs against the enemy, they showed their weapons, and went into action.

"I would recommend separating into teams" Lloyd said, passing his voice between all the transmitters in their ears.

"uhm, don't you think? We have always worked as a team.." the leader of the other team communicated.

"But in different teams we could be faster"

"Okay then, who with whom?" did they really have to do all the work?

"How about merging the same element?" Cole advised, amazed at how unorganized they were. He recalled the very first days as a ninja when the four were, but he didn't think they had ever been so... like this.

"great idea" M!Lloyd said, not hiding the hesitation in his voice.

and so they did, Lloyd gave the order to follow the masters who had the same element as them, and then they separated. But anyway stayed close just in case.

And truth be told, they were taken aback. They had never really fought alone, even though they weren't, but this time they weren't just one team.

"So you like music?" Cole said casually, as he shot down some of the henchmen who were on the ground like him. He had cringed himself for that way of approaching, but pretended like nothing.

"yeah" M!Cole replied curtly. Well, a very open guy then..

"So that's why you never take off your headphones?"

"yes" he said again, and thinking he would keep saying just 'yeah' Cole let it go. But when the voice returned to his transmitter again, he was amazed.

"And also because then I can ignore whoever I want"


"Music is the only thing I have"

Somehow he heard personally this phrase. There was pain behind it, but he was curious why.

"And your father?" Cole asked without thinking, automatically guessing that the eventualities were like his.

"My father? Oh, he doesn't care. He's too busy coming back randomly at night and drunk."

Cole had to admit to himself that it had happened to him that his father had come home late, and maybe even after some of his festivals, but he had forgiven all the day he told Lou he was a ninja, and from there it went more or less well. But Cole felt sorry for him. Now he could see his childhood from different eyes, especially after the death of his mother and-

At her nomination, he thought for a few seconds if he should ask it, but he could not hide his curiosity for long.

"And your mother? She..?" feared for the worst, perhaps already knowing the answer.

"My mother go away a few months after I turned eleven" he nonchalantly replied, continuing to knock down the shark mechs.

"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss.. see, I-"

"Oh no, she's not dead. She just moved away from us. But I don't know where she is now if you ask me"

This was another interesting part of the story. On the one hand, he was happy that M!Cole's mother hadn't met the same fate in this Ninjago. But he also felt envious on the other hand. he just didn't understand why he no longer had his mother by his side, Lilly was always by his side before her death.

"Let's say I never had a good relationship with my mother" If he could hear it before, his story with Lou wasn't what to be surprised about. This was the real surprise.

"She always forced me to study and better improve myself with grades always. while my father seemed to be a bit on my side, once they separated, he gave himself to that crazy joy" M!Cole said as if almost reading his mind and responding. He did not know why since before he seemed to be so closed, right now he is talking freely about his whole childhood.

"And I look stupid to trust you just because you're me but from another ninjago, which is quite confusing- but I think somehow you can understand me, that's it."

"it's not stupid" Cole immediately put forward. he remembered how at the beginning of their friendship, Jay talked to him immediately, validated his outburst with him in this way right after, but Cole would never thought it was true "it's nice to have someone you trust"

"Not even the rest of the team knows so well about my parents. you're the first" M!Cole confided "don't make me regret it or I could bury you alive"

"o-okay Buddy, don't worry, your secret is safe" Cole put his hands forward, and once they noticed that in front of them the threat had died down quite quietly, he took those few seconds to make the same.

"to reciprocate, I can tell you my little story, though" unintentionally, a nostalgic smile popped up in him.

"shoot, I'm curious now" M!Cole said, leaning against the console of the pilot's center with his elbows resting on top, and his hands resting on his cheeks for support, being able to rest and listen to his story.

meanwhile, another two pair was finding it difficult to start any conversation.

Jay looked up, making sure that whatever shot M!Jay was leaving from his jet, it didn't miraculously fall small inches from him or worse, over his head. Especially because if he didn't, probably no one else would think about it.

At that moment he envied very much that M!Jay was in a jet, while he was not. But unfortunately his nunchaks were no longer the golden weapons, so he had to stay on the ground and casually kick those who tried to approach, with his silver kusarigama and blue cues.

Briefly distracted, someone grabbed him from behind as he was fighting in front. Jay heard the distant voice of his partner screaming something, but he couldn't decipher it. Using the weight of the medusa boy behind him who held him, he lifted and lightened his weight to be able to sprint back and free himself, walking quickly on the torso of the other in front, throwing him consecutively to the ground. he regained his weight, taking a half turn in the air and throwing himself behind the back of the one was holding him, knocking him down too and carrying Jay on his feet and free.

"wha- I thought you were doomed, dude!" M!Jay's voice popped up on his right ear, very anxious.

"oh don't worry, habit" he said, even taking the moment a bit and bragging just a pinch. a not so small pinch maybe.

"w-well... it was.. wow!" he continued to get amazed at his ninja skills much more advanced than his "how did you do it??"

"that? so many threats from Master Wu" Jay joked, focusing again on those who were undeterred and still wanted to bring him down.

"our master always makes us train, but I still haven't even figured out how to do Spinjitzu or activate my power"

"really? what about the electricity you're using with the jet?" and as soon as he talked about it, he remembered the strength and power had felt from the mech that time "that stuff could have the whole half electricity of the Borg Tower!"

"Borg Tower?" M!Jay asked curiously.

"You don't know what the Borg T- how- oh your right.. You don't have the most fantastic and brilliant thing there can be in Ninjago city" Jay said disappointed.

"And what would this Borg Tower be?"

"the borg tower is nothing more than one of Cyrus borg's many inventions, if not the best. also the same one that created Pixal and also-"

"Pixal? I've heard this before, what is it?"

"Have you heard it before? she is an advanced artificial intelligence, an android, as well as the later Samurai-X and Zane's other half"

"Too much information and- wait, did you say Pixal, right? now I remember where I heard it" M!Jay realized, catching Jay's attention. Is it possible that there was a Pixal here too?

"She comes to my computer science class, but... I didn't know she was an android.."

Jay didn't answer, wanting to hear more, and then maybe bring information to zane that might interest him.

"uh... so it's Zane's girlfriend in your ninjago?" suddenly the confusion hit M!Jay, but it was hilarious for Jay.

"Yes, for a few years now" Jay casually said, knowing the conversation was going to shut down soon.

He didn't expect it, but he was very much the opposite of Jay. He was very closed to himself, extremely shy and very unsociable, if not probably only with strangers.

"um.." he heard hesitation from the audio of the headset, maybe he was wrong.

Jay watched as M!Jay took down the last flying mechs in front of his visual trajectory, giving him the opportunity to land. But something stopped him from doing so. now not even Jay had anyone in front of him, except for some marine animals on land, next to the soldiers obsessed with the depths of the sea.

"can I ask you something... more private?" Jay had a vague idea of what he wanted to ask, but he wanted to hear it anyway.

"unless it's for my embarrassing past, you can ask me everything"

"embarrassing past?... no okay, it's another thing" M!Jay with a voice trembling with embarrassment, continued to stretch until he found the right time to speak.

"how- how did you make Nya fall in love with you?" well, just as he expected, and that made him laugh "Hey! Not laughing is important!"

"okay okay, sorry man" maybe he wanted Jay to become Cupid right now, confiding anything to make her fall in love with him too "if you think it was something easy, well... it wasn't at all" Jay started walking from where he had arrived, having finished his task and maybe reuniting with those who had done the same thing. and M!Jay slowly followed him with the Jet.

"What do you mean not easy? What ever happened?" naively, and genuinely M!Jay asked, confused and curious to know.

"Firt, we seemed to be a couple but not officially, and I won't tell you what our first date was like, man. but in retrospect it was special, as well as embarrassing" M!Jay chuckled and kept listening.

"If you think that a snake and a samurai had some sort of date on a destroyed roller coaster and with a ring of fire ahead waiting for us, you wonder if it's actually true or not" Jay continued, enjoying hearing the reaction out of him.

"And when things seemed to be going well.. for me, I was too selfish in respect of her feelings. with the help of a machine, doubts in her rushed in, creating a strange love triangle between me, her and Cole.

"Cole?" M!Jay stunned repeated.

"yes, but then her feelings for him waned, unfortunately along with those for me as well, but this was what I thought and what she wanted to believe. Let's say it was a bit of a strange time, we were becoming young adult, very recently at that time, and she was starting to wonder about herself. But these are more private things that I can't say, and so after some misunderstanding and some talking, things were back to how they were initially, but really for the better. making us come back together and in a healthy way, that's all"

no alright, that wasn't all, and he had left out the sensible reason why they got back together, but this Ninjago himself was fine with that, and so it was perfectly for him too.

"Oh well... I must say that maybe you were right, it was not so easy but... Cole!?" M!Jay repeated, still shocked by the revelation "I would never expect him to do anything like that.. I mean, everybody makes mistakes, but it seems so strange for me that he even socialized with someone so much like that!"

"Apparently, we are very different from you, although the average appearance is similar to ours, but yes, it happened"

"Well, I hope I don't repeat this mistake, I wouldn't know how to react or even what to do and- but what I'm saying, I can't even talk to Nya without blabber"

"Trust me, I wasn't so much different. less than now at least" he wanted to specify before saying it "I was a complete simp for her"

"ugh, I'll never succeed, I give up" M!Jay immediately said.

"Then you will never have the love of your life by your side"

"The love of my life? I don't even know if she considers me one of her friend."

"actually bud, I think either you're blind, or she don't know how to send the right signals, because she seemed very protective towards you the first time we saw you, inside the jet on the ground after that accident" and maybe Jay had a point, which made M!Jay blush, but luckily no one could not see him.

"Are you really telling me this or am I imagining everything? ?" M!Jay asked, and that made Jay smile, making him remember his fifteen-year-old self.

"yeah, so you'll have to find out" Jay said, holding back a chuckle.

"hold on- me?"

"yep, you" and then Jay wanted to make things less tense for him "I can help you though"

"Help me? how?"

"First, coming back to the others" Jay was looking forward for any troubles "and then we'll think about it later"

"uh... alright.. yes, we'll think about it later, you're right- i-it's not important now" M!Jay said losing all the enthusiasm he had, but Jay hadn't heard it, having turned off his earpiece so he could concentrate on coming back, and maybe help someone else. And so he actually did, finding, with perfect pointing, his girlfriend and her self of this Ninjago.

he asked, via headset, M!Jay to check the area, and if it was free to gather with the others and then notify him of where they were. and with a nod, he did what was asked, while Jay joined the two of them.

Nya was fighting with her trident in front of her, and at the same time M!Nya was on her aquatic mech, throwing away those who climbed it, and sending bullets in their directions, but not really in their bodies. They save the city, but they wasn't murderers.

Seeing that the situation was going smoothly, he thought to look for the others himself, but when a man with crabs as a weapon rushed out of the water and fell over the mech's control area, preventing M!Nya from seeing, and raging with the controls.

Nya hadn't noticed yet, busy knocking down the obstacles in front, and in the meantime, the man with the crabs, managed to pass through the protective glass, putting his feet on the pilot and doing anything to distract M!Nya from regaining control.

Jay aimed as precisely as he could, and when she saw the man make an involuntary jump and convulsions, and then fall back into the water, from where he had come, M!Nya had a surprised expression on her, turning around and finding Jay still posing after aiming the lightning.

"Great aim!" she said, thanking in her own way. Jay sent a smirk in his direction, only to notice that Nya was also looking at him.

"just in time" Nya congratulated, approaching. Jay looked at her the whole time she was walling next to him, and she did half of what he did, and the other half looking at the ground, with a little smirk. which made him laugh to himself.

"Did you make it fast?" Nya asked.

"yeah, and I think I managed to create some sort of relationship with other Jay, even though it was only me talking" Jay chuckled, on second thoughts.

"where's he is?" M!Nya got half in the speech, coming out of the mech, now again to be repaired because of the smoke that was coming out.

"I sent him to look for the others and-" and as confirmation, his earpiece rang.

"I found them, we're exactly where we agreed before" M!Jay responded.

"Okay, we have to go back to where we separated, I think they've all finished" he communicated to the two.

when they arrived, Jay noticed how Cole was socializing with his counterpart, when he previously seemed quite reserved, and not that he wasn't like that at the time, but a little less.

Kai and his other version seemed to have become best friends instead, talking about whatever it was with real enthusiasm. They were probably talking about gels.

the two Zane did not go very well instead, their Zane was too much more aware of himself, finding himself perfectly good like he was. but perhaps the pushed side of adolescence in the other Zane, probably made him somewhat uncomfortable. but is was nice anyway.

with the two Nyas, he had no idea how they were comparing, but from what he had seen, it seemed they were both lonely in fights. a bit like him and M!Jay, but not completely by choice.

and Lloyd and his even younger version, did not differ too much. both had a certain grudge against their father, but Lloyd seemed to have outgrown it by little, while M!Lloyd seemed to be more less about it.

and his relationship with M!Jay seems strange, he did not know how to relate to someone as otherwise sociable as him. The good confidence to put others at ease was almost always his trick, but this time it seemed that his so-wanted-relationship was the one that made him talk and-

And interrupting his thoughts, a voice clicked in everyone's earphones, making his six students moan with annoyance and not wanting to.

"Ninja, come to base, there's something I have to tell you about" their master Wu said, ringing a bell of memories in the other six ninjas of not this Ninjago.

"I have a dejà-vu" Cole joked, without a minimum of enthusiasm and surprise.

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