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"You're the friend of the four-eyed, right?" Cole sat bored in his seat in the classroom, suddenly hearing a whisper behind his ear

he looked out of the corner of his eyes at the guy behind him, not that the same one jay argued with

"what do you want?" he said dryly, but carefully so as not to be heard by the professor, annoyed by that guy

"You look like a cool guy, you know? why do you waste yourself in that group of nerds? you could join in ours" Carlos said, obviously not knowing that he had called 'nerds' the people who saved his butt countless times

"You should lower your confidence, you know?" Cole replied, going back to doing absolutely nothing, listening from time to time to the clips of the lesson

it was time for geography, and Cole didn't go crazy about it, but a pinch of interest in his land and more he would always have it. he didodle on himself, playing his role as the black ninja, flexing his muscles properly. a little distraction to keep the hour going without fainting from sleep on the bench

he took a look at the board, feeling his Ninja senses wake up. however, he continued to pretend nothing, continuing to feel the next move, and just at that moment, a small piece of paper flew over his bench, spreading it, but at the same time, intriguing him about what was there

he arranged the small piece of paper in its original state, immediately eyeing a small drawing and an inscription

lloyd told me to warn you that after the end of this hour we will have to join the others โ˜บ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ

after finishing reading, he turned to where the note had arrived, identifying the different and younger figure of Jay who gave him a small uncomfortable smile

he simply hinted at a nod with his head, making it see only to hin

and the lesson went on like this, always feeling like eyes on him. always by that boy who thought he was cool to be considered a bully, or by his small group of blatantly false friends, or at least that's what Cole believed after the previous scene in the hallway of the school

the bell was rung once the lesson that no one had committed to listening to was over. Cole took his things and was walking with the Jay of this dimension, but a pat on the back stopped him first

"keep in mind the talk from before, and in case you know where to find me" Carlos said brazenly, and then went out with a girl under his arm

Cole watched him with a frown of annoyance come out. he had no idea where to find him, but he probably could have the clue that he would be treating some other helpless student badly

"what did he mean?" M!Jay asked, confused by that sentence

"nothing, he didn't mean nothing.." Cole told him, sighing away the annoyance "how about going to the others?"

and so they left the classroom, arriving in the canteen, where their friends were waiting for them there

"you finally made it!" Kai said, making room in the table

"yeah, the bell rang a few seconds after the end of the time" Cole said hiding the inconvenience called Carlos

"it's actually because Carlos had stopped u-us" but M!Jay revealed, causing Cole's arms to be thrown into the air

"I didn't say it on purpose!" Cole said, turning to him in disapproval, and M!Jay in realization covered his mouth with his hand, raised eyebrows

"Carlos? what did he tell you?" Jay asked. immediately his face took on an expression of suspicion

Cole briefly looked at his best friend, unsure whether to tell him the truth completely, but so much would still come to the surface first then..

"oh, not much.." he began, sitting down "he ask me why I was in a group of nerds, that I could join their and blah blah blah.. nothing important." he really meant it, but apparently Jay didn't care

"Now he wants to steal my best friend? what will it be next? my role as the Blue Ninja!?" Jay said, a little too carelessly

"shh Jay! Don't you want to be discovered in a room full of ormonate teenagers who could jump on you as soon they discover your identity?" Nya brought her hand in front of his mouth

"What's the problem? at ninjago everyone knows who we are!" Jay said, once Nya gave him the chance to talk again

"yes, but this is not our ninjago!" Lloyd recalled

"I really miss being able to sit on the couch playing for hours.." Jay said, sighing in melancholy

"me too! who knows what other new games will have come out while we weren't there.." Cole conveyed his paranoia, bringing it also on Jay now

"ohfirstspinjitzumaster!! we have to come back right now!" Jay said, receiving a frantic nod of approval from Cole

"have you tried prime empire?? it is one of the best battle games and not better organized, both for the small plot behind and especially for the old school style!" M!Nya gossiped, even seeming not enough to demonstrate how she loved that game..

but anyway, looking strange to the Ninja who were used to their Nya, they looked at her strangely, while she passionately romanticized her favorite game to the fullest. definitely not something from Nya to dwell in something so superficial, for her, as a videogame

"what's there? can't I like video games just because I'm a girl??" M!Nya immediately said, carrying her arms above the table ominously "beware of what you say" she warned them

before she crumpled them like plastic cups, Nya herself stepped forward

"don't worry, they're just used to me not liking to play at all"

"how!? is just literally one of the best things to do!" M!Nya said a little disappointed expecting her to share the same things with her, but then she wanted to correct "after going on my beautiful bike and breaking the bones of those who deserve it"

her friends seemed terrified of her, and especially her brother, but in M!Jay's eyes there was everything but fear. he seemed more admiring for how his eyes shone just looking at her. and of course there was that little shade of red in the cheeks

"Oh well, I prefer to try my hand at mechanics more. creating mechs, cars, motorcycles or any transport from scratch is what really entertains me!" Nya said with the same excitement as her copy, but about something different

"I tried too.. I dare say that I am quite capable, but I prefer to drive the vehicles than create them" M!Nya said, feeling a pinch of adrenaline remembering driving her bike

"same thing for me as video games, I'd rather watch Jay play it, than actually play it" Nya explained, even noticing a very strange small lifting of her eyebrows

"you know, you should show it to me. now I'm really curious about this bike" she changed the subject, resuming her full concentration

"I would love to! I modified it with my own hands! I repainted it and then I put-" but their discussion was interrupted first

"I'm sorry to have to interrupt your talks between girls, but we have to talk about more important things, which is also why we are here. and even before the next lesson" Lloyd said, making the situation serious

both approved with a nod, and soon the return-to-ninjago plan had to be built and implemented. it was a decidedly arranged title for them, but others (lloyd's) believed it was nice

"While some of us were separated into other classes, me, Zane and Kai decided that together we would find before the tracks that would lead us to understand the next appearance of Garmadon. but Zane first reported something as suspicious people entering the school.. we don't know if they can really be his soldiers, but we should keep our eyes wide open" Lloyd alarmed, having the others put an eye on every tip of the room now

"but how do we know if one of them is even just present in here?" Cole asked, suspicious of all the pupils

"We have no idea yet, but what we can do is observe every possible point" Zane replied

and so, everyone began to look at every pupil who was talking to their other classmates, or even just eating. but the area seemed safe

they would also check the classrooms or other rooms of the school, but unfortunately the recreation was over, and it was time to go back to class

"At the end of school, we're going to hide behind in the courtyard, and when everyone is gone, we'll go inside looking for evidence, okay?" Lloyd said, getting up from the table

everyone accepted, and soon went to their classes. this time it was that of chemistry

and the hydroelectric couple was quite exhilarated, or at least, Jay was for sure

he had always liked topics like chemistry, it was an interesting concept to know. and also his favorite school subject to be honest

when Jay entered the classroom with Nya, Cole and Lloyd, he was immediately surprised to find next to his place his dear and very nice new friend, Carlos

"Oh look, the four-eyed and his yaaang came.." Carlos said, thinking of making fun of them, but Jay hearing them calling Nya his Yang made him vibrate with love more and more at realization

he preferred to ignore him, and follow his girlfriend, sitting next to each other

the professor had now arrived, forcing everyone to sit down, and now the continuous looks from top to bottom on Jay, began to be frequent

but he was not very knowledgeable, because of his attention focused on the lesson or on Nya. and not that he also tried to give attention to a bunch of kids

but they had noticed that he was ignoring them, so they made it practically impossible for him not to notice them..

"psst nerd" but this time, after yet another try to distract him, he could not resist, and they succeeded in their intent. he looked into the bench to his right, with a small frown of annoyance present

"what?" he said dryly, though slowly so as not to be heard

"Do you remember what you said about me before? in the corridor?" his fist under his own chin

"yeah, I don't have halzaimer yet" Jay provoked, nothing he had never already done

"Are you in the mood to joke, huh?" Carlos gritted his teeth, feigning a very annoying laugh to Jay's ears "I wouldn't be so cheeky if I were in your shoes" he tried to threaten, but slipped over Jay's indifferent skin

this time he got closer to Jay "I'll make you pay, gordon" and in an instant, Jay felt floating in the void for a few seconds, only feeling immediately grieved and on the ground

the class immediately turned to him, some laughing and others worried about the situation. Carlos had pulled the chair and dropped Jay to the ground.

"oh god, Ja- Jason! are you okay??" Nya immediately noticed, getting up from her seat and soon helping him get up. and obviously worried, Cole and Lloyd also got up and joined them

"for God's sake, what happened here?" the professor approached his bench

Jay looked at the professor, and then changed the direction of his gaze towards Carlos. he was feigning worry, but a pinch of smile came out, and Jay realized. he got up and put the chair back on it

"nothing, nothing happened.. I just fell out of my chair" Jay didn't even know why he didn't say it right away, but he felt there would be a reason later

"I always say don't play those stupid games with chairs! what if you had broken your head by falling? ah, kids.." he kept flickering, even though he was already making his way back to his desk and blackboard "get back in place, please"

lloyd was returning to his place, and so was Cole, but the suspicious look at Carlos was inevitable, and when he looked back at him with a satisfied smile, Cole knew it would become unbearable

Jay sat down, with Nya checking on him, but he soon reassured her, only to return to look out of the corner of his eye at his new hindrance

he also understood that Carlos would continue until he gave up.. but Jay is tough enough, and nothing about his gestures will really make him lose his mind-

a strong bang made the floor shake

the Ninja's plan has just been destroyed

because Garmadon had decided to attack much earlier than they had planned...

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro