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sorry for the absence in this book, but the ideas were very few .. anyway, here you are the fifth chapter! (Ps. I'm really bad with the details of fights..)


"Jay.. I-" she tried to reassure him, but an attack on ninjago, stopped her first

she looked up, as she released a puff. every time she would try to spend time with her friend Jay, everyone or everything would interrupt her, and it became more and more nerve-wracking for her..

"we'll talk about it later.. now let's kick Garmadon's ass!" Nya changed the subject, and helped Jay get up from the ground

"o-okay!.." he was not very convinced, but with her help he got up, and they ran to their lockers, soon finding the other members of the team as well


"ahh.. that cake filled me!" Jay said as he raised his arms in the air to stretch, and then put an arm over Nya's shoulders

"filled? I'm still grumbling! listen!" Cole said as he pointed to his stomach

"come on Cole! you ate three slices of cake! how can you still be hungry?" Jay was always more surprised of the Cole's stomach "and then you didn't say that your body was a temple?" he recalled, as a smirk grew on everyone's face but Cole

"oh shut up!" Cole responded, giving an elbow into Jay's stomach

"ow!" Jay said, holding back a laugh

"When will you stop bothering each other?" Kai asked, continuing to walk, without even turning around

Jay and Cole exchanged a look of reflection, and then looked in front of them again

"never, I guess" Jay replied

"yes, probably never" Cole agreed

"guys.. What do we do? Zane? are you done?" Lloyd changing the subject

"yes, I found three boys with Jay's name" Zane replied, recalling his analysis

"Okay, but can you see their faces?" Nya asked, approaching Zane

"no.. but we still have the names, the date of birth and the provenance"

"how do we figure out which one is the right?" Cole asked

"we have to get into the school" Lloyd replied

"but when they find out we're not registered, they'll kick us out" Cole said

"fair point.." Lloyd looked at the lawn below them

"we could wait until the end of the lessons and- " Nya's voice became more and more nothing from the sudden sound of propellers

"them again!" Kai said, looking at the sky

"they are heading to school!" Jay said alarmed

"Even if this is not our ninjago, we must save it anyway!" Lloyd said, automatically making everyone put on the hoods

"NINJAAAA - GO!" they all yelled

and with their Spinjitzu, they went to the school, which was now within walking distance

when they arrived in front of the school, they heard screams from inside, and saw teens running away from the school terrified

but before they could all escape, Jay stopped a random boy from his arm, trying to ask him information

"Calm down! who are those helicopters on the sky?" Jay asked him, as the boy wriggled from his grip

"GARMADON!" the boy replied, being left by Jay, and then continued to run for his life

"it was really garmadon then.." Lloyd was shocked

"THE NINJA!" they heard voices, so they turned thinking they were referring to them. but then they noticed the teens were looking elsewhere and not them

they followed everyone's gaze, seeing that all the students' eyes were on the roof of the school. catching a glimpse of six people above it

"Are they the boys of yesterday?" Kai asked, continuing to look at them confused

"and apparently they are 'ninjas' like us" Cole said bewildered

"and.. from what we understand, among them, there is a Jay.." Nya was connecting some clues

"what should we do? apparently this ninjago already has its ninjas" Kai pointed that figures

"could we collaborate? maybe help them?" Lloyd proposed, also in doubt

"We don't even know what's going on!" Jay began to panic

"Let's follow those ninjas, then we'll see what to do, okay?" Lloyd devised a plan, and everyone agreed with him


"Okay, Garmadon is back here for, probably, the tenth time in a week. but, we are stronger! ready secret ninja force?" Lloyd tried to encourage them

when he became the leader of the team in these moments, he felt brave more than ever, and listened to. all this always charged him with adrenaline

soon, they jumped off the roof, magically finding themselves on their Mechs, which had just driven and automatically parked under their school

Jay's Mech was back on track, and ready for more new battles, however always paying attention to the Mech's resistance, and the blows it would receive, after the accident that had happened

"Jay and I would go up, against the helicopters. Nya and Zane you will go to the left, near the sea. Kai and Cole on the right, you will bring the citizens to safety, and then you will follow us" the leader ordered, and soon they split up and carried out the task

"well" Jay watched 'The Ninjas' guide their Mechs "how should we help them?"

"first of all, we have to get noticed by them" Lloyd was thinking "so we could fight against these strange enemies dressed as sharks"

"let's split then. we'll see each other here again" Cole advised, and so they did

Jay and Nya headed right, Kai and Zane left, and Lloyd and Cole went straight


I do not understand .. First, why are there helicopters that launch crabs? and.. why should there be a Jay in that group? it could be a coincidence or-

"Jay, stay focused, we have to find some bad guys and-" and before she could finish her sentence, a guy with a.. transparent ball in his head?.. it doesn't matter- he tried to attack her from behind

"Nya, look out!" I shouted, but I automatically stepped forward, pushing Nya back, and haggling his spear with my kusarigama

I threw the spear out of his hands and punched him under his chin. and while he was distracted, I skillfully knelt down, stretched my leg and dragged it to his feet, causing him to fall off his back

seeing him on the ground, I was able to turn around, I looked for Nya, and I noticed that other of these guys were coming in our direction

"And you would be?" a woman with a crab as a helmet came out into the rubble

"new ninjas? Argh! wasn't six enough?!" another with a puffer fish on his head said

these bad guys or love the sea .. or have problems.. well.. not that I can talk about it..

we quickly took back our weapon as we saw that other of them approached us

"Sorry, but we are the ninjas" I quickly released an electric shock, as one was running against me

Nya then followed my example, transferring water from a fire hydrant, which was near her, and pushing them back again

"great job!" I complimented nya, as we shared a smile under our masks. she is so beautiful when she fights.. she's just so spontaneous and-

I felt a grip on the ankle, it made me shudder, as I felt the squeeze stronger and stronger, until I then felt this grip pull. I was about to look down, but only felt the air enter my mask, when then I saw black

I recovered immediately, and I turned with my head, while I put my elbows on the ground to keep me up

I saw the same guy with the transparent ball on his head, but it looked chipped this time.. probably the fall of before

I shifted my gaze to my ankle, his still squeezing me, and the grip was starting to hurt as he pointed my nails at my skin

I loaded the leg to kick him, but before I could do that a.. lightning.. made him let go, fainting

how is this possible?.. the sky is literally the most serene I have ever seen!.. where that lightning came from!

"Jay? are you alright?" I felt Nya's grip on my back. I looked at her briefly amazed, and then I looked at the sky again

I was about to ask her if she had also seen the lightning with her own eyes, but then we saw something that was sticking

I'm sure she saw this too, and I had confirmation as I turned to see her face, which seemed quite baffled..

she helped me get up from the ground. my head hurts.. probably the blow of the fall had hurt me.. but I was fine after all, not one of the strongest pains I've ever had.

something landed next to us. I weakly managed to see it stop, as my vision had blurred for a few seconds .. but then, I saw what it was

it's the same Jet of yesterday! it's even more beautiful than when I saw it!

also because the first time I saw it was destroyed ... but fixed it is much better!

maybe some changes in front, fix the engines and- .. not the time, Jay.

"are you all fine?" a voice came out of the jet, also getting the pilot out of it

he approached us quietly, waiting for answers, and I remember well to have already seen him..

"oh yes! great. you are..?" Nya asked, her suspicious face under her mask

"huh? oh... I-I'm sorry guys, secret information" stuttered the small boy in front of us

"but why do you have clothes similar to mine?" the figure in blue then asked me, suspicious

"for the thousandth time" I indicated my suit "this are called gi. and even ours is a secret information.." I spat, not really convinced of my last sentence, and in fact, Nya looked at me confused

"um.. o-okay.. I have to go now.. the job call" he was walking back to his Jet


I may have unintentionally removed the mask from his faces, revealing his messy brown hair

I held his mask in my hand, as he frozen and put his hands in his face to cover himself

I looked at Nya for understanding, but she was more than shocked for what had just happened

I don't even know why I did it, it was just all so fast

"I'm so sorry bud! I really didn't- uhm.. hold it, take back your hood-"

but when he turned to us, we could find out all his facial features

His young facial features

his big shocked hazel eyes

and his many freckles

"oh god!" he began "you-you two didn't have to know who I was!.. and now!? what d-do I do?.. what do I do with you two?!" he was rambling

and WHAT DOES IT MEAN BY 'what do I do with you two'!?

"look dude.. don't worry! we wouldn't say-"

"I'll t-take you to the base, and I'll know what to do then with the others" he interrupted me

"don't even think about it, boy! you won't get us anywhere!" Nya said defensively

but before we could react, I felt my head sooo much lighter..

I heard a thud, and the last thing I saw was Nya

she also fainted on the ground

I tried to reach her with my hand

but then my eyelids had become heavier and heavier, and I saw black soon after

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