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"the school!" they all said but Zane

but then other thoughts took the smile off their faces

"But which school? there will be millions!" Jay said, throwing his arms into the air, frustrated

"I hadn't thought about it.." Cole realized

"there will be a school more famous than the others?.." Nya asked, trying to find a solution

"I can search" Zane said, and then begin researching in his head

a few seconds later, he actually found something

"the most famous school in this ninjago is the high ninjago school" Zane informed

"what a fantasy name.." Kai ironically sais

"it's not time to think about names, let's go, and find out how we can get home" Lloyd simply said

they walked out of Jay and Nya's shared room in the motel, and soon started looking for this school

"it should be this" Zane said, stopping everyone else behind him

"you could have warned before.." Jay complained

"but there is no one.." Kai said

"Of course, they're doing lessons now" Lloyd said "have you really never gone to school?" Lloyd asked, raising an eyebrow

"spoke who at twelve years old should still go to school" Kai said, with his arms folded

but Lloyd didn't answer, he just looked at him badly, while Kai giggled alone

"I went to elementary school.. but then my dad took me out of school to go to a dance school" Cole answered Lloyd's question

"I also did elementary school, but then children started bullying me, and my parents preferred to take me out of school" Jay also replied

"I didn't have enough money at the time, so I couldn't get me and Nya to go to school either" Kai said

"I was created with everything I needed to know, and more.. I don't think I need school"

"well but you need school to make friends!" Jay said, trying to lift the mood again "and maybe we could make friends with these alleged ninjas"

"it's already a lot if we find them" Nya said, down jay's hope

"But we can try.." Lloyd said, and then looked at Zane again "can you see the project of this school?"

"Why?" Cole asked

"because so we can enter in the points where there should be no one, without problems"

and Cole Just nodded

"I don't know if I can find the project.. but I can see if there is heat, before someone discover us" Zane suggested

"okay, this work better" Lloyd accepted, and then put his green hood of his gi over his head. and the others then followed his gesture

Zane activated his viewer that highlights the heat, and then he was followed

he hadn't seen anyone nearby, so they walked around the schoolyard, looking for those ninjas... but then they realized one thing..

"guys.. but we have no clue of who they may be.." Cole reflected, stopping everyone from that little mission

"crap, cole has a point" Kai snorted

everyone looked for a few seconds at the lawn below them for any idea.. and then it actually came one

"wait.." Jay said, attracting everyone's attention "Do you remember when that gray ninja said my name? maybe, if it's really the name of the pilot, we can look for all the Jays of this school?"

"you're right!" Lloyd said "well.. of course it will take some time, but I think it can work"

"But how do we know where this hypothetical Jay might be?" Nya asked

"that's not a problem, I can hack in the school computer. and from there, I can read the logs with all the marked pupils" Zane said

"it will take a long time then.. how about cake?" Cole proposed excited

"definitely yes! we haven't had the first meal more imp-"

"okay Jay, we get it. let's go look for a cake shop" Kai interrupted Jay


they were in class, during the most boring hour of all.. mathematics

Cole was focused on not waking up, while sleeping in the bench with his beloved headphones

Zane instead, as a good student that he is, listened to the lesson

while the others tried not to imitate Cole in sleeping

but Jay, had more to think about

he has a crush. a HUGE crush on a girl sitting next to him

the Kai's sister.. Nya smith

he looked at her dreamily, without excluding the red cheeks, hidden by his beloved orange scarf

beloved? of course, it was Nya's gift for his birthday

he cared so much, and he would take it next to him even in the middle of summer

he looked at her, as he noticed her ocean-blue eyes

her eyes were the one he loved most about her, he could think about her eyes for days

her fleshy lips, colored by a light red lipstick

and her long black hair, in a simply hairtail with a fringe and two free strands lying in her shoulders.. just perfect. she always left him speechless

but before Jay could continue to dream about Nya, someone else woke him up

"Walker? WALKER?" the teacher in front of frightened him, almost causing him to fall from his chair

obviously making the rest of the class laugh.. and waking up Cole with the sudden bang of the chair

"y-yes?" Jay hid under his scarf from the shame

"Are you listening to the lesson?"

"I'm s-sorry miss Ellis" the laughter made him feel uncomfortable more than he was before

"and for what you comes to school then, Walker?"

"they oblige us" one student, from the school's football team, said, making the class laugh twice as much

"I didn't give you permission to speak, Richards " she scolded

"now, please listen to the lesson, Walker" she said looking back to Jay

"y-yes, i'm sorry.." Jay apologized looking at his hands in embarrassment

"you all should be like your classmate, Julien. he is a perfect student" she boasted Zane

and she kept doing it, but Jay wasn't listening, but instead trying to calm the ongoing panic attack

he remembered his mother teaching on the breath

he exhaled and inspired, actually managing to calm down. but then someone else sought his attention

thinking it was again the teacher, he looked frantically in front of him, but it was not her

"psst.. Jay!"

"huh?" Jay said confused

"Jay, are you okay?" Nya asked him, occasionally looking if the teacher wasn't looking at them

"oh um yes! y-yeah.." he was anxious more than usual, not very often it happened that they spoke.. and when it happened, Jay was a complete tomato... obviously red

"are you sure?" Nya requested worriedly, but before he could answer her, a note flew to Jay's desk

his hazel eyes looked strangely at the orange note

it was all crumpled and in some parts torn

he looked at it for a few seconds. Nya was also looking at that note confused, and then Jay again

he opened it, and with his time, he read it

everything was normal, but then Jay's eyes widened, worrying Nya

"what's written?" she asked whispering

but he, instead, raised his left arm, and then called the teacher's attention

"c-c-can I go to the bathroom?" Jay asked, as his chest moved faster

"you weren't even listening" the teacher mumbled, not really interested, only to turn back to the board

Jay took the opportunity and ran away from the classroom, but nevertheless did not go to the bathroom.. but well, behind the schoolyard

all he needed in these moments was air

that he felt missing every time he remembered what was written on the note, which he squeezed on his right hand

he was curled up against the wall, his head resting on his knees, while his arms hid his face

he wept, as he clenched his teeth and tried to breathe

every time he wondered why he should have all these anxiety problems, he didn't think he deserved all this

the more he thought, and more his knuckles turned white as he squeezed the fist, and his nails were hurting him, but it was his only remedy to try to not fill the pain in his chest

but then a touch over his hand frightened him, thus making him unlock his fists

"Jay, don't worry, it's me" he thought it was an angel who had called him, but then noticed Nya.. confirming that he was thinking an Angel

"I got worried and I followed you" Nya said, as she sat on the ground, next to him

the fact that they were practically attached made him blush tremendously

"t-thanks Nya.. but i'm fine" Jay tried not to make her worry

"what was written?"

"what?" Jay asked confused

"in the note" Nya said, letting go of a slight giggle after seeing his cute confused face

"o-oh.." his face was no longer confused, but sad

now, Nya, has a confused expression.. what was so serious about that little piece of paper?

"jay.." Nya said, trying to get his attention "can I read it?" she softly asked

Jay simply gave the little piece of paper to Nya, inevitably touching Nya's hand, and blushing like a mad

Nya smiled, and then went back to the little piece of paper that was now on her palm

she wasted no time and opened it

she could only have her eyes wide open too.

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