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Today was the first day Addison and Jacob would be filming together. Their first scene took place at school, where Nicole's character, Aisha, was showing her around her new school. 

"And this is the math wing, everyone's least favorite part of the school." Aisha said, earning a laugh from Teagan. It was Teagan Jones first day at West Valley High, and Aisha was assigned to be her tour guide. The two got along great as they walked through the various halls of the school. "So, what's the big thing at this school that every kid is into? Teagan asked. "Believe it or not, karate." Aisha said. "Karate? Really? That's so old school." Teagan said, surprised by her answer. Aisha shrugged. "Yeah, me and a couple friends started doing it last year and it just kinda spiraled throughout the school. We had an incident on the first day that thankfully you missed. Someone got seriously hurt and a few kids got suspended, but everything's back to normal, at least for now." Aisha said. "Interesting. You'll have to tell me about it sometime." Teagan said. 

"Hey if you're looking for something to do after school to keep yourself busy, you should join our karate dojo. It'll be a great way for you to make friends, get a good workout and it's a lot of fun. Our sensei's tough, but he's really not that bad if you get on his good side, and the life lessons he teaches are great." Aisha said. "Yeah I don't really know if karate is my style. Might have to pass on the offer." Teagan said. "Oh come on! I didn't think it was my style either until I tried it. It has taught me a lot and I've made a lot of friends through it. People that I've been going to school with for years but never talked to are now some of my closest friends. Just give it a shot, see if you like it." Aisha tried convincing Teagan. Teagan sighed and thought about it for a moment. "I guess I'll give it a try, what do I have to lose. New school, new me I suppose." Teagan said. "There ya go! I can pick you up after school and you can come to class tonight if you want." Aisha offered. "Sounds good!" Teagan said with a smile. 

Aisha showed Teagan to her locker so she could put some of her stuff in it. Once she was done she began to turn around so Aisha could show her to her first class, when she bumped into someone. "Hey, watch where you're going!" The person that she bumped into said in a rude tone. She looked up to see a tall boy with a bright red mohawk standing in front of her. "Watch where you're standing." She fired back. The boy was about to say something else, when Aisha interrupted. "Calm down Hawk, she's new here, take it easy on her." Aisha defended Teagan. "Figures. Most people at this school know not to talk back to me." Hawk responded cockily. Teagan was taken aback by his rude demeanor, but couldn't help herself from snapping back at him, once again. "What are they scared of, that ridiculous haircut you have?" Teagan said. Aisha laughed at her comment, but Hawk was not amused. "Watch your back, princess." Hawk said, and turned to walk away. 

Teagan was shocked at how rude he was to her, but for some reason it intrigued her. She had always liked the bad boy type, and although she made a joke about his appearance, there was no denying she thought he was attractive. "So is he that rude to everyone or?" Teagan asked Aisha as she walked her to class. "He can be an asshole, but he's not bad once you get used to him. Don't let him get to you, but props to you for standing up to him, most kids don't." Aisha said. "Well I'm not scared of some guy who looks like he dumps 10 pounds of hair dye and gel in his hair every morning." Teagan said. They both laughed at her comment before parting ways. 

After school Aisha picked Teagan up and they headed to karate. Once they pulled in Teagan looked up at the sign. "Cobra Kai?" She asked. Aisha nodded. "Best karate dojo in the valley, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She said sternly, getting out of the car. Teagan followed her inside, and was instructed by Aisha to take her shoes off before stepping on the mat. Aisha introduced her to Miguel, Mitch and Tory as they all sat on the floor together, stretching. Tory and Teagan hit it off instantly. Tory was badass, which Teagan really liked. She knew this girl was going to be her best friend. 

After minutes of stretching and conversing, the door opened and Teagan looked up at the sound of the bell ringing. Her face dropped when she saw the jerk with the red mohawk from school walk in. Teagan nudged Aisha from beside her. "You didn't tell me HE was in this class!" Teagan said. Aisha shrugged. "You didn't ask!" Teagan sighed and went back to her stretching, trying to avoid him, but he came right over to the group and sat down with them. "El serpiente's! What's u-" He began to say, but paused when his eyes landed on Teagan. "What are YOU doing here?" He shot at Teagan in a rude tone. "I invited her to join karate, is there a problem?" Aisha asked Hawk. He just laughed and said "You think SHE'S Cobra Kai material?" 

Teagan looked at him with an annoyed expression. "What's the matter? Scared I'll kick your ass in front of all your posies?" Teagan asked. She knew she was getting ahead of herself, seeing as she's never been in any sort of fight before or taken a karate class, but she didn't care. She just wanted to shut him up. The whole group "ooo'd" in unison. Hawk just looked at her with a blank expression. "We'll see about that, princess." Hawk said. Just as she was about to respond, she heard a loud "QUIET!" from behind the group. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the man who yelled, their sensei. 

Once everyone was standing in rows, Aisha introduced Teagan to sensei Lawrence. To Aisha's surprise, he didn't make any sort of rude comment or anything towards her, just welcomed her. The class lasted about an hour, and mainly consisted of simple drills. Teagan had a great time and learned a lot in a short amount of time. At the end of class, everyone formed a big rectangle around the mat, and sensei asked what 2 students wanted to fight to wrap up class. Hawk offered almost immediately, stepping into the middle. "Who else?" Sensei Lawrence asked. Teagan kept her eyes down, obviously not wanting to fight. She looked up just as Hawks gaze was meeting hers. "How about you, princess? Didn't you say something about kicking my ass earlier? Or are you just all talk?" He asked. Teagan felt her cheeks get hot as he singled her out. She was about to step forward to avoid humiliation of chickening out, when Tory stepped in for her. "I'll fight you." She said. Hawk looked at Teagan and sent a smirk her way. 

When their match was over, everyone grabbed their things and headed out. Teagan and Aisha said bye to Tory and Miguel as they got into the car. "So, how did you like it?!" Aisha asked. "I liked it a lot, actually. I'll definitely come back!" Teagan said. Aisha clapped her hands in excitement. "See I told you!" She said. Teagan laughed. "Yeah, and I really liked your friends, especially Tory, but Hawk..." Teagan trailed off. "I promise he'll get better once he warms up to you. Honestly, he's probably just showing off." Aisha admitted. "By being a dick?" Teagan asked. Aisha shrugged. "He has a weird way of doing things. Don't let him get to you." 



"And cut!" The director yelled. We just finished filming episode 2, aka me and and Jacobs first episode together, and it went amazing!! Everyone is so good at acting, and I can already tell it's making me a better actress. "Nice work Addi!" Jacob said from behind me. My heart fluttered as I heard him use my nickname, and I turned around and smiled as he was leaning in to give me a hug. "You too! That was awesome!" I said. "It really was, you killed it!" He said. "That was all you! It's weird seeing you be mean though, I'm not used to it." I said. "Should I start being mean to you then?" Jacob sarcastically asked. "Maybe..." I replied and we both laughed. 

Me, Jacob, Peyton, Mary, Hannah, Nicole, Xolo, Tanner and Gianni went out to dinner once we left set. We got to the restaurant and got seated at a table, Jacob sitting right next to me. Once we ordered we all shared stories about our filming day. "You guys should've seen me and Addison's scenes today, she freaking killed it!" Jacob said towards Mary, Hannah, Xolo and Tanner, who weren't in our scenes. I blushed and said "So did you! What makes you such a good actor is how you're so different from your character, yet you play him so well. It's incredible, Jacob." I said. He thanked me and gave me a bright smile as I smiled back. We stayed like that for a few seconds before Xolo interrupted. "Okay enough flirting kids, not at the dinner table." We immediately looked away and I could feel my cheeks heating up. We changed the subject and started talking about other scenes that were filmed today. 

After dinner we all headed back to our apartments, exhausted from the day. I got ready for bed and got under the covers, ready for a good nights sleep. I was setting my alarm for the morning, when I got a text from Jacob. 

jacob bertrand: you really killed it today addi, i can't wait to keep filming with you :) sleep well, see you in the morning. 

I smiled at the text and responded.

addison young: right back atcha! goodnight :)

A/N: Okay this was SO fun to write! I love writing the little interactions with Hawk and Teagan, they're so cute :) Anyways, I'm undecided if I'm gonna go super into detail with the TV show part or if I'm just gonna do a little time skip and cut to the off screen romance sooner rather than later... what do y'all think? Should I do a bunch of little scenes like I just wrote but take a while longer to get to the good stuff, or should I just do "time skip" and fast forward a couple months to when Jacob and Addison are getting really close? Up to y'all, I wanna hear your thoughts! 

Also, as you can tell, in my story Aisha still goes to school with them and does Cobra Kai, Tory didn't get expelled from school, just suspended, and Miguel is recovered and back in karate. SORRY THAT'S A LOT, just wanted to clarify! 

I'm going on vacation on Sunday, but I'll *try* to get another update out before I leave! 

K bye love you MWAH <<3

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