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Jayden, Nathan, and Dan entered the house, greeted by an unexpected sight in the kitchen – the twins' mom, Deb Scott.

"Hey, check it out," Deb smirked, gesturing toward the counter. "It's called dinner."

"Who is that?" Dan inquired, looking at Jayden. "Is that my wife?"

"It appears to be that way," Jayden confirmed, walking over to hug his mother. "Hi, Mom."

"Hi, honey," Deb greeted, embracing her oldest twin. Despite their historically strong connection, recent work commitments had strained their bond.

"I thought you weren't making it home until Monday?" Dan questioned.

As the family of four caught up, Nathan mentioned the urgency of heading to his game.

"I'm late for warmups, Mom," he remarked.

"Oh, come on, sit," Deb insisted. "I haven't seen you for weeks."

"I can't, I've got to go," Nathan replied. "Don't wait up."

Before Nathan departed, Dan made a quick remark. "He can't shoot if he doesn't have the ball," he said, watching Nathan exit.

"What is he talking about?" Deb asked Jayden, slightly confused.

"It's complicated, Mom," Jayden sighed. "I gotta go, I have a date with Mikayla."

As Jayden prepared to leave, Dan couldn't resist making a jeering comment about Mikayla, whom he considered to be "biker trash." Jayden seethed at the remark but chose to remain silent, unwilling to escalate the situation.


"Dammit, this is a team game!" Whitey bellowed. "Not a Chinese fire drill!"

"Scott, you both are playing selfish!" He continued. "Get out there and pretend you know each other!"

"Yeah, like that shit's gonna happen." Issac scoffed, as they broke the huddle and went back to the game.

"Let's just get it together." Troy sighed, he wasn't happy with how the team was performing tonight. Selfishly and not like a team at all. It was extremely frustrating.

The game trudged on, marked by a conspicuous lack of teamwork with nobody passing the ball.

Tim advanced with the ball, navigating the court in search of an opening for Nathan in the post. However, facing a relentless double team, Nathan remained elusive.

Troy, stationed by the three-point line and increasingly frustrated, vociferously called for the ball. "Tim! I'm open!" he shouted, attempting to capture his teammate's attention.

His plea went unheeded as Tim persisted with his dribble.

Suddenly, a breakthrough – Nathan freed himself, hurtling towards the net as Tim finally made the pass. The ball, though not reaching Nathan, found its way to Lucas, who seamlessly scored a layup.

"Oh! A cross-court pass to Lucas Scott for the basket!"

In the ensuing disagreement, Nathan's frustration surfaced. "What was that?" he demanded, his tone edged with anger as Tim hesitated.

"Nate! Shut the hell up and get back on defense!" Troy interjected, striving to maintain composure amid the brewing tension.

Post-game, Nathan seethed with frustration. His strategy of preventing Lucas from getting the ball had failed, leaving him anticipating Dan's disappointment, and realizing that Lucas might pose a more significant challenge than he had initially thought.

Jordan chimed in, "Hey, man, why not invite Lucas to your party after the game? Whole team's invited."

Nathan's immediate response was a resolute "What? No. Not happening."

Troy, growing tired of the tension, interjected, "Nate, this is ridiculous. He's part of the team whether you like it or not. It's gonna be a long season, so you might as well deal with it."

Nathan nodded in reluctance. However, he had other plans in mind with Lucas's arrival to his beach house that night.


As Peyton sped down the road to the beach house for the party, the atmosphere inside the car was a mix of excitement and sheer terror.

Brooke, gripping the door handle tightly, exclaimed, "I swear, every time I ride with you, I promise I won't do it again!"

Reagen, looking visibly alarmed, chimed in, "Jesus Christ, Peyton!"

Meanwhile, Kayla, who seemed to be on the verge of motion sickness, added with a hint of queasiness, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

As the car finally screeched to a halt at Nathan's beach house, Kayla turned to Peyton and declared, "Alright, I need your keys."

Peyton, with a smirk, responded, "Okay, Ms. 'I don't trust your driving.'" She handed over the keys, relinquishing control after the nerve-wracking ride.

Tim, ever the instigator, piped up, "Peyton, you gotta tell him Lucas had the better shot. You saw it, right?"

Brooke rolled her eyes at Tim's attempt at stirring the pot. "Tim, are you being pathetic?"

Reagen chimed in, agreeing with Brooke. "I think he is being pathetic."

Jordan, catching on to the tension, teased, "Let me guess, Peyton almost killed you all?"

Peyton shot him a playful glare, retorting, "Shut up," which was met with amused smirks from the group.

Jayden, seizing the opportunity to add his two cents, remarked with a grin, "Funny, she did that to me once too." Peyton playfully hit Jayden, and Nathan shot his twin a disapproving look, convinced that Jayden was hitting on Peyton.

A red truck emblazoned with the words "Keith Scott Body Shop" pulled up, catching the attention of the group.

"What's he doing here?" Tim questioned, his tone carrying a hint of accusation.

"I invited him," Nathan smirked, though Troy sensed that his friend had more than mere hospitality in mind for their unexpected guest.

"Okay, what are you trying to pull? You weren't so thrilled about him coming an hour ago." Troy inquired, prompting Nathan's dismissive response, "Nothing."

As Lucas stepped out of the truck, accompanied by Haley, the girl who had been tutoring Troy for the past few weeks, Tim couldn't resist a tease. "Oh, shit, Troy, it's your girlfriend."

"Shut up, Tim," Troy retorted, rolling his eyes as he made his way over to Haley.

Nathan, with a hint of uncertainty, remarked, "Wasn't sure you'd come."

Lucas, dryly, responded, "That makes two of us."

Nathan extended a hand. "Hi, I'm Nathan Scott."

Haley shook it, saying, "Yeah, I know, I'm Haley."

"So I've heard," Nathan quipped, maintaining his cool demeanor.

Troy, observing the interaction, stepped in, "Bro, stop interrogating her. Hey, Haley, didn't know you were invited."

"Hey, Troy," Haley greeted with a shy smile. "You get your practice test done?"

"We're at a party, and the first thing you ask is about school?" Troy chuckled. "Yeah, it's done."

Haley laughed, a bit more at ease in the presence of her crush. Meanwhile, Reagen observed the exchange, her expression revealing a mix of lingering feelings for Troy and a growing dislike for Haley.

Nathan extended his hand towards Kayla with a charming smile. "Hi. I'm Nathan Scott," he introduced himself, prompting Kayla to shake his hand, though with a hint of confusion evident in her expression. "Um, yeah, What's all this?" she queried, her curiosity piqued.

"Just being a good host," Nathan replied, a smirk playing on his lips as he noticed Kayla's bemusement. Sensing her hesitation, he inquired, "Something wrong?"

Kayla quickly reassured him with a smile, "No, no, it's fine," before joining Nathan and Lucas as they made their way inside the beach house.

Inside the beach house, the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation. Nathan, Peyton, Brooke, and Troy gathered in a room, exchanging enthusiastic remarks about the upcoming evening.

"Tonight's gonna be great," Brooke exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Troy nodded in agreement, adding, "I could use this after the week I've had."

Just then, Jayden emerged from the house, brandishing a beer in hand, and announced to everyone, "Keg in the back!"

At the mention of this, a crowd of drunk teenagers followed Jayden to the back of the house.

Brooke approached Troy, Peyton, and Nathan, along with Jordan and Reagan, who were standing elsewhere in the room, holding a newspaper in her hand. "Have you guys seen this?" she asked, her tone filled with intrigue.

Reagan shook her head, indicating she hadn't seen it before. Brooke continued, "The High School Fearleader. It's a comic strip." After a brief pause, she expressed her concern, "Wait, this is insulting, right?"

Jordan attempted to reassure Brooke, "Brooke, it's a comic strip, relax."

Brooke remained skeptical, questioning, "Really, what guy keeps his hat on during sex?" Nathan's gaze shifted towards Peyton, his expression betraying his thoughts.

Troy chimed in with curiosity, "I wonder?"

Brooke redirected the conversation, "Who is this socky person anyway?"

Nathan, still fixated on Peyton, mused, "Yeah, I wonder."

Kayla interjected, attempting to dismiss the issue, "It's just a stupid comic strip. Who cares, right?"

Brooke disagreed, criticizing the strip, "It's more like sucky. Whoever it is doesn't know the first thing about it. It's like so..."

Lucas finished her sentence, "Shallow?"

Peyton glanced at Lucas, then diverted the topic, asking, "Where's the keg?"

Jordan offered to accompany her, saying, "In the back, I'll follow you."


As Dan passed by Jayden's room, he noticed Deb inside and stepped in, concerned. "You okay?" he inquired gently.

Deb sighed, expressing her frustration, "He used to ask before he put stuff up. Now...I've been gone so long I don't even know what he's interested in."

Dan's tone carried a hint of disapproval as he responded, "Well, nothing's changed really. Football, at the garage."

Deb pressed further, concerned about Nathan, "What about Nathan?"

Dan replied succinctly, "Basketball."

Observing Dan's focus on sports rather than their son's well-being, Deb paused before continuing, "He talks to you, Dan. How's he been doing? How's Jayden been doing?"

Dan admitted, "Well, he's holding up considering Whitey's moved him out of his position, but it's probably temporary. As for Jayden, I don't know. I try not to talk to him; he spends more time with that girlfriend of his."

Deb's frustration grew evident as she corrected Dan, "Mikayla...."

Dan acknowledged her correction and continued, "Yeah, her, the biker chick."

Deb, feeling neglected, reminded Dan, "I asked you how they were, not how Nathan's playing. It must be confusing for him with Lucas on the team now. Were we going to talk about that?"

Dan offered reassurance, "I think that's probably temporary too."

Deb pressed further, "You think or you wish?" She then shifted the conversation, mentioning her encounter with Karen at the game, but expressing her lack of interaction with her.

Dan acknowledged her feelings, "I know this is hard on you, Deb."

Deb disagreed, recognizing the strain on Dan and Nathan instead, "No, not really. I think it's harder for you and Nathan."

Deb was also slightly irritated with the way Dan was talking about their other son, why did he seem so frustrated with Jayden?


Back at the beach house, Troy approached Haley, his presence slightly out of place in her usual social circles.

"So, having the time of your life?" Troy joked, trying to ease the tension of their unexpected encounter.

Haley stuttered slightly before responding, "Y-yeah, totally, but I might make like a tree and get out of here?"

Troy chuckled, "Isn't it 'make like a tree and leaf'?"

Haley laughed along, "Okay, but you know what I mean."

Troy acknowledged the unusual setting for Haley, "I know this isn't your typical scene, but it's not so bad, right?" They glanced over to see a drunk Isaac and Jordan singing together.

Haley grinned, "Yeah, maybe for them," her laughter filling the air.

Troy chuckled in agreement, "Alright, I get it," before turning serious, "but seriously, I'm glad you're here, Haley."

Haley couldn't help but feel a pang of affection towards him, but before she could respond, Lucas approached.

"Sup, Lucas?" Troy greeted casually.

Lucas, with a hint of tension in his voice, replied, "Not much, I need to talk to my friend," glaring at Troy, "Can you leave?"

Troy acquiesced, "Uh, sure thing. I'll see you around, Haley," before making his way back to Brooke and Kayla.

As Troy left, Lucas expressed his concern to Haley, "Okay, I get you like the guy, but I don't trust him."

Haley defended Troy, "Why not? He's nice."

Lucas's reply was simple yet firm, "Because he's Nathan's friend, that's all I need to say."

Rolling her eyes, Haley brushed off Lucas's warning, "Whatever, I'm gonna go find one of the eighteen bathrooms in this place."

Lucas suggested they meet back in five minutes, to which Haley nodded in agreement before heading off in search of a bathroom.

Only to be eyed suspiciously by a watchful Reagan, who wasn't a fan of the attention her ex boyfriend was giving the tutor girl.

Later on, Lucas entered the dining room where Brooke, Nathan, Peyton, Troy, Kayla, a sobering Jayden, and a few others were engaged in a game.

"Lucas, come play," Brooke invited him enthusiastically.

Curious, Lucas inquired, "What's the game?"

Brooke explained, "I never..."

Jayden interjected teasingly, "And yet apparently you have."

Brooke shot him a playful glare, "Shut up, Jayden."

Nathan elaborated on the rules, "Alright. So the game is, we all take turns saying things that we've never done, and anybody at the table who has...bam!" He held out a cup.

"Drinks," Lucas completed the sentence, understanding the gist.

Nathan nodded in confirmation, and Lucas took the cup, taking a sip as he joined the game.

Jayden urged, "Alright, let's get started!"

Nathan prompted Reagan to go first, and she offered her statement, "Okay. Lets see. I've never... had sex with anything made out of plastic." Brooke took a sip, eliciting laughter from everyone.

Troy joined in the laughter, teasing Brooke, "Come on, Brooke."

Brooke chuckled, "Okay, my turn. I've never... no, I did that, um..." She laughed at her own failed attempt.

Nathan took his turn, pondering for a moment before saying, "Oh, let's see. Um... I've never... I've never had a dad who wished I was a stain on the bed sheets." The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, broken only by nervous laughter from some.

Peyton and Reagan exchanged a glance, while Troy looked at Nathan in shock, finding his statement too far.

Lucas, angered by Nathan's comment, glared at him before walking over and placing his cup in front of Nathan. "Then you're welcome to mine," he said coldly.

Nathan laughed it off, but Brooke and Peyton exchanged worried looks, concerned about the tension between Nathan and Lucas.

Kayla tried to diffuse the situation, saying to Nathan, "Come on, it's a party."

Troy, feeling uncomfortable with the turn of events, got up to leave, no longer in the mood for the festivities. He had initially been glad that Nathan invited Lucas to the party, hoping it would mend their relationship after Lucas joined the team, but now he couldn't shake the feeling that Nathan was using the gathering to bully Lucas.


Later on, as Kayla headed to the keg to refill her drink, she laughed with her friends until Peyton approached her, clearly having something on her mind, especially concerning her oldest friend.

"Huh? Oh hey, Peyton," Kayla greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, K," Peyton replied, her tone slightly serious.

Kayla sensed the shift in atmosphere and asked, "What's up?"

Peyton hesitated for a moment before broaching the topic that had been weighing on her mind, "How's the tutoring going?"

Kayla's movements halted, her expression faltering momentarily. "You're tutoring Nathan, right?" Peyton asked, her tone gentle yet probing.

Kayla took a deep breath before responding, "Peyton, it's not what you think-"

"It's okay. He tells me everything," Peyton interrupted, her words causing Kayla to pause.

"Yeah. You know, he um... said he needed some help. I thought I'd help him," Kayla explained, trying to justify her actions.

Peyton's concern was evident in her next words, "Maybe you could teach him to stop being such a jackass."

Kayla chuckled, acknowledging the difficulty of the task, "Yeah, that's gonna be a tall order. But I'll make sure to cover it in the lesson plan."

They shared a moment of laughter before Peyton's tone turned serious again, "Just be careful, okay. You're one of my best friends and I don't want you to get hurt."

Confused by Peyton's warning, Kayla asked, "What does that mean?"

Peyton evaded a direct answer, simply stating, "Nothing, just.....be careful."

Realizing the gravity of Peyton's words, Kayla nodded solemnly, "Alright, sure."

With their conversation concluded, they returned to the festivities together.

As Haley made her way to leave the party, feeling somewhat unsettled, Troy noticed her departure and approached her.

"Hey, are you leaving?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Haley sighed, her frustration evident, "Yeah, thanks to your jerk of a best friend."

Troy ran a hand through his hair in exasperation, "Oh my God, what did he do this time?"

"You know, Troy, part of our agreement was you try to get Nathan to back off of Lucas," Haley reminded him pointedly.

Troy sighed, feeling the weight of the situation, "Yeah, and I said I can't control what he does."

Haley's frustration boiled over as she retorted, "Well, maybe you need to tell him to stop being such a jerk!"

With that, Haley left, leaving Troy groaning in frustration as he tried to process the situation.

"Nate, what the hell is your problem?" Troy muttered to himself, feeling the weight of the tension at the party.

Jordan and Jayden approached, with Jordan showing signs of being a little buzzed.

"What's up, Buddy?" Jordan slurred slightly.

Troy shook his head, feeling overwhelmed, "I don't know, this party's become a little much. I might need to get some air."

Jordan, still inebriated, suggested, "How about a drink? It's good for you."

Jayden, more level-headed, chimed in, "Dude, aren't you technically a Dad? Don't you have to get home soon?"

Jordan's eyes widened in realization, "I'm an Uncle! Wait- oh shit! I do need to get home!"

Jayden reassured him, "I'll call someone later, just sit down and take a nap, okay buddy?"

"Yeah, sure thing. Night night," Jordan replied before finding a place to rest.

Troy redirected his focus, asking, "Where's Nathan at?"

Jayden shrugged, replying, "I don't know, I saw him going through my parents' DVDs for whatever reason."

As Isaac, Peyton, and Reagan swung on the porch swing, their drinks in hand, Reagan couldn't help but express her frustration.

"I can't believe Troy's even talking to her, who the hell does she think she is?" she vented, her tone filled with annoyance.

Isaac attempted to calm her down, saying, "Reagan, I think you need to chill, girl."

Peyton chimed in, offering a dose of reality, "Yeah, he broke up with you, maybe you should just, you know, move on?"

Reagan sighed, her voice tinged with sadness, "I just miss him, you know? It's hard seeing Troy talking to other girls."

Isaac tried to offer some perspective, "Well, he did break up with you for a reason."

Suddenly intrigued, Reagan pressed for more information, "And what reason is that?"

Isaac hesitated, realizing he might have said too much, "Fuck, I said too much."

But Reagan was determined, "Isaac, tell me what Troy said."

Peyton interjected, offering some tough love, "You weren't exactly good to him, you know? I love you and everything, but you weren't the best girlfriend to him. And who cares? You can have any guy you want."

Before Reagan could respond, Lucas arrived, interrupting their conversation. Isaac, though not particularly fond of Lucas due to his association with Nathan, kept things cordial.

"He really slammed you," Peyton remarked, acknowledging the tension between Lucas and Troy.

Lucas shrugged off the comment, stating firmly, "I don't care what he thinks."

Peyton echoed his sentiment, "Neither do I."

Lucas challenged her, noticing her continued drinking, "Oh yeah? Then why are you drinking?"

Peyton took another sip, her silence speaking volumes.

As Lucas and Peyton engaged in a tense exchange, the atmosphere grew heavy with unresolved tension.

"So I'm confused. You want to be anonymous...and you let the world watch you on a webcam," Lucas remarked, trying to understand Peyton's motivations.

Peyton's response was tinged with sarcasm, "The world isn't watching me... but I guess you are."

Lucas persisted, trying to grasp her perspective, "Okay, the point is... you want to express yourself but you don't want people to know it's you."

Peyton's self-deprecating remark revealed her inner turmoil, "I guess I'm just a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a bitch."

Lucas offered a different perspective, "Or maybe just a tortured artist."

Peyton, feeling defensive, snapped back, "Look, I don't need you defending me and my work. I don't need you analyzing it or interpreting me either. And in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't need you at all."

Lucas was taken aback by her harsh words, but before he could respond, Isaac intervened, sensing the tension escalating.

"Maybe we should go," Isaac suggested to Reagan, hoping to defuse the situation.

Reagan agreed, "Yeah, let them talk."

As they left, Lucas froze upon hearing his mother's name mentioned in a video playing on the television.

As the video played, showing Karen and Dan as Prom King and Queen, Lucas became increasingly upset.

Troy's confusion mirrored the audience's as he questioned Nathan, "Nathan, what is this?"

Nathan's smirk indicated his lack of remorse as he replied, "It's a comedy."

Jayden began to see between the lines, "Is that Dad?" He asked.

The footage showed Karen and Dan being crowned Prom King and Queen, eliciting laughter from the audience. Karen was asked about the secret to their success, to which Dan jokingly replied, "Good sex!" causing more laughter.

But the mood shifted when Karen was questioned about the possibility of marriage, and she hesitated, uncertain. Brooke and others in the room reacted to the dated hairstyles, but Lucas's attention was fixated on his mother's uncertain response.

"That's my mom," Lucas muttered, his voice filled with hurt and anger.

Nathan, seizing the opportunity to provoke Lucas further, remarked, "At least their dreams came true for one of them, right?"

Lucas's reply was biting, "Yeah, except for the happy part, right?"

Jayden, visibly upset with his brother's callousness, walked out.

Even Issac, who was one of Nathan's good friends knew his friend took a step too far. When someone brings another persons Mom into the conversation, that crossed a line. Especially with someone like Karen.

Feeling a surge of anger, Lucas slammed Nathan against a wall as he walked by. Nathan and his friends laughed, but Brooke and Peyton remained silent, their disapproval evident.

Jayden's frustration reached its peak, and he stormed out of the room, leaving Troy to confront Nathan about his behavior.

"What the actual fuck is your problem?" Troy demanded, his frustration palpable.

Nathan seemed unfazed, responding casually, "What? It was a joke!"

Troy shook his head in disbelief, expressing his disappointment, "You're a real piece of work, you know that? Everything's a joke to you, isn't it?"

Tensions escalated as Tim attempted to mock Troy, resulting in Troy shoving him backwards into a wall.

Troy warned Tim not to touch him before storming out of the room.

As Tim and Nathan continued to laugh, Nathan glanced at Kayla's disappointed expression, but showed no remorse for upsetting Lucas.


Troy walked outside, frustration evident in his demeanor as he sought some fresh air.

Of course Nathan would still go to great lengths like this. He was acting like a child. What was a fun party with their friends turned into something else completely.

He wasn't in the mood for more partying, and since he was sober enough, he decided to go home.

Only to notice Haley wandering around outside.

"I thought you left already?" he remarked, surprised by her presence.

Haley blushed slightly, "Uh, no. Lucas was supposed to drive me back but I can't find him anywhere."

Troy's frustration with Nathan bubbled to the surface, and he leaned in to whisper, "I think I know the reason for that. You were right though, Nathan's a jerk."

Haley agreed, adding, "I think there's a lot of things we can call him."

Troy chuckled, acknowledging her point, "You aren't wrong there. You know, I thought he was finally getting over this stupid rivalry he has with him, but this was just another way of humiliation. He's so infuriating sometimes."

Haley observed, "It's so hard to think you two are best friends when you're so different."

Troy reflected on their long history together, "Yeah, well, we go way back. I've known Nathan for most of my life. We played little league together and travel ball. I guess it just evened out."

Haley laughed at his response, finding some amusement in the situation.

"Well, I don't think Lucas is coming back," Troy remarked, noticing the absence of Haley's ride.

"Great, guess I'm walking," Haley sighed, resigned to her fate.

Troy shook his head, unwilling to let her walk alone, "Here, let me give you a ride."

Haley hesitated, her thoughts racing at the idea of being in a car with her crush. "I-It's not that far," she protested weakly.

Troy insisted, unlocking his Mustang, "Come on, you're not walking. I insist."

Reluctantly, Haley agreed, "Alright fine, but only because you have a nice car."

Troy grinned, adding playfully, "Amongst other things."

Haley couldn't help but giggle as she got into the car, and Troy shut the door behind her, ready to drive her home.


Kayla sat on the railing by the water with her friend, Nathan approached, interrupting their conversation.

"What are you doing out here?" Nathan inquired, his tone softer than usual.

Kayla's friend took the cue to leave, saying, "See you, Kayla."

"Yeah, bye," Kayla replied before turning her attention back to Nathan.

"Yeah, uh, I needed some air. I'll be back inside in a bit," Kayla explained, a hint of defensiveness in her tone.

Nathan seemed sincere as he responded, "Well, I'm glad you stayed. I want to thank you for holding back?"

Confused, Kayla asked, "What do you mean?"

Nathan admitted, "I saw the way you looked at me in the house. I probably deserved it."

Kayla didn't hold back her feelings, telling him bluntly, "You really did, that was really out of line Nate. It's like you don't care how others feel."

Nathan acknowledged his fault with a chuckle, "Alright, I guess I should have held back."

"Yeah, that would have been a nice idea," Kayla retorted sarcastically.

Nathan attempted to make amends, albeit in his own way, "Alright, for you, I'll try to be less of a jerk, sound good?"

Kayla rolled her eyes at his offer but couldn't deny feeling a twinge of flattery. "Sure, whatever," she responded dismissively.

The two of them sat in silence for a moment on the pier, the sound of waves crashing against the shore filling the air. Then, Nathan broke the silence with unexpected vulnerability.

"I don't think I've told anyone this before, but sometimes I think it would be easier if I got kicked off the team," Nathan confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Why would you want that?" Kayla asked, genuinely curious.

Nathan sighed, revealing a side of himself that Kayla hadn't seen before, "Well, you know how my Dad is, sometimes I just think it's easier to just leave. Not have to worry about all the pressure."

Kayla was taken aback by Nathan's revelation. "Wow, th-that's pretty deep. I don't think I've ever heard you say something like that," she admitted, surprised by his openness.

Nathan nodded, admitting, "Yeah, you're the first person I've told."

Kayla felt the weight of Nathan's confession and struggled to find the right words. "Are you expecting advice?" she asked hesitantly.

"I don't know, should I?" Nathan replied, uncertainty lacing his voice.

"I don't even know what to say," Kayla admitted, feeling a mixture of sympathy and confusion.

They sat in companionable silence for a few moments before Nathan spoke again, "So, how about that view? Pretty cool, huh?"

Kayla couldn't help but smile at his attempt to lighten the mood, "Yeah, it's beautiful."

Kayla glanced at her watch, realizing the late hour.

"Shit, I think I should go home," she muttered to herself.

Nathan noticed her concern and offered, "How about I give you a ride?"

Kayla hesitated, "Nate, noβ€”"

But Nathan insisted, "Brooke and Peyton are drunk, Reagan left, and I have no idea where anyone else is. I'll give you a ride."

Feeling a bit flustered, Kayla replied, "Nathan, I'm fineβ€”"

Nathan interrupted, his tone firm, "You're a little high on yourself, aren't you? Going around telling people you're all fine. Look, please, at least take the ride. It's the least I can do."

Reluctantly, Kayla relented, "Okay. Let's go."

Nathan led the way to Peyton's car, and Kayla asked hesitantly, "Are you sure? She's cool with you taking it?"

Nathan waved off her concern, "Yeah, what's the big deal? I'll bring it back."

With a nod, Kayla followed him to the car, where he courteously opened the door for her. They both got in, and Nathan started the engine, driving off into the night.


Haley and Troy pulled up to her house, and Haley pointed it out, saying, "Yeah, this is my house. Um, we're staying here while we renovate the mansion."

Troy shrugged off any implication of showing off, saying, "It's not like I was trying to show off."

Haley couldn't help but tease him, remarking, "Isn't that the popular guy default setting? Sorry."

Troy took a moment before speaking honestly, "Can I be honest with you?"

Haley replied cautiously, "Uh, yeah. I don't know. You tell me."

Troy acknowledged the difficulty of their tutoring arrangement, considering their friendship dynamics, "I know this whole tutoring thing is hard for you, especially considering Lucas is your best friend, and Nathan is mine."

Haley was taken aback by his sincerity, saying, "Wow, uh, thanks."

Troy continued, expressing his gratitude, "And I know this is a risk, but I know you're the best tutor in the school. I know you have no reason to do this, and I know it's just going to complicate things with Lucas. So thanks."

Haley paused, considering his words carefully before responding, "I... Okay. I will, um... thanks Troy. I will get you through the semester. And then you've got to be on your own. I'm serious."

Troy nodded, accepting her terms, "I'll see what I can do."

As they arrived at her house, Troy got out first and opened the door for Haley, walking her to the door.

"You know you don't have to do that, you know," Haley pointed out.

Troy couldn't resist teasing her, eliciting a blush from Haley as he said, "Just being a gentleman."

"Good night, Haley," Troy said as she closed the door behind her.

"Night, Troy," Haley replied softly, watching him return to his car before disappearing into her house, feeling the weight of her crush.

Haley entered her house, feeling a bit flustered from her encounter with Troy. She was immediately greeted by her mom.

"Mom, sorry, I was out with Lucas and I lost track of timeβ€”" Haley began, but her mom cut her off.

"Oh, I don't care about that. Who was that handsome boy who walked you to the door?" Lydia teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Haley rolled her eyes, trying to downplay the situation, "Mom, he's just a kid I'm tutoring."

Lydia continued to tease, raising an eyebrow, "Uh, huh. Just a kid, huh? He seemed quite attentive."

Haley sighed, knowing she wouldn't hear the end of it from her mom, "Mom, seriously, he's just a friend."

Lydia chuckled, clearly enjoying her daughter's discomfort, "Sure, Haley. Just a friend."


Kayla and Nathan pulled up to her and Brooke's house, a big house with a red front door.

"Kayla?" Nathan turned to her as they parked.

"Yeah, Nate?" Kayla replied, her expression serious.

"What I said at the beach... that was a lie," Nathan confessed. "I'm really lucky to have basketball. It's pretty much my shell to everything from here on out. If I lose it, it's over for me."

Kayla responded sincerely, "So, don't lose it."

Nathan sighed, his worries weighing heavily on him, "Well, that's just the thing. With my grades, I'm close to being ineligible to do the one thing that I'm actually good at. It's not just my life, either. It's my dad's, too. It's like he's still got something to prove to Whitey. And if I screw it up, it's gonna destroy him."

Kayla tried to reassure him, "Nathan, your life is your own. Not your Dad's. He shouldn't be this controlling."

Nathan shook his head, frustration evident in his voice, "You don't get it, my Dad's always riding me."

Kayla placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, urging him to focus on himself, "Just worry about Nathan Scott for once, don't worry about Dan. We'll keep working and you'll be okay, I promise."

Nathan's expression softened, and he replied sincerely, "Thanks, Kayla."

Kayla got out of the car, saying, "Bye Nathan," as she headed towards her house. She watched as Nathan pulled away, a slight smile forming on her lips as she felt a growing sense of admiration for him.


Jayden was out driving people home, having already dropped off Jordan to a sober Jake back at the Jagelski house. As he drove, he spotted Peyton's car flying by, and immediately assumed Peyton was driving recklessly while drunk.

Without hesitation, Jayden raced after the car, his concern for his best friend overriding any other thoughts. He followed the car down the road, only to witness it crashing into a parked car and a light post, completely wrecking it.

Jumping out of his car, Jayden called out, "Peyton! You okay?" But to his surprise, Nathan emerged from the wrecked car.

Confused and frustrated, Jayden questioned, "Nathan?"

Nathan confirmed his identity, stating, "Yeah, she's fine. Can't say the same for her car though."

Jayden's confusion turned to anger as he demanded, "What the hell are you doing driving Peyton's car?"

Nathan pulled out a bag from the car nonchalantly, replying, "And what the hell were you doing following my girlfriend?"

Frustration boiled over as Jayden pressed further, "You know what? That's not the point; why were you driving her car? Does she even know what you're doing?"

Nathan dismissed Jayden's concerns with indifference, retorting, "Why does it matter? It's not my problem."

Realizing the severity of the situation, Jayden warned, "Nate, you wrecked Peyton's car. This isn't something you can just walk away from. This is a felony."

But Nathan remained unfazed, challenging Jayden, "So call the cops."

Jayden emphasized the gravity of the situation, "Did you not hear what I just said? You can't walk away from this."

With a smirk, Nathan asserted his dominance, "Actually I can, and really, if I walk away right now, nobody can pin this on me. So really, you trashed Peyton's car. Because you are the only one here."

Jayden realized the predicament he was in, knowing he couldn't outmatch Nathan in a battle of words. "You know nobody's going to believe that."

Nathan seized the advantage, leveraging his position, "Because I was with Tim the whole time. Which is exactly what he's going to say if anybody asks him. He owes me. So it looks like it's your word against ours now. You can guess how that's going to go down. Especially when it comes to Dad, my word against yours always."

Frustrated and angry, Jayden confronted Nathan, "So you're just going to lie and walk away. What about Peyton? You know, your girlfriend? The car's registered in her name."

Nathan remained unbothered, suggesting, "Yeah, and you know what? Come to think of it, like you said, she was really drunk last night. Maybe she did this. But then again, all I see is a wrecked car... and you."

Jayden laughed bitterly,"You know, no wonder you're such a dick. You only care about yourself. Walk away, I don't care. I'll deal with your mess."

Nathan shrugged, indifferent to Jayden's words. "Fine by me. See you later, big bro."

Jayden stood frustrated beside the damaged car, a note in hand, which he carefully placed on the other vehicle involved in the accident. With a heavy sigh, he pulled out his phone and dialed Keith's number.

"Jayden? It's one in the morning," came Keith's tired voice through the phone.

"Keith, I need your help. It's bad," Jayden replied, his tone reflecting the urgency of the situation.

Soon, they were all gathered at the body shop, where Keith, Jayden, and Lucas inspected Peyton's wrecked car.

"Hit and run, huh? That's beautiful. I could lose my license for this," Keith remarked, concern etched on his face.

Jayden recounted the events, expressing his frustration at Nathan's nonchalant attitude towards the accident.

Keith raised an eyebrow, "Okay. What about the other guy's car he hit? He just gets screwed over?"

"I left a note. Told him to bring it here," Lucas responded, with no hesitation.

Keith however, wasn't thrilled.

"You wanna tell me what it is with you and this girl?"he exclaimed. "Huh? That you're willing to break the law for her? Nobody is worth that. I know she's Jayden's friend but nobody is worth breaking the law."

"I couldn't let Nathan get away with it the way he does everything else." Lucas defended," and I sure as well could let him do that to her.

Jayden defended his decision, "He's my brother, I don't want him to get a record."

Lucas couldn't comprehend Jayden's reasoning, "Why not? After everything he's done?"

Both of you know I'm already struggling to bring in paying customers," Keith lamented.

Lucas stepped in with a solution. "Look, I'll do the work myself, alright? After hours. And I'll pay for the materials."

Jayden chimed in, offering his assistance. "I'll help too."

Keith acknowledged their commitment, albeit with a touch of sarcasm. "Oh, you're damn right you will. Your mom's going to love this."

Lucas intervened, protecting his mother from unnecessary stress. "No. She's got enough to deal with. You don't have to tell her."

Keith remained firm. "Oh, I'm not going to. You are. And if you don't, then I will."

"Look, can we not talk about this now. I'm tired and I want to go to bed," Jayden deflected, clearly exhausted from the ordeal.

Keith offered a solution, "You can spend the night at my place, call your folks in the morning."

"Yeah, I'll do that," Jayden agreed, grateful for the support offered by his Uncle.


Back at the beach house, there were a few stragglers sleeping around the floor.

Issac, who was now sobering up, decided to go home. After Nathan played the video of Lucas' Mom, he began to feel bad about his hazing treatment to the older Scott. He had really treated him horribly like the rest of the team.

He also wasn't very happy with how Nathan brought Karen into the picture, a woman who was good friends with his own family.

Overall, he just felt awful and he needed to make amends.

Issac approached Nathan, his demeanor was stern, clearly displeased with Nathan's actions.

"You know, Troy was right, you are a piece of work," Issac remarked, his tone filled with disdain.

Nathan, feeling defensive, retorted, "How many times do I have to say it was a joke?"

Issac wasn't buying it, responding firmly, "A joke that was way out of line."

Nathan's frustration grew evident, his voice tinged with a threatening edge, "What are you trying to say, Wrighty?"

Tim, sensing the tension, stepped in, attempting to defend Nathan. But Issac wasn't swayed.

"Tim, you and I both know I could knock your ass out in a matter of seconds," Issac shot back, shutting down Tim's interference.

As Tim backed off, Issac continued, his words cutting through the air, "I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when it came to your brother, but when you bring someone's Mom into the picture, that's when you crossed a line."

Nathan's defiance remained, "What's it to you? Are you on his side now?"

Issac's frustration boiled over as he exclaimed, "There's no sides! There shouldn't be any sides, this whole thing is stupid man! I can't believe I'm figuring this out now."

Nathan, unwilling to back down, dismissed Issac with a curt command, "Whatever man, close the door on your way out."

Issac, realizing there was no getting through to Nathan, shook his head in disappointment before turning to leave. "Check yourself, Nathan, you really need it," he muttered before exiting the room.

Later on, As Nathan entered the room, Peyton was watching the prom video, the scene where a woman asks Karen if she and Dan will get married unfolding on the screen.

"You reinvented cruel tonight," Peyton remarked, her tone tinged with disapproval.

Defensively, Nathan replied, "It was a joke!"

Peyton didn't seem convinced. "Funny how you're the only one laughing."

Realizing his misstep, Nathan attempted to backtrack. "Like you and your stupid comic strip. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

Peyton's patience seemed to wear thin. "I'm sorry is getting a little old with you, Nathan."

Nathan sighed, showing a glimpse of vulnerability. "I know. I just can't remember a time when things were this bad."

Curious about Nathan's whereabouts, Peyton inquired, "Where have you been for the past two hours?"

Nathan hesitated before answering, "I went on a beer run."

Peyton raised an eyebrow. "To where? Canada? Nathan, I wanted to go home. But I can't because it seems my car's missing. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Nathan scrambled for an explanation. "Uh... I saw Jayden take it."

Peyton was skeptical. "He would never do that, not without asking me."

Nathan tried to shift blame. "Alright, I think Tim took it."

Peyton wasn't buying it. "You think?"

Defensively, Nathan replied, "Well, he wanted to take Reagan home, so I told him he could take it. I didn't think you'd care."

Peyton's frustration was evident as she held out a plastic cup to Nathan. "I never told a ridiculous lie to my girlfriend's face."

Nathan hesitated, realizing the gravity of the situation, but then brushed it off. "Alright, so then it was some other girl. I don't know. What's the big deal anyway? I knew you were going to stay here."

Peyton's disappointment was palpable. "So you gave away my car?"

Nathan, unfazed by her frustration, brushed off the issue, "Look, whatever. I'm going to bed. Are you coming?"

Exasperated, Peyton turned away, unable to meet Nathan's gaze. "Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. I cannot believe you just asked me that with a straight face."


The next morning, Peyton continued to fret over her missing car, a call from Jayden heightened her concern.

"Hey, you would not believe the morning I'm having right now," Peyton shared as she answered the phone.

Jayden's urgent tone added to her unease. "Peyton, you gotta come to the shop," he insisted.

Feeling a knot of worry forming in her stomach, Peyton pressed for more information. "Jay, what's going on?" she inquired.

Jayden's response was cryptic but insistent. "Think you can be here within an hour?" he asked.

Peyton, now thoroughly alarmed, replied, "Uh, yeah. I'll get a ride and be over."


Peyton arrived at the shop with Mikayla on her bike, she was eager to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Alright, what did you want to talk to me about Jay?" Peyton asked, a mixture of relief and concern evident in her tone.

Jayden hesitated nervously before responding, "I probably should have told you this last night, but it's about your car..."

Peyton's curiosity was piqued, but she couldn't help but make a joke. "What, is it a different color or something?" she quipped.

Jayden lifted the cover off the car, revealing the extent of the damage, and Peyton's mood shifted instantly. "Damn it, Nathan!" she exclaimed, her anger palpable.

Jayden apologized, expressing regret for not informing her sooner, but Peyton reassured him. "It's fine, I'm sure you've had a long night dealing with this," she said, trying to contain her frustration.

Mikayla chimed in with words of support for Jayden, prompting him to offer his gratitude with a tender squeeze.

"How much is this going to cost?" Peyton inquired, her mind racing with the potential financial implications.

"Not sure, could be hundreds, maybe thousands?" Jayden replied, his uncertainty mirroring Peyton's growing apprehension.

Peyton's frustration reached a boiling point. "Great... this is so great. I don't think I've said this but I really want to kill your brother right now," she exclaimed, her anger directed squarely at Nathan.

Jayden empathized with her sentiments. "Yeah, I got that, I think we all do. I have no idea how we're going to handle the hit and run," he admitted.

"He got into a hit and run? With my car?!?" Peyton's disbelief was palpable, her mind struggling to process the gravity of the situation.

"Yeah, he didn't even care about it either," Jayden confirmed, his frustration evident.

"Okay, never mind, I'm going to go yell at Nathan, and then I'm going to kill him."


At the Scott's house, Dan entered, greeted by Deb's disapproving expression.

"Hey," Dan said casually.

"Still not home," Deb remarked dryly.

Dan shrugged off her concern. "Oh, they will be," he assured her.

Deb couldn't hide her frustration. "I take it this isn't the first time you've let them stay out all night?" she questioned.

Dan defended his approach. "Oh, I don't want to smother Nathan, Deb. He's a responsible, disciplined kid," he argued.

Deb raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Is he? Hmm. Your brother just called. Our so-called responsible, disciplined kid got into a hit and run last night. In Peyton's car," she revealed.

Concern flickered across Dan's face. "Is he okay?" he asked.

Deb shook her head, her disappointment evident. "Oh, he's not hurt. But do you want to know what he did afterward? He walked away and tried to dump it on our other son. Who actually acted like a responsible and disciplined kid and took the car in," she explained bitterly.

Dan sighed heavily, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Well, I'll talk to him," he promised.

Deb's frustration boiled over. "You'll talk to him. Is that all you have to say?" she demanded.

Dan seemed taken aback. "What do you want me to say?" he retorted defensively.

Deb's tone softened slightly, but her disappointment lingered. "I don't know anymore. But I'll tell you one thing. Seems to me you and Nathan have gotten a little too comfortable when I'm not around. I'm not also not happy with the way you treat Jayden," she expressed.

Dan tried to justify his actions. "Oh, come on, Deb, you haven't been here to see the things he's done. No responsibility, no respect for me, and if he could actually come to the gamesβ€”"

Deb cut him off, defending Jayden's character. "Jayden has good grades, a part-time job, and is involved with extracurriculars, and you want to tell me he has no responsibilities? He went to lengths last night to make sure his brother didn't end up in jail when clearly Nathan doesn't deserve it," she argued.

Dan fell silent, his anger evident, but his favoritism for Nathan was clear.

Deb made a firm decision. "So I'm cutting back at the foundation. Fewer hours and no more travel. Try not to look so disappointed," she declared.

Dan attempted to dissuade her. "Come on, Deb, you don't have to do this," he pleaded.

Deb challenged him. "I don't have to? Or you don't want me to?" she countered.

As Nathan and Jayden walked in, they observed the tense exchange between their parents, clueless about the conversation's context. "What?" Nathan asked, breaking the silence.

Deb and Dan looked at the boys, Jayden knew what was going on. They had found out about Nathan's little joyride last night.


Deb looked at Jayden with a mixture of pride and concern. "You handled the situation last night in a responsible manner, Jayden. I'm proud of you," she praised, though her tone hinted at a hint of disappointment. "But you could have called beforehand."

"And deal with Dad? You know he'd find some way to blame it on someone other than Nathan," Jayden retorted.

Deb let out a sigh, acknowledging the difficulty of their family dynamic. "About that, I was talking to your Dad earlier," she began.

"And?" Jayden prompted.

"I'm cutting back from the foundation, so I'll be home a lot more. I missed out on so much and I feel awful, but I will be around more. No more business trips," Deb revealed.

Jayden's expression softened. "That would be nice, Mom," he admitted.

Deb continued, trying to bridge the gap between Jayden and his father. "And I know your Dad has been hard on you, I'm sure he's under a lot of stress," she offered.

Jayden shook his head, dismissing her attempt. "He's not, Mom. He doesn't like me because he can't control me like he can with Nathan," he confessed.

Deb was taken aback by Jayden's honesty. "Jayβ€”"

"It's fine, Mom. I don't really care. I'm happy you're home though, it'll make being here a bit more bearable," Jayden reassured her before heading off to work.

As Jayden left, he bumped into Nathan in the hallway.

"You really had to tell Peyton, huh? Now you know how much trouble I'm in?" Nathan accused.

Jayden met his brother's gaze evenly. "If I didn't tell Peyton you would have a record. Things could be a lot worse for you, Nathan. But you're welcome, I guess," he replied calmly.

Nathan fell silent, realizing the gravity of the situation and acknowledging his brother's role in saving him from further trouble.

"I'm going to work," Jayden stated, moving past Nathan without another word.


Lucas arrived at the shop that morning, hoping to work on Peyton's car.

"You're still alive." Keith said to him, "I take it you haven't told your Mom about your little crime spree?"

"This morning. She's working on my punishment now," Lucas admitted.

"Good. You recognize that car over there?" Keith pointed out a red car with scratches down its side.

"The owner got your note. I talked him out of pressing charges," Keith informed Lucas.

"Thanks, Keith," Lucas expressed his gratitude.

"Let's just get this done, okay? So we can get back to billing for the work we do," Keith urged, eager to move on.

Just then, Issac walked in, catching Lucas's attention.

Lucas's tone was curt as he addressed Issac. "What do you want?"

Issac's expression softened as he spoke. "Luke, I came to see how you were doing."

Lucas shrugged, unimpressed. "I'm fine, Nathan's a jerk but what else is new? And why do you care, didn't you throw me into a pond while blindfolding me?"

Issac sighed, acknowledging his past behavior. "Yeah, I did that. I'm not proud of it. Listen, I saw that video last night and I think Nathan went a bit too far."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you got that right."

"I know it doesn't mean much right now but I'm sorry. I was an asshole to you and I shouldn't have been," Issac apologized sincerely. "Nathan's been my boy since travel ball, but he's been taking this whole thing way too far. I see that now."

Lucas hesitated for a moment before responding. "Well, thanks, I guess."

Issac shifted the conversation to a lighter topic. "I was wondering, a few of us are gonna play some pickup on that Rivercourt later this week if you wanted to join?"

Lucas was taken aback by the invitation. "I don't know-"

"Don't worry, Nathan's not invited," Issac reassured him.

Lucas considered the offer. "I'll think about it, thanks for the invite."

"Sure thing, and I'm sorry again. Fresh slate from here on out," Issac declared, extending his hand for a fist bump.

"Yeah, sure," Lucas agreed, reciprocating the gesture.

Issac nodded and left the shop, leaving Lucas to reflect on the unexpected turn of events. Now, he had another friend on the team, besides Jordan.


Peyton was engrossed in a drawing when Nathan barged in with news about her car.

"Car will be ready by Friday," Nathan announced nonchalantly.

Peyton remained focused on her work, barely acknowledging his presence. "Whatever. The bag of stuff by the door is yours."


Curious, Nathan inspected the contents of the bag. and stumbled upon a familiar item. "What's this?"

"It's all the crap you've left here. Take it." She replied, still focusing on her drawing.

"This is the necklace I gave you."

Peyton retorted bitterly, "You mean the leash? No thanks."

Nathan attempted to placate her. "Peyton, come on. Look, my mom's going to cool down and everything will be back to normal."

Peyton rose from her seat, her frustration boiling over. "Okay, trust me, the last thing I want with us is normal. In case you haven't noticed, normal sucks with us, Nathan."

Nathan's tone shifted defensively. "Peyton, is this about your car? Because I'm taking care of that."

"It's not about the car. It's about you. I finally saw you clearly for the first time last night. The way you treated me, the way you treated Troy, the way you treated your brother," Peyton accused.

"Don't call him that," Nathan snapped, visibly irritated.

Peyton continued, undeterred. "And let's not forget how you treated Jayden. You tried to blame him for the car? How could you?"

Nathan, feeling attacked, lashed out defensively. "Oh of course you defend him, you guys have been spending a lot of time together, thinking I wouldn't notice? What's that about?"

"Jayden is my best friend, Nathan. I like hanging out with him, and he has a girlfriend. And if he was single, he would probably be a better boyfriend than you," Peyton retorted fiercely.

Nathan was taken aback by her words. "What?"

Fed up with his behavior, Peyton delivered her final verdict. "And what really makes me mad, is how you're playing Kayla."

Nathan attempted to downplay the situation. "What? Peyton, Kayla means nothing."

Peyton's anger reached its peak. "Okay, if that's the case, then you're an ass. And even if she does mean something, you're still an ass and what's really sad, Nathan, is that you're too stupid to get that. So thank you for being such an amazing son of a bitch last night. You really made this a no-brainer."

Nathan, feeling dismissed, made a half-hearted attempt to salvage the situation. "I'll call you when you're not so PMS."

Peyton's resolve was unwavering. "Don't bother. I mean it. We're done. So get the hell out."

However, Nathan just stared at her.

"I mean it!" Peyton exclaimed, throwing a nearby bag at him, "Get the hell out!"

Nathan left in shock, and Peyton collapsed onto her bed, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions.

She had broken up with him with what seemed like the eleventh time.

However this time, she was really tired of him and his behavior. He had treated her horribly, but she always kept coming back.

She was going to try and not make that mistake again.

A/N: We back back. Sorry for the long wait. Life's been a bitch along with motivation.

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