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Nathan, Troy, and Tim were engaged in a game of basketball in Nathan's yard.

"So you and Peyton are history?" Tim inquired, his curiosity evident.

Troy nodded, expressing concern. "Yeah man, she has NOT been happy with you."

Nathan, however, seemed unfazed. "Nah. I wouldn't count on that."

Surprised, Tim pressed further. "No?"

"Yeah. This is what she does. She freaks out, we break up; a few days later, we make up," Nathan explained casually.

Troy couldn't help but comment on the dynamic. "That seems a bit toxic."

Tim echoed Troy's sentiment. "So why put up with that?"

Nathan smirked confidently. "Because a few days later, we make up."

Troy chuckled at Nathan's response. "You are crazy, man."

Their practice was interrupted by Dan, who approached them eagerly.

"Hey, ball," Dan requested, and Nathan promptly passed him the ball.

Dan made a shot effortlessly.

"Expect plenty more of that at the father/son game because we're going to crush you guys."

Nathan accepted the challenge, responding with a shot of his own. "Oh yeah? You can expect more of that."

"Bring it on." Dan taunted.

Dan then turned his attention to Troy, adopting a more intimidating tone. "Hey Troy, you think you're ready for this game?"

Troy tried to downplay the pressure. "Uh, yeah. It's just a scrimmage."

Dan persisted with his competitive banter. "If you don't bring your best, then why would you play? That's why Nathan is one of the best players in the state!"

Troy attempted to brush off the comment. "Mr. Scott, it's just a game."

Dan chuckled, enjoying the psychological games. "With all due respect Dawson, you sound just like your Dad. It's why I was named team MVP over him. Jack never understood the sacrifices to be the best."

Nathan intervened, trying to diffuse the tension. "Dad, just stop."

Dan, satisfied with his teasing, relented and went back inside the house, leaving the boys to continue their game with a lingering awkward tension.

Dan always enjoyed poking fun at Troy, considering his competitive history with Jack, Troy's father.

They didn't like each other in high school, always competing against each other, well, Dan mostly.

While Jack thought of basketball as a fun sport and an escape of sorts, Dan was the opposite, always making everything a competition.

Everything, whether it was based around a girl, who could score more points, and everything in between.

Its what made them clash back in high school.

Dan was determined to make sure that Dawson and Scott rivalry came back with Troy and Nathan.


Haley entered Karen's cafe with a heavy heart, knowing she needed to confess something to Lucas. She approached him cautiously, feeling guilty for keeping a secret.

"Luke, we should talk," she began, trying to gauge his reaction.

Lucas looked up, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Hey Hales, what's up?"

Haley took a deep breath, steeling herself for his reaction. "I need to confess something, and I feel really bad for not telling you this, and I know you're going to freak out."

Lucas furrowed his brows, a mix of confusion and apprehension crossing his face. "Haley, what is it?"

She hesitated before revealing the truth about tutoring Troy, bracing herself for his response. While Lucas was clearly upset, he didn't unleash his full anger as she had feared.

"Just tell me why, when you know I'm not a fan of the guy," Lucas demanded, his tone tinged with frustration.

"He's a nice guy, Luke!" Haley defended Troy, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on her.

"You're only saying that because you've had a thing for him ever since junior high," Lucas accused, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Lucasβ€”" Haley tried to interject, but he cut her off, his anger simmering.

"Just tell me why, Haley!" Lucas demanded, his tone sharp.

Haley sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "I know how you feel about him. But there is something you don't know. I promised him I'd tutor him if he told Nathan to leave you alone."

Lucas was taken aback by her revelation. "What?"

"Yeah. He asked me to tutor him and I did on the condition that he gets the team to lay off your back," Haley explained, hoping Lucas would understand.

"And you believed that?" Lucas questioned skeptically, unable to comprehend Troy's motives.

"Lucas, it's true," Haley insisted, frustration creeping into her voice.

"That's going so well," Lucas remarked sarcastically, his frustration evident.

Haley felt her anger rising. "Lucas."

Lucas could see he was upsetting her and softened his tone. "Listen. I appreciate everything you did for me. I do, Haley, butβ€”how about you let me handle the team from now on, okay? And everything else."

Haley nodded reluctantly. "Okay, fine."

As she turned to leave, Lucas called out to her. "All right. So you can... stop tutoring Troy now."

Haley paused, her resolve firm. "Um, no. I, I can't."

Lucas sighed, realizing he couldn't change her mind. "Haley."

She met his gaze with determination. "Lucas. I can't. I promised him. If I break that promise, I'm, I'm just as bad as... you think he is."

With that, Haley walked away, leaving Lucas to comprehend their talk.

As he turned back to his breakfast, a man appeared from behind him.

The morning at the Scott household was tense, with Nathan reading aloud an article about him and Dan in the newspaper while Jayden helped Deb prepare breakfast.

"Who would've known that Dan Scott's basketball pedigree would be inherited by his two of his three sons, Nathan Scott and Lucas?" Nathan read aloud, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Dan's expression darkened as he snatched the newspaper from Nathan's hands. "You've got to be kidding me," he muttered, his frustration evident.

Nathan couldn't resist adding a sardonic remark. "That's great, Dad. We're all one big happy family now."

Dan shot him a warning glance. "Watch it," he warned, his irritation palpable. "I wonder what they're paying this reporter to support his crack habit?"

Deb attempted to diffuse the tension by offering breakfast. "How about some breakfast?"

Dan waved her off dismissively. "I lost my appetite."

Jayden chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Dad, he exists. He's on the team. It's not exactly headline news."

Dan bristled at Jayden's comment. "No, Jayden, apparently it is."

Deb interjected, trying to shift the conversation. "Well, how do you think Lucas and Karen feel about it?"

Dan scoffed, his frustration evident. "Gosh, I don't know. Maybe we should invite them over for breakfast and find out."

Jayden seized the opportunity to make a sarcastic comment. "Why not? Maybe you could actually find some common ground."

Dan's patience wore thin as he turned his attention to Jayden. "Watch it. I don't need that kind of attitude from you, not after your little stunt with your brother last week. And the car."

Nathan smirked at Jayden's defense, but Dan's anger was palpable. "You're mad at me because I got Nathan out of trouble? Maybe I should have said nothing so he would have spent the night in jail," Jayden retorted, his frustration evident.

Dan's face flushed with anger, and Nathan's smirk faltered slightly, realizing the gravity of Jayden's actions.

He did all of that for him?

Deb interjected, her voice firm as she attempted to diffuse the escalating tension. "Okay, cool it. We're not arguing and your breakfast is getting cold."

Nathan, still seething, muttered a sarcastic response. "I'm just going to grab something at school with my brother."

Without waiting for a response, Nathan stormed out of the house, leaving Deb and Jayden alone in the kitchen.

Deb sighed, her frustration evident as she turned her attention to Dan. "You know, there is a chance that Lucas and Nathan can get along if their father encouraged it. And there is also a chance you could lay off on Jayden, if you actually spent some time with him."

Dan met her gaze with a steely glare, his stubbornness unyielding. "True. But there's also a chance that hell can freeze over."

With that final retort, Dan grabbed his breakfast and exited the room, leaving Deb and Jayden alone in the kitchen. Deb watched Jayden quietly packing his breakfast and gathering his things for school.

"Honey," Deb began, her voice gentle as she reached out to him.

Jayden flashed her a small, resigned smile. "It's cool, Mom. I'm used to it. I need to pick up Peyton and take her to school."

All Deb could do was watch as the three important people in her life were at a crossroads. It seemed for a second they were becoming dysfunctional.

Things were worse than she thought.


As Jayden drove Peyton to school, the atmosphere inside the car was heavy with silence. Peyton's head rested against the window, lost in her thoughts.

Today marked the anniversary of her mother Anna's death, and the weight of the day weighed heavily on her.

Understanding Peyton's solemn mood, Jayden offered her comfort as he parked the car outside the school. He gently reassured her, providing a source of solace in her time of need, before letting her out.

As Jayden met up with Mikayla on her motorcycle, Peyton separated from them, her path intersecting with Troy's. Sensing her somber mood, Troy approached her with concern.

"You good?" Troy inquired, his voice filled with genuine care.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Troy," Peyton replied, her gratitude evident in her tone.

"We don't have to talk about it but I'm here for you, P. Sawyer," Troy offered, extending his support to his friend.

Appreciating his gesture of kindness, Peyton embraced Troy in a hug before they parted ways as classes began. Before leaving, Troy pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, revealing a heartfelt note crafted by Chloe.

She had found out about Anna's death a day before, and given the fact that Peyton was her favorite out of all her brothers friends, she wanted to do something for her.

"My sister made you this too," Troy explained, presenting Peyton with the note adorned with sweet messages and drawings.

Peyton's eyes softened as she read the heartfelt words, touched by Chloe's thoughtfulness. "Your sister is the most adorable person ever. I love it," Peyton expressed sincerely.

"I'll tell her you said that," Troy replied with a smile, grateful for Peyton's appreciation.

As Peyton immersed herself in the note, Nathan approached her, his expression hopeful as he addressed her.

"You're not still mad at me, are you?" Nathan asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I'm not mad. We're just over," Peyton replied firmly, her decision resolute as she conveyed her feelings to Nathan. She walked away, leaving a shocked Nathan behind.

Later on in the day, as Lucas fled off a flirtatious Brooke, he saw something that made him very uncomfortable and suspicious.

Troy and Haley conversing in the tutor center, Lucas's gaze fell upon them, his expression clouded with suspicion.

Despite knowing that Haley was tutoring Troy in exchange for his help in dealing with Nathan's harassment, Lucas couldn't shake off his distrust of Troy.

From a distance, Lucas watched them interact, his eyes narrowed with a mixture of concern and apprehension. He couldn't quite pinpoint why he harbored such unease towards Troy, but the sight of them together ignited a surge of discomfort within him.


In the gym, Coach Whitey approached Lucas, initiating a conversation about the upcoming father-versus-son game.

"Hey, Lucas. That father-versus-son game's coming up. Considered who you want to play with?" Whitey inquired.

"I figured I'd skip it," Lucas replied.

Whitey persisted, urging Lucas to reconsider. "Oh, come on, son. I know it's hard, but it will be worse if you don't play. Besides, I thought you said you were through hiding from Dan."

"I am," Lucas affirmed.

"Well, wouldn't it be fun to dunk on him?" Whitey suggested with a friendly pat on Lucas's back before walking away.

Meanwhile, in another part of the gym, the cheerleaders were practicing their routines under the leadership of Brooke and Kayla.

"Here we go! Ravens, let's score!" the cheerleaders chanted, but Kayla interrupted with a correction for Peyton's arm movements.

"Wait! Hold on, Peyton, you've got the arms wrong." She explained, halting the practice.

Peyton responded with a sharp retort, "It's not brain surgery, Kayla."

Perplexed by Peyton's attitude, Kayla questioned, "Okay, what's with the attitude?"

Peyton's frustration boiled over as she unleashed her feelings. "What's with your life? Seriously, aren't you embarrassed that the most important thing in your world is some stupid cheer?"

"Peyton, what-"

Caught off guard by Peyton's outburst, Brooke stepped forward to defend her sister. "Look, I'm really sorry things didn't work out with you and Nathan, but don't go all Mariah on her, okay?"

Peyton's retort was laced with pent-up emotion. "You think this is about Nathan? You're not even close! You're not even in the neighborhood of close!"

Perplexed, Brooke pressed for an explanation. "Okay, then, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is how... pointless all of this is," Peyton declared with frustration evident in her voice.

Brooke attempted to diffuse the tension. "Stop saying that!"

However, Peyton's outburst had captured the attention of everyone in the gym, including Whitey, Troy, Jordan, and Nathan who watched with concern as Peyton stormed away, leaving a stunned Brooke and Kayla in her wake.

"What difference does it make if you sleep with a popular guy, or you go to the right party, or you know the moves to some moronic cheer to do with some lame ass game I could care less about!"

With that, Peyton stormed off, leaving the others to look at her in shock, including Jordan, who watched Peyton leave with genuine concern.

He knew she was going through a lot, she lost her Mom this week years ago and she finally put an end to Nathan and her's relationship.

He was not complaining about that however.

Still, he knew it would be hard for her but not like this.


Troy and Jack engaged in a spirited game of basketball in their driveway, the sound of their sneakers squeaking against the pavement mingling with the rhythmic bounce of the ball.

"You ready for this father-son game?" Troy asked, a competitive glint in his eye.

Jack chuckled, dribbling the ball with ease. "You mean, are you ready for this old man to come out of retirement just to drop a fifty piece?"

Troy rolled his eyes playfully. "In your dreams, Dad."

They continued their game, the friendly banter between father and son filling the air.

"Mr. Scott seems pretty dead set on winning, even though it's a glorified scrimmage," Troy remarked, taking a shot.

Jack sighed, retrieving the rebound. "That's Dan for you, always competitive, always taking it up a notch. More than it needs to be."

"Really?" Troy questioned, curiosity piqued.

"Yep," Jack confirmed with a nod. "He was like this in high school too. Always making everything a competition."

Troy pondered Jack's words for a moment before speaking again. "Is that why you guys never got along?"

Jack paused, reflecting on the past. "You could say that. Dan and I just had different personalities. I thought of the game as that, a game, something to escape everything. Dan always had to be the best, no matter what. He always had to be better than everyone else."

Troy nodded in understanding. "Yeah, he was talking a lot of trash to me when I was over at Nathan's the other day."

Jack's expression tightened slightly, a touch of annoyance creeping in. "Oh, he was? Just ignore him. If he's trying to spark another Dawson and Scott rivalry just like in high school, that's a pretty sad way to do it."

Troy nodded, grabbing his Dad's rebound.


Dan strode into Dawson's Hardware with a swagger in his step, his demeanor oozing confidence.

"Hey, hey," he greeted, his tone slightly cocky.

Jack, busy stocking shelves, glanced up and spotted Dan, his annoyance evident. "Well, speak of the devil. I was meaning to talk to you earlier."

Dan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I can say the same to you."

Jack set down the box he was holding, turning his full attention to Dan. "Alright, you first."

Dan leaned against the counter, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just wanted to know if you're ready for this game on Friday, with the way I've been training with Nathan, I might be the leading scorer for the fathers."

Jack bristled at the implication, his irritation palpable. "And why is that a brag? Still trying to make the case to go pro in your forties?"

Dan shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm just saying Jack, I hope you and Troy have been training as much as we have."

Jack's expression hardened as he addressed the real issue at hand. "Speaking of which, I heard about what you said to Troy the other day. What are you trying to prove, Dan?"

Dan's smirk widened, a hint of arrogance in his tone. "There's nothing wrong with a little friendly trash talk, I thought he knew that but clearly not if he told you. Kind of soft, don't you think?"

Jack struggled to keep his anger in check, his frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "If you're trying to relive what happened in high school with Nathan and Troy, you might want to stop it. Because it's really sad if that's the case."

Dan scoffed dismissively, his bravado faltering slightly. "Oh please."

Jack's voice was firm, his words laced with conviction. "I'm serious Dan, don't try that crap with me. We're grown-ass men, move on already."

Dan's facade crumbled, realizing the weight of Jack's words. "Okay, Jack."

Jack nodded curtly, his smirk tinged with sarcasm. "Good. Now if we're all done, some of us have jobs to do. Get the hell out of my shop."


Nathan hurriedly caught up with Brooke, Jayden, and Mikayla, though his brother's girlfriend seemed less than pleased by his presence.

Mikayla rolled her eyes as Nathan approached. "What do you want?"

Jayden stepped in, attempting to defuse the tension. "Babeβ€”"

Nathan ignored the hint of annoyance in Mikayla's tone. "Hey. Have any of you heard from Peyton?"

Brooke, still visibly upset from their previous encounter, responded sharply. "Not since you two broke up and she went psycho on me in practice. Why?"

Nathan's brow furrowed in concern. "Because she's not in school. And she won't pick up at home or on her cell."

Brooke brushed off his worry with a sarcastic remark. "Well maybe she's out kicking the homeless."

With that, she walked away, leaving Nathan feeling frustrated and confused.

Jayden, sensing Nathan's unease, decided to confront him. "Nathan, do you seriously not know what's going on?"

Nathan shook his head, genuinely clueless. "No?"

Jayden sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "You know what, never mind, it doesn't matter to you anyway."

Nathan felt a pang of guilt at Jayden's words. "What's that supposed to mean?"

But Jayden, already preoccupied with his own responsibilities, brushed off the question. "I have workouts, Nate. I don't have time for this." With that, he turned and headed off, leaving Nathan to ponder the meaning of his brother's cryptic words.


Peyton sat on a bench, lighting a cigarette, her thoughts heavy with the recent events in her life.

Jordan approached, his presence bringing a lightness to the somber atmosphere. "You know there's a lot of smokers in this place," he remarked casually.

Peyton chuckled wryly. "I don't really smoke. I just figured since Nathan and I broke up, I've got room for a new bad habit."

Jordan laughed at her remark, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, I guess breaking bad habits is part of the healing process."

Peyton raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "What are you doing, Jordan?"

"Seeing my grandma," he replied, gesturing towards a distant lamppost. "She's way over by that lamppost. Plus, I've been thinking about you."

Peyton smirked, her tone teasing. "Well, maybe you should try a cold shower next time you do that."

Jordan chuckled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Mind if I sit?" he asked, indicating the empty space beside her.

Peyton patted the bench invitingly, and Jordan took a seat, the warmth of their friendship easing the heaviness of the moment.

"Sorry about your mom," Jordan said softly, his expression sympathetic. "It's probably been a rough week for you."

"Thanks. It has been," Peyton replied, gratitude evident in her voice.

Jordan shifted the conversation to a lighter topic, reminiscing about their shared childhood memories. "I remember when Kayla, Brooke, Jayden, and I came over that one time in 4th grade and tried to make cookies in your oven."

Peyton smiled at the memory. "She wasn't even home that day. We blew up the oven, I remember."

"And she wasn't even mad at us, more worried than anything," Jordan recalled fondly.

Peyton laughed softly. "That was a fun day."

"Minus us ruining an expensive kitchen appliance," Jordan added with a chuckle.

"Yeah, definitely not that," Peyton agreed, her laughter easing the weight of their conversation.

They fell into a comfortable silence, gazing out at the serene surroundings.

"You think she's listening? Your grandma," Peyton wondered aloud.

"Yeah. I know she's listening. Doesn't make it less tough," Jordan replied quietly.

"They're all tough," Peyton agreed, her voice filled with sadness.

"Yeah," Jordan echoed.


In Nathan's house, Kayla finished correcting a paper of Nathan's, her disappointment evident in her expression.

"The good news is you did better... and the bad news is better is a D. Come on, Nathan, we were working on this," she remarked, hoping to spur him to improve.

"Yeah. I guess I didn't really give this one my best shot," Nathan admitted, his tone subdued.

"What's going on with you?" Kayla inquired, noticing his lack of focus.

"Well. You know me and Peyton broke up," Nathan confessed, his worry for Peyton evident in his voice.

Kayla interjected with a correction, "Peyton and I. And yeah, I know."

Nathan was surprised. "Oh. She broke up with you too?" He paused, his concern growing. "Just... I didn't know she was going to take it this hard. She went off on you and Brooke at practice. I'm kinda worried about her."

Kayla's tone shifted, her frustration bubbling to the surface. "Yeah, me too, but maybe you should've worried more about her when you were together."

Nathan bristled at her remark. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, but come on, it's true. You weren't exactly good to her," Kayla asserted, unwilling to sugarcoat her words.

"No! You don't know the first thing about Peyton and I," Nathan countered defensively.

"Yeah actually, I do. She's my best friend and tells me everything," Kayla retorted, standing her ground.

Nathan scoffed dismissively and settled back into his seat, unwilling to engage further.

"And for the record, it's me and Peyton," Kayla added pointedly, emphasizing the correct grammar.


The next day, Nathan and Kayla found themselves back at Nathan's house, engaging in conversation.

"Still in denial?" Kayla asked, her tone gentle yet probing.

"About what?" Nathan responded, his expression guarded.

"Missing her," Kayla clarified softly. "It's okay that you do."

Nathan hesitated before responding, contemplating her words. "What... are you my tutor or my shrink?"

"Whatever you need, Scott," Kayla replied, offering her support.

Nathan sighed, acknowledging his faults. "I treated Peyton pretty bad. She had every right to walk away. Okay, yeah, it was my fault. I screwed up. I just wish I had another chance."

Kayla commended him for his honesty. "Nice work."

"That was the truth," Nathan affirmed.

"No. On your practice exam. 81," Kayla clarified, pointing out his improvement.

Nathan's attention shifted as he realized her meaning. "Oh."

"You know, it's funny. I think we've actually talked more than Peyton and I ever did," Nathan remarked, a hint of realization in his voice.

"Peyton and I... you're learning, good job," Kayla corrected with a playful smile.

"Yeah, you too," Nathan responded, appreciating her correction. "Hey... are you coming to the game?"

Kayla's cheeks flushed slightly as she turned back to face him. "Um, yeah, of course, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just would want to see you there," Nathan admitted, his tone softer.

Kayla turned back to her work, hiding her smile, before sneaking a glance over at Nathan, her feelings for him becoming more apparent.


At school the next day, Troy surprised Haley at her locker.

"Hey," he greeted with a grin.

Haley shrieked slightly, caught off guard. "Troy, don't do that," she scolded, playfully slapping his chest.

"Sorry," Troy laughed, amused by her reaction. "Didn't think you were that skittish."

"Well now you know. Now what's the deal?" Haley asked, curious.

Troy proudly handed her his math exam, revealing he got a B+.

"Troy, that's awesome!" Haley exclaimed, genuinely impressed. She hugged him in celebration, but quickly backed away, flustered by her own enthusiasm. "S-sorry, got a little excited."

Troy smiled at her. "I can see that, but yeah I passed my exam. Thanks to you."

"No, that was all you. I just helped you prepare," Haley insisted modestly.

"Well, even then, you still helped," Troy countered gratefully.

Haley smiled. "Well, I'm glad I could help."

"I was also wondering if you were coming to the game tonight?" Troy inquired, his tone hopeful.

"Um, well, it depends on how you do on your math exam. Anything less than an 88, I'm staying home and watching The Office," Haley teased, setting her conditions jokingly.

Troy grinned cheekily. "Well, now I have a little incentive to do well," he replied, implying his desire to see her at the game.

Haley blushed deeply at his comment.

"But seriously, it would be cool if you came," Troy added earnestly.

"Isn't it not an actual game?" Haley questioned.

"Who wouldn't want to see us dunking over a bunch of old men?" Troy joked.

Haley laughed. "Maybe."

"I'll look for you," Troy said, turning to head to his next class, watching Haley gather her things from her locker. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that he enjoyed spending time with Haley and wanted to see her again, as much as possible.

He couldn't explain it, but regardless, he was really hoping that she would show up tonight.


Deb approached Nathan and Jayden outside while Jayden was throwing his football around with his stand-up trainer.

"How are my boys?" Deb asked warmly, handing Nathan a drink.

Nathan responded with a touch of sarcasm, "Why? Did Dad send you to spy on me?"

Jayden greeted his mom, asking for his drink, which Deb promptly handed to him. He sniffed it cautiously.

As Nathan expressed his frustration about their father's pressure, Deb tried to reassure them, "I know he's been tough on both of you lately, but things are going to change around here."

Jayden questioned, "How so?"

Deb admitted, "I don't know, but I've been away, and that hasn't been helping things around here."

Nathan expressed his desire to please their father, but also his frustration, "I just wish he'd lay off, you know. I wanna do good for him. He just gets so worked up about this stuff."

Deb tried to console him, "Well, if you don't want to play, don't play. He'll get over it."

Nathan, unconvinced, remarked, "You know that's a lie, Mom," before handing Deb his drink and walking away. Deb looked visibly upset as she watched him leave.

Jayden, understanding the situation, commented, "He's not wrong, you know," before returning to the yard to continue throwing his football.


Jayden observed her painting, which was all black, and quipped, "What do you call that?"

Peyton replied with a touch of depth, "Love."

Jayden chuckled, impressed, "Damn, that's deep as hell."

Peyton, sensing his presence, asked, "What do you want, Jay? I've already dealt with one Scott in my house."

Jayden inquired about Nathan's visit, to which Peyton confirmed, "Yeah, tried to get back together with me."

Peyton then suggested, "If you're gonna sit there and watch me, it might be a while," with a hint of sarcasm.

But Jayden had a better idea in mind, "Or you know, we can go on a drive outside of town and listen to music. I can drive this time."

Peyton was taken aback by the suggestion, but then nodded with a faint smile, "You know what, that sounds better. Let's go." She swiftly grabbed her jacket, and they left together, heading towards Jayden's car.


Outside Whitey Durham Field House, Troy walked alongside a friend until he spotted Haley.

Troy bid his friend farewell, saying, "Catch up to you later, man." Turning to Haley, he greeted her, "Hey, you made it!"

Haley teased, "Yeah, I figured I'd come support you. But just for a bit."

Troy responded with a grin, "Well, I get to see you so totally worth it." They shared a hug before parting ways.

Lucas noticed their hug and felt a pang of unease, not out of jealousy, but due to his lack of trust towards Troy.

As Troy ran up to catch up with Issac and Jordan, Issac couldn't resist teasing, "So you and the tutor, huh?"

Troy denied, though he couldn't hide a slight blush, "It's not like that, man."

"Yeah, whatever man," Issac smirked. "I know it when I see it."

Deep down, Troy was starting to realize his growing feelings for Haley, even if he wasn't fully aware of it yet.

Their bond had grown into a genuine friendship, leaving Troy eager to deepen their relationship. In any way possible.

This feeling was different from what he experienced with Reagan, and he found himself intrigued by the prospect of getting to know Haley better.

He couldn't explain it, but it was there.

Meanwhile, in the locker room, Jack sat, lacing up his trainers, lost in memories of past victories.

Bruce, one of the other fathers, approached him, breaking his reverie. "Jack, what's going on, man?"

Jack glanced up, a nostalgic smile crossing his face. "Just reminiscing the last time I was in this locker room."

Bruce nodded in understanding. "Yeah, senior night against Masonboro. I remember your thirty-point game."

Jack's smile widened at the memory. "Yeah, those were the days."

As Dan entered the locker room, Bruce turned his attention to him. "Hey! Dan the man, are you going to carry us tonight or what?"

Dan chuckled confidently. "You know it, Bruce. I'll carry the team, and Keith can carry my jock." The other men laughed, but Jack remained silent, his expression stoic.

Bruce extended his hand to Keith, greeting him warmly. "Keith, it's good to see you, man."

Keith reciprocated the gesture. "You too, Bruce."

Bruce looked surprised. "I didn't know you had a son that played ball too."

Keith's tone was somber as he explained, "Well, actually, I'm just a stand-in. One of the boys doesn't have a father,"


Lucas seemed preoccupied, ignoring Haley's attempts to get his attention from the bleachers. Frustrated, Haley resorted to calling out his name repeatedly, gesturing with confusion when he didn't respond. Both Lucas and Nathan glanced in her direction, catching her puzzled expression before they were called to the side as a whistle blew.

Meanwhile, Chloe and Rose entered the gymnasium, searching for a place to sit. While Rose headed towards the booster club area, Chloe's attention was drawn to the bleachers. Spotting Haley, whom she recognized as the girl who had visited their house a few weeks prior, Chloe's curiosity piqued.

Leaving her distracted mother behind, Chloe approached Haley, sitting down next to her with a shy greeting. "Hi," she said tentatively.

Haley was taken aback by the sudden presence of the little girl. "Uh, hi," she replied, a bit surprised. "You're Troy's sister, right?"

Chloe nodded enthusiastically. "Uh huh," confirming her identity.

And then proceeded to bombard her with questions.

"Are you Troy's girlfriend? Why were you at our house? Do you like basketball? Are you cheering for my dad and brother? Can I sit here with you?"

Haley was surprised by the barrage of questions. She didn't quite know how to answer.

"Well, uh-"

But before she could reply, the sound of a worried Rose Dawson interrupted their chat.

"Chloe Elizabeth Dawson, what did I tell you about wandering off? We're in a packed gym, you can't do that," scolded Rose gently.

Chloe apologized immediately. "I'm sorry, Mom."

Rose reassured her daughter. "It's okay, sweetie, just don't do it again." Then, she turned to Haley, offering an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry for my daughter, her curiosity gets the best of her."

Haley waved off the concern. "It's really no big deal."

Chloe seized the opportunity. "Mom, can I sit next to Haley?"

Rose's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, so you're the Haley that's tutoring Troy. He's said so much about you."

Haley felt a twinge of nervousness. "Uh, yeah, I am. Hopefully good things?"

Rose reassured her. "Oh, he has. And I can't thank you enough; math is a lot different now than what I was used to back in high school. It's a lot less work for me."

Haley laughed. "Well, I'm glad I can help. Troy's a good friend."

Rose smiled warmly, her thoughts momentarily drifting. Maybe Troy... But Chloe interrupted her reverie.

"Mom? Can I please sit next to Haley?"

Rose hesitated, but Haley quickly intervened. "It's really no big deal, I can watch her for a bit."

Rose looked at Haley, seeking confirmation. "Are you sure?"

Haley nodded. "Really, it's not a problem. Besides, how long is this game anyway?"

Chloe chimed in. "Two hours."

Rose relented. "Well, I guess if you're alright with it. I'll be sitting with the booster moms, so if you're having trouble, just come find me."

Haley thanked her. "Sure thing, thanks, Mrs. Dawson."

Rose insisted, "Please, just call me Rose. Mrs. Dawson makes me feel older."

With smiles exchanged, Rose walked away, leaving Haley and Chloe to sit together.

Haley joked with Chloe, "So, I guess we're stuck with each other, huh?"

Chloe nodded eagerly. "Can I go get a snack?"

Haley agreed, "Yeah, sure. Let's go." They headed off together in search of the concession stand.


The boys and fathers huddled up, each group breaking off to their respective positions as they prepared for the tip-off.

"Fathers! 1, 2, 3, fathers!" cheered the older men before dispersing to take their places on the court.

Troy playfully clapped Jack's hand. "Take it easy on me, alright?" the older Dawson joked.

Troy grinned. "Yeah, we'll see."

Jordan shared a high five with his dad before breaking off to his position.

The announcer's voice boomed over the crowd, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Tree Hill Ravens' father and son charity basketball game. Tonight, the fathers battle the sons, and the winner gets bragging rights."

As the players were introduced, Nathan jogged onto the court, pumping his fist in the air to the cheers of the crowd. Meanwhile, Dan received a roaring applause as he stepped onto the court, soaking in the attention.

Issac commented to his dad, "Mr. Scott seems happy."

His father chuckled. "He never moved on from high school."

Jack nodded in agreement. "You got that right."

Dan couldn't resist a jab at Nathan. "Sounds like the old man got a louder applause than you did."

Nathan shot back with a grin, "Are you sure your hearing aid's not turned up too loud?"

With the banter exchanged, the game commenced, with Dan winning the tip-off. However, instead of taking it easy on Nathan, Dan played aggressively, much to Nathan's growing annoyance.

On the next possession, Troy swiftly grabbed the ball and lobbed it to Jordan, who skillfully put in a layup over his father.

"Hey Jagelski, why don't you start playing some defense?" Dan called out to Mr. Jagelski.

Jack sighed. "Dan, don't start this."

Despite the banter, the game continued, with the boys dominating the scoreboard.

"Under a minute remaining now, and the Ravens' sons are putting on a show," the announcer exclaimed. "They've made a mockery out of this one. A 28-point lead, and they're running it in on the fathers."

Lucas showcased his skills, spinning the ball on his finger before passing it over to Troy, who pulled off a funny move, causing Jack to burst into laughter.

"Dawson disgraces his father," the announcer declared.

Dan turned to Nathan with a warning, "Don't try that crap with me, Nate."

However, Nathan attempted a move, deftly maneuvering the ball around his jersey, leaving his dad momentarily confused.

"Nathan Scott tries... scores, and is left with an even 30 points at halftime," the announcer announced as the first half came to a close.


Dan grumbled in frustration as he addressed the team of fathers. "You guys suck out there. It's embarrassing."

Keith retorted with a smirk, "For you, maybe."

Dan shot back, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "Come on... you play house with a girl I get pregnant in high school and I'm supposed to be embarrassed?"

Jack intervened, trying to diffuse the tension. "Dan, we're old men, playing horribly, and that's the way it's supposed to be."

But Dan wasn't convinced. "Not for me," he muttered, leaving the room.

Dan stormed into the adjoining Ravens' locker room, where the boys were joking around, reveling in their significant lead over their fathers.

"Enemy approaching," Tim warned as Dan entered.

"That's right, enemy approaching. Are you going to bring your best game or what?" Dan challenged.

Nathan scoffed, "You're down by thirty, Dad."

Ignoring Nathan's remark, Dan focused on him. "No, I'm talking to you. You bring your best game, I'll bring mine, and then we'll see."

"We'll see what?" Nathan questioned.

"We'll see who's the best. Or maybe you'd rather not know," Dan retorted.

Troy interjected, "What does that have to do with anything? It's a pickup game."

"Watch it, Troy," Dan warned, standing up to him.

Before tensions escalated further, Jack entered the locker room.

"Get away from my son, Dan," Jack demanded.

Dan shot back, "Tell your son to mind his own business. Maybe he should be thinking about how bad he's been playing."

Jack remained firm. "Maybe it's because he's right. This is a pickup game, and you're making a scene. Now back off my kid before you and I have problems."

Keith entered the room, attempting to diffuse the situation.

"Hey, come on, relax, little brother," Keith urged Dan.

Dan bristled. "This isn't your place, Keith."

Keith stood his ground. "Well, it's not your place either, Dan. It's their game now. We should be proud they're so good."

"Like you had anything to do with it," Dan retorted.

"You walk away, Danny," Keith advised firmly.

Turning to Nathan, Dan issued a final challenge. "Let's see what you got." With that, he walked away, leaving the tension lingering in the air.

"Hey, you're doing fine," Keith remarked to Nathan before leaving the locker room.

Jack checked in with Troy, expressing concern. "You alright?" he asked.

Troy nodded, acknowledging his father's inquiry. "Yeah, I wish he wouldn't get so worked up," he replied.

Jack offered some perspective to Nathan, trying to ease any pressure. "Don't worry about him, he hasn't grown up fully," Jack reassured him before following Keith to the locker room.


Chloe toddled alongside Haley, her tiny feet almost tripping over themselves as she kept pace with the older girl. They chased after Lucas, who seemed determined to avoid Haley's attempts to talk.

Chloe piped up, her voice a sweet melody of innocence, "Where are we going?"

Haley sighed, trying to keep up with Lucas's brisk pace. "Luke, are you mad at me? What's going on?"

Lucas shook his head, his expression tight with frustration. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

Haley persisted, her tone pleading, "Okay, can you just tell me what I did, please?"

Lucas glanced at Haley, his eyes filled with doubt. "I saw you with him."

Haley's brow furrowed in confusion. "Who, Troy? God, he got a good grade on that math quiz. It was nothing."

Lucas shook his head, his voice tinged with skepticism. "I want to believe you, Haley. I do. But I don't think you're telling the truth. And now you're playing babysitter with his sister."

Chloe glanced between the two of them, trying to make sense of the conversation.

Haley's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Lucas, for the last time, nothing is going on. And I'm just watching Chloe during the game."

Lucas's jaw clenched, his doubt still evident. "Yeah, right. That's how everything starts, isn't it?"

Haley's eyes flashed with irritation. "I'm serious, and don't bring this on her. She's just an innocent little girl who's done nothing wrong."

With that, Lucas dashed off onto the court, leaving Haley and Chloe behind.

Chloe tilted her head, her expression curious. "Why was he upset?"

Haley sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know, he's acting like a child."

Chloe grinned, her innocence shining through. "Okay!"

Haley chuckled, taking Chloe's hand as they hurried to catch up with the game.


The announcer proposed an interesting twist to the game, making the score 0-0 with the next basket determining the winner, the Ravens' sons huddled together for a final strategy.

Nathan, determined, declared, "Alright. Give me the ball."

Troy rallied the team, "Alright. Let's go, fellas. Ravens on three."

With a unified chant of "Ravens," they took to the court, knowing the next basket would seal their victory.

As Nathan made his move toward the basket, Dan, in a shocking move, pushed him to the ground, halting his progress.

Kayla who was in the crowd shouted in concern, "Nate!"

She couldn't believe what his own father had done.

Jack, filled with anger, turned to Dan, appalled by his actions.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Whitey watched in shock as Nathan remained on the ground while Dan stood over him.

Dan a good over Nathan, asking, "You okay? I couldn't give you the winning bucket, Nathan."

Jordan intervened, questioning Dan's actions, "What's wrong with you?"

Lucas and Jordan reached down to assist Nathan, offering their support.

Lucas inquired, "Beat them?"

Nathan affirmed his desire to win, "Yeah. But I want to do it myself."

As Nathan took the ball, he made a bold move toward the basket, but intentionally dropped the ball, creating a turnover.

The fathers seized the opportunity, poised for payback.

Dan criticized Nathan's mistake, "That was a sloppy turnover, Nathan. That's not like you."

Nathan revealed his intentions, "That's because it was on purpose."

Dan, confused, asked, "On purpose? Why?"

Nathan confronted his father, "Because you don't deserve my best game, Dad. Look. I could've beat you. You know it and I know it. You know, if you want to mess with that, go ahead. I'll give it to you."

Stepping back, Nathan allowed Dan to take the shot. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Dan made the shot.

With a final declaration, Nathan asserted, "You didn't beat me, Dad. You never will."


In the locker room after the game, Troy and Jack exchanged banter about their performance on the court.

"Good game, old man," Troy remarked with a grin.

Jack chuckled, "Nine points tonight. Not bad for a former MVP."

Troy nodded, "Well, you know Wilt Chamberlain retired when he was 37."

Jack shrugged, "Yeah, but Wilt is a machine. Plus, back then they hardly ever had injuries."

Troy's expression softened as he continued, "Seriously though, Dad, it was fun. After what happened earlier, I'm glad I grew up with you as my Dad and not Mr. Scott. Everything you've done for me... and what you did for Nathan."

Jack paused, a somber look crossing his face. "Dan's a complicated man, Troy. He's still the same guy he was in high school. Nathan and Jayden are now getting the same treatment and I feel bad for them."

Before their conversation could continue, Chloe burst into the locker room, followed by Rose.

"Good game, big brother," Chloe exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice.

Rose nodded in agreement, adding, "Good game, both of you."

Troy smiled at his sister and mother, expressing his gratitude. "Thanks, munchkin. Thanks, Mom."

Chloe eagerly shared her news, "Guess what, Troy? I sat with Haley today!"

Troy's interest piqued, "Oh, you did? And were you nice to her?"

Chloe nodded vigorously, "Of course!"

Jack, intrigued, interjected, "Oh? Who's Haley?"

Rose eagerly explained, "This very sweet girl that's tutoring Troy, you know, honey. She is really prettyβ€”"

Troy interrupted his mom with a chuckle, "Mom, stopβ€”it's not like that. We're just friends."

Rose winked at her husband, clearly teasing, "I'm just saying, honey."

Chloe, oblivious to the banter, voiced her desire to see Haley again, "I want to see her again, Troy. Can we? Please?"

Troy hesitated before replying, "We'll see, Chloe."

As he felt a blush creeping up his cheeks, Troy couldn't deny that Haley's growing presence in his family made his heart race a bit. Maybe, just maybe, he was catching feelings too.


Outside the field house, Kayla approached Nathan, concern evident in her eyes.

"Are you okay? I saw your Dad push you," she remarked, her voice filled with worry.

Nathan shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "I'm fine, you know Dan Scott, he can be a bit of a hard ass."

Kayla nodded, not entirely convinced but choosing not to press further. "Well, as long as you're okay."

Nathan smiled gratefully at her, "Yeah, I'm glad you came, Kayla."

Before Kayla could respond, Peyton and Jayden arrived on the scene, interrupting their conversation.

Nathan's expression shifted slightly, his gaze lingering on Peyton and Jayden. "What's she doing here with Jayden?"

Kayla, sensing the tension, made a quick excuse to leave, "I should go, you guys probably have a lot to talk about."

Nathan hesitated, wanting her to stay, but Kayla had already made up her mind. "No, you don't haveβ€”"

But Kayla was already walking away, cutting him off gently, "I'll see you later, Nathan."

Left alone with Peyton, Nathan turned his attention to her, hoping to address their strained relationship.

"Hey," he began softly. "I'm glad you came. I knew you would. I want you to know things are going to be different for us."

However, Peyton's response caught him off guard.

"Did you know that my mom died tonight? Seven years ago?" she revealed, her voice heavy with emotion.

Nathan's shock was palpable. "You didn't know because you never asked. Troy's sister is five, and she gave me a card. Even she remembered. I didn't come here for you, Nathan."

Feeling a pang of guilt and regret, Nathan tried to grasp the weight of Peyton's words. As he glanced over at Lucas, who had just walked out the door, everything clicked into place. He understood.

She came here for Lucas.

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