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Around 2 years ago, when the famous Harry Potter first arrived at Hogwarts, strange killings have been observed around wizarding communities. All of which have been burned into ashes, the reason being the grandson of the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald, Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald.

Born on March 17, 1980, Gabriel was born to Grayson and Vanessa Grindelwald, both of which are Pureblood wizards. Close friends of the couple have often said that they show deep hatred for Muggleborn wizards and witches, and they have forced their beliefs onto their son.

Not much is known inside the residence of the Grindelwald's, but what is clearly known is that both Grayson and Vanessa have been horribly murdered by their own son at the age of 10. The fires that the young Grindelwald have conjured up, is actually a spell that his grandfather once used, Protego Diabolica, the most dangerous fire spell known in existence. But somehow, he did not use a wand for any of his spells, for he is a wandless magic user.

For three years, he has been continuously murdering Pureblood families, but has been finally caught by the infamous Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Auror of the Ministry of Magic. Gabriel Grindelwald is now facing trial for his numerous murders and when found guilty, will be sentenced to life in Azkaban.

A picture of said person in the article of the Daily Prophet is seen just below it. It is Gabriel, being held back by many Aurors as he keeps a steely glare on the camera as if he is staring directly into your soul. The person reading the article, is none other than the strongest wizard known to date, Albus Percival Wulfirc Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He sets down the newspaper and lets out a sigh, thinking about his past lover, Gellert Grindelwald. The two of them were almost inseparable until their epic duel, wands locked in a battle that determined the fate of wizards and muggles

Dumbledore succeeded, and Grindelwald is locked up in Nurmengard, living out his days, contemplating the crimes he has committed and determined to change his old ways. He eloped with Vinda Rosier, and together they had a child, Grayson, who, after his years at Hogwarts, fell in love with Vanessa Black, a cousin to the powerful Malfoys and sister to Bellatrix Lestrnage. Because of her outlook on Muggleborns, it lead to lots of abuse on their only son. No one, not even Gellert himsef has known about what they have done behind closed doors, until the fateful day when Gabriel exhibited the Protego Diabolica, wandless I might add, which later burned his parents into ash.

Now, Dumbledore has decided to take matters into his own hands, helping his dearest ex-lover by attending the trial of his grandson from Azkaban, at the Wizengamot Court.

"Disciplinary hearing, on the 15th of August, into offenses committed by Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald-" Cornelius Fudge, probably the worst Minister to date, says to the court of wizards and witches, including witnesses who have come to see the trial, but he is stopped by a booming voice that walks into the middle of the room where Gabriel is sat at, chained to a chair by his arms and legs.

"Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!" The headmaster states before turning his head to his ex-lover's grandson, who looks nothing but confused as to why he is here.

"What are the charges, Minister Fudge?" He asks said person, who responds without delay.

"The charges against the accused are as follows, the murder of numerous Pureblooded families, arson, underaged magic, use of Dark Magic, namely the Protego Diabolica, and multiple accounts of assault on both wizards and witches. Do you deny these charges?" All eyes are now on Gabriel, who doesn't look as scared as many thought he would be, he looks up at Fudge, giving him the tiniest smirk on the corner of his lips.

"Hell. No." He grits his teeth while doing so as some of the wizards and witches in attendance but not participating in the trial, start yelling at the young boy, telling him to die or kill himself. Those words hurt him, but he's been used to the insults once before.

"I did it because the Purebloods I murdered, were nothing more than bigoted pieces of FUCKING SHIT, THAT PREYED ON MUGGLEBORNS! I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO FOR THE EQUALITY OF PUREBLOODS AND MUGGLEBORNS, by rooting out the source of the racism and bigotry!" His voice thunders throughout the court, and it silences and scares all of them, except for Dumbledore. The trial continues on with no interruptions whatsoever as all the witnesses have spoken up for either Gabriel's innocence or guilt with both sides stating valid points on the situation, Dumbledore gives his piece as well, telling the Wizengamot that what Gabriel did was wrong, but that it has it's acceptable reasons, namely that Gabriel merely wishes to stop all the bigotry that is happening in the Wizarding community, starting with Pureblood and Muggleborn statuses. In the end, it came the time to vote.

"Those in favor of conviction?" Amelia Bones, one of the witches of the Wizengamot, asks for her fellow wizards and witches to raise their hands, and almost half of the court does so, including Fudge himself.

"Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?" The same number wizards and witches and wizards raise their hands, but with Amelia Bones and a few others, the majority goes to clearing all charges on Gabriel. Fudge gives a sigh before stating the final decision.

"Cleared of all charges..." He says disappointingly before pounding the gavel three times, which leads to some of the attendees to glare at the young boy, who has been released from his bonds and stands up to meet Dumbledore, and embraces him in a soft hug.

"Gabriel, my boy, it has been too long since I last saw you. I am so sorry for what you have gone through these past years. If only I have known of what your parents have done to you-" He is interrupted by Gabriel, who just smiles waves a hand to diffuse the tension between the two of them.

"It's fine, grandad. I was just...fed up with everything, is all. I feel like, I am useless in their eyes, and I still feel this way to a fault..." Gabriel lowers his head as tears start dripping down his face, which causes Dumbledore to comfort him with a hug as they leave the Wizengamot court and head back, to where, Hogwarts. Once they make their way to the main hall of the Ministry, they walk over to one of the many chimneys that are used for the Floo Network. As soon as they step into the chimney, green flames rise up before they are transported to the famous school of magic, inside the Headmaster's office. Their feet touch the wooden floorboards, and Dumbledore walks over to his desk chair and gestures for Gabriel to take a seat at the opposite end of the desk.

"So, why have you brought me here to Hogwarts? I hope you're not here to make me a student." He says, which earns him another chuckled from Dumbledore before the latter responds.

"Unfortunately, you'll have to attend. I cannot protect you if you are not apart of the school, you know. I made a promise to your grandfather that I would protect you to the best of my abilities." He informs Gabriel.

"Is there any other way for me to stay at Hogwarts? I-I can be an assistant to your caretaker, help him clean the castle, so I don't have to attend classes." Try as he might, he cannot make Dumbledore reconsider.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel, but I cannot allow you to attend Hogwarts as a groundskeeper." Dumbledore starts off as he adjusts his half-moon spectacles. "It will lead to further complications and unwanted incidents, and we both know that almost half of the Wizengamot has favored for your imprisonment in Azkaban." He finishes, leaving Gabriel speechless and with no other choice but to accept his grandad's offer to study at Hogwarts.

"Fine...what year will I start in? What will my house be?" He asks him, and the Headmaster just gestures to the Sorting Hat on top of a bookshelf with some light from candles to illuminate where it is.

"We shall have your sorting in private, I will, however, bring the heads of each house to come and see where you will be sorted into. And I'm sure you know how the House Cup goes. You shall also be attending as a third year, seeing as you know most of things we teach here. You'll also have to choose electives for your third year, a minimum of two is required." Gabriel nods at Dumbledore's words before the latter takes out a medium sized pouch, full of about 50 or so galleons.

"This shall be for your reading materials, and your robes, and I've added a little extra should you ever need a companion from The Magical Menagerie." Dumbledore says with a smile.

"Thank you, grandad. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

"You can thank me by doing your best in your studies. It is okay if you do not make it into the highest honors, but I ask that you not get into trouble. Think of this as your rehabilitation." With a nod in response, Gabriel takes the pouch of galleons and steps into Dumbledore's personal fireplace before he grabs a handful of Floo Powder and shouts out the words clearly.

"Diagon Alley!" Then, he throws the powder down into the embers of the fireplace, and he is soon transported into the famous busy streets. He takes a look around and sees Olivander's, the wand shop, Flourish and Blotts, the bookstore, and the Magical Menagerie, the pet store. While doing this, most of the wizards spot him and either give the boy a glare or a soft smile, either because he's a cold-blooded murderer or someone who supports the equality of Muggleborns respectively.

'Alright, first up, books. Time to head to Floruish and Blotts.' He says in his mind before getting the necessary reading materials, but he did have a hard time with his Monster Book of Monsters, since he is taking Care for Magical Creatures as one of his two electives, with Divination as his elective just for the hell of it. After getting all the books he needs, he then heads over to the Magical Menagerie to get himself a pet. A fact about Gabriel, is that he has a severe case of depression and has suicidal tendencies, all because of the abuse his parents have given him. So, it was a good idea for Dumbledore to give him extra coins for a companion to take care of.

The door opens, and the bell above it rings, signaling his entrance inside. He takes a look at his surroundings and finds many cute little creatures to choose from. From baby Nifflers, to Pygmy Puffs, and some owls and cats as well. However, one creature catches his eye the most, a light blue Kneazle kitten that is sleeping in a cage. When he kneels down to get a closer look at the kitten, it opens it's eyes to look at Gabriel, but a noticeable features is seen, a scar on the left side of it's face that runs down the forehead and down to just above it's snout. It's left eye is also greyed out, meaning that the poor kitten has been cut and blinded.

"Oh, that little Kneazle kitten arrived a few days ago. Poor thing was malnourished that her bones were visible. I suspect an abusive family did this to her." The saleswoman tells him, to which he turns to her with a small smile.

"I'll take her." He says with conviction, and the saleswoman smiles widely, happy to know that the young kitten will get the proper care she deserves. So, she opens up the cage and carries the kitten for Gabriel to hold before she gets him the necessary supplies to take care of her. Once he pays the right amount of coins, he places her in a much comfier cage with a cushion placed on the bottom for her to comfortably sleep on.

"Don't worry, little one. You'll be safe with me, no one will hurt you anymore. Besides, you and I are in the same boat, we've been hurt by the people who were supposed to take care of us, only to be hurt in the end. So it's only fair that we take care of each other." He hears a satisfied meow from his Kneazle before Gabriel decides to stay in the Leaky Cauldron to wait it out until September 1, the day Hogwarts starts another school year.

He taps a certain brick wall, three up and two across, three times before the wall opens up to reveal a cozy hotel of sorts. There is a long table in the middle of the pub, and there is also an upstairs area where the rooms are located. He procures himself a room before entering his specified room. It's just a simple queen sized bed with a fireplace and a bench to sit on. He places his things down on the floor and lets his kitten, which he now calls her Caelum, or sky in Latin. He then takes off his jacket and shirt to reveal his 4-pack abs and leaves his jeans on before writing a short letter to Dumbledore about his stay at the Leaky Cauldron and sending it by the pub's owl. Then, he jumps into bed and starts to doze off alongside Caelum, who lays down beside Gabriel's head.

'A new and fresh start, I hope I don't fuck this up...like the failure I am...'

A/N: Hey guys, it's been a hot minute since I've written anything on her, but just a heads up about my life, I failed school, and I have yet to tell my family about it. It could go horribly wrong or right, but I just wanted to get this book out of my head and publish it. I know that there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of books about Harry Potter characters with OCs and Male Readers, so I've decided to hop on this train and see where it leads me

Other than that, I hope you like the first few chapters, and I will hopefully get back to publishing regularly. So long for now.

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