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A few weeks pass by, and it's a few days before September 1, and Gabriel is currently immersed in the Daily Prophet newspaper while Caelum is up and about somewhere in the Leaky Cauldron. As he takes a sip of coffee from his mug, he squints his eyes while he reads the article about Sirius Black, the serial killer that killed a dozen or so muggles. He has been sent to Azkaban with no trial whatsoever, and that leaves Gabriel feeling suspicious about the whole thing.

Before he can read further into it, he hears the aggressive meowing of two cats and sets his newspaper down to find Caelum and a very hairy tabby cat chasing after a single rat that looks like it's been malnourished beyond comprehension. After a very interesting chase, two people run over to stop the chase, one is a male ginger, and judging by his looks, he is one of the Weasleys, a Pureblood family that Gabriel admires for their support for Muggleborns. The other person is a pretty bushy-haired girl that Gabriel stares at for a tad bit too long before noticing that the Weasley picks up the rat, and the girl picks up the tabby cat.

"I'm warning you, Hermione. Keep that bloody beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!" The Weasley exclaims to the girl Gabriel now knows at Hermione, who fires back at the Weasley's retort.

"It's a cat, Ronald, what do you expect, it's in his nature." She says before he looks up to the stairs and sees, the famous Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, Gabriel admires him to a fault. He sees him make his way down the stares, not disturbing the back and forth argument going on with Ron and Hermione.

"A cat!? Is that what they told you!? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me!" Ron says.

"That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush! It's alright Crookshanks, you just ignore the mean little boy." She says before looking to Caelum by her feet, who hisses loudly at the rat.

"But who owns this Kneazle?" As she asks that question, Gabriel whistles loudly at his companion, and she instantly runs over to her master and jumps onto his shoulder before laying down comfortably across shoulders. This catches the two's attention.

"She's mine, and her name is Caelum." He makes his presence known by folding the newspaper and standing up from his seat. Then he walks over to the two of them before holding out a hand.

"If you've read the newspaper, then you've probably heard of me, I'm Gabriel, Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald." As the words escape from his lips, Ron's eyes widen with what seems to be a combination of awe and fear while Harry, who has now met up with his friends, and Hermione look confused as to who he is.

"Y-You were all over the news when they arrested you. Guys, don't you know who he is?" Ron tells his friends while shaking Gabriel's hand, but they shake their heads no. "He was behind all of the murders around Britain, he murdered racists Pureblood families. He's standing up for Muggleborns." With that said, Harry and Hermione look slightly frightened by who they've just met, but they are soon confused by a soft chuckle from Gabriel.

"I did do those things, but I did them because of my past experiences with Purebloods. Especially the Lestranges and Malfoys. I've had a run in with Lucius and Narcissa once, let's just say that their son might have a hell of a fucking time at Hogwarts." He says with a smirk.

"You're going to Hogwarts too?" Hermione asks him with curiosity laced in her voice, to which he replies with a nod.

"Yup, my criminal records has been cleared up, and I'm a free man now. I'm in third year. What about you guys?"

"We're in third year too, just like you." Harry answers with a small smile.

"Then I think we're gonna be great friends, Harry Potter." They shake hands with smiles on their faces before Gabriel turns to Ron.

"You're a Weasley, right? You may be blood traitors in the eyes of those bigots, but I admire your family's support for Muggleborns." The ginger-head is speechless with his mouth wide open, which makes him chuckle with amusement before he finally turns to Hermione.

"I don't know who you are though. Care to enlighten me with your name?" He says almost flirtatiously, causing her to faintly blush.

"I'm Hermione Granger, I'm a Muggleborn." She introduces herself to him, and he gives her a genuine smile, albeit a very small one.

"Really? Well then you have nothing to fear if you have me as a friend. Oh, random question, what do your parents do for a living?"

"They're dentists, they take care of people's teeth."

"Now that's interesting. I think the four of us are going to get along splendidly." Gabriels says, making the Golden Trio smile at him before they decide to sit at the long table and talk about random things, like how their third year will go, either smoothly or full of trouble, while they slowly get to know their newest addition to their friends list.

"So, Gabriel, care to tell us a little bit about yourself?" Hermione asks, gaining the attention of the other two boys, who have been talking about Egypt to each other.

"W-Well...i-it's not much. I am a Pureblood wizard, that can do wandless magic, and my parents are Grayson Grindelwald and Vanessa Lestrange..." Gabriel hesitantly answers.

"Really, so your aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange?" Ron asks, although gets a slight glare from Hermione for being a bit insensitive about the topic of family.

"Y-Yeah, I don't want to t-t-talk about it. I'm sorry if I'm not so open about it." Then a hand is placed on top of Gabriel's, and it turns out to be Hermione's as she gives him a comforting smile.

"It's okay. Take your time, we'll be here when you need it." He looks to Ron and Harry, who nod at Hermione's words with apologetic looks on their faces before he gives them a smile that has houses many messages behind it. The Weasley doesn't make much of it, but Harry and Hermione see through it; however they don't act upon it. Soon after, the rest of the Weasleys arrives at the Leaky Cauldron and greet the Golden Trio, with the twins Fred and George teasing their younger brother about the newspaper clipping with them on their trip to Egypt after the second term.

"And who might you be, mysterious one?" Fred asks curiously.

"I'm Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald, you may have heard of me." The twins widen their eyes, and Gabriel expected them to be scared and never talk to him again, instead they excitedly shake both of his hands.

"It's an honor to meet you-" George says.

"-You look much shorter than we thought you'd be. Fred says.

"But that doesn't matter anyways." They say in chorus, surprising him a lot.

"U-Um, thanks, you two, I guess."

"By the way, I'm Fred." George says.

"And I'm George." Fred says, and this is one of their jokes to throw off people who've just met them. Unfortunately for them, Gabriel sees right through them and smirks.

"Nice to meet you, George, Fred." The three of them have a small laugh before he is patted on the back by woman in her 50s, this is obviously the mother of the kids.

"Hello there, dear. I'm Molly Weasley. Dumbledore has told me about you in a letter, don't worry about a thing, we won't judge you for your past crimes." She says with a warm motherly smile, which quickly makes Gabriel tear up a tad bit from her kindness.

"Merlin's beard, are you alright? Was it something I said?" Molly asks, scared if she has done something wrong, but he just waves it off.

"No, it's not you. It's just that...I've never been this loved before, and it scares me..." Gabriel says in a whisper so that only the two of them can hear what they're talking about.

"Well then, you have nothing to worry about, dear. Every friend of Harry, Ron, and Hermione's is a friend of ours." She brings him into a short but warm hug before a man walks up to Molly and Gabriel, this is the father of the Weasleys.

"Hello there, Arthur Weasley. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grindelwald." He greets with a smile as they give each other a firm handshake.

"Likewise, Mr. Weasley." Gabriel responds back.

"Now, if you don't mind, I would like to talk to both you and Harry for a few minutes. If that's alright with you?" With a nod, Arthur calls Harry over before the three of them walk to the side of the room where they won't be heard.

"Looking forward to a new term, Harry?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, it should be great." Harry responds enthusiastically.

"What about you, Gabriel. Are you excited for your first term at Hogwarts?"

"I am, it's going to be a whole new environment for me, I can manage it." He gets a, "Very good", from Arthur before the conversation starts to get a little more serious.

"Alright, you two, there are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me for what I'm about to reveal to the both of you. But I think that you need to know the facts, Harry, Gabriel, you are both in danger, grave danger." Mr. Weasley says in a whisper as his voice is laced with worry, which makes the two boys look to each other and back at Arthur, but before that, Gabriel looks over at Hermione, who has Crookshanks in her arms, with a look that screams out, "I want to get to know her even more", and this doesn't go unnoticed by her and her close friend, Ginny Weasley, the youngest of the Weasleys and the only daughter in the family.

The two girls look at him, and he blushes and looks away and back to Harry and Arthur so quickly that he might've broken his neck, making Hermione and Ginny giggle at him.

"Has this anything to do with Sirius Black, sir?" Harry asks.

"What do you know about Sirius Black, you two?" Arthur asks as a follow up to Harry's question.

"Only that he's escaped from Azkaban." Gabriel answers.

"Same here." Harry says.

"Do you know why?" Arthur asks them, but he is met with silence, signaling him that they don't know why. So, he decides to tell them the details.

"Thirty years ago, when Harry stopped..." He trails off to make sure he doesn't say His name, but Gabriel and Harry bluntly say it.


"Don't say his name, you two." He quickly tells them, and the mutter a "Sorry" in chorus before Mr. Weasley continues his explanation.

"When Harry stopped You-Know-Who, Black lost everything. But to this day, he still remains a faithful servant, and in his mind, you, Harry are the only thing that stands in the way of You-Know-Who returning to power. For Gabriel, Black is obviously related to you, since you are related to the Lestranges. He is your uncle, Gabriel, but I do not know why Sirius Black has come for you in particular. But that is why he has escaped from Azkaban, to find you..."

"And kill us." Harry finishes Mr. Weasley's explanation, then the latter places comforting hands on each of their shoulders.

"Harry, Gabriel, I want you to swear to me that whatever you might hear, you won't go looking for Black."

"Why would we chase after a person that wants to kill us? If anything, it helps us stay away from him altogether." Gabriel says, which Harry agrees to, and they leave the conversation at that. Then, the three of them head back to the table to get some breakfast with Gabriel sitting to the right of Hermione. Curious about the conversation with Mr. Weasley, she leans in close to him and asks him in a whisper.

"What was that all about?" Gabriel shivers from her hot breath, which earns him a giggle from Ginny before he answers her.

"Harry and I will tell you on our way to Hogwarts, it's not suitable to talk about it here." Hermione nods in response before they dig into their breakfast.

It is now September 1, and the Quartet has now gotten on the train, but Mrs. Weasley dashes to where Ron is poking his head out of and gives him Scabbers before the four of them start to find themselves an empty bunk.

"I didn't mean to blow her up, I just...lost control." Harry says, remembering the time he has inflated one of his aunts into a human balloon, and that earns a chuckle from both Ron and Gabriel.

"Brilliant." The former says with a wide smirk on his face, but Hermione doesn't smile about it.

"Honestly, you two, Harry was lucky enough not to be expelled." She says matter-of-factly.

"I think I was lucky enough to not be arrested actually." Harry says.

"She got what she deserved, Harry. They shouldn't have made fun of your parents like that." Gabriel says, making Hermione look at him with a soft glare, before they enter an empty compartment, well, almost empty. Seeing as there is a single man inside, sleeping with his coat covering his face.

"Who'd you think that is?" Ron asks, and Hermione immediately answers him.

"Professor R.J Lupin."

"Do you know everything, how is it she knows everything?" He asks to Harry and Gabriel, gobsmacked.

"It's on his case, Ron. Look up." Gabriel says with a chuckle as he takes a seat on Hermione's right, while Ron does what he said and sees the name tag after taking a seat in between Harry and the professor. He lets out a soft, "Oh".

"D'you think he's really asleep?" Harry asks.

"One way to find out." Gabriel says before he conjures up the same blue fire he has used countless times, which startles the trio, but Hermione pulls his hand down just as fast as he conjured it up.

"No, we are not doing that." She says with a glare that can figuratively kill, and Gabriel lets out a disappointed sigh.

"Fine." He puts out the fire before Harry closes the compartment door.

"Gabriel and I need to tell you something." Harry says, and the two of them start explaining to them about how Sirius Black is coming after the two of them and the reasons why he's doing so.

"Let me get this straight, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?" Ron asks, trying to wrap his head around things, and Harry answers with a "Yeah".

"Bu they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him." Hermione asks, and Gabriel just shrugs his shoulders.

"Sure, except no has broken out of Azkaban before, and he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks for putting it bluntly, Ron." Gabriel says sarcastically when suddenly, the Hogwarts Express starts to shake as if it's stopping, and this surprises the four of them, with Lupin still asleep.

"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet." Hermione says confused, and Gabriel stands up and opens the compartment to look at what's going on, and so do many of the other students before the train suddenly shakes fiercely, sending him back onto the chair but now on Hermione's right.

"What's going on?" Ron fearfully asks.

"Don't know, maybe we've broken down." Harry answers with a little confusion before the lights suddenly go out, startling the four of them. Then, Gabriel goes to check the window to look outside, but accidentally steps on Hermione's foot in the process.

"Ouch, Gabriel, that was my foot!" She raises her voice, to which he gives a soft-sounding apology as he continues to look outside.

"Something coming. And I have a feeling I know what's coming aboard." He informs to them before the compartment starts to get colder as the window fogs up from the temperature drop and the water bottle on the small side desk freezes up as well. Their breaths are now visible from the cold before they turn to the door, where a cloaked figure stalks towards the door and opens it with it's blackened hand. A Dementor, one of the foulest creatures in the magical world, and it's staring at the quarter. Hermione, and Ron move back in fear while Scabbers hides under his master's jacket, and Caelum and Crookshanks hiss at the dark being.

It then turns it's head to Harry and starts sucking the soul out of him, the sleeping professor opens his eyes and sees the Dementor before he looks to Gabriel, who looks at him and gives him a nod, knowing that the boy can produce the spell to ward off the dark creature. They both stand up as Lupin raises his wand at the creature while Gabriel does the same with his hand, and a bright white mist shines directly at the Dementor, making it flinch with fear and fly out of the compartment, never to be seen for a long while. Once that debacle is over, Gabriel kneels down to Harry, and so does Hermione and Ron.

The train's lights turn back on and starts to move forward again, and just in time for Harry to wake up from his unconscious state.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione worriedly asks him as she gives him his glasses and puts them on, then a loud pop is heard from Lupin, who gives Harry a piece of chocolate for him to eat.

"Here, eat this, it'll help." He tells Harry, but he hesitantly takes it.

"Don't worry, Harry. Chocolate is a remedy for what you're experiencing right now. It'll help you warm up." Gabriel says, impressing the professor, who gives a smirk to the boy.

"Wh-What was that thing, that came?" Harry softly stutters.

"It was a Dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now." Lupin answers inquisitively.

"Was it searching for Sirius Black?" Gabriel asks him, and he gets a nod in response.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a little word with the driver." The professor promptly stands up and opens the compartment door before he turns back to Harry with a soft smile.

"Eat, you'll feel better." Afterwards, he left to his destination, and Harry takes a nibble of the chocolate, which helps immensely with the side effects of the soul-sucking the Dementor had done to him.

"What happened to me?" Harry asks as Gabriel, Hermione, and Ron sit in front of him.

"You passed out. It's one of the many side effects the Dementor can do when it sucks your soul out." Gabriel answers, stroking Caelum while doing so.

"A-And did any of you, y'know, pass out?" He asks them, but they shake their heads.

"No, but I felt weird though, like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron says, which leads to Gabriel adding more information to what he said.

"Dementors feed off of our negative energy. It leaves us remembering our most horrible memories." He answers to the Golden Trio.

"But someone was screaming, a woman." Harry tells them, but they just look slightly confused for a bit.

"No one was screaming, Harry." Hermione says to him.

"It's probably has something to do with your past, with Voldermort and your parents..." Gabriel says, with a hand on his chin, thinking of the possible theories, and Ron and Hermione flinched when he said the Dark Lord's name. All they know, is that this school year is not gonna be a calm one...

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