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When they arrived at Hogwarts, Professor Mcgonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, walks up to Gabriel before the feast has begun.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grindelwald, but there has been a change of plans when it comes to the sorting ceremony. You will have to be sorted like the rest of the first years, but you will be sorted after them. Will that be alright with you?" She says in a caring tone, which causes Gabriel to nods timidly before he is told to stop in front of the Great Hall's door and will called to enter by Dumbledore. After a few minutes, inside the Hall, Dumbledore starts to give a speech just after the sorting ceremony.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words...before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin...who's kindly consented to fill the post...of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor." He gestures to Lupin, who stands up and bows to the applause of the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors. With the Golden Trio, Hermione leans in and whispers to her friends.

"Of course. That's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry." She says, but then Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa, gets Harry's attention.

"Potter. Is it true you fainted?" One of his lackeys mimics a damsel in distress that's fainted before he continues. "I mean, you actually fainted?" Malfoy's friends chuckle maliciously before Ron diverts Harry's attention back to Dumbledore.

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher...has decided to retire...in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce...that his place will be taken by none other...than our own Rubeus Hagrid." Said person is met with clapping as he stands, but he hits the table due to his size, and topples some of the cutlery and plates, but he is met with cheers and whistles from the Gryffindors to support the half-giant. Dumbledore continues on.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note...at the request of the Ministry of Magic...Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban...until such a time as Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured... that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities...a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish...between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you...to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found...even in the darkest of times...if one only remembers
to turn on the light." He finishes his inspiring speech before he starts to announce on last thing.

"And before I forget, we have a new third year student, who will be joining us from this day onward. Please welcome, Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald." As soon as he says this, the doors to the Hall open, and said person walks in, getting stares from all of the students. Some of them give him glares, while others look in awe, and this makes him feel a little anxious as his hands start to shake with fear. Professor Mcgonogall then gestures for him to take a seat on the stool before she places the Sorting Hat onto his head.

"Ah, Grindelwald. Interesting, I remember sorting your mother and father when they first arrived at Hogwarts. Both from Slytherin, might I add. Now, let's see...you are brave, and steadfast like a Gryffindor, you are intelligent like a Ravenclaw should be, you are kindhearted like a Hufflepuff, and you can be amitious like a Slytherin, maybe follow in your parent's footsteps." The Sorting Hat says in Gabriel's mind, but he himself tells the hat on where he would like to be put in.

"I would like to be put into Gryffindor, if you don't mind." He tells the hat.

"Hmm, may I ask why you wish to be in Gryffindor? You can do well in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin."

"I don't want to associate with my parents, and I believe my bravery is my strongest attribute, so I can protect Muggleborns from the prejudice of Purebloods."

"I see. Then you shall be in..."


The Red House cheers for their newest addition before the hat is removed from his head, and he makes his way towards Harry, Ron and Hermione. He takes a seat in between Hermione's right, and a black-haired boy's left. His head turns to the boy, giving him a smile in the process.

"Nice to meet you. What's your name?" He asks himz

"I'm N-Neville Longbottom." He says, slightly scared in the presence of a former criminal.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Neville. We're gonna get along just fine, as long as you support Muggleborns."

"I'm a Pureblood, but I'm friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Although, I don't talk to them often." Neville says disappointingly, but Gabriel places a hand on his shoulder.

"Then allow me to be your first friend that is willing to talk to you more often, Neville." They both smile at each other before food magically appears onto the tables, and they start to dig into the delicious dishes in front of them. After their stomachs have filled up with food, Percy Weasley, the Head Boy and One of the Prefects of Gryffindor, guides the students to the common room, but is met with the Fat Lady that guards it, who is singing opera to try and break a glass in her hand, if you can even call it singing.

"Fortuna Major." Seamus Finnigan speaks the password, being the first one to arrive, but the Lady doesn't open up and continues singing, so Harry gives it a go.

"Fortuna Major." He says the password, but she still doesn't open up.

"No no no, wait, wait! Watch this." She sings an ascending scale before she full on screams like a madwoman as all the Gryffindors and even the paintings beside her cover their ears from the horrible noise. Seeing as the glass doesn't break, the Fat Lady hits the glass behind her to fake it.

"Oh amazing, just with my voice." She says as Harry slowly starts to get fed up from this.

"Fortuna Major!" Harry slightly raises his voice, and finally the Fat Lady gives in.

"Yes, alright. Go in."

"Thank you." Harry says as the door to the common room opens up, and they quickly enter inside. Though they did manage to hear her say "Plebs" on the way inside. Gabriel leans into Hermione's ear and whispers.

"Is she always like that?" He asks about the Fat Lady, to which she replies with,

"Most of the time, well, make that all the time." This gains her a chuckle from Gabriel, making her blush faintly, and this goes noticed by both Ron and Harry, who smirk at the two and to each other.

"A galleon says they'll get together in fourth year." Ron bets to Harry.

"Two galleons for this year." Harry doubles up the bet, and they quickly shake hands before all of the third year boys enter the dorm. And seeing it's their first day back, they decide to have a little fun with some candy and sweets, specifically the candy that makes them do animal noises. Seamus gets a monkey candy, Neville gets an elephant one, and Ron gets a tiger.

"Try this one, Gabriel." Ron says, tossing one over to him, who swallows it in one go. Then, he lets out a dragon's roar that gains a cheer from the boys while they clap. Suddenly, Ron tries to stop Harry from taking a bite out of a Pepper Imp candy, but the latter quickly starts to smoke from his ears as a train sound is heard to go along with it. Everyone laughs at Harry's misfortune before they all start to get into a pillow fight.

Gabriel doesn't join this, but instead laughs along when one of them gets knocked off their feet when they get hit before his smile immediately fades once the fighting is over and they've all gone to bed. The only one who hasn't fallen asleep, is Gabriel himself, who looks up at his bed's ceiling whilst tears slowly stream down the corners of his eyes.

'I still feel so useless...even though I've just laughed. What's wrong with me..? Am I sick...or am I just...'


The next day arrives sooner that Gabriel expected, and the Quarter are currently in the Great Hall getting some breakfast. He checks his time table to find that he has Care of Magical Creatures in the afternoon after Divination, Transfiguration, and Potions.

"Guys, what subjects do you have for the day?" He asks the others but sees that Hermione's schedule is completely messed up since she's taking ALL electives. Confused and curious, he leans in, looking over her shoulder at her time table.

"Hermione, are you seriously taking EVERY subject the school has to offer, and Muggle Studies too? I thought you told me you were Muggleborn." He tells her, and she just looks at him with a look he can't really describe.

"I told her the exact same thing when I saw her time table. There are subjects overlapping each other, you'd have to be in two places at once." Ron says, but Hermione just scoffs at him.

"Honestly, you two. I've cleared it up with Professor Mcgonogall, it's fine. And as for Muggle Studies, I want to know how the wizarding world thinks about Muggles." She says, trying to diffuse the situation, but Gabriel knows all too well that she must have something that can rewind time, but he already knew that and decides to not spill the beans.

"So, our first subject is Divination with Professor Trelawney. I heard that it's a little inaccurate when it comes to predicting the future." Gabriel informs them before three very annoying Slytherins walk up to the Gryffindor dining table with smirks on their faces.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here, Potter, the Weasel, and the Mudblood." Draco says with a malicious tone in his voice, but when the word Mudblood escaped from his lips, Gabriel stands up from his seat and walks towards the Slytherins with a glare that is as deadly as the Basilisk's.

"Say that word again, and your parents will not recognize your body, once I turn you into charcoal..." He says in a low voice, but Malfoy doesn't listen and continues to smirk.

"Or what? You know I'm right Grindelwald. She's a Mudblood through and through-" He is interrupted by a headbutt and a kick down there where the sun-don't-shine, and he squeals in pain like a little girl. His lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle pick him up and flee the Grand Hall while students from the other three houses cheer for Gabriel, who huffs in annoyance before sitting back down beside Hermione. She looks at him with slight worry as she closes the book she was reading.

"You shouldn't have done that. You could get yourself in trouble." She says, but Gabriel just looks at her with the toast in his mouth before looking back down at his plate.

"That has got to be the best thing that has happened thus far. I can't wait to tell Fred and George about this." Ron says, still wide-eyed about the beatdown Draco just had at the hands of his friend, but Hermione glares at him, causing him to shut up about it.

"No, this can't be a daily routine. You can get yourself expelled, you know." She tries to warn Gabriel, but being the hard-headed guy he is, he just shrugs his shoulders and heads to Divination, causing Hermione to groan annoyingly before following him. Harry and Ron look at each other and to the two of them before they go back to eating breakfast.

-After Divination-

The subject was alright...scratch that, it was horrible in Gabriel's opinion. In his mind, he thinks that Trelawney, predicting Harry's death with the "Grim" so to speak is a fun way to start the term, but it's starting to be a lot more serious than you'd expect. Because before the term started and on the night Harry left his abusive relatives, the Dursleys, he saw a big black dog that stalked him behind the bushes, and it's starting to trouble him. Even in Transfiguration, their subject after that was quite boring because of how dark Trelawny has just started the off. Luckily, Mcgonagall doesn't like Divination as well, to some extent...

Right now, the Quartet are currently on the way to Hagrid's hut to start their first Care of Magical Creatures class, sadly, it's with Slytherin. On the way their, Ron starts going on about the Grim from Divination.

"You don't think the Grim has got anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Hermione immediately answers him, very annoyed at the fact that her books and cleverness can't go that far in that specific subject.

"Oh honestly Ron, if you ask me, Divination is a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes, that's an fascinating subject." Gabriel continues on from her answer.

"I'd have to agree Ron, and now I regret picking it as my second elective. I should've gone for Runes or Arithmancy." He says, making Hermione perk up at his elective choices.

"Then why didn't you choose them, we can choose more than two, you know." She asks.

"I don't want my work load to be too heavy. I mean, look at you, you're taking ALL electives for this term." Gabriel replies, making Harry and Ron even more confused that he is.

They gather around the friendly half-giant as he tells them that this first lesson is gonna be an amazing treat for them, then he motions them to follow along with him into the forest. From there, they arrive at a clearing where a stone fence is made in a circle.

"Right, you lot, less chattering and form a group over there. And turn your books to page 49." Hagrid tells as he goes to get his creature, but Draco interjects.

"And exactly how do we do that?" He says with venom, and Hagrid turns back to them before replying.

"You just stroke the spine of course, like what Gabriel just did." He points to said person, he has just stroked the spine of his book before opening it up, so the other students follow suit as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Gabriel group up beside a waist high rock in the clearing.

"I think they're funny." Hermione says to the three of them, but Draco decides to butt in.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes" He sarcastically says as Crabbe and Goyle laugh at his "joke", and before Harry can say a word in, Gabriel slams his book shut and ties it with it's leather strap before he stalks over to the three Slytherins and gets close to Crabbe, the fattest one of the three.

"Laugh again, and I'll put you on a spit, roasting you like the pig that you are. God your laughing sounds more like a squealing animal than a human." He growls to him before turning to Goyle, the tallest of the bunch. "You, well I might as well get a mallet and hit you upside on the head to shrink you down to size, to the size of a knut. Why, 'cuz your not worth time and your worth nothing in this world." The other students "Oooh" at the insults Gabriel is giving them before he looks directly at Draco, who challenges his smirk with his own.

"I'm not even going to bother with you, daddy's boy. I think you're still wetting your bed and have to call him to change your diapers and clean your sheets. "Oh, daddy, my blankets wet! Boohoo!""This causes Draco and Gabriel to butt heads with each other while the others just look on, waiting for what's going to happen next, when suddenly.

"Dementor, Dementor!" Draco points to a random direction behind him. They all look to the direction and see nothing, but Gabriel still has his eyes on the Slytherin.

"Very funny. I'm laughing my ass off." As he says this, Gabriel goes into a full-on laugh that is pulled out from a comic book he once read, something to do with a green-haired clown and a man dressed up as a bat. Disturbed by his laughter, the other students, including Harry and Ron, back away a few inches, while Hermione just looks, concerned in a way. He stares into Draco's soul whilst laughing with wide-eyes, nearly making the platinum blonde piss his pants. Once the laughing stops, Gabriel turns his back towards Draco and after a few seconds, quickly turns back around to scare him with a loud yell, almost like a roar. This causes the Slytherins to either shout with fear or flinch from the sudden action, and he just laughs at their misfortune before they all turn back to Hagrid, who now has a feathery friend with him.

"Da dadada!" He sings, gesturing to quadrupedal animal with the head, feathers, and front legs of an eagle, and the hind legs of a horse. Everyone starts to back away slowly, but Gabriel just smile and gets closer instead. "Isn't he beautiful. Say hello to Buckbeak." He tosses a dead ferret to the creature, catching it and swallowing it whole.

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asks, which Hagrid replies to immediately.

"That, Ron, is a Hippogriff. Now, the first thing you want to know about Hippogriffs, is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do." He says before giving a clap with excitement and turns to Buckbeak. "Now, who would like to come and say hello?" Just from that question, everyone except for Harry and Gabriel takes a step back while Neville ducks down behind the rock so he won't get called. As soon as Hagrid turns back to his students, he smile when Harry and Gabriel "stepped up".

"Well done, Harry and Gabriel." Confused, Harry turns to his side and only see the latter beside him before turning 180 degrees to see them all with sympathetic looks. With Gabriel however, he just looks in awe at the creature and takes a step forward, until he hears someone say something.

"Be careful, Gabriel." Hermione's voice rings out inside his head, so he turns to her and gives her a thumbs up and a smile before turning back to the Hippogriff. Shock is plastered onto her face, she didn't say anything out loud, so how did he know what she was thinking about.

"Alright, Gabriel, you first. Now, you have to let him make the first move, it's only polite. So step up, give 'im a nice bow. then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not, well, we'll get to that later." Hagrid says the last part with hesitation, but Gabriel trusts the half-giant, so he has nothing to worry about. Both Buckbeak and him make eye contact before he bows low still looking at the hippogriff. Then, he hears a voice in his head.

"Greetings, young human." Gabriel assumes that the voice belongs to Buckbeak, so he decides to use his Legilimency to communicate with him.

"Hello, Buckbeak. I am Gabriel Gellert Grindelwald. It's nice to meet such a magnificent creature such as yourself."

"I thank you for your kind words." Then, Buckbeak gives a bow back to Gabriel, which earns the hippogriff a ferret.

"Well done, Gabriel. He'll let you go and pet him now." So, the young Grindelwald makes his way over to Buckbeak with slow and short steps before he finally gets a hand in his soft feathers. Hagrid congratulates him once more, and his classmates applaud him for his bravery.

"I think he may let you ride him now." The half-giant says, and excitement fills inside of Gabriel.

"Really? Oh this is going to be fun." He says to Hagrid, who chuckles along and helps him up onto Buckbeak's back.

"Don't pull out any of his feathers, 'cuz he won't thank you for that." He then slaps the rump of the hippogriff, spurring him to gallop and take off into the air. Throughout the entire ride, Gabriel was just smiling with joy, never imagining being in such a beautiful place. It made him feel, happy, genuinely happy. Once Buckbeak lands back to the ground, everyone except the Slytherins clap and cheer for Gabriel, who dismounts and smiles at Hagrid.

"That has got to be the best lesson thus far, Hagrid, I can't wait for more." This makes the half-giant smile with joy.

"How'd I do for my first class?" He asks, still nervous about it.

"If teaching was on O.W.L, I'd give it an Outstanding." Suddenly, Draco pushes past a few students and strides way over to Buckbeak overconfidently.

"Yeah, you're not dangerous at all are you, you great ugly brute." Once he says those words, Buckbeak rears on his hind legs and gets ready to attack, but out of nowhere, Gabriel disappears and reappears from puffs of black smoke in front of Malfoy before punching him right in the face, as his own way of moving him out of the way. The hippogriff claws at Gabriel's back, shredding his robes and his polo short, staining them red with blood.

"Argh!" He shouts in pain from the slash while Hagrid gets Buckbeak under control. The Golden Trio then rushes over to their friend and sees that the there are three long claw marks going diagonally from his shoulder to his lower back.

"Hagrid, we need to take Gabriel to the hospital." Just as Hermione tells him, said person raises his hand up to decline the help. He then walks up to Draco, whose nose is bleeding from the punch a few minutes ago, and points a finger to him.

"You owe me, Malfoy. If you tell your father about this, I will make sure you will never be seen again...inbred trash." He starts heading back to the castle with the Trio in tow as soon as Hagrid dismisses the class.

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