𝖎𝖎. Getting used to it

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Getting used to it


As the years went by, she discovered how her human gift progressed when she became a vampire.

Her ability can make her see someone's fate but not until death, only in a span of ten to fifteen years. The ability to see someone's most profound and greatest fears and make them live through them. With her purple vapors that could make one feel every sort of pain.

And Aro loves every part of Eden's gift. It's his treasured possession.

Eden sat on the edge of her bedroom window. Cobble walls and red satin curtains surrounded her. As the sun and moon meet, she looks at them longingly.

The sun and moon are forbidden to love, for the light and dark cannot be combined, nor the cold and hot, as they separate when they just met, the world stares in awe at the eclipse.

It never occurred to Eden the mere idea of love, and she was happy with the Volturi. It was the luscious life she always wanted, with everything given to her on a golden platter.

She was treated like a princess instead of the town's witch.

She never felt superior as she was now.

But there is something that Eden always hated.

The punishments for vampires. It was cruel, inhumane even.

And she was always on the front row, using her gift.

Jane abruptly burst through her bedroom with a sadistic grin playing on her face, "You are summoned, Eden."

"Whatever for?" Eden says as she stands up from her seat. Jane shrugs as she exits the room, with Eden following her as they walk through the candle-lit corridors. "Oh, must you ask?"

Eden purses her lips, walking quietly as they head towards the throne room. As they entered, a man in chains kneeled before Aro, Caius with his curious expression, and Marcus looked as if he already wanted to leave.

"Ah, Eden, finally, you've arrived!" Aro exclaims in delight as Eden stands beside Caius' throne, with Caius looking at Eden with a smirk. Eden and Caius have grown quite fond of each other, with Caius accepting Eden's presence to the Volturi and being as he despised friends.

They bonded over books and Caius's curiosity about human history or any human activities at all that made Eden intrigued.

Aro beckons Eden to come forward with her coming to his side, and the male vampire looks at her with eyes that beg for mercy. Eden couldn't help but feel guilty, and she didn't know what this vampire had committed enough to get Volturi's attention.

"What has he done?" Eden asks, with Aro's face morphing into his fraud sadness, "Speak." He orders.

"I fell in love with a human," The vampire hastily says with a trembling voice. She hears snickers from behind, and she looks behind her shoulder, seeing Jane and Alec with a grin, Marcus with a curious expression, and Caius...with a guarded stance.

Eden tilts her head as she questions Caius with her eyes, with him dismissing her with a smooth movement of his pointing finger that went unnoticed by the others. Eden looks back at the vampire.

A forbidden love affair between a vampire and a human. This isn't Eden's first occurrence of a vampire falling in love with a human, but is it a crime to love?

One of Volturi's laws is not to let a human knowledge of their existence, or the consequences will be the death of both parties.

"When did this begin?" Eden asks, and the vampire gulps. Not wanting to answer, she heard Jane's voice, "Pain."

The man screams in pain as he falls to the floor. His body felt like it was on fire, like he was being burned alive.

Aro raises his hand, and Jane stops using her ability. "Answer her." Aro orders with a firm and commanding voice.

"Five years." The man answers with a groan.

Aro releases a disappointed noise, "Five years you've managed to hide it from us."

The man stayed silent. "And for five years, you never turned her. Why?" Eden asks with a tilt of her head. It was plenty of time for consideration.

"I didn't want her to suffer from becoming one of us." The man answers her, with Eden pursing her lips. The transformation was indeed a painful process. It was excruciatingly painful if Jane's ability was doubled.

"Oh, but it only takes two to three days, and voilà! She is one of us!" Aro exclaims with a clap of his hands, and it dawns upon Eden what the man meant.

"Perhaps it was not that, Aro," Eden tells him, with Aro looking at her with a smile, encouraging her to continue, "He was afraid that the human would know what it is to be one of us."

"The bloodthirst? The killings? Or immortality? Do tell us," Aro looks pleased with what Eden observed. The man answers, "All of it."

"Then why form a relationship with a mere human?" Aro questions intrigued.

"It felt pure," The man shortly answers.

"Pure? How so?"

"It's as if I can be who I am without my past. To be loved for your entire being without hesitation-"

"Enough of this!" Caius stands up with a furious expression, "All this questioning with useless answers is just wasting my time! Get on with it, Eden."

"Very well," Aro agrees, "Eden, if you please."

Eden nods as two guards place themselves beside the kneeling man. She walks toward him, and she puts her hand on the side of the man's head without completely making contact.

Purple vapors were released from her palms as they went through the man's ears, and all was black until Eden saw the human running through the field happily. With the man with a bright smile, his skin sparkling, he chased her.

The man looked at her with so much love that Eden almost envied him, "I'm sorry," Eden whispered, yet it echoed. The man stopped running as he looked at Eden. He nods in acceptance.

As she was morphed back to reality with the man beheaded.

"What did you let him see?" Aro excitedly asks.

Eden looks at him, "I made him kill her."

Aro claps in delight, "Well done! Everyone! Dismissed!"

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