Chapter 53

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As we arrive in Turffield, we are surprised to encounter Lillie, who has been in the Galar Region with her family since the wedding. They had some business to attend to in the Battle Tower near Rose Tower, so they watched my match on a screen.

Lillie greets me, saying, "Ash! Congratulations on your victory against Leon."

"Thanks, Lillie. That means a lot," I reply.

Lillie looks puzzled and asks, "Though what are you doing here?" Alice steps in, explaining, "We have some significant issues to deal with in Turffield."

Lillie nods in understanding and decides to join us for the time being. The four of us head into the stadium and are surprised to find Milo and, to our further astonishment, Piers present.

"Hello there, Champion! So, you came!" Milo greets us warmly. I inquire, "What's going on here?"

"Hah! How carefree can you be? You're the new Champion. You're bigger than a Dynamax Pokémon right now," Piers mutters with a touch of sarcasm.

Milo explains, "I was actually in the middle of an exhibition match with Piers. Then this Dynamax Pokémon came charging in."

Piers adds, "The audience and staff already took shelter."

Just then, we feel the ground shake again, and I ask urgently, "Have you seen two guys wearing red and blue outfits among here?"

Milo and Piers shake their heads in response. Milo then speaks, "No, we haven't. Those suspicious characters you saw are concerning... But for now, I think we should get this Dynamax Pokémon to settle down first! I'd be glad for your help against such a tough-looking opponent, Champion Ash."

"I'll lend a hand, too. I don't blame the Pokémon, of course, but I'm still just a bit miffed they upstaged me," Piers says with a smirk before leaving, Milo says, "Piers might look scary, but he's great at looking after others. He's a big brother, after all. All right, we should get going, too."

As we enter the stadium, we are confronted by the sight of eight Dynamaxed Pokémon: Vileplume, Bellossom, Shiftry, Leafeon, Ferrothorn, Gourgeist, Tsareena, and Flapple, all in their imposing Dynamax forms.

"Eight Dynamax Pokémon?" We gasp in shock, realizing the gravity of the situation. With determination, we quickly spring into action, our combined team of Pokémon ready for battle. The battle is intense, but with our combined strength and strategy, we manage to defeat all eight Dynamaxed Pokémon with relative ease.

As the last one falls, we catch our breath, relieved that we were able to quell the chaos in Turffield Stadium. Milo sighs with relief, saying, "Phew... Looks like things've finally calmed down a bit."

"This Dynamax stuff... No matter how many times I see it, I still don't like it," Piers adds, his unease evident.

Milo acknowledges Piers' sentiments, saying, "I can see your dislike of Dynamaxing still hasn't changed, Piers. But there was definitely something off about that Dynamax transformation..."

"Right, there weren't any trainers Dynamaxing them... and the Pokémon seemed like they couldn't even control the power themselves," I observe.

"Quite right... Normally, a Pokémon needs to respond to a Dynamax Band in order to Dynamax, but..." Milo says, trailing off.

"Seems there was some discord in the harmony between Trainer and Pokémon," Piers comments, highlighting the unusual circumstances surrounding the Dynamax Pokémon we encountered.

Milo says, "This really is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I'll make sure Turffield Gym takes good care of these Pokémon for the time being. You lot really helped me out here. Thanks for that. Oh! If you should ever need my help, feel free to call me anytime."

He hands us his rare League Card, and then Milo leaves with the Pokémon he was caring for. Just then, we hear the voices of Sordward and Shielbert.

"Well, well, well! Looks like that Dynamax nonsense has calmed down," Sordward remarks.

"Well, well, well. The Champion, as expected," Shielbert adds.

We notice the two of them at the Poke Mart, and Alice says firmly, "Found you! Give back the Rusted Shield!"

Sordward responds, "Well, I never. It's not like it's something that belongs to you, either."

"Even if it were yours, we wouldn't give it back," Shielbert adds defiantly.

"What's with those guys?" Lillie asks, clearly perplexed by Sordward and Shielbert's behavior.

Piers comments, "Who are these guys? Spectators and staff should've been evacuated."

Sordward retorts, "The normal rules simply just don't apply to us!"

"Yes! That's what it means to be celebrities!" Shielbert adds with a smug grin, further emphasizing their disregard for the usual protocol.

"Who is this ruffian to question us? You're just someone with strange taste in hairstyles!" Sordward sneers, clearly unimpressed with Piers' appearance.

Shielbert joins in, mocking Piers, "His entire style is complete black and white nonsense. Isn't it, Older Brother?"

Piers, undeterred, retorts, "You think I'd put any faith in words from rude little punks like you?"

Ignoring us once again, Sordward says with enthusiasm, "But it seems our experiment was a success, Younger Brother."

"Quite, quite. Next time, let us try to Dynamax an even stronger Pokémon," Shielbert adds, their focus already shifting to their next scheme.

"Yes, yes! At last, we shall reveal the true nature of Zacian and Zamazenta!" Sordward declares.

"What was that about Zacian and Zamazenta?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued.

"You, despicable Champion! We're going to keep letting Dynamax Pokémon run wild!" Shielbert announces.

"If you want to stop us, do your best to chase after our splendid-looking bottoms!" Sordward taunts.

"More like... celebrity bottoms!" Shielbert adds with a smirk, clearly reveling in their newfound notoriety.

"And with that, farewell!" Both say as they make a hasty retreat.

Serena can't contain her frustration, yelling, "Hey! You were the ones who caused all of this! Get back here!"

"Calm down, Hop. You don't gotta act so hard," Piers advises, attempting to keep the situation under control.

Alice raises a valid question, asking, "So we're just going to leave them alone?"

Piers responds, "No, but they could be leading us into a trap. It's a bad idea to run unprepared. Let's all calm down for a sec. Thanks to them running their mouths, we know their goal is to force Pokémon to Dynamax."

"And they plan to continue doing it!" I say with determination. "There's no way we are going to let them do it. We can ignore the Rusted Shield for now; we have to stop them from Dynamaxing the Pokémon."

As we exit the stadium, we unexpectedly encounter Sonia. "Ah, there you are! Things are a right proper mess! Just when I thought the Galar particle count around Turffield had calmed down... I started getting huge Galar particle readings from Wedgehurst, Hulbury, Hammerlocke, Motostoke, and Circhester Stadiums!"

"Five Stadiums?" I gasp in disbelief. "Are you serious right now?"

Sonia inquires, "So, what exactly happened at Turffield Stadium?"

We proceed to explain in detail what transpired at Turffield Stadium, including the Dynamax Pokémon rampaging and the involvement of the sword and shield weirdos. Sonia is shocked, exclaiming, "What?! Dynamax Pokémon went on a rampage? Those sword and shield weirdos did it?"

"Yeah," Piers says, confirming the situation, and Sonia notices him. "Piers, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in Spikemuth?"

Piers responds, "I'm an ex-Gym Leader. I can be wherever I want. It's not that weird! More importantly, you said there were Dynamax Pokémon at other stadiums?"

Sonia acknowledges his concern, saying, "Yes. I'm getting the same readings in other towns as I was from Turffield Stadium."

Piers expresses his worry about Marnie, but Sonia reassures him, "Ah, but Spikemuth Gym should be OK, right? I'm only seeing readings from Hulbury, Wedgehurst, Circhester, Motostoke, and Hammerlocke Stadiums."

Lillie chimes in, stating, "If Pokémon are being forced to Dynamax and running wild, we have to do something to stop them."

I assert, "We have to head to the stadiums one after another, and we also need to chase those so-called kings."

Piers encourages our resolve, saying, "Heh. That's the spirit, Champion."

Sonia offers to help with the research, saying, "Leave those sword and shield weirdos to me. I can poke around the net for sightings of them."

Piers concurs, saying, "We'll leave the researchin' to this, er... Sonia, was it? We should get to the other stadiums and help out." Our plan is set in motion to tackle the crisis and track down Sordward and Shielbert while we're at it.

In each of the gyms, we successfully meet with the other Gym Leaders and work together to put a stop to the Pokémon rampages caused by the Dynamax phenomenon. Our journey begins in Grenomy, where we assist Luna in calming down eight rampaging Psychic-type Pokémon: Galarian Rapidash, Espeon, Gardevoir, Gallade, Gothitelle, Malamar, Oranguru, and Mr. Rime. While the battlefield is not on the Earth, it's fortunate that we manage to minimize the damage caused by these powerful Pokémon, although they still pose a significant threat. Our efforts pay off as we manage to bring the situation under control, and Luna rewards us with her Rare League Card as a token of appreciation.

Our next stop is Generact, where we join forces with Bolt and Boltera to quell the rampage of eight Electric-type Pokémon: Jolteon, Lanturn, Manectric, Rotom, Galvantula, Heliolisk, Vikavolt, and Low-Key Toxtricity. Piers, being good friends with the two Electric-type Gym Leaders, contributes to our teamwork, making it easier for us to stop the crisis. Our combined efforts lead to success, and as a token of gratitude, Bolt and Boltera reward us with their Rare League Card at the end of our mission.

Our journey takes us to Hulbury, where we collaborate with Nessa to pacify eight Water-type Pokémon that are running rampant: Gyarados, Mantine, Wailord, Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Barbaracle, Wishiwashi, and Barraskewda. Dealing with such colossal Pokémon proves to be a significant challenge, requiring substantial effort to bring them back to a calm state. After successfully calming these aquatic giants, Nessa expresses her gratitude by offering us her League Card as a token of appreciation at the end of our mission.

Our next destination is Motostoke, and Serena is delighted to reunite with her father, Kabu. However, our joyous reunion is brief as we are immediately faced with the task of calming down eight Dynamax Fire Pokémon: Arcanine, Flareon, Torkoal, Chandelure, Heatmor, Salazzle, Turtonator, and Centiskorch. As we work together to pacify these fiery creatures, Kabu is impressed by Serena's growth and maturity. After successfully calming the raging Fire Pokémon, Kabu expresses his pride in Serena's development and rewards us with his Rare League Card as a gesture of appreciation for our assistance in restoring order to Motostoke.

Our last stop is Wedgehurst Stadium, where we collaborate with Teacher Namie to confront eight Dynamax Normal Pokémon: Snorlax, Noctowl, Cinccino, Braviary, Bewear, Drampa, Greedent, and Dubwool. Teacher Namie has enlisted the help of students from the Hammerlocke Academy to aid us in this challenging endeavor. Together, we manage to successfully defeat and calm the rampaging Normal-type Pokémon. In gratitude for our assistance in restoring order to Wedgehurst Stadium, Teacher Namie presents us with her Rare League Card as a token of appreciation.

Just as we finish our mission in Wedgehurst Stadium, a call from Sonia urgently interrupts us. "We've got trouble! Those two weirdos have shown up at the Pokémon Lab!"

"What? Sonia! Are you alright?" I inquire, concerned for her well-being.

"They keep rudely demanding I hand over Wishing Stars. I'm all right for now, but get over here quick, OK? These guys are right creepy!" Sonia pleads before abruptly ending the call.

"What are those two doing going after Wishing Stars?" Piers questions, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Well, good thing we're already in Wedgehurst, right? Let's make our way to the lab immediately," I suggest as we hurriedly head towards the Pokémon Lab to assist Sonia.

Upon our arrival at the lab, we are greeted by the presence of Sordward and Shielbert. Sordward arrogantly declares, "We know all the Wishing Stars that Chairman Rose had gathered are here. We celebrities have an enhanced level of insight into such things!"

Shielbert chimes in, condescendingly stating, "You noncelebrities are not suited to having such valuable things. Hand them over to us."

Sonia refuses to back down, retorting, "Wishing Stars and being a celebrity have nothing to do with each other! I don't know how you knew about this, but there's no way we're giving them to you!"

Professor Magnolia stands by her side, adding her voice to the protest. "That's right! You could never understand how important these Wishing Stars are. You have no need for them!" The determination of the lab's occupants to protect the Wishing Stars is unwavering.

"Goodness. Whatever should we do, Younger Brother?" Sordward addresses his brother with feigned concern.

"It would certainly seem we have been inconvenienced, Older Brother," Shielbert responds with a hint of sarcasm.

Their laughter fills the room, but Alice quickly calls them out, saying, "It is Sonia and the Professor who've been inconvenienced here! Forcing Pokémon to Dynamax against their will... You've gone way out of bounds here! And we haven't forgotten about getting back the Rusted Shield, either!"

Sordward responds with a taunt, "Well, well, well! I certainly thought the Champion would come, but I didn't think losers would follow," which infuriates the girls.

"They're purposely taunting you," Sonia remarks, trying to keep the situation under control. I step in, saying, "Sonia's right. Just because you followed me doesn't make you a loser. How about we fight them together?"

"Yeah, let's take on those weirdos together," Serena adds, showing her determination to confront Sordward and Shielbert as a united front.

"W-w-w... WEIRDOS?" Sordward gasps dramatically.

"How they wound me, Older Brother! To be called such terrible things as 'weirdos' by these ruffians!" Shielbert exclaims, feigning offense.

"Indeed! To address royals such as ourselves in such a manner cannot—will not—be forgiven!" Sordward continues with his dramatic response.

Shielbert then boasts, "This time I've brought much stronger Pokémon to thoroughly trounce you with!" Their theatrics continue as they prepare for a battle against us.

Despite their dramatic proclamations, Sordward and Shielbert continue to use the same Pokémon as before, albeit slightly stronger. However, with Lillie and Piers joining our ranks, our combined strength proves to be too much for them. We defeat them with ease.

"Surely this must be some kind of mistake... Wouldn't you say, Younger Brother?" Sordward laments.

"Tch... Quite the vexing predicament indeed, Older Brother!" Shielbert concedes, their arrogance deflating as they acknowledge their defeat.

"So we won again," I remark. "I wonder who are the real losers."

"The exquisite Pokémon we trained actually lost?!" Sordward expresses disbelief.

"Harumph! You only won because you teamed up. Still, we offer you ruffians our praise," Shielbert concedes, grudgingly acknowledging our victory.

"Oi. The two of you teamed up, too," Piers points out.

"Give back the Rusted Shield, and stop forcing Pokémon to go crazy!" Alice demands.

Just then, Sonia's new assistant makes an appearance and asks, "Ah, sorry... Is this a bad time?"

Sonia immediately warns her, saying, "Those men are dangerous! Be careful!"

To our surprise, the assistant stands with the two weirdos, leaving us all in shock and confusion.

"Well done. Your infiltration mission was a resounding success, it seems," Sordward praises.

"Have you gathered the Wishing Stars?" Shielbert inquires.

The assistant responds, "Yes, thanks to Masters Sordward and Shielbert buying me so much time." She then proceeds to hand over the Wishing Stars to them, leaving Sonia distraught.

Sonia pleads, "What? Stop! Give back those Wishing Stars!"

"Oh dear... it would seem we've been completely had," Professor Magnolia laments, realizing that the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Sordward revels in their success, laughing, "Fwaheeheehoho! Why, this moment is so sweet, I don't think I'll need any sugar in my tea later!"

Shielbert chimes in, "Our battle with you was just a little trick! We'd won before you'd grabbed a single Poké Ball!"

"And with that, farewell!" The two kings make their exit, leaving Sonia heartbroken and confused. She confronts the assistant with a pained tone, demanding, "Why?!"

"Professor Sonia... I'm sorry," the assistant replies.

Sonia's voice trembles as she asks, "Was everything... Was it all a lie, right from the start?"

The assistant explains, "There was no helping it. It was necessary for the plan. Our plan to put Galar under the control of the royal lineage once again..." With that, the assistant departs, and Sonia is left alone, tears streaming down her face, as she grapples with the betrayal.

"I knew it... the kings are just trying to get their power back from the council... They are trying to take over the government..." I mutter, realizing the gravity of the situation. "This is a serious crime and I think we should call the International Police."

"Is Sonia going to be alright?" Lillie asks with concern.

"I think she's gonna need some cheerin' from her real friends," Piers suggests.

However, Sonia remains silent, lost in her own thoughts. We decide to leave the lab and continue our pursuit of the kings, determined to stop their nefarious plans.

Sonia catches up with us and pleads, "Wait! Don't just leave without saying anything!"

Piers explains, "We were trying to be considerate, but..."

Serena continues, " were upset. We didn't want to say anything to make it worse."

Sonia acknowledges her mistake, saying, "Of course, I'd be down on myself! It was my fault I was tricked by a Nickit in Wooloo's clothing." However, she quickly regains her determination, adding, "But that's it! No more feeling sorry for myself! That lot made off like bandits with all the Wishing Stars! It'd be awful if they were used for some evil purpose, so there's no time to be feeling down!"

Piers chuckles and remarks, "Heh. Hehehe... You've got some guts."

As we're discussing the situation, Professor Magnolia steps out of the lab and adds, "You've certainly grown strong in the face of adversity, dearie."

"Gran..." Sonia responds.

The professor explains, "Dynamaxing draws out the true strength from the trust between a Pokémon and their Trainer. But that group is likely pouring the Galar particles emitted by the Wishing Stars into Pokémon, forcing them to Dynamax."

Alice expresses her concern, saying, "That sounds awful..."

Professor Magnolia adds with a sense of urgency, "The theft of the Wishing Stars was just the start. Things could get a lot worse from here on."

Sonia ponders the situation and asks, "But why? What reason could they have for forcing Pokémon to Dynamax?"

Alice responds, "Those weirdos said that they wanted to reveal the true natures of Zacian and Zamazenta. And I also think Ash might be right about overthrowing the government..."

Sonia then adds, "Right. I'm curious about what my former assistant said about a royal lineage. Did she mean it literally?" She then notices something on the Power Spot Detector and points it out, saying, "Ah, Ash! Look at your Town Map! I'm detecting huge reactions at eleven stadiums now!"

I react with shock, saying, "Eleven? Seriously?"

"They certainly get around, don't they?" Professor Magnolia sighs in response.

Piers expresses his concern, saying, "If there's trouble at the stadiums, then Marnie could be in a real bad way!"

Sonia reassures him, "Ah, Spikemuth seems to be OK. There's no Power Spot stadium there..." Piers sighs in relief.

Alice takes charge, stating, "This is no time to be lying about. If they're in trouble, we have to go there as soon as possible."

Sonia also makes her plans clear, saying, "I'm sorry to leave it all to you, but you'll have to take care of the Dynamax Pokémon. I'll search for those sword and shield weirdos in the meantime!" With that, we all leave for the stadiums, hoping to stop the Dynamax Pokemon.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that the Wishing Stars has been stolen. What is going to happen next? I won't be putting the Rare League Card Content in the story, just so you know. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Eternatus, Kleavor

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