Chapter 8

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After separating, Ash defeats the seventh gym, meeting with Drake of the Hoenn Elite Four and battling him, and also captures a Snorunt in the snowy mountains, much to Lillie's delight since she likes Ice Type Pokemon.

For Hoenn's Dark Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie find a Sableye at the Cave or Origin, a Nuzleaf at Route 114 and evolve into a Shiftry using the Leaf Stone, and eventually an Absol near the Hoenn Safari Zone. For Ice Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie find a Spheal at Shoal Cave and train it to evolve into a Walrein in the end. And for Water Type Pokemon, Ash captures a Feebas at Route 119, with the Prism Scale on it, it evolves into a Milotic in the end. For Johto's Poison Type Pokemon, Ash and Lillie also capture a Golbat at the cave nearby and evolve it into a Crobat by training.

When they get back to Sevestar Island, they also find another Legendary Pokemon there waiting for them. Lillie asks, "Is that a Regirock? What is it doing here?"

Arceus says, "Regirock is brought here because he wants to join your team. Sadly, of all the 6 Regis, only this Pokemon wants to join while the others decide to befriend you instead of joining your team like Kyogre."

"Seriously? I mean, I don't mind having a Regirock helping us out." Ash asks the Regi Pokemon, and the Pokemon nod with the dots blinking. He also gives Ash a Pokeball before helping Groudon with the island expansion. Though Groudon has been looking up in the sky. "What's wrong, Groudon?" Lillie asks.

After roaring at the sky, they notice a Pokemon coming toward them. Lillie says, "That's Rayquaza! Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth's ozone layer, above the clouds. Its existence had been completely unknown because it lived so high in the sky."

"I know...I've met him once back at LaRousse City..." Ash says. "Are you telling me that even Rayquaza wants to join the team?"

Arceus says, "Kyogre and Groudon have had a grudge against each other for some time, and we need a third one to stop them from fighting. Rayquaza can do the job."

"I see..." Ash says with a nod as the Pokemon gives him the Pokeball. And they also see a rainbow as another Pokemon arrives.

"What is going on here? Another Legendary Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

"This one is Ho-oh." Ash says. "I met him on my first day of the journey."

Ho-Oh also gives Ash a Pokeball as he wants to join in the team. Lillie says, "Looks like we really are blessed... we get three new Legendary Pokemon for today."

"You're right." Ash chuckles.

With the team he has in the Hoenn Region, a Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal, and Glalie, he wins the Hoenn League. Especially in the final match, he is facing a person named Tyson and his Meowth. Thanks to Pikachu's efforts, he manages to defeat it in the end.

Max says, "I can't believe it, Ash finally wins the Hoenn League."

May adds, "Yeah...that's amazing."

Brock is feeling happy for his friend, after his third try, he finally wins a League. After that's done, Ash and Brock are heading back to Kanto while May and Max are heading back to Petalburg City. Ash of course decides to go to Sevestar Island to visit Lillie.

"Since I'm the winner of the Hoenn League, I might have got some prize money for fundamental needs to set up the company." Ash says.

"By the way, I haven't told you this, but congratulations on winning the Hoenn League. I'm glad you manage to do it!" Lillie smiles while hugging Ash, sharing the joy of the League winning.

"Thank you, Lillie." Ash says. "I couldn't have done it without my Pokemon's help. Tyson sure is a strong opponent, and I'm glad to win against him."

"I've also heard that the Kanto League is around the corner, and they also mention that those who have lost the previous one can get a second chance to win this time. Are you interested in this one?" Arceus asks.

"Kanto League? Of course, I'm interested." Ash says. "I have some regrets that I've not done back in the previous Kanto League, mostly because Charizard was sleeping in the middle of the battle. But I am going to win this."

"Especially since your mother is the Kanto Champion, right?" Lillie asks. "I've looked up from the net, and she has been the Kanto Champion for years."

"Yeah. Maybe the last time I might have disappointed my mother with the performance, but it won't be happening this time." Ash says.

Once Ash and Pikachu get back to the Kanto Region, he notices that the Viridian Gym is reopened and he meets a person named Scott. Scott is the owner of the Battle Frontier and he suggests Ash take part in it. Ash agrees and he also asks Lillie's opinion of it. Lillie, of course, agrees with what Ash wants and she will be always cheering for him, which causes him to be very happy.

They also decide to capture some Kanto Pokemon for themselves. For Kanto's Bug Type Pokemon, they manage to meet up Ash's former Butterfree and his pink mate, and the two of them decide to rejoin Ash's team. They also capture a Beedrill once it evolves from a Kakuna, and a Pinsir from the Safari Zone. For Rock Type Pokemon, they find a Dome Fossil and an Old Amber, reviving both fossils into Kabuto and Aerodactyl. And they also capture a Graveler at Cerulean Cave and evolve it into a Golem by trading with each other.

Much to Ash's annoyance, May and Max also arrive at Kanto as May wants to challenge the Kanto Contests, ever since he was almost caught by those three, he has been very wary of those three if they ever find out his secret. Just before they are heading toward the Battle Factory, they go to the Rota Kingdom for a tournament. With his Pikachu, he wins the competition in the end and he is asked to hold the staff of a Legendary trainer, Sir Aaron.

But just as he takes the staff and does the pose, the staff glows and then a Lucario appears out of it. With the aura, Lucario first mistakes Ash for Sir Aaron himself. But it is after he opens his eyes that he realizes his mistake.

"My name is Ash, did you mistake me for someone else?" Lucario looks at the poster and Ash says, "Sir Aaron? Maybe It is because I was wearing his clothes."

"No, you have the same aura as Sir Aaron." Lucario says, much to their confusion. "What is Aura?" May asks.

"Aura is a form of spiritual energy described as the essence of every living creature. That is all we know." Ilene says.

"Wait, do you remember back then when Ash was angry, he somehow manages to injure me...could that be Aura?" Brock asks.

Ash freezes as he remembers the whole incident, then Ash says, "It could be... That should be it..." But before they can ask for more, they hear from Max that Pikachu is taken by Mew, so they decide to go to the Tree of Beginning to find Pikachu.

That night when everyone is sleeping, Ash goes to the yard and then decides to ask Arceus about it. Arceus says, "This is also the reason why I didn't tell you back then. One of my children has foretold me that you will be coming to this place, so I decide to wait until now."

"Why is that? Arceus? What is special about this place?" Ash asks.

"As you can see, this is the place where the first Aura user in history, Sir Aaron, was raised and trained."

Ash thinks for a second and asks, "Arceus, Lucario told me that my Aura is similar to Sir Aaron, does that mean Sir Aaron is my ancestor or something?"

Arceus says, "Yes, he is one of the bravest heroes that I have ever seen, though Lucario didn't witness his heroic deeds, which is why he said that Aaron betrayed the Kingdom."

"I see." Ash says. Then they notice Lucario walking into a room. "Should we follow him?"

Arceus nods as they go into the room, then Lucario suddenly holds him down and says, "Why did you follow me?"

Ash says, "Lucario, I know how you feel about Sir Aaron. But can you listen to me? I am the descendant of Sir Aaron, surely you will listen to me, right?"

Lucario looks at him and then he can feel a powerful aura inside him, he widens his eyes and he says, "Fine."

Then Ash calls Arceus and Lucario is surprised to see her, he bows to her and says, "My lord..."

Arceus then explains everything about Sir Aaron to him, and this causes him to finally believe and break down. "How could he do this to me...I was supposed to help him..."

Ash sees how Lucario is sad, he quickly hugs him. But with the pin on his chest, Ash can't help but feel a little pain as it presses on his body. Arceus says, "Lucario, your traveling to the future isn't in vain, you can help Ash train his aura. He recently has known about the aura and he needs some guidance on it."

Lucario looks at Ash, who smiles at him, he bows at her and says, "If this is what you want...then I will help him with all I can. My lord."

After the group all go to the Tree of Beginning, Ash has a fight with Lucario along the road as Lucario thinks that Pikachu may think of Ash as a useless trainer. But after that, Ash apologizes to him as he realizes how he feels. They manage to find Pikachu and Mew in the end, but Mew has a fever and they realize that sacrificing the way Sir Aaron did is the only choice. Lucario wants to do it himself, but with Ash and Arceus' interference, he didn't die just like Sir Aaron.

"But how..." Lucario asks. Arceus then uses her telepathy to explain that she uses her powers to reduce the damage to both of them. Lucario realizes it and then he thanks her. Ash turns to Lucario and asks, "Lucario, now that you are still here, what are you going to do now?"

"I am going to train you with Aura. So I am going to join your team." Lucario says. Ash nods as he captures the Pokemon. After sending it back out, Lucario asks, "Can you promise me one thing? I want to be kept a secret from those people outside."

"Why?" Ash asks.

"During the travel, I can tell that you are very wary of them. I may not know what your reason is, but I think it is better." Lucario says.

Ash can only agree as he recalls his Pokemon, and not only him, Mew also decides to join Ash's team but also asks to keep a secret. Once they meet with May, Max, and Brock, Max asks, "Where is Lucario?"

"He is with Sir Aaron now..." Ash frowns and it fools the others, as they are sad as well.

I'm going to let Ash rechallenge the Kanto League besides doing the Battle Frontier challenge, but Ash doesn't need to get the badges again from the beginning. Ash also manage to meet Sir Aaron's Lucario and have it join the team. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be explanation with the Aura and the next Cyborg battle.

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