Chapter 9

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After getting back to the Kingdom, Ash goes to meet Lillie at the Macro Cosmos Company in the Galar Region. At that time, Lillie shows him that Snowy hatched and it is a Vulpix, and the Vulpix hugs Ash as she recognizes him as her father.

"She is so cute." Ash says as the Vulpix yelps in agreement. "And it is a perfect Pokemon for a princess like you."

"I know." Lillie smiles, but then Arceus coughs as they look at her. "Ash, Lillie. I have something to tell you. It is related to Aura."

The two of them nod and then Arceus says, "You see...there are 18 types of aura, just like Pokemon's typing. And what you two should do is train with 18 different Pokemon with 18 different typings of aura. I know that all of you have captured a lot of Pokemon, but only 18 of them are capable of learning with you."

"Then how would we find the 18 Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

Arceus says, "You have three here. Pikachu is for the Electric Type, Snowy for the Ice Type, and Lucario for the Steel Type."

"Lucario for Steel Type? But isn't he a Fighting Type as well? Why not that type?" Ash asks.

"Because you will have another Pokemon in the future that is Fighting. Now I should tell you the ones you have that have the aura. Your Sceptile has the Grass Type, Charizard has the Fire Type, Snorlax has the Normal Type, and Heracross has the Bug Type."

"So we have a total of 7 for now..." Ash says, "How are we going to know if we encounter the ones that are the ones who are going to train with aura?"

Arceus says, "That is a simple question. Ash, can you use your Electric Aura?"

Ash nods as he tries to use it, but much to his surprise, he has a yellow saw in his hand. "What...what's going on here?"

"Fear not, Ash. They are the aura weapons, they won't injure anyone, but they can make you use Pokemon moves. This saw is an Electric Type, which means you can use Thunderbolt, Discharge, or any Electric moves from it."

Ash nods and tries to hold it closer to Pikachu, and it starts to form some waves to resonate. "I that is how we get to know the aura..." Ash says.

"So even I can learn it?" Lillie asks.

"Of course, why can't you learn it?" Arceus says, "And today I want you to learn the Steel Type with Lucario."

"Sure." Ash says.

On their way back to Sevestar, they notice the flyer of a Pokemon Contest on the road. She knows how beautiful the performances are and she is quite a big fan of them. She has been thinking of doing it after becoming a trainer, but she also wants Ash to do it. She says, "And by the way, there is a Pokemon Contest in this region as well, do you want to partake in it?"

"I am not sure, I prefer battles since they are easy to do. I didn't think about partaking in the contests..." Ash says with a smile. "But I do know some tricks about it and maybe I can partake in it to win the Grand Festival."

"You do?" Lillie asks with a surprised tone.

"As you can see, my mother is a former Kalos Queen and she knows some tricks. I can ask her about it." Ash says.

"Your Mother was a Kalos Queen?" Lillie blinks in surprise. "I never know that. But what makes her retire?"

"My Dad." Ash says. "They fall in love and they want to focus on their relationship."

"Wow." Lillie is amazed at the knowledge. "By the way. Didn't you travel with a girl who is also partaking in the contests as well? Are you going to train with her when you are leaving again?" Lillie asks with a little worry.

"I am not sure about that, but trust me, both me and you can be better than her." Ash says with a little cool tone, Lillie knows that he is still angry about the fact that she along with the others is trying to stalk him.

After the Battle Factory, in which Noland uses his Articuno to battle, but they keep it a secret, Ash sends out his Heracross, Charizard, Sceptile, and Snorlax. The four of them are curious about why they are being sent out until they see Arceus and bow again. Though Charizard is the first time seeing him and he is quite surprised.

"Guys, we are here because I will show you this." Much to the Pokemon's surprise, Ash has a yellow-colored saw in his hand while Lillie has a silver-colored gun. Both of them are looking intimidating and they are surprised.

"As you can see, these are our auras, this is the Electric Type aura, and Lillie has the Steel Type aura. They aren't real weapons that will make blood, but rather Pokemon moves." Ash says as he turns on the saw, it creates an Electro Ball and hits the tree, much to their surprise.

Arceus says, "Ash and Lillie have Elemental Auras inside them, which means that they will need 18 Pokemon with 18 different types to train them. Pikachu and Lucario already know this and manage to unlock those two types first. However, all of you are chosen to unlock their other auras. Heracross is Bug Type, Charizard is Fire Type, Sceptile is Grass Type, Snorlax is Normal Type, and Snowy is Ice Type."

Lillie then lets Sonwy jump out of his arm to play with the Pokemon, they are attracted by the Vulpix's cuteness, but they have to be careful as they don't want to scare the white fox.

"Now that the greetings are done, we should train together." Ash says as they nod. And because of the seven Pokemon helping them, they manage to perform the Saw of Electric, the Gun of Steel, the Arrow of Ice, the Whip of Grass, the Cannon of Fire, the Sword of Normal, and the Horn of Bug. But there are a lot of things on their mind, who are the other 11 Pokemon that are chosen? They can only find out later.

With the aura training, Ash and Lillie decide to use them to head to the third base, which is actually located in the Ilex Forest of the Johto Region. The base is such a surprise to Ash, Lillie, and the other International Police members, because the base is just nothing with the teleport panel, but when they get in, they realize that they are actually on top of the moon.

"So you manage to come this far, however, you have nowhere to hide and nowhere to leave." The third Cyborg that Ash and Lillie are facing is a Cyborg with a Psychic outfit, and his mechanical parts are also futuristic. Her name is Debbie, and Ash has to guess that she's the Psychic Type Cyborg. Just then, her eyes glow as some of the police members and their Pokemon are frozen in ice.

"Freezing Glare? That's Articuno's move..." Ash says, and he has Absol use Night Slash, but Debbie just jumps out of the way before using Heart Swap on Lillie, causing both minds to change.

"Ash! Wait!" Lillie, who is in the body of the cyborg, yells. But it's too late, when Lillie is hit, Debbie also switches it back and Ash growls, "Heart Swap... Manaphy's move... that's dirty..."

"Say what you like... I know you, Ash Ketchum, right? And that Pikachu must be the one which the losers want to take all this time?"

"Losers? You mean those three?" Ash asks.

"Who else, nobody in their right mind will want to capture a Pikachu for 3 years and fail to do so." Debbie says as she goes for Hyperspace Hole, hitting Pikachu and have it crash into Absol.

"Looks like we can't hide this anymore..." Ash says as he takes out the gun, shooting Flash Cannon at her. "Aura powers... now that's what I call an interesting match."

Then she uses Lunar Blessing to heal herself and uses Luster Purge and Mist Ball at the same time. Ash and Lillie take out their swords and use Protect to protect themselves. But much to their surprise, Debbie uses Photon Geyser and Prismatic Laser, hitting Ash and Lillie.

"Damn it... the gravity here is weird... it is hard to dodge moves like that..." Lillie mutters.

"The mechanical parts on her body were just like some sort of spacesuit for her..." Ash says, "If only we have a way to deal with that..."

Pikachu goes for Thunderbolt and Absol uses Dark Pulse, but a Psycho Boost manages to deflect the attack.

"Absol! Confuse Ray!" Lillie decides to go with the status move, but Debbie goes for Take Heart, curing the confusion while also raising her stats.

"Looks like you have nowhere to run. Take this!" But just as she is about to use Psystrike, Looker manages to get out of the ice and says, "Ash, Lillie. Use these!"

Looker throws two gadgets to Ash and Lillie, which turns out to be spacesuits, and Looker rushes into the other room and presses a button, and it causes the wall to rise from the ground, separating Ash, Lillie, and Debbie from the rest of the International Police and the control room. The top part of the dorm opens, and Ash and Lillie quickly put the spacesuit on.

Debbie is suffocating and she yells, "What are you doing? This can't be happening!"

Just then, the air starts to float out of the hole, bringing Debbie, Ash, and Lillie out of the dome as well. Ash and Lillie already have their spacesuits on, and when they swim toward Debbie, she's already dead without air and her body also breaks into pieces.

"Got the mechanic parts." Lillie says as they all swim back into the dome, and Looker closes the hole, putting the oxygen in, and then opens the wall once more.

"That sure was risky... to think you would try to send the two of us to space along with that cyborg..." Ash says while taking off the spacesuit.

"At least the lack of air and the temperature outside the dorm kill her." Looker says while handing Ash the paper that contains the file of Debbie.

Debbie: Age: 42. Born: Johto. She is born with Psychic powers, thus being called a monster by all people in her neighborhood. She uses her powers to do bad things like rob banks and kill people, and she joins Team Rocket for the pleasure of harming people. After joining Team Rocket, she becomes one of the testers of the Cyborgs. Her typing and code name are "Psychic" She also absorbs the power of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon of Psychic Type for Team Rocket. The Weakness of the Cyborg is accidents that cause her life-taken.

"What a weird weakness..." Lillie says, "But then again, the fact that we open the dorm is also considered an accident that causes life-taken."

"You're right. But think about it... we're going to have a house in outer space. That's amazing." Ash says.

And with the help of Arceus and Mewtwo, they manage to learn everything about this dorm and how it works, and thus they have it as their third house gotten from Team Rocket.

"So the third cyborg is out..." In the office, the boss of Team Rocket, Giovanni, looks at the files. "Very interesting. Looks like we have new targets to play with..."

On Giovanni's computer, there is a photo of two cloaked figures who killed Korimi at Whirl Islands. Giovanni is staring at them as he can't wait to see who's really under the cloaks and how to get them into Team Rocket.

Here is a new chapter, Ash and Lillie now have aura and they use it to stop the third cyborg. I hope you like this chapter.

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