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I had a dream last night in which I joined up as the bass player for Bon Jovi.  It was kind of random because I'm not particularly a Bon Jovi fan, so it's not like this is some lifelong desire I've had that my subconscious was trying to fulfill.  I mean, I guess some of their hits from the 80's are okay in a nostalgic sort of way, but I don't think I've ever purposely chosen to listen to a Bon Jovi song.  I've just kind of been exposed to them when they've come on somewhere that I've been.

The part that was super crazy to me, at least while I was dreaming, is that they kind of expected me to just jump in and I was like "I don't know how to play any Bon Jovi songs."  This is true.  I do not.  I could maybe figure it out on guitar or whatever, but I could not tell you how a single bass line to a Bon Jovi song goes and I was ostensibly the bass player.  

Yeah.  I have no idea what that was about.

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