" Comfort him, honor and keep him "

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( If you haven't noticed: The title for the story fragments are, in fact, wedding vows. It would make sense if you were paying attention in the first part of the story. If not- wow. go re- read the first part. I'm not in the mood to explain what is going on if i've already said it. because it's starting my make me mad okay? the whole situation with jason having cancer is already stressful as it is. just pay attention to the story. )

{ that disclaimer doesn't apply to you Pupper. hi Pupper :P if you have the questionsis then ples do the asks. }
((((( Because Pupper is important. you people are important to but Pupper is involved with story. not you. :3 and yes. Pupper has a nickname and i will not give you the account for Pupper so you can spam or whatever. )))))
This is a backtrack of what was going on before the last post for this story. so if my last post didnt make sense thats okay, just read this and it will be cleared up.

" Jamie, this is important. I know it's going to upset you, but I have to tell you what's going on." I waited to have the usual:
Quick reply
another quick reply.
Though, that wasn't the case. I assumed he already knew but planned on adding to my statement.
" Very important news," I stayed quiet hoping for a response, again, nothing, " Please, baby doll, please, pick up the phone." I started to panic for a few seconds. Jamie has been sick and I could only think of the worst. The panic quickly left, just as fast as it had started. I, in a way, just felt like I didn't care anymore. That I didn't care what life had in store for me- I just didn't care- even if Jamie were to care-
I don't think I would. I care for Jamie, not necessarily myself.
" I'll assume you're busy. I love you Jamie, you know that. My love for you is unshakeable. I'd take a bullet between the eyes for you. I'd throw myself at a grenade for you, but please, please, always remember that we are both looking at the same sky, the same stars, the same moon and sun. No, I can't hold you in my arms, I can't kiss you goodnight- good morning, but Jamie, my beautiful, handsome Jamie, " I got quiet, I didn't want to tell him. Thinking about telling him is making my throat feel like it is trying to rip out of my mouth, " I love you so, so much. When you wake up to a good day- somewhat of a spot of heaven, I'll tell you what I wanted you to know. Though soon, I'll be pushing daisies to the clouds and I'll sure hope you understand," I could already feel the tears well up in my eyes, not quite falling,
" I love you." I added, as the conclusion to the night, hoping he wouldn't answer me til morning. I didn't want him to know, but, he had to know.
It was only a ten minute wait before he answered me.
" I'm here. I'm sorry, I fell asleep." I became breathless of his reply.
" Go to bed. You need the sleep." I lightly kiss his perfect lips as I run my hand through his half silver hair.
" No, what is so important that you have to tell me?" I don't want to tell him.
" Please, go to bed beautiful. I can tell you tomorrow." I don't want to tell him.
" Please, tell me." no, no, I don't want to tell him.
" Please, go to bed," I give him another kiss, hoping to break the questioning. I wrap my arms around him to ensure that I'm validating my remark, " I'll tell you tomorrow. I woke you up. Go to bed." Please, go to bed...
" No, you didn't wake me up. The doctor did, to give me meds." I crawl over him, hugging him to my chest. I get quiet, almost a whisper, making sure my voice doesn't break from the tears I'm trying to hold back.
" Please, go to bed." Jamie pulls me away and cups my face with his small framed hands, looking into my eyes, practically begging for me to tell.
" Please, tell me baby boy." I get close to giving in, leaning my cheek to his hand letting the tears stream down my face and over his hands,
" Go to bed. Go to bed" My whisper isn't soft enough to hold back my emotions, my voice only raised slightly. Jamie wipes my tears away, though all it's doing is pouring my tears all over hand making a mess. Though, I admire his compassion for his willingness to help.
" Baby, please." he replies with a slight concern in his tone.
I get ahold of his arm and I shakely lay down to my side, making my voice softer, almost completely air over voice,
" Jamie, please, just go to bed." He keeps his concern, the shine in his eyes enticing me to never tell, pulling at my heartstrings until I answer.
" No, I'm not going to bed." I curl up around his arm only slightly, as I start to quietly beg,
" Please, please, go to bed." I waited for sometime to get a reply, I finally broke in.
" I can't go through chemo."
There was a blank shock in his voice,
" What" I could hear his heart skip a beat in fear,
" No, no, you have to! They can't- not let you!"
I was a complete crying mess after that. I knew I shouldn't have said anything, but, yet again, he needed to know. I don't want him to feel like I'm losing trust in him. I just don't want to break his heart...

{((( Hello!! this is Jason! Just to let all of you know: I am doing alright! Yes, these are real events, but mind you that the drama is real to. I am co-writer of this story. I mostly keep my writing at an uncomfortable level of emotion. That is how I felt at the time so you will all have to deal with the details of said emotion. Though, I do apologize if I am ruining your mood. Much love to all of you reading and my goodness- THANK YOU WOLFY!!! <3 much love and care and prayers to you honey!
JASON <3 )))}

---- Hey yo! this is jamie- like not jamie from the story but i mean me jamie- obviously.
HOPE YOU DIG THIS STORY FAM AND HAPPY LATE HEART DAY. JASON BLOWS KISSES TO ALL YALL. as you can tell jason is helping with my writing skills. he does the more in depth stuff and i do more of the describing the things and stuff. i edit tho. jason drafts it and i re-write it and he does the emo emotion stuff that i cant write well. thanks jaaaassseee (buttface <3)----
~~~ PRETTEH BOY WHATEVer the heck i am.

Peace dudes and dudettes. also me and jason were arguing over the spacing between our notes for like an hour before we posted this soooo yea sorry for the lateness. XD

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