Chapter 2- Doc Comes Back

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Marty's POV 

I look Lindsey in the eye.

"You're a Tannen? But, you don't seem anything like your dad." Lindsey snorts and rolls her eyes.

"Ha! As if. Dad says I'm just a chip off the block...from both of my parents," She says and I look her in the eye again.

"You don't have to be like your dad," I say softly and she snaps.

"People all over Hill Valley are asking for it. They're going to get it. They want me to continue down the family line, I'll give them the show. Besides, if the whole town hates you, then they'll leave you alone," Lindsey snaps at me and I understand her logic, but still, the daughter of Biff Tannen should not have to feel this way.

"Don't you at least want some kind of a friend?" I ask and Lindsey glares at me.

"Not in this town, I don't. Nobody would want to be friends with a Tannen. Especially the kid of a Tannen," She replies moodily.

"Try hanging out with Jennifer. She's really sweet," I suggest and Lindsey shoots me a look.

"Of course you would suggest her. She's your girlfriend," Lindsey says and she shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe that you thought I would actually do that."

"Well, I'm just trying to help. You have your boyfriend too. And all of his friends. Jennifer is included in that."

"I don't do people, McFly. My Dad talks about your family. Why am I listening to you? Why do I even care what you think? You're a McFly. You know what? I don't care what you think. I am going back inside to hang out with my boyfriend. Maybe next time, you shouldn't be so concerned about me," Lindsey snaps before walking inside to Burger King again. I watch her to make sure that she makes it safely back inside. I follow her after giving her some space. Jennifer looks up at me worried.

"Is everything okay?" She asks quickly and I nod.

"Yeah. Just found something about Lindsey and we needed to talk it out a little bit," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"Well, your milkshake was getting warm. Chocolate milkshakes are never good hot, Marty," Jennifer says with a twinkle in her eye. I roll my eyes as I finish off the milkshakes.

"So, when's the next practice?" Leo asks and Paul, our leader, thinks for a second.

"Friday good with everyone?" He asks and the rest of us nod.

"Can the girl sit in on the practice?" Jennifer asks playfully and Paul's eyes light up.

"Jennifer, we should write a song for the girls to sing. Marty, think of the sensation that would be. The Pinheads could have a female presence which means we could appeal to more people!" Shouts Paul, causing other people in Burger King to look at us.

"Paul, cut it out, man," Leo admonishes him. "You're gonna get us kicked out again just like last week."

"I thought we took a vow to not discuss last week," Ryan cuts in and I chuckle.

"Last week was pretty memorable," I say, sliding my arm over Jennifer's shoulders causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yeah and I thought the manager here was going to give you a black eye," She remarks, stabbing at a chunk of whipped cream in her shake. Lindsey is being quiet and Ryan turns to her.

"Why weren't you here last week? I think you would have enjoyed what went down last week," Ryan states and Lindsey shoots him a glare. I know that having the reputation that the Tannens have could put a chip on someone's shoulder, but I didn't think that it would that badly.

"I was just finishing some stuff at the shop," Lindsey says and Ryan sighs.

"I sometimes forget that I have a hardworking girl for a girlfriend," He says lazily and Lindsey elbows him.

"You make that sound like a bad thing. The hardworking ones are always the best," Lindsey replies and I see her shoot a cold stare in Jennifer's direction. Jennifer shifts uncomfortably and I put my arm around her tighter.

"Speaking from one girl to another, I think you should be glad you weren't here last week. Paul almost got all of us kicked out," Jennifer says, smiling a kind smile in Lindsey's direction. Lindsey glares back a little bit, but this time, the glare is softer. Maybe Lindsey and Jennifer will be good friends after all.

"Ryan told me the gist of it and I'm not sure why you even bothered to stick around, Jennifer," Lindsey states and Jennifer chuckles again.

"I follow these hooligans around and try to keep them from getting in that kind of trouble. Sometimes, I don't do a very good job," Jennifer says jokingly and she slides her hand into mine. I squeeze it gently and turn back to Lindsey.

"I would have let them suffer the consequences. Then it will be a mistake that they won't make twice," Lindsey proclaims and Jennifer considers Lindsey's words for a second.

"That's true. I care too much about Marty to let that happen to him," Jennifer says and Lindsey rolls her eyes.

"You have got to loosen up, Jennifer! How are the boys supposed to have any fun if you don't let them get into a little bit of trouble? Let them race in some drag races, let them get into some trouble. Besides, if something doesn't work out, they will know not to do it again. Trust me," Lindsey replies. "Living on the edge is fun."

"Until you fall off," Jennifer replies and Lindsey rolls her eyes again.

"You're no fun," She snaps and Jennifer chuckles.

"I have been to the future, what about you?" Jennifer asks. "I thought that was fun." I nudge Jennifer in the side quickly. She turns to me and glares at me. I lean over to her to whisper into her ear.

"We aren't supposed to tell people that," I whisper in her ear and she looks at me confused.

"Why not?" Jennifer whispers back.

"The DeLorean is gone, remember? Doc doesn't want anyone to get any ideas to rebuild it," I answer and Jennifer sighs. Lindsey, however, looks skeptical.

"What do you mean you have been to the future?" She asks and Jennifer shoots me a panicked look.

"I'm sorry. I got confused about something else," Jennifer says quickly and Lindsey looks at her again.

"Oh come, Linds. Nobody's time traveled before. Jen's just messing with you," Ryan says, but Lindsey looks Jennifer up and down.

"There's something you're not telling me," Lindsey announces and Jennifer shakes her head.

"I'm telling you the truth, I promise," Jennifer states and Lindsey asks,

"Then why did McFly start whispering in your ear the minute you said that? It's not nothing and you can't lie to me, Jennifer Parker." Jennifer looks panicked and says,

"It was a dream. I had a very vivid dream about my future and I thought I went to the future. That's all," Jennifer reasons and Lindsey crosses her arms.

"I haven't given up and I hope you know that," Lindsey states.

Later on, three months later...

Today, a letter came in the mail from me from 1885. Doc sent me a letter, telling me to swing by and just hang out in the garage for a little while so it makes it seem like someone is living there on a regular basis. I call Jennifer to see if she wants to come along.

"Hey, Jen. Do you want to come hang out with me at Doc's for a little bit?" I ask.

"Sure. Can you pick me up?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'll bring the truck over. See you in a few," I reply.

"Alright. See you then," Jennifer says and hangs up. I set the phone back down in its holder and grab my keys for the truck. Leaning into the upstairs staircase, I yell up to my Mom,

"Mom, Jennifer and I are headed to Doc's. I'll be back soon!" I turn to leave only to hear Mom's rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Not before you kiss me goodbye," Mom says quickly and I quickly kiss her cheek on my way to the door. "Don't stay out too late," Mom calls as she walks over to the kitchen.

"You know I won't," I say teasingly as I open the door to leave. I step out into the cool autumn weather of California.  The sun is just starting to set on the horizon, casting an eerie glow across my neighborhood. I jump into my truck and drive over to Jennifer's home. She is waiting on the porch for me when I pull up. I step out of the truck and Jennifer smiles as soon as she sees me.

"I was just wondering when you were going to get here," Jennifer greets me with a smile. Her brown eyed gaze flicks from my blue eyes to my red-orange puffy vest and jean jacket. I run a tired hand through my hair and look at her.

"You ready to go?" I ask, even though I do not want to mess with whatever just occurred. Jennifer smiles a small smile and then her eyes light up. She leans back into her house and says something to her mother. Jennifer leans back out, rolling her eyes.

"She says I'm not to stay out too late. Marty, I cannot wait to graduate," Jennifer mutters as we walk over to my 4x4 Toyota. I open the door for her and she climbs in. Running over to my side, I jump into the truck and start it.

"I know. Moving out might not be my first move though," I say as I start to back up. Jennifer chuckles.

"You have to move out sometime. Otherwise, where are we going to live once we get married?" Jennifer asks and my eyes go wide. Marriage? We're in high school for pity's sake, why in the world is Jennifer thinking about marriage? I love her and can never keep my eyes off of her for very long, but still. A life full of all kinds of possibilities lies before both of us if we stay single for awhile after high school. I really love Jennifer, don't get me wrong, but maybe marriage isn't going to be the thing for us.  Maybe we aren't good for each other and maybe she isn't the one.

"Marriage?" I squeak in response and Jennifer shoots me a look.

"Marty, you do want to marry me someday, right?" Jennifer asks and I squirm a little bit in my seat. I never thought that who I married was going to be such a touchy subject for me. Jennifer notices and looks at me again. "What's wrong? You're not going to offend me if you tell me," She demands and I shift in my seat again. Why can't she leave it alone? I love her, I really do, but I have a feeling that maybe marriage is not what I want.

"Maybe we should wait," I suggest and Jennifer looks a little shocked.

"Wait?! Don't you want to marry as soon as we graduate?" Jennifer asks with a hint of disappointment in her voice. I shrug.

"I don't know, Jen. I love you. I really do. I just don't know if you're the one or not," I say softly as I pull the truck up to a stoplight. Jennifer looks at me.

"What's holding you back?" She asks and I look at her again. I hate confrontations so much. Just like my Dad, why am I acting just like my Dad? This all seems so surreal, just like 1955. With me and Mom in the car. I lightly shake my head. the sooner I forget that moment the better. Except Jennifer is not my mother and my Dad is not going to swoop in and save the day and me from any awkward problems. Guess I gotta tough this one out on my own.

"I just have other things I want to do with my life and marriage is not a priority," I say and Jennifer looks at me sadly.

"If only it were. You are one of the most handsome boys I have ever laid eyes on, but if you don't want to marry me, then I'm not sure we should be dating," She says and I nearly feel my heart break in two.

"Jennifer, it's not like that and you know it," I say, trying to avoid the fact that Jennifer is breaking up with me. She looks at me sadly.

"Then show me," is all she says and as a light turns green, I lean over to kiss her. She pulls away and looks at me sadly again. "Goodbye, Marty. I hope we can still be friends," She says and Jennifer reaches for the car door handle. Before I can stop her, Jennifer jumps from the truck and hurries off down the sidewalk. I stare at her retreating form. How did this happen? We went from one thing to the next too quickly with not a lot of thought given to the topics rising up between the lines. How could one day she be saying she loves me and the next she jumps out of my truck and runs off? Why does life have to be this way? Car horns begin to honk at me from behind me, pulling me out of my daze. I hit the gas and forget Jennifer. Even though I know I never will, but for some reason, all I want to do is forget her and go spend some time at Doc's. Rain begins to drizzle from the dark clouds, causing my surroundings to become dark very quickly. Dark, just like my mood. I pull into Doc's driveway and just stop, listening to the rain and running over everything in my head. Why did my relationship with Jennifer have to end just like that? Shaking my head, I jump out of the truck. The rain dumps down on me and I let it. There is no reason to rush into Doc's garage and I don't mind feeling the rain. My day is already not going well and the rain seems somewhat soothing. Relieving almost. I gradually start to walk towards the house when a loud clattering sound comes from inside. This brings my casual stroll up to a run. I run up to the door and wiggle it hard. It's locked and I see the lights flick off from inside. Is someone robbing Doc's garage? I know even people who are new to town have heard the stories, but why would somebody break into his garage? He isn't even here! Unless whoever it is that is in the garage knows that. I reach under the rug for the key and discover that it is missing. Someone was smart enough to take the key inside with them. Suddenly, the sound of someone jumping out of the window is heard and I yell,

"Hey!" The person stops dead in their tracks. A black leather hoodie covers their body and I run up to them. Whoever it is, is too terrified to move. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask loudly and the person turns around. Lindsey Tannen pulls the hood down off of her hoodie.

"Out of all of the people that could catch me. You're the one I wanted to see, McFly," Lindsey says with a smirk. She crosses her arms and beams at me. "You look good too. That's always a plus," Lindsey chirps as she stares at me. I roll my eyes.

"You have a boyfriend. Why are you talking to me like this?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Ha. Boyfriend. That's funny. Ryan and I decided to date for a couple of weeks. Then it sort of extended, I guess. We never thought we would get serious and we decided we didn't want to. I liked being able to have some freedom and he enjoyed having me as a friend. Perks to doing work for your Dad, you get to see all of the cute boys in the business," Lindsey states while twirling her hair. I sigh. My Dad doesn't work at a place where there are cute girls, hanging around all the time. I wish he did. I glance over at Lindsey again. She smirks at me and I look at her.

"Lindsey, why did you break into Doc's garage?" I ask and her eyes go wide.

"Marty, I think you should go home," Lindsey snaps and I look at her.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on," I demand and Lindsey looks at me.

"Alright, so I've heard the stories," She says, "Then your girlfriend started talking about some kind of a time machine and I got curious."

"That doesn't explain the loud clatter I heard inside. What are you doing here?" I ask and Lindsey looks at me.

"Your old Doc friend never throws anything away. I broke in because my Dad has been telling me stories since I was a little kid. He never really enjoyed Doc or you for that matter. When I asked him about what Jennifer had said at Burger King a few months ago, he told me the truth. He told me that you had used a DeLorean to travel through time. My Dad had one that someone had sold to him, because they had bought it and didn't like it. I was going to fix it up and make it my own car, but I decided to use it for other things," Lindsey explains.

"Like building time travel stuff into it?" I ask and Lindsey crosses her arms.

"You're smart, aren't you? Unfortunately, nothing you say is going to keep me from time traveling," Lindsey states and I frown at her.

"Lindsey, you don't know what you're getting into. Time travel is not something that should be taken lightly. It can be really dangerous. I was almost erased from existence!" I shout and Lindsey ponders it for a second.

"Come here," She demands and she grabs my arm. Lindsey pulls me to the front door and unlocks it with the key, that had evidently been in her pocket this whole time. I am yanked inside and Lindsey pins me to the wall. "I need you to come with me."

"WHAT??" I nearly shout and Lindsey slaps a hand over my mouth.

"I'm almost finished with it and as soon as I finish with it, we can leave. Marty, please, you don't understand how much this means to me! You need to come with me. You're the expert on time travel, not me," Lindsey begs and she takes her hand away from my mouth.

"Doc doesn't want anyone else time traveling. He got upset at me for time traveling without permission. Why would I go against that now? Doc's my best friend and I am never going against what he says," I say and Lindsey looks at me.

"I think you will," She snaps and she nods to the corner. A bunch of large guys come out from another part of the garage. One of them nods to me. I recognize them from school. Lindsey smirks. "I would get in the car if you know what's good for you, McFly," She states and I gradually start to move towards the DeLorean. Lindsey nods and smiles to her friends. "I think you boys can go now. Marty and I will go back and make everything the way it should be," Lindsey says to the guys and they start to leave. I make a run for it, but one of the guys grabs me and shoves me into the car. Lindsey locks the car and starts to finish her work. I start to panic, banging on the window of the new DeLorean and yelling for help. Lindsey chuckles and shakes her head.

"Let me out of this car!!" I yell, when suddenly, something catches my eye. The inside lock on the door. I reach over and flick it to the other side. Opening the door as quietly as I can, I get out of the car. Lindsey's friends are gone and I start to move away from the new DeLorean. Just as I head for the door, it swings open, knocking me onto my back. When I stand up, I look into the face of Doc.

AN:/ A cliffhanger? Your welcome. I am not sorry and things are just about to get more complicated. Ugh. This chapter was okay, storyline wise. I hate that I had to make Jennifer and Marty break up, but it will make more sense later on, I promise. I also tried to keep the drama to a minimum because I hate romantic drama. That's not going to be this entire book, I promise on that one too. Marty and Jennifer are still going to be friends, just not in a romantic relationship.  I really adore Marty and Jennifer as a couple, don't get me wrong. I just wanted to try something and so I am!!!! So, why do you think Lindsey wants to go the past and where does she want to go so bad? Will Marty go along with her? And Doc just came back. What is going to happen with that? Yeah, lots of unanswered questions that will have answers soon. Anyways, what do you think of this book so far? Sorry, it's been so long since I've updated. My Newsies stuff has just been in way more demand recently. And I just started a new book for Newsies. I am not ever going to abandon this book though. Please tell me what you think of this book and particularly this chapter. It's a little cringy and sad. I hope you guys enjoyed it though and what do you think of Lindsey? I feel like she is a very interesting character for this story and she is going to be someone that BTTF fanfics have never seen before. Anyways, please tell me your thoughts on this book. Thanks for reading and see you around, friends!

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