Chapter 34: Battle of Fairy tail

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Laxus: Natsu, your arrogant way of talking pisses me off.

Makarov: Natsu...

Natsu: Well, this is a festival, old man. So LET'S START !!

Warren: D- Did you forget how terrible you were beaten by Laxus ?!!

Natsu: That was when I was a little kid !!

Gray: That was last year !

Natsu: Last year, I was still a little kid !

Laxus: But... Your lack of perspective pisses me off more. Calm down, Natsu.


Happy: See, Natsu ? You barely survived.

Natsu: Urg... Y/n, why aren't you doing anything ?!

Gray: Shut up and help us restrain him !!


Evergreen: That won't do. The only way to bring them back to normal is to defeat us.

Bickslow: We only have 4 people on our side, while you have almost 100 on your. It's not fair for us.

Dolls: Not fair ! Not fair ! Not fair !

Evergreen: The time limit is 3 hours. If you can't defeat s, they will turn into sand. The battlefield is the entire Magnolia town, and the battle will start when you find us.

Makarov: Don't mess around !!!

Laxus: I say calm down. Let's enjoy the main show.

Makarov: Gray, Elfman.. Let him go.

Gray: Fine.

Makarov: Y/n, you're free to blow some steam, just don't kill them.

"I'll try, can't promise anything."

Evergreen: Didn't you heard ? If you don't follow the rules, I'll turn then to stone !

"That only means I have to tear you apart before you can do that, and then they'll be set free."

Laxus: Sounds good, but I'll keep the best for last. We'll see you later.

Makarov: Uh...

Gray: It's too shiny !


Elfman: They've disappeared !!

Krov: Are they planning on playing hide and seek in this town ?!

Makarov: Those unforgivable bastards...

Elfman: Shit !! We got to save my sis and the others !!

Mages: Catch Laxus !! Give him a hell of a beating !! How dare he look down on us !!

Alzack: Bisca... I will rescue you.

Makarov: God, I will... GOD, I WILL STOP THEM !!!

Gray: What are you doing, old man ?

Makarov: What is this ? I can't move forward ! There's an invisible wall !

Gray: What are you doing at such an important time ?! There's no invisible wall !

Makarov: Aaaaargh... !!

Mew: Look ! There are invisible letters in the air !

Makarov: This is... This is Freed's restriction spell !

Gray: Restriction spell ?!

Makarov: It's a kind of barrier. It magically traps all those who step in the circle. i'm afraid in order to cover the festival, he wrote the restriction with deceiving letters. Those who step into the circle will have to obey the rules. If you don't you will not be able to get out.

*Rule: No stone statue nor person over the age of 80 can get out.*

Gray: What the hell is this rule ?!

Makarov: It requires a lot of time to cast the spell. it's not appropriate in a battle, but as a trap, it has a tremendous effect.

Mew: That's because of this that you can't get out ? Is there no way to destroy it ?

Makarov: This restriction is a rule, it's absolute.

Gray: They never intended to let you out from the start, it's well thought out. If it comes down to this, leave them to me !

Makarov: Gray !!

Gray: I won't forgive him even if he's your grandson ! I will kill him !

Mew: ... Can he really defeat Laxus ? Even if he's an incurable idiot, his power IS overwhelming. I believe Erza or Y/n could possibly do it, but in their current condition...


Makarov: What happened to him ?

Mew: A little bit of Hypnosis. I'd rather not go so far, but that still better than seeing him going on a rampage... I'll wake him up later on.

Makarov: Why not now ? He's one of the few that can take Laxus head on.

Mew: I'm afraid it's more complicated than that. That barrier forbids those older than 80 to leave, and we're both technically billions of years old...

Makarov: I see...

Makarov: Reedus ?

Reedus: I... I'm sorry... I'm... Scared... Of Laxus.

Makarov: That's perfect ! Reedus, do you know where Porlyusica lives, in the North forest ?

Reedus: Y- Yes, I know.

Makarov: She might have the cure for the stone curse ! Can you go there and bring it here ?

Reedus: Yes, I can. If it's a job...


Happy: He woke up !!

Natsu: What happened, old man ?!

Makarov: 'With Natsu's enthusiasm, he might be able to...' THE FESTIVAL HAS STARTED ! LAXUS IS HIDING SOMEWHERE IN TOWN !! CRUSH HIM !!!


Natsu: What is this ?


"Urg... Could you guys keep it down here... ? I just had some kind of weird nightmare... Laxus has turned Erza into stone, and threatened to kill her..."

Natsu: That wasn't a nightmare, stup- *BRUNK !*

Mew: Don't say it like that, or we're all done for !

"So... What's new ?"

Makarov: Well, hum... First off, know that none of us can leave, alright ? No matter what. And also, DON'T break out in a blind rage. PLEASE.

"... It really happened, didn't it ? It wasn't a nightmare at all, and Erza's stoned right now, right ?

Mew: That's a good summary of the situation. Just add the fact that none of us can do a thing against it and that's it.

"... I see. Thank you for taking me out, or else the whole building would surely be dust by now... I'm fine right now. EXTRAORDINARILY pissed off, but fine."

Natsu: Look ! More letters appeared !

*Fairy Tail's inside fight speed report: Jet VS Droy VS Alzack. Winner: Alzack.*

"What... ? Why are they fighting each other ?"

*Remaining Fairy Tail members: 81.*

Mew: I'm afraid this is just the beginning of the problems...

*Max VS Warren, Warren Win. Krov VS Nigee, draw. Wan VS Joy, Wan win. Wakaba VS Macao, battle starting.*


Happy: So there are enchantment traps set up all around the town... And the people who get stuck in them are forced to fight one another...

"So this is what he meant by 'Battle of Fairy Tail'..."

Natsu: NGHHH.. !! I wanna join in !!! What's with this stupid invisible wall ?!!

Mew: And what good would "joining in" do, stupid meat-head ?!

Natsu: This is like a tournament to find out who's the strongest !!

"No it's not... This is just a massacre... Laxus forcing them to eliminate each other..."

Natsu: Well, it's just fighting, right ? We do that all the time...

"Most of the time, our very lives aren't at stake, Natsu, this is far from normal..."

Mew: Everyone's deadly serious, nobody's even thinking straight out there.

Makarov: At this rate, everyone who was petrified will end up as dust, and they'll never be coming back...

"Don't say that. Seriously, don't, or I'll go back to the 'Burst my way out' plan."

Natsu: Ah, come on, even Laxus wouldn't do that. He can be an ass sometimes, but he's still a member of our guild, isn't he ? This is just a... battle festival... ! So why the hell can't I get out ?!!

Happy: I can get through just fine...

Natsu: Am I really more than 80 years old... ?

Mew: Hard to believe...

*Time remaining: 2;18. Combatants remaining: 42*

"Forty-two ?! They've been only fighting each other, but there's already less than half of us left..."

*Evergreen VS Elfman. Evergreen wins.*

Happy: Even Elfman has been defeated... That's just... !

"And Gray is fighting Bickslow..."

Makarov: The Raijin guards are making their move...

*Combatants remaining: 41.*

"I won't stand for this... I definitely won't stand for this... Laxus' gonna pay for this..."

Mew: Chill out, already. It's no use fuming about this.

"I am not fuming, I am TWO INCHES from exploding."

*Reedus VS Freed. Freed wins;*

Happy: They've taken out Reedus !!

Natsu: Ugh... pretty tough, aren't you, Freed... !!

Mew: This is no time to be saying stuff like that. Reedus was supposed to be bringing us the medicine to turn the petrified people back to normal !

"Great, just great. What could possibly goes worse ?"

Natsu: Come on, Laxus' obviously just bluffing.

Laxus: Oh ? You think I'm bluffing, do you ?

Natsu: Laxus !!

Happy: No, it's a psychic projection...


Mew: Dammit, do I have to put him to sleep again ?!

Laxus: Please do, marshmallow, I can't stand noisy kids. What are you doing in here anyways ?

Natsu: Shuddup !!! We can't get out !!!

Makarov: Laxus... Damn you...

Laxus: Your allies... No, you usually just call them "brats", don't you ? Well, how does it feel, watching those brats of yours pound one another into the ground ? Ahh... With Erza Natsu and Y/n out of the picture, I guess there's nobody out there with the power to stand to the Raijin guards... Do you surrender ?

Happy: There's still Gray !!! He's about as strong as Natsu is !! He'd never get beaten by the Raijin guard !!

Natsu: As strong as me ?! That guy ?!

Mew: Well, he is, right ?

"I'll... Destroy you... Laxus..."

Laxus: Gray~ ? Ha hah... So you've got high hopes for that loser, huh ?

Makarov: I wouldn't underestimate Gray if I were you, Laxus.

*Gray VS Bickslow... gray is no longer able to fight. Bickslow wins. Remaining combatants: 28.*

Laxus: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! What did I just tell you, huh ?!

Happy: No way !! You must have used some nasty tricks !!!

Laxus: Who's gonna beat the Raijin guard now, hmm ? Heheh...

Happy: Gajeel !!

Laxus: Gajeel ? Oh, I'm sorry, it looks like he's not taking part ! It's not like he really cared about this guild in the first place, after all.


mew: And what exactly are you gonna do, while shut up in here, Natsu ? And before you even open your mouth, the same applies to Y/n.

Makarov: ... ... All right. That's enough. I surrender. So please, stop this, Laxus.

Natsu: Old man !

"Let me gooooooo... I will shove his own foot down his throat..."

Laxus: Well, that's just no good... The great master of Fairy Tail, accepting his own pathetic defeat so easily ? No, if you really want to resign... You do it after you hand over the title of Master of Fairy Tail to me.

" WHAT ?!!"

Natsu: That's just dirty, Laxus !!! What, are you too scared to fight ?! HUH ?!!"

Makarov: Why, you... So that's what you were after...

Laxus: There's just an hour and a half left until the girls crumble to dust. You better think this one over good~ !

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