Chapter 11

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The next morning, we got up and talked for a little while before getting dressed and heading to Twist.

Blake, Kat, Alice and Bailey greeted us.

"Rebecca, I heard you were back." Kat said, patting her shoulder.

Bailey gave her a nod and a smile, while Alice pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you."

Rebecca smiled and patted her back. "I missed you to."

After ordering some drinks, we got to talking.

"...C,mon Skylar, Kat's already on board." Bailey said.

I set my beer down with a sigh. "I don't know, guys."

"We could really use your vocals, Sky." Kat said.

Rebecca rubbed my shoulder. "I think you should do it."


She smiled. "Yeah, you guys were amazing, plus I missed hearing you sing."

I smiled back before looking at the other girls. "Ok, but I wanna straighten some things out in my life first."

They all smiled and pulled me into a group hug.

They pulled away and started discussing the show amongst themselves.

I turned to Rebecca. "Are you sure you wanna come with me today?"

She nodded. "I wanna talk to her."

"Alright, let's get a move on then."

After saying our goodbyes, we hopped in my car and headed to Angels.

Rebecca took my hand as we walked through the doors, passing a few girls on our way to the bar. They all gave me dirty looks.

"Friends of yours?" Rebecca asked.

I sighed. "Not anymore."

Then, we stood in front of the bar, Angel didn't notice us at first.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, Angel? Can we talk?"

She turned to me with a glare. "Not after what you did." Then, she turned back to another customer.

"Angel, I just wanna talk to her." I pleaded.

She looked at me again, then glanced at Rebecca. "Is this her?"

Rebecca nodded and lowered her head.

Before Angel could answer, I heard her voice. "Skylar?"

We turned and saw Candy standing there, a sad look on her face.

"Candy, can we talk?"

   She glanced at Angel, who shook her head.

   Candy looked down. "Fine."

   Angel scoffed and walked away.

   We followed Candy back to her dressing room. Candy closed the door before taking a seat in front of her mirror, a few tears in her eyes.

   Rebecca gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Candy, I'm not here to play the victim. I fucked up and I know I did. I stabbed you in the back when all you ever did was have mine. All I wanna do is tell you that I did love you and that I probably always will. You were there for me when no one else was and I'll never be able to repay you for that... so, if you don't ever wanna see me again, I understand." I finished.

   She shook her head before standing up. "I love you, Skylar, more than I've ever loved anyone before. I know it was hard when she left, I know it put you in a bad place mentally. But, I didn't care, I saw past all that, to the sweet, caring girl you are. You're an amazing person and I feel lucky that I got to be with you, even if it wasn't forever... Deep down, I think I always knew you'd find your way back to her. It hurts now but, who am I to stand in the way of true love?"

   I didn't even know what to say. She was hurt but, she accepted it and I wasn't sure if I was ok with that. So, I just stayed silent.

   Luckily, Rebecca spoke up. "I'm so sorry, Candy. You're a very sweet person and I never meant to hurt you."

   Candy smiled slightly. "Hey, she was yours first, I was just borrowing her."

   That got a few laughs out of everyone.

   Then, I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

   Candy rubbed my back. "I know but, as long as you're happy, then I'm happy."

   I pulled away and we held each other at arms length. "Thank you."

   She smiled. "No problem."

   Then, she faced Rebecca, who stuck her hand out. But, Candy pulled her into a hug as well.

   "Watch after her and treat her right. She deserves it." Candy said after they pulled apart.

   Rebecca smiled and nodded. "I know, thank you."

   Candy nodded.

   Then, there was a knock on the door.

   Candy opened it, letting Angel in and pulling her to the side. "Please don't be mad at her. It's not her fault her heart chose someone else."

I could hear the pain in her voice.

I lowered my head as Angel walked in front of me. "I'm not happy with you, Skylar... but, I think I understand."

I looked up into her eyes. "Angel, it was never my intention to hurt anyone... trust me, I feel like shit."

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just... don't fuck it up this time, ok?"

I gave her a small smile and nod.

Then, we said our last goodbyes and headed back to Twist.

I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole thing yet. Yeah I was happy to have Rebecca back but, I was sad for hurting Candy. I know she said she was fine but, I could tell she wasn't. I felt guilty for choosing my own happiness over hers.

Then, I felt a hand on my thigh. I glanced over and saw Rebecca eyeing me.

"You ok?" She asked.

I sighed. "I don't know yet."

She looked down. "I know it's gonna take some time but, I'm here for you and I'm never leaving again."

I couldn't help but smile at her words.

"Thank you." I replied in barley a whisper.

When we finally got back to Twist, we stopped at the front doors, reading a flyer taped to it.

"Karaoke night, tomorrow starting at seven." I read aloud.

"Since when does Blake like karaoke?" Rebecca asked.

I shrugged. "Beats me."

I opened the door and walked in, Rebecca following close behind.

Wendy, Jen, Kat and Blake were the only ones there.

"Where's all the customers?" I asked.

"Ask Kat." Blake replied, clearly a little annoyed.

Kat looked at me. "We closed early so we can set up for karaoke night."

A very drunk Wendy stood up and cheered. "Woo! I can't wait to sing with you, baby." She said, pulling Jen up with her.

Jen chuckled. "Maybe we should get you home."

As they started getting ready to head out, I took a seat next to Kat. "So, why are you so upset, Blake?"

"Because, I hate karaoke." She replied.

Kat laughed. "She had a bad experience with it when she was younger."

Blake rolled her eyes. "They played it on repeat all fucking night."

Rebecca laughed a little next to me. "Sounds like story time to me."

Blake just shook her head, clearly annoyed at the whole notion.

"You wanna tell it?" Kat asked her.

She sighed. "On my twenty-first birthday, some friends and I went out to this karaoke bar and they talked me into singing I Love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett. I got way to drunk trying to build up the courage to go on stage that I could barely make out the words on the screen... it just turned into me drunkly yelling along with the beat. And those assholes played it over the speakers for the rest of the night."

Kat and I laughed.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Rebecca said.

Blake scoffed. "I sounded like a dying cat."

Kat and I laughed harder.

"Ok, that's pretty bad." Rebecca replied.

After the laughter subsided, Kat spoke up. "I've been trying to talk her into redeeming herself since you guys left."

"No way in hell am I getting back onto that stage." Blake said.

"Oh, c'mon, now you have to." I said.

"I hate to agree but, I think you should. Besides, I've never heard you sing." Rebecca added.

"That's because I can't."

Kat shook her head. "The hell you can't, remember when you sang for me on our anniversary? You have a beautiful voice, babe."

Blake lowered her head with a shake and we all stared intently at her.

Then, she looked up and saw us staring at her.

   She sighed. "Fine, whatever. But, when I fail, I better not hear a peep from any of you."

"Deal. Now, gimme a beer." I said.

So, it was settled, Blake would try and redeem herself tomorrow night and I honestly couldn't wait...

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