Chapter 4: The Knock

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Andro stared at us with daggers in her eyes. I was taken aback by all this. How were we on the news? There was no one around us when we took off! I faced back towards Andro and opened my mouth,

"You don't need to say anything Bolty. You were caught, followed, and now we are in danger." Andro interrupted. She then ran away to her room once again and I heard a bag being packed. Should I go pack my own bag? Do we have to leave? I looked to the others and they just stared at me.

"How could you do this to us! You three are now targets! You can't stay here!" Maddie yelled. I was shocked. Was this really happening? I looked at Ruby and Kymera and saw their surprised expressions. I sighed and started to walk to my room. I put some clothes in a bag and with Kymera and Ruby, we waved goodbye to the flock and walked away. I came to the hill from which we took off that morning. It had been a long day and I wanted to sleep but we just needed to go.

I took off by running down the hill and waited above for the others. When we were all up we flew away. I felt tired from the long day and my wings were exhausted from flying this long and this much. Then, my wings failed! I was falling to the ground. I heard Kymera shriek in fear and Ruby try to fly down to catch me. I saw the ground coming closer and I finally hit the ground and felt immense pain as everything in my body seemed to break. Everything in my body all seemed to fail at once. I closed my eyes and felt death rise in me.

I opened my eyes and saw a bright light shine in them. I opened my mouth and found my voice, "A-am I-I dead?" I whispered to myself. A face blocked the light and I squinted my eyes to see who it was. It was Kymera looking at me, with a worried face. Oh no, did she die too when trying to save me? I felt my arm raise and touched her face when Ruby's face also came into view. She had also tried to catch me. I looked at them and soon I saw other faces surround us. We have been found and will be experimented on. Great. At that moment I realized I wasn't dead somehow. I lifted my head and became aware of my surroundings.

I was in my bed? Wouldn't I be in the woods? I saw the other faces were all the other members of the flock. I raised my wings and they fluffed up in a sense of betrayal.

"Why am I here? You guys kicked us all out! How did you find me? How am I alive?" The words just kept falling out of my mouth with confusion and wonder. I saw Maddie come up to me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Nothing happened Bolty. You aren't dead. You are fine dear." She hugged me as well as everyone else also hugged me I hugged them all back still confused.

"But what about the news? Maddie, you said you were kicking us out! I backed my bags with Ruby and Kymera! We left! Now we are just back or something?" Kymera and Ruby started laughing.

"How is this funny? This isn't funny! We should be leaving! The rest of the flock is in danger if we stay!" The flock giggled and I sat there squinting my eyes. "What is going on?"

"You passed out after hearing the news of us flying on the news. We aren't dead and we won't be kicked out. You were dreaming. We were so worried!" Ruby hugged me tightly. I sat there with relief and sighed.

"But we are still in danger!" I exclaimed. I started trying to calm myself down with deep breaths. "Don't we have an emergency place?" I asked.

"Yes we do but we will only have to use it if we are in true danger," Dakoda said. I was surprised to hear her say anything. But I didn't say anything about it.

"It's late and we've had a long day. Let's just go to bed." Crooked murmured the last part and walked slowly to his room. We all just laughed and giggled. As saw everyone leave my room and head to their bedrooms I laid back in my own bed and stared at the ceiling. I was almost asleep when I heard a sharp knock on the front door. I think everyone heard it because Crooked rushed into my room and yelled. "They're here! I don't know how they got here so fast but we have to leave now!" I stared at him for a second before I rushed up and grabbed my emergency leave bag. I ran behind Crooked as he led me to the door. He pushed me through as I heard the door burst open.

"Crooked! You have to come! Come on!" I yelled at him.

"I have to get some food or we will starve!" Crooked yelled back. The door was completely destroyed and cops flooded the entrance as I watched Crooked put a bunch of food into a cooler bag. "Here!" Crooked tossed the bag to me as I soon saw him being surrounded by the cops. I caught the bags and ran out the door as I heard Crooked's cries as he was carried away by the cops to be experimented on.

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