Chapter 22: Putting down a madman

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(Normal pov)

Chieftain Geir of Tree-root tribe stood at the front of his ship while his men rowed the boat, while his son Magnus was sharpening his sword, the chief smiled at his son, he was about to be married to Berks first female heir, a great honor. He was surprised that his son Magnus had taken the news of being engaged to a total stranger quite well, the chieftain knew that arranged marriages were tough, especially on the younger generation, but the fact that Magnus was willing to do his duty made Geir proud of his son.

Suddenly, massive spines sliced through the water and capsized the Tree-root ship; causing the Vikings on board to fall into the water and quickly swim back to the surface, some the Vikings that were still surfacing opened their eyes to lay eyes on a massive behemoth sized dragon with massive tusks that had cuffs around them, charcoal black scales, white skin and crimson head frills on its coral like crown, spine and chin.

When the Tree-root dragons surfaced, they laid eyes on a fleet of ships that were unknown and foreign to them, the colors, ship designs, and emblems caused the Vikings mutter a quick prayer and grab what weapons they had on their person, the lead ship was massive in size and it slowed down, the Vikings saw unknown soldiers who gave out battle grunts while pounding their shields, they then saw a massive man with black dreadlocks, he had a cloak made out of dragon skin and he gave the Vikings a menacing grin.

"Kill them." The man said, the Vikings were sitting ducks, their shields were underwater along the ships sides, so when the unknown soldiers nocked their arrows, Geir quickly swam over to his son. "Magnus!" He cried out, Magnus swam over to his father and the two men smiled sadly at each other as they heard the unknown force bark orders.

"Mishale ya shaha!"

The Tree-root Vikings could see the unknown soldiers nock their arrows on their bows, they were in big trouble! They all frantically searched the water for anything they could use to protect themselves, but they found nothing.

"Kuteka missale!"

The unknown soldiers then took aim at the defenseless Vikings, Geir released a shuddering breath and rested his forehead against his sons, the two cradled their heads together. "May we meet in Valhalla my son." Geir said with pride, Magnus chuckled lightly and nodded. "Aye father. We will meet again in Valhalla and we'll meet mother there as well." Father and son embraced each other and closed their eyes, awaiting their deaths.


Drago's soldiers let their arrows fly and all the Tree-root Vikings were all dead. The mad warlord then ordered his fleet to keep moving, the man banged his bull hook against the chains that were attached to his Bewilderbeast, and they continued to make their way toward the dragon riders nest.

(Hiccup's pov)

My Red Maw lieutenants had sent messages back to me that they had begun the work in Denmark, I had ordered them to build a massive tower, I had ordered it to reach the heavens, at least fifty stories high, I had read from an ancient text provided by Trader Johann during my time back on Berk that a group of people called the Babylonians built a massive tower that reached the heavens, and I wanted to the work of a similar tower to be built as well.

I was going to transform all of Norway into the most prosperous empire on earth, I would be crowned king, dragons will be embedded in human life, and the Vikings will explore the whole world. Just the thought of it made my heart beating faster, the possibilities were endless! And after I take care of Drago Bludvist? I will take Siv and those who wish to join us into the unknown.

But for now I was feeding Halvor and Ingrid, both my babies clutched on to my leather armor as I fed them small bite of baby food, they cooed, giggled and gave me big gummy smiles as I made silly faces at them, I could hear Toothless chuckling in my mind.

::Is it me, or do your hatchlings seem more energetic than usual?::

I smirked at Toothless and answered. "Oh, they're definitely showing more energy than usual, they've already consumed three entire jars of baby food in the last two moons we've been here. At this rate? They'll get bigger in no time." I smiled at Halvor as he gave me a gummy smile and Ingrid tugged at my chest plate, I also noticed a hint of... envy in Toothless's eyes. "You doing alright there bud?" I asked him, Toothless snorted lightly and answered.

::Yes. Its just... well, with the ending of your 'Snoggletog' and all the dragons left to their nest grounds to have hatchlings, I...::

I understood perfectly. Toothless finding a mate was one and a million, if he truly is the last Night Fury on earth, then the entire species is doomed to be forgotten by history.

"I understand bud. I can't imagine how lonely you've felt after all these years, I pray to the gods that there is a female Night Fury out there for you to mate with." I said to my friend, as well as giving him a supporting smile, Toothless gave me a gummy smile in thanks and I laughed lightly at him.

We then heard the dragons roaring, Toothless and I saw swarms of them flying past us, Halvor and Ingrid started crying, I cradled them gently and cooed loving words to them, I could see the Ryttere people mounting their dragons and handfuls of guards staying behind, I approached one of the guards and asked if they could look after my children, the guard accepted the responsibility while I climbed on Toothless and we joined the rest of the dragons and dragon riders outside.

Upon exiting the Dragon Sanctuary, we could see an entire fleet of ships that were not of the Archipelago, and on the beach were many soldiers, machines of war, net cannons, dragon traps and other deadly contraptions.


I turned around to see Valka, Halfdan and Hava all in their armor and on top of their Stormcutters, they all were leading the Ryttere dragon riders into battle, they all had different species of dragons, all of them had bows and quivers full of arrows strapped to their backs and shields in hand as well.

"Its Drago. That... animal has come to claim our dragons!" Valka seethed out, I looked down to see a dreadnaught sized ship mere feet from the beach and hundreds and soldiers poured out it and many more ships landed on the beach to join in on the attack. I then turned back to my family. "Alright, you lead your people and dragons into battle, I'm going to confront this Drago Bludvist into single combat." Before Valka could protest, I urged Toothless to fly toward the beach, once we landed I saw all the enemy soldiers stop, they all stood at defensive positions while they awaited for something.

From the depths of the ocean, we saw a massive form emerge from the waters, it was another Bewilderbeast, except this one was muddy brown, had red tips along its spines and coral like crown. It let out a might roar and I could see the enemy soldiers clearing the way as I saw a man that was the size of my father, he had black dreadlocks, his goatee was in dreads too, he was covered in scars; evidence with his encounters with dragons, he held a bull-hook in hand and had a cloak of... dragon skin around him.

Toothless snarled at this man and his pupils were thin slits, however, the man wasn't frightened by Toothless, instead the sight of my dragon made the man smile wickedly. The man looked at me and snickered. "My men had informed me of a dragon rider who has a Night Fury, but... I did not expect the rider of such a legendary dragon to be a boy." He said in a mocking tone, I gave the man an unamused look and spat out. "You and your followers are not welcomed here. Leave now, or you will meet your end." I seethed out, the man however laughed as well as the enemy army, when the man regained his breath he gave me a challenging look.

"Or what?"

I slid off of Toothless and drew out Inferno, causing the man to raise an eyebrow, I twirled it in my hand expertly and pointed it at the man.

"I tear you pieces."

The man stuck his bull-hook in the sand and drew out a sword, he had one of his men remove his dragon skin cloak, he then approached me until we were feet away, we gave each other intense glares, he then smiled evilly and asked. "The stakes?" He wants to fight. Good. I get right to the point. "If you win? There's no stopping you from enslaving every dragon here, you take the dragons, this nests Bewilderbeast and even my Night Fury." I then smirked. "But when I win? I'm freeing every dragon you have snared, broken and hurt, I'm releasing your Bewilderbeast and I will take command of your armies. And if they reject me? Well... I have two Stoker Class alphas that could use the meat, even if your men are tiny."

The enemy army paled at my words, true, my Stoker alphas weren't large enough to devour a human, but they didn't know that.

"Very well. I, Drago Bludvist accept your terms." He snarled out, I then waited for him to make the first move, he kicked the sand up to my face and charged, I however could smell him, I dodged his first attack and sidestepped out of the way as he tried to stab me. Once I got the sand out of eyes, I blocked several of Drago's strikes, his blows were powerful, but thanks to my draconic strength, I was giving him a challenge too.

The fight went about 15 minutes with Drago barely getting a hit on me, he really was wicked fast. I got Drago on his back and before Drago could react I pointed Inferno at his throat. "Checkmate." Hiccup said in a cold tone. Drago glared angrily, no he couldn't lose like this.

"Ahh!" Drago yelled out, "Ah! Ah!" Before anyone could ask what the crazed man was doing, Drago's Bewilderbeast approached. "Now how can you fight me...when you're busy fighting your best friend..." Drago smirked. The Bewilderbeast's eyes turned to slits and looked directly at Toothless who cringed a bit growling, he began to lower his head and shake it like he was trying to avoid something.

"Too–Toothless? Hey...What's wrong bud...?" I asked him, Drago kicked Inferno away and stood up while I was distracted.

"No dragon can resist the alpha's command so he who controls the alpha... controls them all... witness true strength. Strength of will over others. In the face of it... you are nothing." Drago said as Toothless snarled angrily before his eyes turned to slits and stared at me.

"Uh..What did he just tell you to do...?" I asked as Toothless slowly walked towards me menacingly. "Toothless... come on. What's wrong with you...?" I asked backing up. Toothless growled at him angrily, fangs bared. "No no no, come on... knock it off!" I said with his hand out. Toothless didn't even flinch, he kept nearing Hiccup. "Stop!" I ordered, "Snap out of it!" I yelled at him I realized Toothless backed me into a corner and slipped falling back. "Toothless! No! STOP!!" I roared out while I put both hands out now.

"Hiccup! Get out of there!" Valka yelled with worry. Toothless opened his mouth as a blast formed, pointed directly at me.

"DON'T!" I yelled out. "STOP!" Hiccup closed his eyes shielding myself with my arms as Toothless fired the blast at him. There was an explosion and everything went silent.

(Normal pov)

It was dead quiet, and no one knew what happened. One minute Hiccup was kicking Drago's ass and the next Toothless was under the alpha's control and aiming to kill Hiccup. They watched Hiccup get backed in to a corner then fired at, now there was nothing but smoke. "Son..." Valka whispered in fear, she urged Cloudjumper to fly down there, but Halfdan and Hava stopped her.

"No mother...Toothless can still fire again..." Hava warned. The smoke cleared off as Hiccup laid there motionless, it didn't even appear like he was breathing. Under the alpha's control, Toothless moved back and Drago climbed on his back now flying him over everyone.

"Your chief is dead... no one can protect you now." Drago grinned. They all gasped in fear, shock and disbelief, the Ryttere clan fought Drago and his army for years, but now? It seems Drago's power has grown ten fold. The warlords Bewilderbeast roared out as the dragons around the island took off and joined the swarm overhead the village.

It prepared to fire at them, they all closed their eyes in preparation to die there but the blast never came. "It takes a lot more than a little fire to kill me Bludvist!" Hiccup yelled out, the Ryttere people opened their eyes to see Hiccup standing in front of them, his hands out with a wall of crimson plasma protecting them and the fire was coming from his hands.

"WHAT!" Drago said enraged at the sight.

"I've been working with Toothless a while, I know how to defend myself from even his strongest blasts which can take out catapults... and this nifty little trick here... is because of him. You think its all about control, that you need that thing to make them do what you want. You're wrong, Drago... you showed me what you can do. Now I'll show you what I can do..." Hiccup seethed out.

Hiccup then fired a plasma bolt out of his hand and knocked Drago off of Toothless, he then fired a super heated plasma bolt at the muddy Bewilderbeast, causing the alpha dragons control over the other dragons to break.

"Let's finish this." Hiccup murmured to himself , he then charged Drago and the warlord quickly blocked a strike from the young Viking.

(Hiccup's pov)

If there's one way to take control of an enemy army, its to show them strength, and I had plenty of strength to push Drago around like he was a boy. The warlord however wasn't going down easy, he swiped my legs out from under me and brought his sword down, I quickly rolled out of the way and then proceeded to roll back to him and wrap my legs around his head, I then squeezed my legs tightly around his head.

The warlord was coughing and gasping for air, he tried chopping one of my legs off, but I quickly chopped his hand off; causing him to roar in agony, blood was spraying all over the sand, I could hear Drago murmur nonsense.

"N-no... I... won't be... defeated by a... boy!!" He wheezed out, I then snapped his neck with my legs, I then got up and exhaled slowly as I looked at the dead body of Drago Bludvist. I then turned toward his army and gestured to their now deceased leaders body. "You all are under my command! You will come to my aid when I call upon you! Should any of you harm or kill any dragons ever again? I will kill you! Now that you work for me, you will address me as Lord Haddock. Kneel before." I said, the foreign army still looked rebellious to honor the terms me and Drago settled upon before I killed him, so to intimidate them, I transformed into my draconic form and let out a ghastly roar, causing both the foreign army and even the Ryttere clan to look at me with shock, awe, fear and bewilderment.

"I said... KNEEL!!!" I roared out, the foreigners quickly dropped their weapons and bowed down before me, I then turned to Toothless. "Bud, take some dragons and storm Drago's ships for any caged dragons and free them. Including the Bewilderbeast." Toothless looked at me with uncertainty.

::Are you sure?::

"I'm sure. Go bud." I said, Toothless nodded and barked at riderless dragons to storm the foreigners ships. I turned around to see Valka, Halfdan and Hava land their Stormcutters, they all dismounted and gave me a group hug. 

"Oh! My beautiful son! Thank Thor you're alright!" 

"Aye brother! Glad you're safe."

I returned my families embrace and close my eyes as I can feel my mother, brother and sisters arms around me tightly, I'll confess, after being denied familial love from Stoick in the past, this felt good, and I felt loved from my own blood. 

When we broke apart, I turned to see one of the foreigners approach me, he then spoke Norse. "Lord Haddock, what do you command?" The man asked, I then saw Toothless barking orders to the freed dragons to join the nest here and then Toothless turned to the muddy Bewilderbeast. 

::Despite controlling me and telling me to kill my bonded rider, I will forgive you for that act. But, your slavemaster is dead. It would be wise for you to follow Lord Haddock now::

The muddy Bewilderbeast looked at me, I glared at the dragon, if it defied me, then I would let it go, but having a third alpha could be useful as well. 


The muddy Bewilderbeast bowed his head, I nodded back at him then I faced the foreign army. "Now, I will require your military commanders, generals and captains, if they defy me? They die. If they favor Drago? They die. And once again, if ANY of you strike a dragon down? I'll tear you to pieces." I then exhaled slowly and cleared my throat. "Now, all of you are of different tongues, races, culture, and lands. I require your maps, charts and best cartographers to make me maps of the worlds beyond this one. And, as a show of good faith... I will allow you all to sail home and reunite with your families and loved ones. But, should you abuse this generosity and do not return when I call upon you? I will kill you." I seethed out, the man I spoke to earlier translated what I said to those who didn't speak Norse, the soldiers all bowed their heads in thanks and understanding. 

Once I received the maps and charts from my new army, I ordered those of the foreign hierarchy who spoke Norse to teach their soldiers how to speak it as well, I then ordered my new forces to return home and when I called for them, I'd expect them to obey and support me, because they've seen the power I wielded. 

Now with Drago dead, I could now focus on building my empire that'll make me king of all the North, exploring the unknown and prepare to bring Berk to its knees.

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