Chapter 23: The Feather People

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(Normal pov)

Three weeks after taking control of Drago's forces, Hiccup was now preparing to go and continue to explore the unknown world. 

Hiccup was taking his dreadnaught and four of his warships to accompany him, if they entered enemy territory, Hiccup wanted to make sure he'd have his warriors and dragons to assist him. The young man had finished packing, he and Toothless made their way down to the beach where they saw his dreadnaught and four heavily armed warships that were filled with Red Maw Vikings and dragons, the duo even saw the two Stoker alphas they took in. 

They were now the size of a dinghy, they both flew over toward their master, Hiccup chuckled at the Stokers, the male one had a white and grey underbelly, and its skin was crimson red and its spines, the spikes on his club like tail and head frills were black, and the spikes in the middle of his forehead were black as well. The female Stoker had a peach colored underbelly, light grey skin, and crimson red spines, the spikes on her club like tail, the head frills, and the spikes in the middle of her forehead as well. 

::By the moon goddess! These two have gotten bigger!::

Toothless said, they had, and soon? They would be the alphas to control all of Hiccup's dragons, except Toothless, Hiccup and Toothless would give orders to them once they returned from their adventures. 

"I wish I could take you guys with us, but you need to stay in the Dragon Sanctuary." Hiccup said to his Stokers, they gave disapproving whimpers, Toothless growled at them lightly, speaking to them via telepathy, and causing the two Stokers to submit to their master. Hiccup had two Ryttere guards escort them into the Sanctuary and he ordered them to keep them safe, the guards understood and escorted the two alpha dragons into the nest. 

Hiccup and Toothless saw Valka, Halfdan and Hava near the ships, the duo stopped to say a final goodbye before departing, Hiccup pulled his mother into a warm and reassuring hug. "Mother, I'll be back, I promise." He said, Valka laughed lightly and nodded, holding onto her first born son tightly. "I know son, its just... I love you." She said, Hiccup believed her, he kissed her temple and nodded lightly. "I love you too mother." The two then broke from their embrace as Hiccup moved on to Halfdan. 

"You sure you don't want to come with us my brother?" Hiccup asked, Halfdan however shrugged and gave Hiccup a light smile. "I would, but my place is here, someone needs to look after mother and Hava." The two brothers smiled at each other and embraced, when they broke apart, they gave each other nods and Hiccup moved to his sister. 

Hava pulled Hiccup into a big hug, Hiccup chuckled lightly and hugged his sister back, she kissed his cheek and hugged him tighter. "Be safe big brother." She said, Hiccup nodded and kissed her hair. "I will, just take care of my family. All of them." Hiccup said, they broke off from their embrace and Hava smiled at her brother. "I'll look after Halvor and Ingrid, don't you worry." She assured, Hiccup nodded in thanks and turned to Toothless. "Ready bud?" The Night Fury barked in excitement and nodded. 

::Lets go!::

Hiccup and Toothless entered their ship and surprisingly, handfuls of people from the Ryttere clan joined them to explore the unknown. One of those people was Siv, her sister Sigrid, she too had platinum blond hair and amber eyes like her twin Siv. Also joining Hiccup, Toothless and the Red Maw into the unknown was a Ryttere member named Ubbe, he had brunette hair, he was stocky in muscle, his hair was done in a French braid undercut, also Ubbe's sister Ulvhild, she too had brunette hair, blue eyes and her hair was done in long braids and had little gold cuffs on the braids. 

Once Hiccup had confirmed all his warriors and dragons were on board, he ordered the captains of their ships to set sail, they were once again heading back into the unknown, for the Ryttere members, this was their first time leaving the Archipelago, and they were both excited and terrified. 

Regardless, once they exited Viking boarders and made it out to open ocean, Hiccup pulled out his maps and charts, he saw many continents, and the possibilities were endless. but there was one continent that interested Hiccup greatly, it would take months to get there no doubt, but their ships were designed to sail faster than your average Viking ships, so hopefully they could sail to their destination within a month or two tops. 

After hours of deciphering how to reach their destination, and giving the coordinates to his captain and his warships captains, they now knew where to go. Hiccup decided to retire to his bed chambers and get some sleep, he caught Siv and Sigrid looking at him with lustful eyes, the looks from the two beauties brought a smile to Hiccup's face, but then again, he did wonder whether or not he should move on with his love life. Its what Heather would certainly want, she would never leave his mind entirely, because she was one of the only souls in all of Midgard back then to love him, respect him, and acknowledge him as a human being. 

If Heather had lived? His life would be happier, but in truth? Hiccup was making this voyage into the unknown to actually clear his mind from Heather, her death was his fault, he should've have killed that disobedient dragon rider that brought that contaminated treasure within the Saxon city, or else his wife would still be of this world. 

But it mattered not, she was dead. And he would never forget her, but she would want him to move on and see his mission for revenge completed. 

Hiccup heard knocking at his door, he got up from his bed and opened it to reveal Siv and her sister Sigrid, they smiled at him and asked if they could enter, Hiccup nodded and let them in. The two girls walked around Hiccup's chambers while he closed and locked his door, he turned around and gave the two girls curious looks. 

"Is there something you two need?" He asked, Siv stepped up and answered his question. "Lord Haddock, we've noticed how hard you've been at work- preparing this voyage, deciphering the coordinates of our destination, killing Drago Bludvist, and taking control of our former enemies army..." Siv then approached Hiccup and placed her hands on his chest. "...and we thought we could help you relax." She purred out seductively, Sigrid too approached Hiccup and gave him a seductive smile. 

While Hiccup was familiar with Siv, introducing each other in the pools at the Dragon Sanctuary, she had failed to meet her sister Sigrid, she looked exactly like Siv except she had a small rune tattoo under her left eye, and her hair was done in a normal ponytail, while Siv's hair was braided. 

The two sisters advanced on Hiccup and kissed him, Siv kissing his lips and Sigrid kissing his neck and collar bone, causing Hiccup to groan and moan in arousal. Hiccup was already shirtless, he was only in his leather pants, the two girls removed their lips off of Hiccup and began stripping their clothing, once they were naked they pushed Hiccup on his bed, causing the young Viking to growl in arousal and cause his pupils to turn into slits, the two sisters smirked the sight. 


"I know right? Just wait until you see his cock."

Siv said to her sister, when she yanked his pants down, it was already pumping with blood; keeping it erect, both girls licked their lips and both dove in. Siv took his balls in her mouth, while Sigrid took his tip in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it, causing Hiccup to hiss in pleasure. The sight of the sisters pleasuring his cock gave him an idea, when he returned back home and would be crowned king of Denmark, he'd create a harem. A group of selected women to be his outlet of pleasure. 

"Argh! Damn!" Hiccup snarled out as he saw both the sisters switch positions, Sigrid taking his balls and Siv swallowing his cock, Hiccup closed his eyes and fell back on the bed and enjoying the mind numbing pleasure, it was going to be a long journey and he might as well have some fun while they were sailing to their destination. 

(Hiccup's pov)

After hours of having sex with both Siv and Sigrid, I was exhausted, they collapsed on either side of me and wrapped an arm around my torso and a leg around my legs, they both nuzzled into the crook of my neck and kissed my sweaty skin as I pulled them close to me. 

"That was fun." Sigrid giggled, causing me and Siv to chuckle lightly in agreement, I had been thinking about my harem idea for a while now and decided to ask the two girls about it. "Hey so I was thinking, when we return home and I am crowned king of the North, I will establish a royal harem- where the members choose those who they think can satisfy my every need. And since you two have generously given me such a... pleasurable time..." Causing the two sisters to giggle at his words before continuing to listen to me. "...I was hoping you two would join me into our beloved capital and recruit many more women who'd love to please me and... my loyal followers." 

The sisters considered Hiccup's words, Sigrid then asked. "You want to share your harem to your followers?" I shrugged lightly. "Only to my inner circle, if they accept such an invitation. If not? Then it matters not to me. To prevent a member of the harem to become pregnant, you'll all be provided with tea mixed with parsley, dried fig, ginger, and apricot to prevent unwanted pregnancies." I said, both sisters hummed in agreement. 

"Where will the harem be Lord Haddock?" Siv asked curiously, I smiled lightly and answered. "It'll be on the forty ninth floor of my fifty story tower. Rest assured, I will take care of all the women who wish to join my harem; all your needs will be met, since the women will be Viking women, they'll be able to fend off any unwanted company, you will all receive coin and other payments needed to provide for your families and yourselves, and... you will all will have your wildest fantasies turned into reality." The sisters shared a look and then smirked, they then gazed into my eyes with dilated pupils. 

"Sounds good to me."

"Aye. Count us in."

I smirked and nodded. "Excellent, now after all that playing around? I feel like I could enter the Odinsleep." I said sarcastically, causing the sisters to giggle and both kiss my chest before we all drifted to sleep. 

(Stoick's pov)

"What do you mean Chieftain Geir and his son are head?!"

Myself and the Hooligan council were gathered with messengers from Tree-root ride, the messengers had looks of disapproval and one of them spoke out again. "Precisely as we said Stoick the Vast! Our chief and our heir were murdered! You wouldn't happen to know what happened to them do you?" The messenger asked, I shook my head and sighed heavily. 

"No. We met three weeks ago discussing an arranged marriage with Magnus and Astrid Hofferosn to create an alliance with both our tribes. I swear to the Allfather we did not kill your chief and heir." I firmly said, the messengers nodded and spoke. "We respect you Chieftain Haddock, to ensure no more of our people are murdered, we will ally ourselves with you." I stood up from my throne and nodded at them.  "You will learn that all those allied with Berk are treated fairly and well, if you need anything at all? Ask and I will do what I can do." 

The Tree-root messengers nodded in thanks and exited our Great Hall, when the doors closed, I sighed heavily and saw Gobber, Gothi, Spitelout, Bucket, Mulch, Sven, Mildew and Asbjorn Hofferson sigh in disbelief. 

"Well that would explain why they didn't arrive at the wedding." Spitelout said, Asbjorn shot the elder Jorgenson a glare before turning to me. "Stoick. Our enemies have not been seen on their respective islands and lands. At least the chieftains and warriors, the citizens of all the Outcasts, Berserkers, Lava Louts, Murderous tribes and many more are still there, but here's the crazy part. Trader Longbeard reported each islands citizens have befriended dragons and their flags weren't the traditional tribe emblems, instead the  new emblems are of a crimson dragon with its maw opened wide."

The table erupted with murmurs of disbelief, disgust, shock, and wonder. Mildew gave a disgusted sound and pounded his fist on the table. "Befriending dragons?! The thought alone makes me sick! Those vile beasts cannot be tamed!!" The old Viking spat out, many at the table hummed in agreement, while Gothi and Gobber kept quiet for the time being, I noticed this and spoke out. "Gobber. Gothi. What are your thoughts on this... subject?" Gobber took a swig of ale and spoke. "I'm not the biggest fan of dragons. They took my hand and leg, and that damned Boneknapper has had it out for me since I was more young and reckless. But for our enemies to befriend a Vikings mortal enemy? It all spells out doom." The blacksmith said. 

Gothi then performed sign language, she spoke with her hands and my eyes widen in shock at what she was saying, but the more she spoke with her hand signals, I nodded in agreement, Sven looked at our elders sign language and asked. "What did she say Stoick?" I looked at everyone gathered and translated for Gothi. "She says that someone helped our enemies train dragons. And that this someone hates us just as much as our enemies, maybe even more." I looked at the ground, Spitelout knew I had more to say. 

"What else brother?" He asked, I pinched the bridge of my eyes and looked at the council once more, I then finished Gothi's words. "This person too has trained a dragon. But not just any dragon. A Night Fury." I breathed out, the council looked at each other in disbelief. 

"Stoick, with respect, did you translate Gothi right? No one has EVER met a Night Fury in person and lived to tell the tale." 

"Aye! The Book of Dragons clearly states to 'never engage this dragon.' So how in all of Midgard has someone managed to train the most deadliest and infamous dragon in the known Viking world?"

I shrugged lightly. "I translated Gothi right, this mysterious dragon rider had tamed a Night Fury, and we all know that a Night Fury killed Hiccup. Perhaps this is a sign of some kind." I said, Gothi spoke with her hand signals and I nodded at her. "Gothi says she'll use her potions to glimpse into the future to see the fate of the Archipelago, but until then? We fortify our home and give our allies aid. Something's changing in the wind, and I would rather we be safe rather than sorry."


"Meeting closed."

The council members nodded at me and exited the Hall to head home, while I stayed seated at my throne and thought about Gothi's words. "Someone has trained the legendary Night Fury? Gods help us all." I murmured to myself, I had this feeling in my gut that something was coming. And that this 'something' could spell doom for Berk and our allies. 

(Astrid's pov)

I didn't show it to anyone, but I was so grateful that I wasn't getting married, because being married was the last thing that I need right now. I was walking through the plains, the cool hair lightly running through my hair and caressing my skin. Today was one of those days where I catch a breath from learning how to take over Stoick's village and being a warrior. 

I sat on the edge of a cliff that overlooked the harbor and the two statues that meant you've entered Berk. I looked out into the horizon with wonder, I always wondered if there was anything else out here, or if our world was the only one in existence. But I quickly cast those thoughts out of my mind, I sighed and shook my head lightly. 

"You doing alright?" 

I turned around to see Fishlegs, I snorted at the sight of the boy and then looked back out into the horizon and answered. "Well, I'm not chieftess yet, I'm still a shield maiden and I'm managing to do everything I'm doing in the name of Hiccup, so... yeah. I suppose I'm alright." I said, FIshlegs sat next to me as we stared out into the horizon in comfortable silence. 

"I left him that night Snotlout and his lap dogs hurt him. Do you know what Hiccup called me? A coward. He called me coward." Fishlegs said in shame, I turned toward him and nodded. "You're not the only one Fishlegs. I left him too. I guess we have that in common at least." I said, Fishlegs clicked his tongue and looked at me. "What is he's still alive?" He asked, I looked at him with a disbelieving look. 


"Just hear me out! We all know Hiccup wasn't your average Viking, one time turning a raid, I saw Hiccup being cornered by a Nadder and that dragon was ready to kill him, but instead of running, Hiccup found its blind spot and was scratching its neck, the Nadder then acted like it was an overgrown puppy dog!" 

I shook my head at Hiccup's words. "That doesn't sound like Hiccup." I said, Fishlegs nodded in agreement and added. "If he managed to calm down a Deadly Nadder, then why not a Night Fury?" Before I could speak, Fishlegs continued. "When you went down to the cove, you brought back black dragon scales, the Night Fury is the only known dragon to have black skin, what if what you saw in the cove was staged? Set up?" 

I digested Fishleg's words, I mean... it did make sense, there was no scorch marks on the ground in the cove, no blood, only Hiccup's dagger which was clean and Night Fury scales. 

"C-could Hiccup...?" 

"...have been able to train the infamous Night Fury? Given Hiccup's reputation to scoff at Viking tradition, his ability to think like other Vikings, and his companion toward dragons? Yes. I believe Hiccup left Berk with the last known Night Fury." Fishlegs finished for me, I exhaled shakily at his words, if this was true? Then... I-I... I don't know what to think. But if he IS alive? I needed to hear the truth from his mouth. 

Please Odin, let Hiccup still be alive. 

(One month later)


Hiccup had been training with his warriors, and the group of Ryttere teens that joined him, Toothless walked toward the front of the ship and stuck his tongue out as the winds caressed his face and tongue, Hiccup chuckled at the sight and saw land alright. 

"Well, it seems our voyage has payed my friend." Ubbe said as he patted my back, Hiccup snorted at his words, Hiccup then turned to his captain order the ships to deploy dinghies and set up camp in the beach, the captain nodded and gave the order, the warships sent several dinghies filled with Red Maw Vikings and dragon riders escorting them. 

Hiccup climbed on top of Toothless while the Ryttere teens climbed on their dragons and joined Hiccup in the air, upon touching down on the soil of a new world, Hiccup looked around to see an ocean of forest before them. 

"We'll explore at first light! For now we rest." Hiccup said the Ryttere teens nodded and began setting up their tents, while their dragons took mouthfuls of tree bark and ignited the bark on fire, once the rest of the Viking ships landed on the beach, the Red Maw set up shop, securing their position and setting up their tents. 

Hiccup dismounted Toothless and looked out into the vast forests, Toothless sensed paranoia in his rider, he nudged Hiccup's side and warbled out. 

::What is it?::

He asked, Hiccup scanned the forest and suddenly saw a figure with a very strange looking mask and had arm braces with feather sticking out of them, a feather made cloak and feather made boots. Once Hiccup made eye contact with this person, this native disappeared, Hiccup grabbed Inferno, and Toothless snarled out. 

::Hiccup! What is it?!::

Hiccup growled lightly and curled his lip. "We're not alone here." He simply said, the young leader turned to his first patrol and gave them orders. "Take four dragon riders with you and ensure our camp is secured! I laid eyes on a... feather person, they retreated when I spotted them, they might bring friends. If they attack us? Show them Viking fury!" The Red Maw Vikings nodded and took four dragon riders to accompany them. 

The Ryttere teens approached Hiccup, noticing the paranoid and stern look plastered on his face, they knew something was wrong. 

"Hiccup? What is it?"

The young man looked back into the forest and sighed. "I have a feeling we're going to meet the natives of this land very soon. I spotted one that wore a strange mask and was covered in feathers." Hiccup turned to his followers, the teens looked at each other and raised eyebrows. 

"Feather people? Thats what you saw?" 

Hiccup nodded. "Just be prepared for a fight, if they attack us? We'll show them we're not to be trifled with." He simply said, the Ryttere teens nodded and left Hiccup to himself for the time being. Hiccup seriously hoped he wouldn't regret this decision. 

A/N: Alright! So Hiccup and his followers are in America, and the Feather People are native Americans. Some dark things will happen here and what happens here will finally cause Hiccup to leap into the dark side! Stay tuned for more, and enjoy!

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