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" Light up in your soul, such fire of LOVE ....
Burn altogether opinions and statements.

The religion of love is apart from all religions ....

For lovers, the only religion ... is God. "

- Mevlana RUMI <3

The misty morning indulged me in it's fragrance covering me in a chilly haze ..

I closed my eyes and inhaled the fragrance of cold nature..

When we returned home yesterday we all were so tired that we all slept directly after praying isha.. And after praying fajr we slept again..

All the parents were amused seeing no one bantering around curious they did asked what had we done there to be so tired..

I couldn't resist the foggy environment despite of wanting to sleep more my desire led me to stand in the garden relishing the cold bliss..

A smile lingered on my lips remembering How had Daniyal teased me of my childish story but i had sana on my side and we both insisted him not to tell anyone and made him promise

He thought for a moment and promised but in return he told me to keep his secret which he will tell me afterwards..

Wonder what he is going to tell me.

I had enough embarrassing encounters with Amir and I am not sure if he had listened it or not as he didn't say a word about it but I hope he hasn't..

But only one thing disturbed which is bothering me that on our way out Amir was so angry at the security guard and the way he talked with the poor man he shouldn't have I mean it wasn't his fault at all.

"Apii your here why do you leave me sleeping" Daud wined taking my hand..

"She always likes to leave people hanging" I heard umars voice from behind

I wonder for how much long was he standing there

"Uh.. Daud I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep hero that's why" I ruffled his hair.

"I thought we were on good terms now" he said looking at my frowning face

"I am telling the truth right?" Daud he smiled

"My api is the best she always takes care of me" Daud exclaimed challenging him

"Is it than tell your api to take care of mee to" he smirked looking at

I was baffled by his words.

"No she is my api". Daud held me tight..

"Says who? She isn't yours " he arched his eyebrow

"Daud let's go dear it's cold here and your not wearing your sweater.".I tugged Daud towards the house..

"Areesha what's your problem. You were normal in the car" he grunted

"So were you" I said slowly and then proceeded to the house..


"Areesha let's grab something from the kitchen I am hungry" sana chided.

There were guests sitting downstairs.
They had come to meet our family

Mostly every day my parents had somewhere.to be and someone to meet.. . But granny had never let me go with them

. Ameera always stays with reema and doesn't go and Rayyan being the brother doesn't go because of us . He says he won't go if we two were not going

I didn't even met one of them . According to granny they shouldn't be taking me everywhere it would be to hectic for me.

Although I don't go in gatherings but sometimes I do want go because my parents were going

So these guests personally came here to meet us but right After greeting them we all girls just ran to the backyard.

"Areesha yar please let's go" sana grumbled

"Okay okay" I said taking her hand .

We sneaked in the kitchen filling our plates with the mouth watering delicaciese.
And topping our glasses with fresh juices.

"Thank you" Rayyan said taking the juice from my hand and gulping it..as I turned around

"Hey why are you here ?"

"Those aunties seriously are scary" he grumbled making us chuckle..

"You should have asked for the juice instead of snatching it" I grumbled.

"Ow sorry here do you want it sis" Rayyan mocked.

"No you May have it" I poured another glass..

"We are here too" hina api cheered with Kiran zari api along with them..

"Yar we can't eat out too much pressure" zari api fanned herself making us giggle.

"You all were lucky you went after greeting we poor boys were stuck between them although it should hav been the other way around" Rayyan defended..

"Yah I am loving the lectures other boys are getting from those aunties on their hairstyles ," Kiran api laughed

"Shukar I have finally sneaked out" Rayyan sighed.


I.was playing in the garden with daud as he had whined that in the morning I went without him..

So here he was sitting on a swing and enjoying

While sana went inside to bring our tea

"Areesha come on let's go" Umar clinked the keys in his hand coming in front of me

"Where?" I asked confused

"As I am in a good mood today come with me i will treat you with ice cream" he pointed

Is he crazy..

"Yay ice cream" Daud exclaimed

"I don't want to go"

"Don't ruin my mood get ready fast." He pointed.

Did something hit on his head

"And please don't give the excuse of your parents I think your old enough to make your decisions".He added seriously

"Please don't speak to me like that" I said politely

"Apii please let's go" daud tugged me forwards..

"Areesha I am waiting in the car!"

"I will not come" I said and turned to go inside.

"Go Daud tell the elders sitting in the lounge that Areesha wants to go out side with Umar" he said making me halt

Before I could do something Daud ran past me making my heart go on overdrive..

What will they think..

Without wasting a minute I ran inside behind Daud..

"Grannny granny Areesha api wants to go out to.have an ice cream with me and Umar bhai" I heard Dauds voice ..

Making me want to cry and vanish umar..

As soon as I entered the lounge..

"Daud 's mom started laughing your so selfish huh Daud I know it must be you who want the ice cream but blaming it on Areesha".aunty said..

"Don't worry beta he always puts on others" aunty giggled making everyone too..

"Yeah like we don't know you little rabbit" phuphe said

I sighed

"Beta have some tea with us" humaira aunty said
"No thank you aunty" I smiled politely and went towards my room..

What if baba and uncles would have been sitting there.

I hate you Umar..


"Areesha if I.ask you a question will you answer it honestly" sana asked laying on my bed.

"Yeah ofcourse" I smiled taking off my bracelets.

"But you have to promise you will not let anyone know that I asked you this" she pointed.

"Yeah promise" I looked towards her.

"It's just my random question okay?"..

"Sanaa tell na"

"Do you like Umar or would you like to be his wife?" She orated slowly.

"What" i chided..

"Sorry sorry just a random question you know we are best buddies now and I just wanted to know".

"No sana not at all."

"Not even in my dreams"

.I just dislike him so much
.never ever ewwww
how could you even think that I would like him."I flared

"I hate to be near him"

"He is very irritating and selfish.".

"He just always loves himself"

And and
"I would not marry him even if he is the last person on earth" I finished out of breath..

What I didn't knew was that the words spoken should always be weighed inside first..because sometimes these words could make you regret...

Sana sat there stilled not expecting my sudden outburst..

Even I didn't expect it from me but sometimes you have to let it all out.especially after today I was so pissed at his attitude

"Areesha dear calm down its okay"sana consoled

"Sana let's go out in the lounge please".

"I am sorry Areesha" She breathed.

"No it's totally fine let's just go"I replied politely"

"Sana please tell someone to take these cookies upstairs" hina api placed them in the tray with some chips and pasta..as soon as we came down

"For whom api" I asked helping her.

"Sehar is here and she is with Ameera and Reema."
"You remember sehar right" Hina api looked at my expressions

"I guess I have met her at the beginning".

"She had to go back the next day after you all came. But she is here since last three days.."Hina api orated

"Oh I see."

"Hmm let's enjoy chips" Hina api winked.

"Areesha there is something about shear I wanted to tell you."

"What api?"

"You know sehar is not a good company I am not sure but I.Have heard that she goes out on dates and stuff"

"What" I whispered

"Look I am not sure just I heard"

" Anyways Ameera and Reema were in contact with her since long as they had exchanged numbers when there family came to meet on Reema 's arrival.."

"I just got to know now and I can't stop them to meet"

"How come I didn't knew when sehar came after.."

"They didn't stayed for long and they came after dinner I guess you were asleep by than and left early morning"

"Oh okay"

"So please make Ameera understand not to involve to much"

"Yeah I will thanks api.."

How come Ameera never told me she is meeting her she tells me everything I thought..

"Api isn't sehar older than me"

"Yeah she is"

"1Than why she is..-

"Areesha and Hina get tomorrow we will be going to meet some great friend of dad's and uncle's."Sana interrupted excited

"Really we all Will "Hina api asked

"Yeah" she nodded smiling

Yay.it would be my first trip with my parents


"You called me api" Ameera came inside my room

Ameera close the door" I instructed

"What happened appii.?"She ask"ed

"You have been quite busy with reema I miss you " I said .Making her giggle.

"You miss me api that's not possible you have all the people in the house to run after you and praise you."She said

I was stunned by her words clearly Ameera wasn't like this at all..

"Ameera what's the matter" I asked sternly.

"Nothing api please can I go we are planning to do something."

"Why are you behaving like this I want my little princess back." I pouted.

She stared at me.

"Sorry api I didn't wanted to speak like that I am just tired.."

"You don't sleep on time do you?"I inquired

"We are on a vacation apiii".

"You have been talking to sehar quite lately aren't you?" I said coming to the main point..

"Well yes she is an adorable girl and like a big sister to me to.we have a lot of fun together."

"Ameera dear.-''

"Areesha I want to talk to you" Rayyan said coming in.

"Yeah" I said looking at him

He looked at Ameera than at me..

"Ameera go out please I want to talk to Areesha."

"Huffing" she slammed the door going out.

"What has happened to her" I said looking at the closed door..

"She has gone mad" Rayyan pointed

"Rayyan" I warned.

"I wanted to talk about about her api"

"What about her?I asked

"Amir's family is going to Lahore for two or three days with mom and dad since than Ameera has been pestering mom to let her go with them."

"How's that possible she can't go because our parents will stay only a day in Lahore "I said

"Of course she can't go and mom has strictly prohibited her .But she won't listen! and she wants to stay with Reema "

"Than humaira aunty said to mom let her come with them she trusts aunty A lot
but she said she will only allow if you will go because
she is you know a little trouble creator".

"Mom says she is not sensible enough to take care on her own but if you will go than she will be satisfied.."

"I am not going" I.exclaimed

"Yeah that's what I came to tell you don't because mom said she will talk to you herself.."

"I have a match to attend at the horse park with boys so I can't go with you too".

"And I don't think so you both should go stay there after our parents leaves."

"Hmm ur right I won't" I assured him.

"Wuhuu my work here is done" he smirked

"Should I tell Ameera" I challenged

"Api you want me alive don't you.."

"And your water balloons are in your drawer" he pointed .which perked me up and I kissed his cheeks running to open it..

"EWWWWWWWWWWWW" he exclaimed going out making me chuckle

"Areesha my sweet princess you will listen to your mother right" mom said smiling..

Rayyan was right because After he went my mom called me in her room

"What dooo you want mum?" I giggled at her

She sighed
"Areesha I didn't wanted you both to go no doubt humaira is like a.mother to you but you know me.".

"Yes "

"But Ameera is being stubborn and I don't want to create a difference in her mind so I don't know now"..

"Will you go with us and stay with her for only a day? I can't let her stay alone."

"Mum but -:

"So are you going with me api?" Ameera voice coming in

"Ameera why do you have to stay ..
Reema is just going for two days" I said.

"Api I have to .I want to see Lahore and I want to enjoy with her."

"Your father will not agree Ameera" mom Said

"When you will say he Will" she argued.

"Ameera we will go somewhere here" I said excited

"No I want to go.".

"Ameera your being impossible and you know I don't like that" mom warned

"Mommy if api would have demanded it you would have let her in a blink..Than why not me.."

"Ameera what's got into you?" I asked not believing her..

"Yes see Areesha that's what I was talking about" mom said.

"Your not sensible to go alone" mom said

"Mum I am.big enough please na"

"It's okay I will go" I said before my mom gets more angry..

"Really api?" she asked

"Yes" I sighed

She hugged me and kissed mum before happily running out leaving me and mom stressed at her behavior..

"Areesha beta thank you" mom got up and kissed my forehead.
"And please see what's bothering her okay."

"Yes I will" I smiled

"And beta tomorrow morning we are going to meet one very special uncle and than you can pack for Lahore in the evening"

"Okay" I nodded

"I wouldn't let you both stay but it's just I don't want Ameera to think there is a difference and humaira will take care of you both"

"I understand mom now cheer up"

"Here please apply this lipstick you look amazing in it and wait I will decide your outfit for tomorrow you will look like a queen. After all baba is a handsome king" I winked at her making her chuckle.

"I want to tell you something Areesha" mom said motioning me to sit

I looked at her curious..

"Today your dadi is very happy in fact your dad to..And some other to"

Yeah I knew how could I forget how Umar ruined everything.as he was happy

"What mummy "

"Wait you come from Lahore than I will tell you.."

"Hey that's not fair tell me" I whined

"Nothing beta your granny is waiting for me outside."

"It will take you two minutes to tell" I proded.

"Beta I will tell after "

"Huff okay" mummy go.


I was walking slowly on something it felt so soft like clouds beneath me i was somewhere in a beautiful place with glittering white sparkles around me .

It all looked marvelous

It was windy

My hairs were floating due to chilly wind

I was smiling walking around admiring the beautiful place
Little ahead I saw another path trailed going towards a beautiful cave. Mesmerized I started walking towards it when I heard a little angelic voice behind me..

"Mama" she cooed softly

I looked around to find no one I was sure it's a voice of small girl..

"Mama please stop" she whispered like an angel.

"Parisa" I whispered.

"Where are you?" I looked around

"Mum I am here" she cooed giggling.

I tilted my head towards the right to see a beautiful little girl wearing white and baby pink elegant yet sparkly frock while a strong white light all around her.

"Parisa" I whispered again with teary eyes

"Mummy please don't go there please mummy come to me" she opened her arms.

I looked at the path than again at her.

"Mummy don't leave me please" tears trickling from her eyes and gliding to the smooth surface of her white rosey cheecks.

"I am here" I assured her but my feet moving towards the opposite side..

"Mummy your leaving me don't leave me" I am scared she sobbed making my heart ache with an unknown emotion

"Mummy is coming parisa don't worry" I walked ahead but steps taking me away from her

"Mum she stretched her small white hands towards me" still sobbing

"I need you mummy."

With tears I tried to reach her and take her in my arms but the wind pushed me back

It was too windy

With my continuous efforts I reached towards her she smiled coming close to me.

My heart urged me to shield her in. My arms.

My eyes continued crying

As soon as I was going to embrace her small figure a strong wind blew her away

"Parisaa" I.called she was trying to overcome the wind by constant gliding calling my name

She stretched her hand and I held her soft hand in mine

I was going to held her second hand and embrace her

And she was going to kiss me.

Zahra I heard a voice from afar

I jolted from the bed calling parisa

It was just a dream

My heart thuded inside me as I looked around my room to find her

Parisa my daughter I whispered to myself.

I touched my face to see it was wet with tears..

There was an unknown emotion which I felt today an unknown feeling which I had never experienced before

A feeling of a mother..

A feeling impossible to describe but a feeling so beautiful yet strong enough to fight a world for her..

My heart ached to have her in my arms .

What should I do I want her I whispered as fresh tears glided on my cheeks.

What should I pray.that I want her?

I hand it to you ya ALLAH please keep my zahra (flower),safe.

"My parisa" I whispered as I hugged Daud close to me my heart aching to have her.

ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .

What did the dream meant?

I would love to know ur thought$

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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