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" Using our strength, faith and bravery
to defy the storms of life.

Letting in the ever- unfolding experience
of life as it flows ....
experiencing our spiritual growth.

With His offering guidance ...
and with kindness, care and LOVE
.... to fulfill our life's purpose. "


Sitting on the swing adorned in the lounge upstairs just beside the window I was gently rocking back and forth on it.
While my mind and heart captured by night's dream.

What did it meant? I whispered to myself.

Her soft chubby cheeks.
Her angelic voice.
Her soft hands
Her mesmerizing eyes.
Her little fingers everything everything I remember clearly I could still feel her and hear her..

Her cries still prickles my heart.

The way she called me the way she smiled her every feature was etched in my.heart..

How foolish I sound to say that I want her here with me .

But how I became so attached to her the emotions which I
Felt were never before

Come back to me ..


"Zahra" I mumbled


Disturbed i gazed up to see Amir standing there

"Uh.. y y es"

"Are you alright ?"he asked.looking at me

"Yes" I answered

"Why are you crying than?"

I didn't realized my eyes were filled with water

"Uh..I have a cold so my eyes water "

"Hmm actually I wanted to ask you about something "


"Are you going with us to Lahore ?"

"Hmm I am!"

"No one is forcing you right?"

"No" I looked at him

"Okay than moms calling you."

"I am coming."

He nodded going

Wonder where everyone is even Daud is not here I thought going down.

The best thing about today morning was that I didn't see Umar till now..

We were going to uncle's hotel I guess..

"Areesha I am going to kill you" sana voiced from behind me.

"What!" I said pinning my butterfly brooch

"Where have you been since morning?" she glared coming infant

"I was here" sana.

"Daud was looking for you and we were too" she spoke sternly

"Calm down sana "

"Why are you so down today everything alright" she asked

"Yeah I am fine let's go they are waiting for us."

"Yeah" she mumbled

"Areesha beta go and sit with your phuphee" mum spoke as she saw me

I looked at her "mum but~:

"Let's go beta Daud is also waiting for you in Umar's car" phuphee dragged me towards the black jeep.

Making me internally groan

"Beta sit on the passenger seat"

"No no phuphee please you sit there".

"Beta go" she ordered

Obliging I opened the Door

As soon as I was going to sit Amir came
saying he will be going in this car..

Smiling I went to the back joining phuphee and Daud

"Look ahead Umar" Amir spoke sternly gaining our attention..

"I am" he responded curtly

"So you know Areesha the person we are going to meet is a very generous friend of your father and his life has a lesson for all "

"Really" I asked

"Yes" she said taking my hands in her's

"Areesha come fast" sana chided opening the door of the car.

"Sana beta you scared me phuphee said seeing her enthusiasm

""Sorryy" she said politely

"I want to show you something Areesha" she tugged my arm

"Daud hurry up hero" I said

"My apple" sana squished dauds cheek earning a irritated look from him.

"You banana" he fired back..Making me laugh.

"Kids these days don't even know the value of love" sana sighed

"Actually no one is able to identify love these days "Umar orated closing his car..

"Love is not something that needs to be recognized" Amir spoke .

Sana and I looked at each other not quite understanding the situation.

Deciding to leave it we went with phuphee

The hotel was quite elegant yet fancy.
It had different themed corners
From an ancient luxury.to the modern hubs.

It was designed differently yet it was marvelous..

Walking up the glass stairs there was a private hall with large glass chandeliers surrounded with golden lights giving it an essence of a royal grandeur.

"Welcome my friend" came a voice as we entered

There stood a man with a gentlemen Grace .
Surrounded By aura of generosity.

"It's been so long" he hugged my father.
Which my father gladly returned..

He greeted every lady with a gentle bow ,his hand on his heart and eyes casted down

.while a slight pat on head following a short dua for girls.

I didn't imagined the owner of this huge hotel to be this polite having a generous nature

I don't know why Daud was afraid of him because he kept pushing me back with him as uncle came forward while greeting one after the other..

"Meet Areesha" my father said coming beside me

"Is this Areesha MA shaa ALLAH the doll has grown so much" uncle orated.

"You probably don't remember this old man do you? No worries my child you were to small back" than uncle said.

I smiled In return.

"Stay happy always" he wished while smiling..

With that all of us seated to have lunch while granny explaining his story as all the man went to another table

Uncle's story is very intresting and it shows how hard work and true dedication to earn in halal way without greed leads you to immense success..

Mr rauf used to sell homemade kulfi ice creams in a little carriage on the streets..

HIS wife used to make it and store in the small coller and than he used to go out and sell it..

People really liked it and his small business expanded from one carriage to two and slowly to three that he kept another person to assist him..

His wife kept working hard in the home to meet the demands of his growing business apart from that she used to sew people's clothes . and also look after her ill mother in law

They had one daughter, and one son .to educate them and to meet the demand of thier family, . they both worked very hard..

Soon uncle sold his 3 carriages, and bought one small shop at the corner of the valley in which he not only used to sell his famous ice cream but homemade burgers, too.

With ALLAHS rehmat people appreciated a lot and the shop became famous among the valley that it was becoming hard to meet the increasing orders but he did not have the capacity to buy a big one .

He started to save his profit little by little so he can afford a bigger shop..

At a little distance from his shop a wealthy business man invested much money and opened a large air contioned hotel at that time which was quie a task ..

His business did not flourish and it started going in loss. So he decided to rent the lower portion.

Mr rauf with all that he saved bought that portion on rent.. because it was more presentable and appealing and the food his wife cooked too tasted great it started giving him more profit that he soon bought the whole hotel..
As his wife was a traditional lady who loved to decorate and was a great at designing ..

He took the help of his wife to design the upper portion of the hotel for celebrations or marriages,,

She did a very great job yet again making her husband proud and soon that hall was so recognized and liked by people that it was booked almost throughout the year ..and could no longer meet the people's demand ..

slowly he built a luxurious hotel with the help of his wife and now he owns many luxiorious hotel throughout Pakistan,, that in every hotel people have to make the bookings a month or two before the event..


But the best part is his generosity increased with money and he now donates soo much to the poor people and has helped countless,.

He often says that after ALLAH'S blessings his wife is a true gem behind all that he has

Seeing his life I have learnt so much that how hard work dedication love, strong believe in one's spouse . and respecting parents can lead you to high ranks , this uncle is so down to earth that if anyone would meet him no one can say he is such a rich person but can surely know that how rich his heart is..

ALLAH blesse's people and makes them a lesson for everyone ..


"You kids must be wondering who this old man is but I know each and every one of you clearly
Let me give you an insight of your childhood.".he said while taking his seat.

"Rauf only their's not ours" amjad uncle mused making us laugh..

"Yah I will never open your secret here after all you have to go home" uncle said

"Let's start with Areesha."

"No" I mumbled.

"Don't worry you were a cute kid who used to come with your amjad uncle to buy a small ball everyday" he started.

"Every day" sana asked surprised while taking her fresh juice from the waiter

"Yes she used to take a new Colour every day "

"And than throw the ball in the river saying it's for fishes to play"uncle orated making me laugh

"And than other day again she used to my the ball matching her dress"

"She loved buying them" baba added making all giggle

"While Umar here used to run after to take her ball even if had the same ball he used to say Areesha has the more shiny one and she used to scold him to stop running after but he used to anyway" uncle laughed..

"What about Daniyal and Amir?" sana asked.

"Daniyal was a naughty kid he used to move my wooden trolley from one place to another
when ever I used to get busy dealing a customer he used run with it leaving me with no trolley I had to run after him" he finished making us laugh.

"And Amir used to protect my cart with his water gun and when ever I used to leave Areesha in his care due to Umar he used to wet her hair saying he was just showering rain.."

"Ahmad bhai what about him" I asked

"He was always after your kiran api" uncle mused making him groan..

"Where is his wife sana?" I asked curious

"She didn't knew we were coming" sana shrugged

"Give my regards to bhabi" mom said to uncle.

"IN shaa ALLAH I will
Wait why don't you all come to my house you can meet her that way."

"We have to leave for Lahore and still the packing has to be done
IN shaa ALLAH next time" mom said.

"She didn't knew you were coming otherwise she would have been here" uncle said

"It's.fine please bring her to our home" phuphee replied.

"IN shaa ALLAH
What about you kids you can come" uncle inquired

I wanted to meet her.

Hopefully.I looked at sana which didn't turned out as I expected..

"You all kids can decide until than I will show your elders around". Uncle got up..

"Mummy I want to go" I whispered seeing every uncle has left.

"Beta you will get late while coming back and we have to travel.."

"Mummy" I whined.

"What is the matter Areesha?" phuphee asked.

"She wants to meet his wife" mom said

"No! no.need to go there" Umar orated
"Umar is right beta" granny spoke

She always takes his side.

"Areesha they are right" mom said

"Aunty I am going to meet waqas( his son). And Rayyan is coming with me so Areesha can join to we will be back soon" Amir spoke

"Yeah mom let Areesha come" Rayyan said making me smile.

"I don't think so it's necessary to go" Umar orated

"Beta why you have to go .We will go some other time Umar is right it's not necessary now."granny said

"Uncle has personally invited me to meet waqas dadi.".Amir said politely

"Let them go if they wasn't we will do their packing untill they get home."humaira aunty said..

"Yeah okay from my side than it's good if the children meet her she is a great lady" mom said..

"Anyone else wants to go too" aunty asked..

"Yeah I will go" Umar orated..

Great ruin this trip too.

At least I.Should have one girl with me to go I thought but no one is ready..

"All ready to go.baba" said coming.

"Yeah "mom nodded

"baba Areesha is going with us to their house" Rayyan spoke.

"Who all are going?" baba inquired.

"Me Amir Areesha and Umar". He answered.

"Okay than I am coming to baba said making my face bloom as he nodded smiling at me."


A joyful ride came to an end as we reached the house.
Gazing IN front I didn't imagine a house of an immensely rich person to be this simple .

A beautiful small wooden house admist of the greenery with a scenery of high mountains and a small river flowing infront.

The view was refreshing. Yet the.house looked cozy..

No guards, no drivers, no mansion yet a heart worth more than all the riches combined

Uncle knocked on the door which was opened by a lady whose face shone with noor and eyes glimmered with affection..

She embraced Rayyan showering him with compliments and duas.making me involuntary smile followed my Amir and Umar..

I guess it was the best decision to come here.

My father with his hand on my shoulder encouraged me to take a step towards her.

Her eyes fell on me surprised

I guess she didn't knew I was coming.

"Apa( big sister) remember Areesha" my father smiled.

"My beautiful daughter come here" she engulfed me in a warm hug followed by serene whispers of praises..

"MA shaa ALLAH Areesha I am so happy to see you here my doll."

"You all came I.am so honoured Alhumdulilah ".

"You all sit inside. I will make tea" aunty gestured the men's

"Come come butterfly let's go in."
She took me inside while the boys went the other way.

"Here sit I am so happy to see you beta".

"I am honored to be here aunty".I replied

"You used to call me nano when you were small".
"Please call me same way" she kissed my forehead.

"You had a small sister to where is she and your mother."

"Uh..they wanted to come but we are going to Lahore tomorrow early morning so they had to do packing It's because of them I was able to come now" I explained

"Oh I see beta" .

"Your in college or university?"

"In university" I answered

"Daughters grow big so early you were so small when I last saw you"she smiled.
"Come with me i will make tea while we chat."

"You have a beautiful and simple lifestyle" I said gazing at the peacefull house

"In simplicity there is life beta
I wanted my home to be reachable to everyone in need or in distress."

"MA shaa ALLAH" I whispered.

"Living all my life close to nature.my heart now can't stand the big closed rooms" .

"Its a beautiful fragrance"I inhaled

"It's oud" she smiled.

"i love your house it's very cozy."I complimented

"And I would love it if you stay here" she poured the milk.

"I can't although I would have loved to "I looked at her

"If I have not seen something I.have had made you mine forever" aunty said firing the wood..

"Put your hands there it's getting cold".She instructed

"What do you mean nano.?"

"My darling I loved the way you called me ,


"I meant you belong to someone" she said smiling.While I stared at her face.

"Who?" I asked cautiously

"You will find out" she winked.

"Your scaring me" I admitted

"What's there to be scared my love this is a moment of gratitude if your asked in someone's duas"

"Why are you silent dear?"

"How do you know ?"

"I saw " she said pouring the hot tea whose hot smoke mingled.with cold of the weather.

"Beta always remember patience is the golden key to unlock your happiness.."
ALLAH is always with the patient

"When every door you see in your life is closed knock on the door of Allah it always opens all it needs a true heart and gratitude.."

"I love your words.."

"And my princess I love you"..

Once you have met a True Human Being,
Let him not disappear from the horizon of your Heart.

- Rumi

I remembered a beautiful quote

And I felt so relaxed talking to her that I decided to share my dream

"Amm.nano I.Uh .mm saw. a dream ?"

"Tell dear."

"Is the tea ready ?"an unfamiliar voice came from behind

"I am just pouring beta"..

"Meet Areesha waqas" she gestured

"Assalam o alikum" he greeted politely

"Walalikum Asalam" I whispered

neither of us looking at each other.

"Here take this" aunty handed

"Now tell beta" she handed me my cup

Slowly I narrated all the.dream feeling all those emotions swirl once again

"What does that mean?"I asked.after narrating

"You will discover it slowly" .She orated.

"Leave it to Allah dear it will turn out good."She stroked my cheeks

"Now,drink your tea it's getting cold."

"It's delicious" I said.

"Beta never leave your rules and modesty for even a minute..and you will find your place" she started after a minute.

"I won't".

"And Areesha remember when people close to our heart sometimes change don't get shattered "

"Call to Allah and talk to him" .

"Sometimes When life is not going smooth and the bumps seems to increase review all that you have done to see whether you we're wrong or not somewhere and if you find a fault than pray to Allah and change it

He is the most Merciful.."

"Ups and downs are part of life but Allah only wishes good for His creation"

"Indeed" I whispered

"JazakaAllah khair nano" I kissed her cheeks.

"Stay blessed.."She prayed

"Would you tell be who he is ?" I asked

"Someone is eager to know?" she winked

"I uh.I..Uh."I stammered

"Leave it beta let it be a surprise" she laughed making my cheeks flush

"Where is Your daughter?".I asked.

"She is married Alhumdulilah I am going to.visit her tomorrow and will be back after a month"

"Than I wouldn't be able to meet you again."I said sadly

"Beta let's go!" baba said from outside.

"IN shaa ALLAH dear why not"

"Remember me and my family in your prayers nano I am so glad that I came here".

"You will always be in my prayers.She kissed my forehead.
I am lucky to see my daughter after a long time. "

"Here take this" she handed me a beautiful maroon box

"No I won't take it please your prayers are enough"

"Non sense my daughter came to my house how can I leave her like this" she said adoringly

With that I bid her farewell


Alhumdulilah packing was done thanks to mom..

Tired I was laying on the bed. Granny almost stopped me from going to Lahore because of phuphee. She wasn't allowing at all.

It wasn't an issue but it was dragged a lot why it's beyond my capacity to think.

But when my father gave the final decision that I will go no one spoke after that.

I closed my eyes with a content heart

Fragile like a petal
The feelings She gave you are special

How unique she is have you ever wondered
The one with 99 names has her undercover..

From pains to sorrow and from unending battles

Have you ever pondered He has made for everything a trustworthy cure.

If her wings get tired from constant flying dear Areesha

Don't worryThan I am here to always catch our dear daughter

I usually don't write this but for you to be at ease here from ~R

He handed me thosfe comforting words and left

Opening my eyes i realized it was yet another dream
I got up and wrote the poem down before I could forget.

This dream eased me
why I don't know!

But who was he "R" ?

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Hope you Like the chapter!
I would love to know your thoughts

The above story of a person is a true story there is a beautiful lesson in it.
that I wanted to share.

Hmm so who is that "R"

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