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Although the road is never ending, take a step and keep walking , do not look fearfully into the distance....
On this path let the heart be your guide for your body is hesitant and full of fear.

~ Rumi


"Sana I met sehar today"

"So ? Any problem dear,! did she say anything to you ?She asked.concerned

"No,she didn't. But when I was coming to my room she was talking with someone and I didn't like her talks which I heard on my way."I spoke

"What do you mean?"She asked confused

"Her character isn't good sana! That day hina api also warned me that she goes out on dates and her behavior with her parents isn't good either." I sighed


"I don't want Ameera or Reema to get close to her,she could spoil them." I looked at her

"Hmm ur right! but are you sure? She asked

"Yes I am ! I don't want my sister to be near a person whose personality could damage her."I answered

"Hmm warn her than!"

"I will" i said..

"Why does she do this all its not good at all?"I questioned

"I don't know"

"I don't like her" I said

"Okay leave this topic tell me about your trip how was it? ,where did you explore and what happened?,'"

"Yes tell us" Hina api said coming in
"It's okay lay down no need to get up" she pointed when she saw me getting up..

"Put your head here" she said laying it on the pillow placed on her lap.

"So did you enjoy?" she asked stroking my hair.

"Yes api I did."

"They all took good care of you all right?"

"Yes api they all are very nice I didn't felt that I am not with my own family" complimented

"That's good but all of them Areesha" she said making me puzzled.

"Um yes all api" I answered unsure.

"You came to your room so early someone wanted to see you" hina api gave me a pointed look

"I was too tired api although I wanted to sit there but I wasn't able to " I replied honestly

"NO problem so tell me what kind of a husband you want ?

"What?" I asked bewildered at her sudden question

"Come on you can tell us right sana?" She winked

"Yes yes Areesha tell us."

"I am tired" I mumbled into the pillow

"No your not tell us how handsome should he be ? Should he have same brown eyes like you? Same :-

"Apiii" I chided cutting her .making them giggle

"Tell us na !"sana said.

"Well why this sudden topic huh?"
"And I don't want a handsome husband" I huffed.

"What ? You don't want a handsome husband" hina api inquired

"No.Actually Many girls go after handsome men's so I want him to be normal so that I don't have to fret about any other girl".I completed shyly

"Oh hoo look how possessive someone is from now" Hina api teased.

"Apiiiii" I whined hiding my face in the pillow making them giggle.

"Okay okay we will not tease..But we should be ready for anything like.Who knows someone very handsome is written in your destiny" Hina api said.

"Hamm I don't want to think about it I am sleepy" I said closing my eyes.

"Yes it's been a long journey for you take rest and your dress is on the chair . Be ready and come down after you wake up" hina api smiled.caressing my cheecks.

"Hmm" I nodded smiling at her.

"Please call Daud" I said to sana

"Sure sure your hero will be presented to you" she winked going not before missing the pillow I sent in her direction.

Securing the royal blue veil around me I scrutinized myself in the mirror to see if it looks good.
I was wearing the dress that humaira aunty bought for me . It was a beautiful royal blue gown with scattered pearls all around.

The dress which phuphee had selected for me was to uncomfortable for me it had net sleeves for which I wasn't able to find the right cardigan so I decided to wear this instead.

Clearing my room I headed out to see what everyone is upto that's when I saw Umar coming this way seeing me he smirked and stopped in front .

The first thing I see is him when I wake up . Today is going to be a perfect day..sigh

"Someone has finally decided to show up" he raised his eyebrows.

"How was your trip?"he asked

"It was good" I replied shortly

"You do realize you shouldn't have gone" he said making me conscious by his gaze.

"Why?" ,I asked

"Not all why's should be answered some should be solved by your own skills" he pointed..

" But no problem next time you won't" he added confidently.

"Uh I have to go" I said

"I haven't stopped ,you.can go" he said moving aside.

I wanted to run away at that instant but I.wasn't sure that I wouldn't fall in my dress so I didn't take any chances.

"My child your awake ,did you sleep well" phuphee asked coming up the stairs

"Yes I did".I nodded.

"That's great we are just about to.have lunch and I was coming to call you and umar! She smiled
" have you seen Umar?" She asked

"Um yes he went that way" I pointed

"Would please call him for lunch we are waiting for you all?" She asked.


"His room is that one" she pointed at the last room.

"Go fast we all are waiting" she patted my arm.

What's the wrong thing have I done today...

"Areesha where are you going?" Amir asked from behind when I reached close to his room

There is no place left in the house where I am not questioned about my doings

"Umm to call Umar" I said turning around

"There are many people to call him you don't have to go" he said.

"Phuphee told me" I replied monotonous

I will not be bossed around huff

"I will call him you go join them" he said not pleased.at my answer

"Okay" I.nodded.

I was on the stairs when I heard a crash.

"Oh my" I whispered.looking up.

"What happened mam" the maid asked came who was cleaning the table

" aunty I think something broke up let's see" I said climbing up .

"Why are you going up again?" Amir asked coming down

"Something broke there".

"It was a glass.You don't have to see" he stared accusing.

What have I done.


"Areesha my flower come here beta sit beside me" granny instructed.

"I have decided I am going to Lahore for two days and I want the same protocol" dabi chided making us laugh

"I can smell is something burning?" Ahmad bhai mocked.

"See granny is beaming with happiness today something is fishy..she never seems so.happy when I.come" dani whined

"Actually dani your cradle was placed in front of our door when you were small.so your adopted my dear",Asad bhai smirked

"What non sense don't tease him Your my Prince beta you all are eqaul to me" granny praised.making him beam

"Now.I can smell something" Dani wiggled his eyebrows making everyone laugh.

"Beta did you call Umar?" phuphee asked me

"Uh. Hmm"

I gazed at my mom starting at me

That's it Areesha your going to be scolded.

But the next instant she smiled making me confused

Maybe someone is looking but Mark my words Areesha get ready for a good scold

"Here take this Areesha why are you not eating anything" granny filled my plate with many things.
And in a while Umar joined us all


"Mummy you called me" I.asked.entering.Her room

"Yes beta close the door" she smiled.

Okay seems like I am not going to be scolded

"Sit here" baba patted beside him.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked looking at them.

"No you didn't" baba laughed.

I love his laughs.I grinned looking at him

"Beta , there is a good news which is special for every parent and they await for it to happen"mom said slowly

"What is that" I asked caustically

"your phuphee asked for your hand for Umar" mom beamed at me making my smile falter

"Daughters grow so early" mom kissed my forehead.

I gulped my heart hammered.inside me while her words echoed.

"Mummy" I started but stopped.

I didn't know what to say.

"Yes beta , you know .Your granny is very happy

"Actually you had.three proposals but your granny was adamant on this one

We are happy to but we have said to her.that we will decide after talking to you as for us we don't have any problem"

Me and him no

"Mummy I don't like him" I blurted out.

"I know your nervous but he is good Areesha, he is a part of our family and is a very well mannered and caring child."

"No mummy" I shook my head.

"Fatima if she doesn't wants it no problem beta we are with you whatever you will decide I am.happy" my father encouraged

"Areesha your parents will not think bad about their daughter.think before you decide" mom warned

"He is different" I whispered.

"Differences are there in every couple beta we have to adjust that's the beauty of a relationship."

"Mum but I don't" I.shook my head.

"Fatima don't pressurize her", baba said.

"Beta your granny wanted the engagement as soon as possible I will tell her to give us time, you think about it until than and whatever your decision will be I am ready to accept it wholeheartedly." Baba smiled.while my.mom sighed

I hugged baba tightly I don't like the realization that one day or another I will have to leave them I thought controlling my tears.

This wasn't supposed to happen that was the surprise Umar was talking about ,that's why he was happy.


He liked me really?

I should have guessed it before ,that it isn't because of his outward behavior it's because...

How would I face him
How? i huffed laying on my.bed.

"Beta" I heard mom.

"Yes" I looked up.

"I came here to talk without your father he is to lenient on you" mom sat beside by me.

"Mom" I groaned.

"Do you like anyone else?" she asked

"No of course not mom" I looked at her shocked

"Than May I know why are you denying him."she asked

"Mum I.just don't like him his his.lifestyle is very outward if that makes sense" I replied

"You can.change him" mom winked

"Why can't someone.else."I replied

"This is not a valid reason any other" she raised her eyebrow.

"He he has girlfriends" I said

"How can you say that" she challenged

"I I just know it" I said trying to make her believe.

"Non sense, I will just advice you to think before you take the big decision "..

"Mum who is the one for.another proposal"

"Beta I prefer them a lot to but your granny says this and it was her wish since you were a child let's focus on this now than we will see" she finished patting my head

AND I will not let you spoil the good proposal just because of your logics Think about it and after that I will respect your decision but without thinking saying no can't be tolerated you get it".

"Yes" I nodded

"And hina was coming to call you they all are in the garden I said you will be there in few minutes go join them.."

"I don't want to.goo" I.whined

"Areesha" mom warned

"I am.going I am going". I got up..

It's going to be awkward

"Humaira aunty" I called as I saw her outside my room

"Yes my dear" she turned

"See I am wearing the dress you gave me" I displayed by holding it on either sides

"Ma shaa ALLAH I didn't noticed that my doll is looking so beautiful in this dress" humaira aunty complimented

"Thank you aunty ." I smiled

"Stay happy" she kissed my forehead there was a longing I could sense in her words which I couldn't comprehend.

"Go now they have been calling your name since long" aunty giggled




"We will not wait looong"


These were the songs which could be heard by them

Slowly passing through the window I could see all of them
my eyes gazed at Umar who was laughing at something.

Why can't my heart accept him I thought

Maybe I should think with a free mind

"Sonia you came" hina api winked

Please don't tell me they know

"I am Areesha" I chided.

"Sure you are" kiran api smirked.

"Come have tea with us" zari api patted a seat beside her which was facing Umar.

His scrutinizing gaze made me shift two times in my chair but he didn't get a slight hint of me being uncomfortable.

"So Areesha where were you!?" Ahmad bhai asked.

"I I I was" I stammered not knowing what to make up

"Your mother wanted to talk something important" hina api smiled

"Uh I want tea" I said making a clear fool of myself.

"Sure.hear you go" hina api poured the tea

My cheeks were burning.

"The king is here" I heard Dani exclaim sitting with umar

"Where is the queen" Umar asked him

"This king is still young" he pointed

"Pour me tea peasant" he ordered his sister. which he was answered by a flying tissue box.

"Hey !!" He exclaimed saving himself from it.making us giggle

"Serves you right" Ahmad bhai said

"Our Areesha seems quite today any problem" Umar said.

"Our" seriously May your tea get bitter .

"There is no problem" I answered neutral.

"And there shouldn't be any" he looked at me it seemed he is referring to some other thing

Rayyan came thank you Allah

"She is always quit Umar" sana said.

"Nah only in front of us.right?" He asked.looking at me

"Don't disturb her we were going to play right start the game" Rayyan interrupted making me want to hug him.

My brother is the best


Going to my room I could hear grannies voice

Is she angry ,?

Not wanting to but I still went to see if everything is alright.

"How Many days are left for you to go ? Huh! still your saying it I can't believe this" granny said

"Ammi I know but she is small now and I don't want to pressurize her in any way" my father said

They are talking about me.

"She is not small have you forgotten the days when only parents used to take decisions and girls used to oblige "

"That was ages ago ammi(mom) the time has changed"

"Was it bad for them , look at your sisters aren't they happy nothing has changed but people."

"I want her with Umar and I want her only with him.you can't lose a diamond like Umar".She orated

Huffs Umar and his fans

"I understand you but give her sometime" my father said

"Look I told you before when she was born that what I desire you said we will see when they grow up and now you can't say anything" she flared.

What since I was born

"Ammi what I said before was because I wanted Areesha to have a say in it and that is the same thing I want now."

"Our family will grow more stronger by this new bond ,and I can assure you Umar is the best son in law you can get Areesha will stay happy with him .I say finalize this proposal and than Areesha will settle on her own" .She spoke

I have feelings to granny

"Our family bond will not get weak if this doesn't happens and I am not willing to sacrifice my daughter's happiness for the sake of all this.She is precious to me and I.give her full right to decide what she wants "

Love you.baba.

"I.don't want to listen anything I.want them together enough" granny huffed

"Please understand ammi what if they are not comfortable the children have seen each other.And they know more."

"Umar is willing for it "she spoke

Don't you love me? just umar!

"What if Areesha isn't I know my.daughter will.choose what is right and if she say.No for Umar there has to be a reason and I am fine with it .there are more proposals for her we will see them."

"No,no other proposal will be seen for her she is umars."She voiced in anger

I am.not his property

"Ammi please I love my daughter to much to give her away without her will I will accept whatever she says not bothering what others want "

I just can't say how happy I am ALLAH to have an amazing baba Alhumdulilah

"So now your mother is other" she accused

"I am not saying that but Areesha's wish is important to me she is my princess that's it and I have to leave for Islamabad we will talk after that.until than I want her to think deeply and decide" .he stood up.

And what granny said I wasn't able to listen because I ran to my room

I locked the door behind me out of breath..

I am so thankful to you ya Allah you have blessed me with a caring father

Praying two rakat of shukr I stood by the window still thanking Allah for blessing me with a king

That I believe no matter what happens he Will be there to protect me
He will listen to my feelings just a like a true king does to his princess .
the way he stood up for my rights has engraved even more love and respect for him.
I just don't want him to be disappointed by me.

The little I have observed Umar hints me that I cannot cope up with him ,his high attitude,his behavior.or maybe it's just my heart making many excuses.

It's hard to believe that someone likes you unless you hear it from the person himself

I am not able to distinguish between what my heart wants me to do and what my brain is pushing me to think.

The mixed up feelings and emotions didn't fail to realize how granny was supporting Umar.

I didn't mind her support for Umar but I missed her attention towards my feelings

Doesn't she loves me?

I am important to her only if I become his wife.?

Does this means again our family will part if I say no.?

Should I accept Umar! I.bit my lower lip everyone has flaws right.

His ego I cannot replace it.

If I marry him and than issues erupt that will hurt my parents more.

If I am not able to walk with him as he wants than my parents will be blamed
It's better to hurt ones than to hurt over and over again..

"Apiiiii open the door "
"Apiii Daud " tapped the door calling me

"Yes Daud what happened,why are you shouting."I asked opening the door.

"Api I was playing with my ball and it went in umar bhai's room please come with me to get it.",he demanded

"Daud I will buy you another I promise" I tried to persuade him not liking the idea to go in his room

"No,I want that one" he whined

"Why can't you go alone than?"I inquired

"Because because he is a lion" he blurted

"Shhh" I kept my hand on his mouth

.I looked around to see if anyone had listened.thankfully no one was there.

"Daud you don't say that to anyone" I scolded

"But api last time he scolded me when I went there to take my ball "he defended

"Than why do you play in front of his room" I asked.

"I.wasn't the ball just went there "

"Daud say to someone else please".I requested

"No one goes in his room except phuphee and if I tell her she will tell.mom and than mom will hide my ball" he chided.

"Where is Umar?" I asked.

"He is down with others come with me you stand outside while I will go and bring the ball from the room"

"Okay than" I accepted


"Shhh let's go run" I said.

Standing outside his room Daud and I.glanced at each other.

It did looked like a den I thought.as I recalled Daud calling him a lion Astaghferullah.

"Okay go".I instructed him.

"Okay open the door for me" he pouted

Slowly pressing the handle I opened it .not looking in I mouthed Daud to.go

"Woaaaaaaa h" he voiced entering

"What happened" I panicked

Entering I saw a large picture of me hanging on his bed frame

My hand flew to my mouth

,it's the one in which I was seeing the lotus lake

it was hugee

But when did he took it

It was so.big and framed

What if baba saw it .

Is he mad ?

What if Rayyan.sees it there are so many people why he is adamant to make a fool out of himself and me .

That means Amir saw it in the morning

Oh his stare..


"Apii it's youu" Daud pointed his mouth ajar.

"No it isn't "I shook my head.

Daud gazed at me as If I am mad

I was to panicked

"It is" he pointed with both hands.

"Uh Daud you will not tell to.anyone you promise" I.asked.

"Why?"he asked

"Just please promise"

"Okay" he nodded

"Go take your ball now" I kissed him

Does.he not know how.bad It can affect my reputation..

How it is not permissible.

One thing is for sure than that phuphee knew..yet she didn't do anything.

*** *

"Okay beta we are leaving IN shaa ALLAH we will return in two days" mom said packing her stuff.

"Mom do you have to go" I whined

I.needed her the most this time

"Yes beta we have to" she smiled

"Okay than take me with you" I said.

"What happened to you Areesha. You don't like to go anywhere" mom asked surprised

The house doesn't feel like a home anymore especially after I heard granny

"Mom take mee" I chided

"Beta if you would have said it before May be we would have but now there is no time ."

"Okay "I.nodded sadly.

"Areesha beta think wisely and than let me know that answer.I will accept it even if it'd a no" mom patted my cheeks.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"It's your life Areesha I want you to have full right taking the decision but think deeply first .I know you will choose what's the best.."

"For the time being your granny has stopped the preparations for everything she was doing.."

"Everyone is waiting for your answer."

"So did baba said No."I inquired

"He asked for time and yes for time being it's a No" she nodded.


"And this Areesha your phuphee gave it "

"What is it?" I asked

"Umar bought this "

"Mom it's wrong" I looked at her.

"You all girls are going on a function tomorrow right ,there is nothing wrong if you wear this and if your answer is a yes," She handed me the beauty box..

"Okay Allah Hafez mom" I kissed her returning to my room


On the chilly night I lay awake under the warn blanket thinking of the circumstances my answer will lead to.

May be I should consider it.

May be it was a sign that I went to his room and found my picture

My parents will be happy.the bond will get stronger. What if my heart doesn't accept it.

My heart doesn't wanted to come here either.

But I enjoyed so much.

And if I will say yes for my parents I am.bound to get happiness.

I will say yes when they return

Hmm I have decided

Maybe just May be it will turn out good

My thoughts ruled over me untill sleep finally overtook ..''

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

The surprise has been revealed

A chapter for umreesha

She just said yes..now All she has to do is to wait for her parents.

Where was Amir this whole time.?

How was the chapter I would love to know your thoughts.?

Please smile:-)

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