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God turns you from one feeling to another
and teaches by means of opposites,
so that you will have two wings to fly, not one.

~ Rumi

"HOW about this dress!" I showed to Hina api.

"No,here this one it will look more beautiful on you" she held the black dress adorned with multi rhinestones.
"And it will compliment your skin to" she added laying it on the bed.

We were going to attend a huge royal wedding .And I am the only one who is most excited.It will be my first wedding that I will attend here in Pakistan.

I am not a fan of a huge lavishing weddings but
I love all the small practices they do with the bride to make her feel special and cherished.

Hina api is helping me to decide my dress for the occasion matching it with the suitable jewellery.

The halls are going to be separate for the genders so we can freely enjoy ourselves.

"Areesha wear this after you get dressed api pointed to the jewellery box that mom had given me the night before".

"Hmm" I nodded making her bloom with smile.

"When you get ready just call sana she will make your hair style". Hina api layed the net veil gently on the bed.

"Api it will be ruined until we reach there."

"No it won't I will cover it in a way they will remain as same okay" she winked


"I can't wait to show you around" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Apiii" I chided.

"I am going! get ready fast "she said closing the door.

Applying the eyeliner I peeked through one eye to see the person entering into my room like a boss.

"Rayyan what are you doing here?" I asked seeing him constantly tapping on his mobile.

"I was ready so I thought why not give you company" he grinned.

"You look handsome" I complimented .

"Get ready for my proposals than" he raved his and through his hairs.

"Rayyan a little bit of shyness is good for health try it.".

"Nah api this is called confidence.shyness is a road for girls" he muttered hoping on my bed.

"Rayyan don't sit on my shawl move" I chided saving my ironed veil.

"Sorry sorry" he moved with his hands up.

"Why are you preparing so much for the wedding?" he glanced at me

"Because I am really looking forward to attend it and the best part is girls are separate" I beamed.

"Hmm .makes sense".he hummed

"Rayyan can you please close this bracelet" I said moving my wrist in front of him

"EXCUSE ME "he looked up

"Rayyan please.".

"Ask someone else" he faced another side

"Rayyan your pride will not lessen a bit nor will you become a girl if you close it".I said moving my wrist in front of his face.

"Sisters" he muttered closing it.

Applying the other necessary things I was almost ready..

"Rayyan which heels should I wear" I asked showing him two pairs..

"Areesha I am leaving" he warned.

"Rayyan please na help me" I whined

"Wear the ones in which you will not break my hand" he said monotonous

"Hey" I chided

"What! remember last time when we attended a wedding in dubai you were clutching my hand throughout the event because of your enormous heels" he defended.
"And you almost broke my.hand" he boasted

"Yah that was a mistake but these are small" I showed him.

"Golden one" he sighed making me smile.

Wearing it I overlooked one last time before twirling around..

"Rayyan how do I look?".

No response.

"Ray look at me how do I look" I twirled again .

Standing and going towards the door he muttered.

"Make sure to wear abaya and cover your hair properly.."

Seriously.I huffed.

"And one more thing you look horrible" he smirked opening the door.

"Get out" I chided

"I am already out" he stuck his tongue out.

"Brothers are supposed to compliment" I said.

"Areesha wear Abaya and do niqab we don't want anyone get scared out side" he said earning a glare from me.

"If you don't move I am going to throw this" I said taking pillow in my hand .

"Your wish" he scoffed closing the door behind him

"Brother species has never learnt to compliment" sigh..

Taking a deep breath I proceeded towards the jewellery box .

since yesterday no matter how much I have tried I wasn't able to open it..My hands always stopped at the opening rim.

Although I was eager to see inside

Slowly and cautiously I advanced towards its rim and opened the beautiful box embedded with various stones and glasses

There lay a exquisite set of red glass bangles decorated with golden shimmer.

IT looked amazing but why it's placed in such a charming box.I thought.

Contemplating with my self I stood there confused as to wear it or not.

My mind said to wear it while my.heart warned to think just once more..

Pushing my thoughts aside I glided the smooth and silky glass bangles which attracted each other with a soft clink.

I was unaware why my heart hammered with just a small gesture.

Sliding the last one I adjusted all of them by slightly shaking my wrist to have them clicked together..

They did looked charming.

I gazed at the mirror and adjusted my hair last time for sana to see. And than I could wear the abaya..

Someone banged on the door ..

I rolled my eyes

"Sana you don't have to knock you know come in" I Said while I adjusted myself for a presentable look

The door slammed making me gaze straight at Umar..

I frozed on my spot while he stood firm on his..

My eyes widened. .

jerking out of the trance with trembling hands I tried to  wrap the veil around my head when I heard the door close.

"Umar" I said bewildered at his advancing steps.

His eyes held a fury which was enough to shook the earth beneath me.

Holding the bangles adorned on my wrist he gazed into my eyes..

"Leave my hand Umar" I panicked not looking at him..

"Why did you say No! Huh.!".he jerked .

"Umar leave " I warned sternly

"Areesha I am warning you the first and the last time I will not take No as an answer keep that in your mind.."

"Umar please get away" I shouted..

"I have never tried hard to get anything I wanted in my life but you..And after all that you can't just deny me like that".he growled making me tremble

"Listen to me, tomorrow when YOUR parents come the answer better be yes"

He looked deeply in my glossy eyes

"OR I will accuse you of something so bad that will destroy your honor and respect completely "


"And you know very well a girl's honor once shattered can never be resumed no matter what she does or how she proves herself"..he threatened

I can't believe this

"And it looks likes you are much possessive about your honor" he left my wrist

"Think again" he went leaving me numb to hear my heart beat in the ears.

I gulped while he words echoed around me..threatening my honour..

I was astonished

all happened in such a haste that I wasn't even able to react

I hate him

Betraying a tear made his way out with my irregular breathing..

My honor my respect


"oh! Areesha what happened" sana strode towards me ..

"N nothing" I cleaned the trail of the fallen tear

"Come sit here " she took my hands in hers

"Why were you crying"..she asked caustically

"I wasn't" I shook my head

"Why are your bangles cracked remove them" she slided them out slowly

"Does it hurts"she looked at the cracked glasses

",thankfully they are just two minor scratches"..she murmured..

"Did you fall Areesha".she cupped my cheeks..

"No , sana can you call Rayyan" I whispered.

"What's the matter,?" she scrunched her eyebrows

"Are you not well,"

"Yes my head hurts" I want Rayyan please I whispered.

"Okay but he Will get tensed seeing you like this tell me dear"

"Its Nothing.."

"Well ,I will not lie you look more beautiful like this " she winked in attempt to cheer me up..which just proved to be the opposite..

"Do you.not want to go you were so excited" she comed my hair with her delicate fingers

"NO I don't want to go please I want Rayyan" I said. silently.

"Okay "she nodded

"Don't leave me alone" I panicked gazing at her leave

,"Okay I will call him stay calm" she dialed the number..

"Sana kept asking and soothing me.with her words."

I wasn't crying I was panicked but calm

until Rayyan came

I got up and hugged him tight without bothering anything

They say.brother's are like father's you find protection in them as you do in father's.

I understood it because as soon as I was in his arms my strong facade cracked I didn't bother what others will think,I didn't knew what reasons I will give
I didn't knew my tears were of fear,shock or anger all I knew was I am safe and protected as long as Rayyan is here .he will never let anyone say a word against me and will always be my supporter..and within all this I forgot how clueless he may be about my attitude..never in my life I was threatened the way I was today.and never in my life I have hugged Rayyan as I did today.

"Woah Areesha. What happened" he said patting my head..

"What's the matter?" he asked sana

"I don't know may be she is not feeling well ".

"Don't tell me you crying because I called you horrible."he inquired

"You look amazing"

"Areesha look at me yar".

I clutched his shirt tight

,"Sit on the bed come" he tugged me towards it
" Now tell me what happened" he keeled in front while I sniffed..

"Sana please can you bring water".he requested making sana oblige.

"Now tell me did someone said anything" he scrutinized me handing a tissue.

Should I say.

"No" I shook my head.

"Why are you sweating" he narrowed his eyes.
" Look up areeshey."he sighed

"Rayyan I am not feeling well pl please st s stay here with me" i whimpered.

"Yah yah I am here ,is your head paining ?"

"Yes" i nodded taking a shaky breath.

"Thanks sana ,drink it" He said bringing the glass closer.

Taking a few sips I moved it away.

"She is not feeling well,she needs to rest
Don't worry I am with her. You all can leave" Rayyan instructed a worried sana.

"Are you mad Rayyan we are here no one is going."she said

"Sana:- he started

"What happened to Areesha" Hina api asked.coming in and soon the room was filled with girls.soothing me and asking the reason for my sudden health

"I don't want anyone in except Hina and Rayyan" phuphee ordered coming in

"I feel nauseous" I said to humaira aunty.

"Areesha I think you ate something that didn't suit you here." Phuphee gazed

"Beta Change and lay down I will give you medicine's" aunty caressed my cheeks.

"I don't want medicine I am fine" I orated gulping the soreness in my throat.

"When will mom come" I asked slowly

"My honey lay down dont worry your aunty is with you Fatima will arrive till morning IN shaa ALLAH..."

"Lay down I will message your head" she signalled
"I am your mom too dear" she kissed my head

Clutching Rayyan's hand in one I shut my eyes tight controlling the sudden nauseous feeling which I dread

"I will.bring medicine" phuphee orated leaving Rayyan and aunty with me

I opened my eyes to find myself in my mother's embrace..

"Alhumdulilah the fever has subsidised a little" I heard her soothing voice

"Mum" I whispered hugging her close.

"Yes my darling I am here what happened to you..I told you not to eat anything from outside,and I told you it's cold outside
But you children don't listen
You know how panicked I was when I came and found you burning in fever."she glared

"And what happened Rayyan said you were crying."she asked concerned

,"I don't know".I said looking at the spot Rayyan had sat.

"I sent him to.his room after we came",mom answered


"How are you feeling now" she touched my forehead.

"I am fine .where is baba?"

"Your baba was here sitting besides you but I sent him to rest.he was tired from the journey."

"Hmm" I nodded hiding my.face in her neck.

"Areesha you don't act like this are you sure everything is fine "she rubbed by back.

"Mum you didn't sleeps go and have rest" I looked at her.

"No I am fine here..And drink this water I have recited and blown on it "

"Okay" I said obliging.

"Now your phuphee is making light soup for you sleep after drinking it not now mom ordered seeing my closing eyes."

"I don't want to drink it" I grumbled

Because his mom made it

"Areesha Rayyan and Ameera are enough for the childish behavior. You.have never troubled me in this matter and I don't want you to either got it" she said sternly.

"I will change and come and if your phuphee comes drink the soup you know How much she is caring for you.."

"Don't go mom please"

"Your acting childish beta I am coming just going to change."she stood.Taking her shawl.

"Give me 5 minutes" she orated going.

Mum is right why am I acting like this I shouldn't.

I don't want to think about him

I don't want to think about him

Just not now my head will explode otherwise

I don't want to think about it I threw the pillow in anger

"Areesha" humaira aunty chuckled coming in

Great hatts off to your manners.

"Uh aunty.hey".I crocked

"Are you feeling good now "

"Hmm yes Alhumdulilah I am fine "

"Look whose up" Rayyan smiled from behind.

"Hey" I waved smiling

"Soo someone was.".he started

"Rayyan" I glared.

Typical brothers he Will now embarrass me about my.doings.

"Aunty you know what happened:"

"Rayyan" I warned.

"Beta don't tease her she is not well" aunty defended me

"I was just checking aunty if she is back or not and I will let go untill she completely fine" he smirked looking at me .

"Your fever has almost gone" he touched my forehead.

"Your hands are cold" I backed.away

"No your hot headed" he mocked

"Rayyy" I whined.

"Okay serious now tell me how are you feeling?"He sat beside me

"I am fine "

"Your highness can we come in" Dani shouted from out making me groan at his behavior.

"She says she doesn't wants to see your face" Rayyan fired back earning a glare.

"Come in dani" I wrapped the shawl .

"How are you feeling?" Amir asked following dani

"Fine Alhumdulilah" I looked at smiling aunty

"For you.,
get well soon" Dani gave me a packet of tamarind.making me chuckle

"Dani your going to be hit by Areesha's mom" aunty said making us chuckle.

"Thank you" I smiled looking at him

He knew I loved to eat tamarind while hiding from mom.

"Areesha slept well?" hina api came followed by sana and kiran.

"Yes Alhumdulilah" I nodded.

"Why you had to come now" Dani groaned

"What's the matter.?"kiran api asked

"We were discussing important things" he huffed.

Although I was smiling and laughing but my mind was somewhere still stuck there

"Nobody went to the wedding"Rayyan orated.

"Really I am so sorry you should've gone" I looked at them.

" No problem but I missed my dream girl she was supposed to be there" dani sighed.earning a slap from back.

"No Areesha you saved him otherwise he would have earned flying shoes from the girls" Amir laughed ..

"Hey how can you say that" he grunted.

"dani should I talk to your mom" kiran api warned.

"So Areesha did saw my message" he changed the topic.

"Yeah" I chuckled

"What was that ?"Amir asked.

"He sent me hens holding a get well soon banner "I orated making them all laugh.

"I am really sorry that you all couldn't go" I started

"Areesha stop it and who knows we might have a function in our own house" kiran api winked.snatching the glow from my.face.

The more I didn't wanted to remember him

"I have work to do will join later IN shaa ALLAH" Amir went away .

"I made this soup especially for my doll.now drink and tell me how is it" phuphee kept the steaming bowl infront of me.

"Phuphs I want it too" dani whined.

"You can take it from down" phuphee shook her head

Concealing myself from all I came out to the garden .

All those thoughts were suffocating me.

What should I do ya ALLAH. I sighed

I know I am tangled in a very bad situation
If I refuse I am unaware of what he is capable of doing. Honor is a most precious thing to a girl.

My honor means my parents respect.

But if I say yes than to I am clueless of what is planned for me ahead
I don't trust him

A man who doesn't care about my honour and respect before marriage how can he protect it after..

May be I should talk to my parents

No it will just increase the trouble. which.will eventually lead to quarrels.I am not willing.to take my.father's happiness which he has found after so long..

And they will support me in my decision I know my father.

it's better this way.

And what would I say to mom and how?

I think I should refuse yes,
I will not say yes on his demand if he can threaten me today he Will after too.

It's better to refuse now and if he does something I will tell the truth.

You have lost even the bit of respect you had in my heart umar

I don't trust you anymore and I don't think I will be able to

Thankfully I didn't gave the answer before.

"Apii" Daud chided from behind.

"My hero" I hugged kissing him on the cheeks.

"Nobody permitted me to meet you yesterday" he complained.

"They didn't wanted you to get sick na that's why" I smiled .

"Are you fine now.,?"

"Yes I am" .I nodded.

"Amir bhai and I went for shopping and see we.brought you a bunny" he beamed.

"Wow this is gorgeous thanks Daud I love it."I smiled

"Your wanted inside" Amir pointed in.

"How did you know I am here" I complained.

"Me and Daud were looking from the terrace and we spotted you right!" Daud he patted him.

"Yup" he bobbed his head.

"You shouldn't be standing here it's cold let's go in" Amir instructed

"But I need free:-

"Inside please" he ordered.cutting me

What happened to his mood.

Glancing at side I saw Umar
My heart perked up beating fast as his words from last night hit me with a full force.

"Yah ur right let's go in" I said to Amir averting my eyes from him.

While he stood there not moving at all.
nor he tore his gaze from my position

After being praised so much by mom of being outside in the cold and being saved by my baba i was throwing his cracked bangles which lay motionless of the table like sana had kept it.

I covered the dustbin with the extra tissues. Just in case I didn't wanted phuphee or anyone accidentally seeing it..

There was a fear settled in my heart that on every mention of his name my heart beat goes abnormally fast..

"Areesha what are you doing?"mom came in

"I I I was throwing some junk" I looked at her.

"Okay Beta Umar wants to talk to you regarding the proposal and he took permission from us" mom orated.

"I don't want to talk please."

"Why what's wrong in talking?"


"My answer will.not change mummy I don't. Like him at all."

"Your.being stubborn beta just talk to him "

"Mum" I sighed.

"I will talk to her aunty no problem".Umar came

"The door is open Areesha I am going downstairs".mom went

When I knew mom can't hear us..

"Umar get out "I spoke sternly.

"Areesha listen to me" he gazed

Still he is high on ego

"Please go or I will not be hesitant to scream just go I don't want to see you"

"You have to listen Areesha I was not in my right mind."

"The way you insulted me is the.enough proof of your character.."I said silently

"Goo Umar just goo "I.whispered

"Enough Areesha your making it to much"He spoke sternly

"I.have never thought you would say no I just can't take no especially from the one I.have waited so long."

"Your ego is bigger than your respect for any relation."I said slowly

"I will never harm your honor or personality it was just not me speaking I just want you to say yes.."

"I will not "I shook my head

"You have to."he ordered

"Umar leave"

"Areesha"he stepped ahead

"Should I call someone you have no right to barge in my room" I looked at him

"Sonia will you not listen to me."

"Don't call me that and After yesterday's night I don't even want to see your face."I said truthfully

"I love you.. And I love you since we were small. ".he gazed making me halt.


Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Amm lovely lovely readers hope your fine.

Sooo how was the chapter.

Please no violence lol.
Nobody expected this from him..but sometimes the unpredictable happens..

Take care :-)

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