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This is how I would die into the love I have for you: As pieces of cloud dissolve in sunlight.

~ Rumi

Phases of life mould discretely over the  pace one minute i was terrified  to even think about it and  the next moment I am getting ready to meet him.

It has been  6 months since the talk ,in a way  I feel thankful that I got enough time to prepare myself but mostly I.hyperventilate knowing it could have been over before and I would have been already here continuing my normal life

My new semester and baba's leave weren't corresponding with granny's demands which bounded her to delay.

unwillingly but she did.

Umar didn't contacted me directly after that but he has been in touch with my parents and Rayyan .

He always had the guts to directly ask mummy about me which my mom didn't seem to mind at all and would sweetly  inform.

Rayyan who had a grim impression before has a change of opinion regards to Umar no idea how?

"Areesha this one! it will suit you perfectly" Aliya sauntered  pointing at the ocean blue dress.

"No" I shook my head

"You have to look your best  kanwal scolded.

"What's wrong with my choice?" I grumbled

"Nothing is wrong . it just  looks like you are going on a sleepover rather than meeting your soon to be husband" kanwal feigned.

"It doesn't look that bad" I defended thinking about her horrendous explanation.

"This one than!" Aliya displayed  an elegant purple gown adorned with golden belt   with silver stones at favoured places and a pearl  extension on the neckline.

"Areesha this will be perfect" kanwal gushed."Now hurry go and change" they pushed me in before I could protest.

"You look stunning" Aliya praised taking in my appearance.

"I am afraid he will directly arrange for a Nikkah rather than engagement" kanwal winked

"Stop" I glared adjusting my veil.

"Oh yeah  his personality lacks patience anyways who knows she might become a married girl in just a month" they giggled

"Mummmmy they are not helping" I chided

"Oh and Aliya imagine her cute   baby saying mummmy Aliya and kanwal khala are disturbing " kanwal laughed

"Ya Allah please go out" I exclaimed.

"Can't sisters imagine" they pouted

"No "

"Jokes aside , Areesha Take care  and don't let past dwell in your future happiness".Aliya advised

"You will be embraced by our prayers if not presence."kanwal hugged

"Yes and although I want nothing but to be there on your special day .But we understand somethings doesn't go the way we plan".Aliya murmured as I hugged her tight

"But I really wanted you two to be there" I mumbled

"Your Prince of a husband won't let you feel alone I assure you" Aliya winked making me scowl.

"You ruin every moment" I accused.

"I hate being emotional" she shrugged

"AREESHA ITS TIME TO GO" Rayyan's voice boomed in the house.as I reluctantly bid them farewell burying the deep feeling of apprehension of being together again as carefree

Friendship is a treasure filled with tremendous love and heaps of care glittered with support  which just grows with time in different forms if explored wisely.

The cold  air frosted my skin with its heavy blanket sending chills all over.

Bare tress swayed due to the heavy wind portraying its harshness upon them .

The mountains caped by flawless snow stood with showcasing pride.

The once lush grass covered in the depths of snow twinkling under the cold vapours.as I stood ready to embrace my destiny admist the conflicts of my inner self .

My eyes roamed the beautiful scenery as I tried to take every detail of the land filled with white gleam all around.

I tugged my coat close from the impact of the chilly weather which I wasn't used to .My teeth cluttered against each other as my eyes watered due to its effect.

I could see the high golden gate belonging to the  house  Where I thought I wouldn't return and from the exact same place i will now  enter a new phase of life.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to see him although I was well prepared but my heart left my side leaving my brain to ponder.

The shivers now sure was not only because of cold
the chills I know was not only  the impact of whether rather  a result of nervousness mixed with anxiety .

But the next moment,
Inspirited greetings of granny replenished the surroundings,
Rose petals  were surrounded around  engulfing me  in a clasp of their beautiful fragrance.The feeling of being special settled within me, leading my thoughts to a world of there own..

A warm swarm of hugs, followed by many welcoming kisses, with few jokes and finally a heart warming welcome took us in a homely atmosphere.

But he was nowhere to be seen

A sigh of relief or a sight unable to believe

Many new faces and many old ones 

The praises granny and phuphee showered me with were rather heart melting giving a boost to my uncertain confidence.

Contemplating my tiresome state granny allowed me to take the leave while they all chatted about..

"Our bride finally came huh?"Hina api winked making me blush.

"In all honesty Areesha it would be a pleasure to have you in the family and I assure you will love it there" she smiled.

"I am honoured to" I replied plastering a smile.

"But you took your sweet time keeping us on the edge" she complained making me chuckle

"I believe it was for the best I am really happy to finally  see you here and very excited for the forthcoming engagement we all are containing our  excitement just so you can rest well and than we will start" api wiggled her eyebrows

"What are you planning api?" I asked horrified

"Atleast nothing close that you can guess  my sweet dear haven't you noticed the tame atmosphere around it's just because of grannys order." she smirked

"You look  gorgeous don't change. just relax for a while" api warned leaving me in perplexed thoughts.

Hanging the shawl around the sofa I freed myself of the heavy coat .and  snuggled into the warmth of the  comfortable bed

The room looked exceptionally spell bounding  with lime light walls and beautiful paintings it has been totally renovated not even close to once it was before.  The exquisite net around the bed made it more unique.i would definitely have to admit it portrayed to be a room belonging to nothing less than a princess  a soft knock  was all I needed to gulp

My heart  pounded fiercely knowing that he is just across the door detecting  his heavy voice..

I met everyone except Umar as he wasn't home  and fortunately we arrived early than expected.

"Areesha" a voice filled the silence

Taking a deep breath I veiled myself opening the door painfully slow .

Gradually I lifted my lids allowing my  eyes  to  clash with his Sharp ones.

"Welcome my dear" he handed a beautiful bouquet

"Uh thank you" I whispered

"You didn't even wait for me" he spoke after a minute as his  steady  gaze  accused.

Seeing him in a different light  felt more perplexing than I thought .The scene I couldn't have even imagined was the exact I was living.

"I I was really tired."

"What about my tiredness?,"he authoritatively coveted.

My eyes felt heavy to lift as I gazed at the lush tiles conflicted by his question.which held more than just one meaning

"Can I come in?"he demanded moving close as I took several back

His gaze felt pinning as I shifted uncomfortable

"It wasn't how we were supposed to meet but not seeing you down just had a toll on me .It was a long wait Areesha I missed you "he breathed

And I didn't knew how to react.

"I would have hugged you if it was permissible" he jested with chuckle seeing my retreating step.

"You are to Gullible" he shook his head

"Are you happy to see me?" he questioned

"Hmm" I nodded my head which felt awfully heavy

"I wanted an honest answer not a fake one . The gleam I was expecting isn't even close" he said making me feel guilty.

"Apiiii "Daud  interrupted running towards me as I took him in my embrace

"How is my hero" I kissed his cheeks.

"Wow so many balloons".I cheered seeing the huge colourful bunch which now was stuck to the ceiling blooming the room.

"Api hero missed you" he pointed at himself making me giggle.

"Api missed her hero to."

"Api has only one hero" came a rough voice.as avoided his gaze

"Api can you believe it Umar uncle took me for shopping and we bought this many balloons for you" he jumped in excitement warming my heart.

"Why am I an uncle and she is api?"Umar inquired clearly annoyed.

"Because you are huge like an uncle" he shrugged innocently as I pursed my lips stopping the  threatening giggle.

"Well your api.is going to be my wife "

"You are going to marry him api ?"he gasped looking horrified.

See it's not only me who is horrified

"Does that mean you will be leaving in the den" he uttered as I kept my hand on his mouth


"What did you say?"Umar narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing" I mumbled

"Daud go" he ordered.

"But I just came" he said hunching his shoulder

"I think we had a talk?"Umar pointed at him.


"What talk?"I questioned curious.

" whenever bhai will say I will leave immediately without arguments and than he will buy me lots of stuffs."

"Umar !!!"I voiced incredulously.

"Come after few minutes" Umar instructed as Daud ran .

"Don't look at me like that he is always stuck to you like a leach" he answered non chanted.


,"He is just a child."I said

"And clearly not your responsibility" he answered

"You didn't had luch let's have it together" he stated with a smile.

"I don't really feel:.

"I am hungry and we.should be going" .He interrupted.

"Umar "

"Sonia.!"He uttered making my head jolt.

"My name is Areesha "I narrowed my eyes

"And you are my sonia."He shamelessly winked making my eyes wide

"Umar please".

"Sonia please" he mimicked making me sigh.

"You don't like the name?" he questioned as I shook my head.

"Everything takes time to settle you will soon settle with the name to" came his annoying reply.

"Lady Areesha shall we head out for lunch or that's okay if you don't want to go we will have it here .actually that's a great idea let me make arrangements" he said as I abruptly shook my head in negative

Here alone.

"Wait Umar I want to eat outside" I answered abruptly

"If that's what you wish although I wouldn't have minded here" he mused clearly sensing my discomfort.

"Glad to have you beside me .thank you Areesha" he smiled genuinely .

"I don't know Areesha.why you agreed but I want to Start our relation in a new light forgetting everything that happened before."
"You are really important to me  and I don't really like your reluctance towards me believe it or not but your magic wand has changed me a lot .I wouldn't say completely but if you try to look you will see the difference."He spoke while his eyes searched mine.

"When I said I love you I clearly do with all my heart .accept it Areesha there is a conflict in your eyes which I don't want to see I am not that bad "

His voice held confidence,as he spoke slowly delivering his every word softly.

The feeling of unknown in the core of the heart betrays the feeling of known through the core of life.

"Areesha are you ready to start this new journey " he inquired.

"Yes" I nodded with all my heart

"Than where is the smile I earned?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Bitting my lip I tried to plaster a smile."

"Should I correct your smile or you will do it yourself "he stated.as I hurriedly gave a bright smile.

"That's my love" he said with a slightly chuckle making my cheeks burn.

His eyes searched her every inch to know her inner will . Whether she was expert in masking or she was really happy with all this.His mind reasoned

Seeing her after what seemed like a decade felt amazing yet complete.

The only problem was he couldn't show his inner feelings nor was he pro at expressing nor he wanted to do it.

She has to see his actions after all actions are supposed to speak louder than words.

One soul assembled ,resembled,blamed,aimed and maybe gained through the heights of which was unknown yet till to someone

"Areesha my darlinggggg" sana cheered hugging me tight as I embraced her with an equal force.

"Areeshaa my sweet rose how are you doing?" dani chirped making Umar growl.

"Oh no Areesha my sweetest rose" he mocked enjoying umar's glare.

"Dani you do want your head attached don't you?"he warned

"I am fine Dani how are you doingI" I answered.

"I am well Alhumdulilah."

"How do you feel Areesha?"


"I meant Umar is a well known personality in our whole swarm of families and we all know He is more than just a normal human how does it feel to be getting engaged with him "

Does he has a death wish.

"Sana make him shut "Umar grumbled .

There was a longing inside the heart of someone in a way which no other can guess.like a glued rose it stucked together not willing to open and not being allowed to open

"He  already had a free pass to order us around now  the pass has turned to be vip. Do you know Areesha they had planned a curfew around just so we can't meet you until you were well rested talk about unfair" dani grumbled.

"My dear child whatever you do just don't annoy his love" Hina api smirked making my face flush.

"I want to walk on your foot steps bhai" dani saluted.

"Love isn't a child's game" Umar fired.

Ya Allah this is embarrassing .is there anyone who doesn't know.

"If you can capture an angel like lady so can I he boasted".

"Right?" he asked While everyone  fake'm coughed making him glare

"I can't believe she said yes for my brother" bilal Bhai joked earning a shove.

"But I knew they two were made for each other" kiran api gushed.

"There is a difference between someone who looks like made for each other.And  who is actually for each other".Ahmad bhai joked.

"And we are both Alhumdulilah" Umar answered monotonous.

"Was just teasing you bro it has been years since I awaited for the day to get you back" bhai laughed.

"Thank you Areesha for uniting us again for a wonderful occasion "Asad bhai grinned

"Tell us Ari how did Bhai proposed you .I can't even imagine Umar bhai on a bended knee in front of a girl "Annie inquired

That was not expected

I gazed at sana who was quite since the start completely enjoying my state

"Yes tell us" zari api added.

"Doll we are waiting" Kiran api winked

Where is the door?

"Come on Areesha why are you quite tell them how I took you to a candle light dinner "Umar started


"Hayee" they cheered as I stared baffled.

"than? "

"Than I presented her a rose adorned with a hidden ring" Umar smirked as I vigorously shook my head trying to send them a message

"Stop it Umar we all know our Areesha would never go out like that" ahmad bhai laughed making me sigh.

"So this all was a bluff" kiran api frowned

"Of course" hina api giggled

"Umar propose her now than" she ordered making my heart skip.

"Yeah propose" they all chanted


Umar gazed at me with a smile as he positioned himself to get up in a jinx I stood

"I guess mummy is calling "I breathed practically running away as I heard chorus of laughs behind
The preparations seemed to be on the.edge as dozens of people filled the house each passing day .
I knew it was going to be a huge event seeing through the commotion which I wasn't comfortable with .
These kinds of celebrations are supposed to be simple .
There are more blessings in it than the latter.But what I could I do I didn't even a had a say in my dress or even a hair clip .I doubt they would take my suggestion in it.

The huge house was lighted with different fairy lights the staircase adorned with different flowers .

A beautiful stage with purple themed interior was decorated with matching curtains in front a beautiful flower made heart.

Today was the day,and I was freaked out seeing the number of people and relatives I didn't even knew existed.

My dress elegantly lay on the bed shimmering each moment.

So many people, endless care and huge celebration.

It looked like whole of the murree would know.

The moments of care can overpower the moments of uncertainty in the huge commotion of betraying thoughts and unending feelings.

The road didn't seemed easy to my heart while my brain portrayed it as smooth as possible.

Every endless care has a meaning
Every infinite love has new beginning
Every unfinished story has an ending with a start of a new story.and every storm has a special blessing hidden inside the tremendous lightning.

Chorus of congratulations, erupted   as soon as the rings were exchanged between the two families . Indicating the formation of a new bond between them..

All were happy praising and congratulating our parents

In the huge decorated pavilion I sat on the unique chair  ,
conflicted in my thoughts i gazed at the  luminous ring, that my soon to be mother in law had placed  on my finger affectionately..

I wondered as  how things  change so swiftly this ring on my finger was indication that I am bound to a certain person and just a few months ago if the things had  been different I could have been bound to another ...

I raised my head and dispatched myself from my unwanted thoughts..
One look at my parents was all I needed to be confident in my desicion..their happy and content faces was my way to peace and harmony..
I knew no matter what my insecurities says ..I Have put my trust in Allah and have made my parents happy. And that is enough..

I didn't dare to look up at Umar
Who was approaching near.

Closing my eyes I whispered..


Soon I heard a grave voice in front of me congratulating me that I was Soon  to be his...
To which I remained silent..

''Look at me Areesha" he demanded
Making my heart beat chaotic

''She doesn't needs to oblige you know.it is just an engagement brother not a nikkah. So you still have to lower your gaze''....Anny said
.Before I could even respond to his order.

''Nikkah will be done Soon ..don't worry dear , as for now I want to see her'' .was his firm reply.

''Amm bhai think again because her father is approaching this way and it doesn't look like he will compliment you for standing near his daughter''

''Why didn't you tell me before how close is he now should I make a run.. or utter my last words''..he said in mock surrender.

Which made me chuckle

He stopped midway and turned to look at me .Before he could utter anything my father embraced him and took him to meet his fellow friends..
As we heard his not so quite huff

I looked at their retreating back ..And thought he is the person for which I am giving away my dreams and wishes ..Will it be worth it...

One.vacation just one changed my life and taught me many lessons...

Little did I know that these helpless feelings and my sacrifice will lead  to the fulfillment of my dreams and wishes in the most honourable way..

"Look at my daughter she looks so beautiful.May Allah bless you with happiness always" granny cradled my face in her hands

"And my beloved son" she kissed umar's forehead.who came beside Clad in a black suit

"This was my innermost wish to see you two together like this Alhumdulilah that day has finally arrived" she smiled.

"Don't worry you will always see us like this" came his carefree reply as I sat there with utter nervousness

"Areesha looks like a princess isn't it Umar" phuphee spoke.

"Yes she certainly does" he nodded making my feelings erotic.

All the while baba stood aside with a smile on his face.

This was my abode to happiness my father's smile.

"I will come in few minutes" he excused gesturing towards Hina api

Whisking me away from the hall Hina api brought me in the lounge .

"Why we are here api "I asked anxious

"Umar wanted to talk to you and you will not  be getting a chance after due to   guests" she adjusted my veil with a final touch left giving a small kiss.

The dim lights with chilled air invited the flowers around to sway on their hum.as the candles bloomed and gloomed due its music and wafted a scented breeze to hurl around me .The clanking of my dress clearly echoed in the nervousness of my inner mind making me shiver and sweat at the same time.

"Congratulations" his husky voice poured  in  as  his broad frame came in view making me lower my eyes shadowing from his intense once.

Beats of my heart echoed around as I stood just now mere inches from him.

"Areesha" he  softly hummed making me unveil my shadow.

"You are happy right?" he inquired seriously

"Yes" I replied with a smile

"You look gorgeous just like a fairy.. my fairy" he praised all the while smiling.

"Thank you" I whispered clearly nervous

"You are here apii" Reema exclaimed running Close.

"People just need to vanish "he growled

"We were looking all around for you both" sana orated

" api you look just  like a princess "she cheered.

"Thank you my dear you look more than a princess"I smiled.

"Bhai you to look amazing" she grinned earning just a small nod from him

"Yes you both look gorgeous together" sana praised

"I   wish Amir was here to it would have been amazing right" she said

"Uh yes."I replied reluctant seeing umar's rough expressions

"But bhai sent his wishes and card see this is from me and that's from bhai "Reema placed it in my shivery hands.

"I really thought he will come because I saw you both   talking in the garden that day so I assumed he will agree "she sighed making the situation More hard

"That's okay Reema he must be busy" I tried to Close the topic.

"Yeah you are right" she nodded

"Take care will meet you later" sana nodded  strolling away   as I feared to see his face when the cards were roughly snatched from my delicate hands.

"I have to talk about something" he said monotonous

"Yes "

"I am sure you won't like the things I will say ahead but you have no choice" he voiced all hints of amusement long gone away from him.

As I had a feeling that I am going to dread this night...

Not all illuminating nights contains blissful smiles.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

How was the lonng chapter I hope you enjoyed.

Any guesses what will Umar say?
Will he ruin the special day or he Wil make it a memorable one.

I really want to thank all of you for the beautiful comments and encouraging votes they make me truly happy.stay blessed :-)


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