Chapter 12: Coming Together

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Lloyd's P.O.V.:

Kira, Zane, Pixal and I made had made a plan to visit the museum because Zane tracked down a skeleton of the tiger widow. Kai and Cole wanted to come too, but we all agreed that they needed rest. Kira didn't want me to come on this mission either, but my arm was in good shape now and they needed all the help they could get. We had a feeling a certain someone would meet us there. The only way she agreed to let me go was if she came with me, so we took her along too.

"How is your arm feeling?" Kira asked me for the millionth time today.

"I told you, I'm alright." I said in frustration. "It's feeling a lot better than it's been in a long time."

"Good." Kira smiled.

"I hope Kai and Cole don't feel too bad about missing this." Zane frowned.

"It would have been unwise to let them come in their condition." Pixal said.

"Who's staying with them?" Kira asked.

"Skylor is there and Ray and Maya will be there soon." Zane said. "Don't worry, they should be fine."

"I hope Kai doesn't run off by himself again." I said.

"I think he'll have a tough time getting past his mom." Kira laughed.

"I think so too." I laughed.

"According to my database, the tiger widow went extinct long ago, but the venom can resonate in the fangs of the skeleton for a thousand years." Zane told us. "With any luck, the one we are tracking should be on display at the museum."

"I'm just glad it's dead." I said. "I would hate to see that thing when it was alive."

"Same here." Kira agreed.

We followed Zane and Pixal into the museum and the curator showed us to the fossil. Zane was starting to extract the venom from the fangs when all of sudden some robbers broke in. They were armed and yelling for everyone to get down on the ground.

"Zane, keep extracting the venom. Kira, stay behind us. Pixal and I will hold them off." I stated.

"Lloyd, I can help." Kira insisted.

"I can't risk you getting hurt." I grabbed her arm and hid her under a table. "Stay here."

"But Lloyd..."

"Kira, if anything happens to me, just know that I... I love you."

I kissed her cheek and ran to fight off the robbers. I drew my sword and tried to help Pixal fight them, but it was hard to do with one hand. I thought my arm was feeling better but it still hurt to move it, much less fight with it.

The guy kicked me into the wall and pointed his weapon at me. He was about to swing until he got dizzy and passed out. Then Kira was standing behind him with her hand out.

"Kira?" I questioned. "How did you..."

"Pressure point, gets them every time." She laughed and helped me to my feet. "You ok?"

"Thanks to you." I smiled.

We got back to the battle and ended up tying both of the robbers to a pole and we were waiting for the police arrive. Zane did manage to extract the venom from the skeleton, but the people in the museum were a little scared so we decided to help out until the police arrive.

Kira was checking on me to make sure I was ok. She accidentally touched my side and I flinched.

"Sorry, let me look at that." Kira apologized and lifted up part of my shirt to get a better look. "No bleeding but it still looks pretty bad."

"I think I got hurt when he pushed me into the wall." I sat up and groaned. "It's no big deal."

"Stay still, this won't hurt."

Kira grabbed the first aid kit and wrapped my ribs in bandages. They still hurt but it felt better.

"There we go." Kira finished treating my wound. "That should hold for now until we get back to the hospital."

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm sorry for how I acted back there. It was wrong of me to tell you to hide, I just wanted to protect you, but I should have realized you didn't need me to."

"It's ok." She smiled. "By the way, I never got the chance to respond to what you said."

"Oh..." I twiddled my hands.

Kira kissed my cheek. "I love you too." She smiled.

"Well, when we get everything back to normal, would you... maybe like to... get dinner with me sometime?" I stuttered.

"I would love that." Kira smiled. "It's a date."

Kira walked away to go help some other people. I was so happy that Kira agreed to go on a date with me. I couldn't stop smiling. Now if we could just get things back to normal.

Kai's P.O.V.:

I was at the hospital waiting for any kind of news on Cole. The doctors wanted me to stay put and wouldn't tell me or Skylor anything. All we knew was that he was stable and would wake up soon but they wouldn't let us see him until he was fully awake. The suspense was killing me.

"Kai?" Skylor called out to me.

"I'm here." I said.

"Would you still love me if I never got my sight back?"

"Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"Well, the doctor said that the blindness is probably temporary but there's a chance I'll never be able to see one hundred percent again." She frowned.

"Skylor, I don't care if you can see or not, I like you for you. I mean it might be an adjustment, but we can make it work." I smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"I wonder what's taking the other guys so long." I worried.

"Yeah, I hope they didn't run into any trouble." Skylor said.

I looked at my phone to see if there was anything from the guys, and sure enough I got a text from Lloyd.

——————{{{Kai's Phone}}}——————

Lloyd: Hey Kai, a little change of plans.

Kai: What happened?

L: The museum got robbed. We're
all ok but we stayed to help some
of the people that were here.

K: Ok. Did Zane get the venom?

L: Yeah, how is Cole doing?

K: I don't know. They won't tell
us anything about his condition
until he wakes up.

L: What? He's not awake?

K: Not that I know. It's
driving me crazy.

L: Just relax, if something was
wrong I'm sure they would tell you.

K: I'm not sure they would.

L: Did your parents come?

K: They got backed up in traffic.

L: Ok well we'll be there as
soon as we can. Just wrapping
up things here.

K: Ok I'll let you know if
I hear anything on Cole.

L: Thanks, see you later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I put my phone down and heard someone knocking at the door.

"Who is that?" Skylor asked.

"Probably the doctor." I said. "Come in."

To my surprise, Cole opened the door. He was out of breath and could barely stand up.

"Cole!" I smiled.

"Cole? Is he alright?" Skylor asked.

"I'm fine Skylor." He said, but I knew he was lying.

He made his way over to the bed and groaned as he sat down. Then a nurse came into my room.

"Mr. Brookstone, you just woke up. You need to be resting." She said.

"Ok, I will rest but I want to stay with my friends. Is that ok?" Cole asked.

The nurse sighed. "Fine, but only for a half hour then you need to be back in your room."

She left and Cole smiled. "Finally."

"Cole I'm glad you're ok, but you should probably be resting." I said.

"I'm fine, I wanted to see if you were ok."

"We're alright." I said. "Lloyd and the others went to the museum to get the venom. They ran into some trouble so it could be a while."

"I hope Nya got through to Jay." Skylor said.

"I don't know, Jay didn't seem too interested when I left." Cole said.

"Nya will come through, she never gives up." I said.

Jay's P.O.V.:

I was walking around looking for Nya, but found Nadakhan in a room talking to himself.

"Finally my plans are in place, and unlike last time, that little blue one won't get in my way." He looked at a locket that had a photo of a girl that looked exactly like Nya inside. "I will marry you, Delara, and I don't care who I have to hurt this time."

I was so confused. Had he done this before? Why can't I remember?

I ran back into the cave to warn Nya, but I tripped over a rock and cut my knee. Nadakhan heard the noise and I had to shut up and hide until he lost interest and left. Then I tried to get up and search for Nya, but my knee was bleeding so bad I couldn't move. I was a sitting duck.

Nya's P.O.V.:

I was looking for Jay all over the place. I had heard something happen in the middle of the night and he was screaming. I was worried something bad had happened to him.

I kept looking around and I found Jay in the corner. He looked hurt and sad.

"Jay?" I walked up to him.

"Nya?" He dried his tears.

"Are you ok?"

"Don't worry about me, you have to get out of here." He coughed.

He tried to get up and was it looked like his knee was in pain. He couldn't even walk.

"Are you hurt?" I looked at him.

"I'm fine, but you need to go." He used the wall to try and force himself up, but it didn't work. "Ow!"

"Hey take it easy." I knelt down and looked at his knee. His pant leg was stained with blood. "You look really hurt."

"N-Nadakhan..." Jay coughed. "He's looking for you. You h-have to go."

"Hold still. I'm not leaving you."

"He wants to use you like he tried to do last time." Jay's breathing sped up. "If he gets away with it, there will be no coming back from it this time."

"Wait, you remember?" I was shocked. "But I thought you..."

"I don't remember, I overheard Nadakhan talking about it." He frowned. "All I know is that I don't want anyone to hurt you."

"I'm more worried about you right now."

While Jay was talking, I was doing everything I could to help his injury. I didn't have many materials or tools to help him, but I made do with I had. I took a rag I taken from my room and used it to stop the bleeding. To be honest I had no idea what I was doing. I wasn't nearly as good at this as Kira was, but I was not about to leave Jay all alone. He needed me.

"Nya?" Jay looked up at me. "Did you really kill Cole?"

"I just needed Nadakhan to believe I did so he wouldn't go looking for him." I whispered.

Jay sighed in relief. I tightened the rag around his leg and he flinched. I had to get him out of there.

"Come on Jay, let's get you out of here before..."

"Oh, I don't think you'll be going anywhere."

We turned around to see the djinn staring at us. He looked ready to strike and our cover was blown. I had to think hard to get us out of this one.

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