1: Pregnant

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Ana's POV

"Ike, I said I'm pregnant," I say once more as silence reigns around me.

"I heard you!" He shuns, almost knocking me off my feet as I feel my heart pierce due to his hard expression and tone of voice, though I secretly expected this kind of reaction.

"This was a bad idea," I converse, my voice shaky, and wipe the wetness from my cheek.

Feeling hurt, I take a step and bend to snatch my purse from where I dropped it earlier. Lifting myself, I am amazed to note his stony mood morph into a smile, more so as he breaks out in a laugh.

"Are you okay?" I investigate in horror at his reaction as fear grips me lightly.

"I've never been happier," he confesses and shortens the space between us. Before I can comprehend what he's about to do I am being engulfed in a hug.

"What are you doing?" I poll, speaking my mind though I get no response as he holds me tight such that my head is resting on his chest while he squeezes me in an embrace.

To my relief he releases me, bestowing me a grin that leaves me perplexed. I stare warily as he guides me to my previous seat.

"I want to be in that baby's life," he tells, making me rise hastily from my seat in anger.

"The hell you are!" I bellow in fury, pushing him away from my vision.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He quizzes, confusion engraved boldly on his face.

"You have no right," I grit, my temper rising a notch.

"May I clearly tell you I have every right, hence that child you are carrying is equally mine as he/she is yours?" He argues, our breaths getting mixed due to our proximity.

"You seized to have the right after you called its mother a slut," I mutter. "And as if that wasn't enough you called her a whore too."

"Ana, calm down," he pleads aiming to grab my shoulders.

"Oh no no, you don't get to tell me to calm down," I sneer. "Need I remind you that this happened while you were engaged?"

"Babe please," he begs.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I shout, slapping his palm away from my view.

"Just hear me out," he sighs.

"No my love," I snicker. "Because you are a cheap hypocrite."

"Ana please, I'm begging you for Christ's sake we are all humans and we make mistakes, don't deprive me of this opportunity!" he cries, lowering himself to my height.

"I had already deprived you of that opportunity already," I inhale, tilting my head upward to prevent another fresh flow of tears.

"What are you talking about," he growls.

"Well," I sneer, masking the pain I feel inside. "Just that I wanted to keep it a secret from you."

"Why?" He implores in panic, going back to his usual stance.

"Isn't it obvious?" I ask pretending to blow on my nails, "you won't suspect a thing, I mean, I'm a whore remember?"

"Then what made you change your mind?" He interrogates, a bone ticking in his jaw.

"You've got my friends to thank for that," I beam happily that I'm able to get him riled up.

"I guess so then," he huffs.

"Now that's settled, I'll take my leave now," I hum, and make a move to turn away, instead I'm held captive as he pulls me to his chest.

"I can't let you go," he murmurs in my ear, his voice filled with emotions.

"You are getting married, you'll have to," I assert my eyes glassy with tears.

"But I love you, doesn't that make a difference?" He queries his tone desperate.

"It did once," I smile sadly.

"Why can't it do the same now?" He invites.

"Because I've realized I was made a fool of," I scoff, and struggle to free myself.

"Ana if you can simply let me explain," he beseeches.

"No Ike," I decline. "I don't want to hear it. I can't stoop so low to have an affair with a married man, dating one who is engaged is as low as I could get."

"Why the fuck are you so stubborn," He grumbles, freeing me to pace around the small space.

"I'm not stubborn, I'm just learning to make decisions for two persons," I say, sensing the motherly instincts kicking in.

"Then what do you want from me mmmm?" He qualms, coming to stand directly in front of me.

"I just don't want my child anywhere near Emily," I exhale, sensing my strength dwindling as I make a grab for the chair at my side.

"I won't want my child anywhere near her either," he grunts.

"Can you repeat? I didn't hear correctly," I instruct, acting like I didn't heed his words.

"Nothing," he contends, his orbs locating my arm pressing into the seat for support. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine," I nod, pushing my weight to stand erect hence I don't need his pity.

"Your words not mine," he agrees, not willing to argue.

"Why can't you see this is a sign from GOD that we should be together," he goes on to say.

"What?" I question, not sure of what I just heard.

"Yes babe, this baby is the light in our messed up dark relationship," he affirms.

"I can't believe you just said that," I snort and attempt to hold in my laugh as I gaze at him in awe.

"I love you, Ana, why can't you let love lead?" He proposes offering me a pleading glance.

"I once did that and see where that led me," I speak, motioning to myself. "Pregnant, heartbroken, and betrayed."

"I'm trying to apologize but you won't let me," he utters, his words shaky.

"One question though," I say, lifting a finger.

"Go ahead," He consents.

"Do you love Emily?" I inquire, staring into his orbs hence the lips might lie but the eyes won't.

My question is left hanging as he doesn't answer and instead leaves his irises blank such that they don't show any emotion.

"That's all the answer I need," I sniff, pain piercing my heart as the little hope in me gets shattered by his unsaid words.

"See you at the wedding," I fake a smile, clutching my bag and head to the door.

"Ana?" He calls.

My hand on the door, I pause, not able to bring myself to face him.

"I know what to do," he pronounces, determination lining his statement.

I don't answer or think much on it as I fish out the key card from my purse and swipe it on the door before I tug it open, slamming it loudly behind me.

In my haste to exit the building as fast as I can, I don't look where I'm going until I run into a female body. In a bid to apologize, I raise my head and scowl as I notice who it is.

"Oh, it's you." She snorts, her barely pointed nose twisting in a grimace as she eyes me with her grey globes, a disgusted look on her oval face.

"Always a pleasure to meet you, Emily," I fake a smile and jab her from my path before I proceed down the stairs, leaving her standing in a floor-length gold chiffon gown that hugs her thin shape.

I reach the reception area where I wave sarcastically at the lady and make my way to the front doors.

Shoutout goes to wattxtra16
For being the first reader I have here
Thank you, girl, 🙌😍

Hello, my fellow lovely humans. Here's the first chapter of 'A Very Sticky Situation'
What do you think?

So... What did Ike mean by "I know what to do?" Was that a good or bad thing?
Anyway, let's stick around and find out.

Thank you all for reading sharing and voting on my book, I truly appreciate it🙏😊🙌

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