3: Friends

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Ana's POV

"Hey babe," Oluchi calls, making me swerve to see her walking in through the front door, a short blue thin-strapped bodycon dress accentuating her figure, her wool braids held in a tight ponytail.

Incapable of forming words due to the restriction in my airflow, I appreciate how simple and beautiful she looks in black fur sandals that go well with her dress. My eyes also don't miss the red bag she's carrying across her shoulders that seems oddly familiar.

"You didn't---. Oh shit!" She clamors when she comes close and detects me heaving, my palm clamping on my throat in a struggle for breath.

"Ana are you okay?" She inquires, now in my eyesight, prompting me to shake my head and flare my arm widely in an SOS sign.

"How can you ask her that, you can clearly see she's not," Joe voices, coming to my side in a pair of faded jeans and a red sleeveless shirt that leaves his muscular arms bare.

"Who did this to you?" Oluchi queries in fear and anger, her imagination running wild as she parades in circles.

"Stop asking her questions, she can't respond to, the lady is fighting to breathe for goodness sake," Joe grimaces offering her an 'are you stupid?' look.

"Okay, I know who did this, I mean who else can it be if not Emily. She must have gone to Benin city, her maternal home to fashion this juju, because, there's no other explanation, it has to be------"

"Shut the hell up Oluchi!" Joe commands, cutting her rant short. "Worry about the problem later, what we need is a solution. So would you kindly clench your lips and go bring her a glass of water?"

Feeling slightly hurt for Oluchi as a result of Joe's tone, I attempt to let out a syllable, rather I end up causing more harm than good to my lungs.

"Calm down Ana, try to swallow your spit, it helps," he persuades, the same time allotting Oluchi a glare that has her scurrying to the kitchen.

I speculate on telling them about Glory's presence but think better on it thus I don't want to die anytime soon seeing as I need to live for my unborn child.

As Joe strokes my back soothingly, Oluchi halts in her step the moment Glory runs in, her fingers bloody and shaky while she hands me water in a glass.

I take it from her and put it to my lips. Throwing my head back, I gulp the water hungrily as if my life depends on it, which is somehow true hence I can die from choking.

The instant the cup goes empty I pass it to Joe blindly and slope my head on the couch in an attempt to gain back control of my airflow. After a series of deep breathes and ear-piercing silence, I sit upright, channeling a hard stare in Glory's location.

"What the fuck took you so long?" I challenge, my bloodshot eyes fixed on her as I brush the hot tears on my cheek.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were here, why is your arm bloody too?" Joe implores, his attention shifting to her.

"Due to my fear I ended up breaking two of your glasses, in an aim to clean it up, I slashed my fingers, then I tried to wash out the blood, leading to more blood so I thought better of it and got you another cup of water, silently praying this one doesn't slip from my fingers." She confesses in answer to our query.

"So why did you make her choke?" Oluchi polls, her palms on her waist and feet tapping rhythmically on the floor.

"Oh come on Oluchi, how can I make her choke?" Glory mocks, rolling her eyes and laying a pink braid behind her ear as she blows air on the slash on her finger, her attire now stained with blood drops.

"So what happened then?" Joe asks, positioning his head on the seat as I did earlier.

"Yes please, can someone tell me what the hell happened?" Oluchi repeats.

Glory bestows me an inquisitive gaze, prompting me to shake my head discreetly in refusal.

"I deserve to know," Oluchi grits, peering at me with a knowing glance. "I mean, I came in to see my best friend heaving, and you decide to keep the cause from me?"

"Oluchi breathe," Joe advises, noticing her get riled up.

"Fine," I moan and give Glory a nod in permission.

"The wedding has been postponed," Glory conveys in reply to their queries.

"Whose wedding?" Joe interrogates, coming off as confused.

"Yeah, can you be more specific?" Oluchi prods, her left arm finding its way to her curly ash plaits.

Keeping silent and getting prepared to capture their expressions, I focus my vision on their faces as I wait.

"Emily and Ike," Glory blurts and makes an effort to hold in a giggle as their reactions are just as I thought they would be. Joe's mouth clangs open the exact time Oluchi's eyes go wide in shock.

"Now you see why I was choking," I mumble, not knowing if I should laugh or be scared hence this development can lead to dire consequences.

"Yep," Glory nods in affirmation to their silent questions.

"Ha!" Oluchi abruptly exclaims, making me startle in fright.

"What, was, that?" I investigate peering at her in perplexity.

"Aleluyah!" She claps her palms, her lips stretching into a smile.

"My thoughts exactly," Glory beams as they exchange a look.

"Damn, it's good for that bitch to feel a little disappointment," Oluchi smirks, breaking out in a hearty laugh.

"I know right?" Glory invites and they both bob their head before high-fiving each other.

Peering at them in bewilderment I snort and facepalm at the kind of friends God bestowed me with.

"Did they say the reason for shifting the wedding?" Joe the ever sensible one in our midst asks, scratching his dark hair in thought.

"Yes, personal reasons," I inform, using air quotes.

"Don't forget the glare Emily sent at the camera," Glory reminds.

"How can I forget the glare that restricted my airflow?" I scoff.

"There's a video right?" Joe questions, twisting his body in her direction, and to Glory's nod, he motions to see it.

Obliging him, she picks her phone from where I must have dropped it and taps on the screen, passing it to him as she hits play. Oluchi dashes to his side, squatting so she can watch too.

"That's one very hard glare," Oluchi confirms as the video ends.

"Yeah, should we be worried?" Glory voices in query.

"You mean should I be worried?" I correct, in a question of mine.

"Whatever," Glory derides and goes to take a seat on the sofa Joe and I are resting on.

"Nah, Emily barks more than she can bite," Oluchi responds to our inquiry.

"Technically, she didn't bark, it was a silent threat," I say, a bit fearful.

"Time will tell," Oluchi shrugs not giving me a satisfactory answer. "For now, let's celebrate her disappointment." She cheers.

"Women," Joe jeers as Glory screams with Oluchi.

I don't say anything as my mind is somewhere else thinking of Emily, because I know how wicked she can be, especially if she knows about this baby.

I am being pulled out of my thoughts when Oluchi mutters a "Why are you watching this crap?" as she takes a hint of what's playing on the T.V screen.

I roll my eyes at this and smile when Glory slaps the remote to the floor the instant she is about to switch to something else.

"Hey!" I call as Oluchi goes to fling the device at Glory. "The remote is not a weapon for violence."

"Thank you," Glory appreciates, grinning at Oluchi. "Do not mind this moron."

"Glory Akachi Denise. Who the fuck are you calling a moron?" Oluchi retorts.

"How dare you call me by my full name," Glory gasps in amazement while Oluchi's lips curl to the side.

"Dear God why do I have to be punished this way!" Joe wails as he is caught in the middle of their argument hence they are both positioned above him on the couch.

"I'm going to work on Monday," I disclose, my mind made up, thus I am fed up of seating home when I have a company to run.

My statement creates silence as Glory whistles lowly and Oluchi moves me by the shoulders to provide me a pleading gaze which I dismiss with a shake of my head, prompting her to sigh in defeat.

"But the doctor---" Joe begins, instead my fierce glance shuts him up. "Fine, you can go."

"Thank you," I beam, happy that they accept, though I would have still gone even if they refused, seeing as my mind is set.

"You are welcome," Oluchi speaks, squeezing my shoulder in affection as I go to squeeze her arm in return.

"Speaking of work, it is almost time to close for the week, and since the boss lady is currently indisposed, I'll have to be there." Glory murmurs and rises, after glancing at the clock to see it's a few minutes past 1 pm.

"Thank you Glory," I say in gratitude for being the best assistant ever.

"Don't think this is free, you owe me," she chuckles, dusting imaginary dust from her clothing.

"How can I," I giggle, rolling my eyes.

"I know you won't, bye y'all," she smiles and makes a u-turn to the exit doors, leaving the three of us to continue our mini hang-out session.

Soo lovelies, we are thankful she didn't choke to death. Anyway, this was more of a filler chapter. It's been a while we've had all of them in one place. (Ana, Joe, Glory, Oluchi)

Anyway, please leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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