4: She-Devil

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A heads up.

Ike and Daniel are the same person.
Ana knows him as Ike because he didn't tell her in the beginning that his name was Daniel for a reason still known to him.
Emily knows him as Daniel and his full name is Daniel Ike Okwu.

Emily's POV

"Yes, personal reasons that will be taken care of as soon as possible." I nod to the press, my grey eyes channeling a hard glare at the cameras without noticing.

"That's all for today," Daniel discloses to the group of journalists, prompting our bodyguards to pave way for us through the sea of newsmen amidst shouts and questions thrown at our sides.

"Miss Emily are you okay with your fiance's decision?" A female reporter polls blocking my path, a huge microphone, and cellphone in hand.

"Yes," I gulp in agreement, aiming to cage the boiling rage and hatred I feel for the one person who infiltrated my upcoming wedding, Ana.

Daniel and I reach the black pathfinder jeep that contrasts my fair skin and he pulls open the back door, motioning me into the plush leather interior, his mood one of resentment.

I don't say a word to him as he climbs in after me and he doesn't make a move to start a conversation, causing the atmosphere to be silent.

I ponder on voicing a statement, a syllable maybe but think better on it hence I can sense the hostility emitting from his being due to the heated quarrel we had after I stepped into his hotel room that day I crossed Ana.

Swerving my head to look out the car window my mind goes back to the argument we had from the moment I entered his suite.


"What was that whore doing here?" I ask Daniel the instant I go through the ajar door with the key card to sight him bent, his head in his palms. Noticing my presence he hoists his head in surprise.

"I can tell you weren't expecting me," I sneer as he remains mute, gawking at me as if he's seen a ghost.

"Yeah I wasn't," he replies concealing his surprise as the expression on his form changes to one of despise.

"But you were glad to see that whore instead," I beam knowing I'd hit a spot as his fingers clench in anger.

"Don't call her that," he growls.

"Then what should I call her?" I snort, walking to the bed to place my clutch on the white sheets before settling down and offering him a sleek smile, "I mean, she had an affair with my fiancee, so?"

"She did that in ignorance, she had no idea about us," he defends glaring at me.

"Who's fault was that?" I question. "You told her to call you Ike. I thought you hated that name."

"It's none of your business," he shuns. "Also what she did cannot be compared to what you did."

"Don't drag me into this," I scold. "We are talking about her, not me."

"You see how it is then?" He snickers in query, "so don't call her a whore when you are a she-devil."

"How dare you!" I cry out, rising to give him a smack on the cheek. Unluckily for me, he grips my arm on time and bends it behind my back inflicting pain that provokes a wince from my lips.

"I know all your secrets Emily, both the ones you feel I don't know, so think again before doing that," he whispers threateningly.

My heart skips in fright and my eyes widen as I comprehend what he just said. "I don't know what you are talking about," I lie

"You know you can't lie to me, Emily." He shakes his head, releasing me a second later to put a few feet between us.

"I'm postponing the wedding," he informs, not an atom of remorse in his tone

"What?" I quiz, stunned as I pause massaging the arm he manhandled.

"You heard me," he mocks. "I don't need to repeat myself."

"Why?" I implore, disappointed though not hurt as one of my plans appear to be failing.

"Personal reasons," he responds like he's found a cure for covid.

"Personal reasons that have to do with her right?" I qualm.

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugs.

"That slimy bitch!" I curse, kicking the table nearest to me.

"I thought I warned you not to call her names!" He roars, coming to stand in my face.

"You told me not to call her a whore," I slur, running a finger along his bicep.

"If anyone is to be called names here Emily, it's you." He scoffs, peeling my finger from his skin.

"If she isn't a whore like you deny her to be, what was she doing here? I mean now, she knows you are the one I'm getting married to, so why didn't she stay away?" I interrogate, cocking my head to the side.

"As I clearly stated, none of your business." He finalizes, his globes sending a silent message that I refuse to receive.

"Now listen to me Daniel," I taunt.
"Just pray she's got nothing to do with this wedding postponement because if she is, I swear on my life I will end her."

"Is that a threat?" He doubts, staring me dead in the eye.

"You said you know all my plans right?" I query. "Then you should know I'm crazy, and a crazy woman doesn't make empty threats." I beam and yank the clutch up from the mattress. I'm about to turn away when his words halt my steps.

"You should also understand I don't take threats lightly Emily," He conveys. "I'll set a live conference at the entrance of this hotel by 11 am tomorrow. Be here early or else the wedding will be canceled."

"I won't miss it for the world," I drone sarcastically and resign to the door, unlatching it and exiting, not bothering to shut it behind me.

**Flashback ends**

I am being snapped back to reality as Daniel's phone rings. He picks it up and from his conversation, I conclude it's his Dad wanting to see us immediately, probably just watching the headlines.

Daniel glances at me for consent and I bob my head in approval, after which he ends the call and instructs the driver to take us to the hotel his father owns, prior to our plans of meeting my own Dad.

We arrive at the vast luxurious hotel, the huge metal gates automatically opening to see our entourage through. The engine gets cut the instant we pack and a black-suited bulky bodyguard shows up to open the door for us to proceed out of the automobile.

My silver-clad six-inch feet touch the German floor as I alight, and tug down the ends of my half a million naira handmade silver dress with a low neckline and long itchy arms. Not that I don't mind it hanging just below my ass but knowing Daniel I'll be in for an earful.

My gaze shifts to the right and I spot Daniel tighten the knot of his black tie that contrasts with the white long-sleeved shirt he's wearing below the navy blue suit and matching slacks.

He offers me his hand and I hook mine to it, placing a fake grin on my lips as we stride to the glass-walled building.

I observe how quiet the environment is and glance at Daniel to lend him an inquisitive glimpse. He shrugs in response and steers me to the entrance where the doors slide ajar to the cool colorful reception area.

We stand still as we notice the fat potbellied chocolate man lounging on one of the red comfy chairs, his bare feet on the white gold-rimmed furniture. Brown shoes laying on the marbled floor below him.

"What is this I'm hearing!" He booms hauling himself off the seat, his blue agbada meeting his toes and red beads jingling on his neck.

"Good day sir," I greet, curtsying a bit in a sign of respect for his age, reputation, and political class.

"Save your greetings woman, how could you let this happen?" He solicits his stance one of fury. "Do you know how much resources has gone wasted? So many invitations rendered useless, reservations to be canceled?"

I cower in fright at his tone of voice. My fear of him increasing hence he's the one who put me in this situation.

"That's all you care about, your money, resources, and reputation, why am I not surprised?" Daniel mocks, a finger scratching his raised eyebrow.

"Why are you idle about this?" He questions in my path, his body vibrating in rage.

About to blurt out the truth I recall what Daniel said about knowing my plans and canceling the wedding. I swallow before I retort, "it was a mutual decision."

This causes the senator to seethe in contempt, and then in anger orders us out of his sight.

"Gladly," Daniel mutters, turning on his heel to trudge to the exit, not caring if I follow or not.

"I'm sorry Senator Okwu, we know what we are doing," I apologize and rush after Daniel, my heels clanging on the tiles as I do this.

Hello, my people, you don't know how much I've missed you all and this book❤❤

So here is a new chapter in Emily's POV, I wanted us to go into her head a bit to see what's going on there so what do you think?😏😁
Kindly leave a comment, please.

I thank you all for the patience, love, and support you all keep showing me in this book, I'm totally grateful😗

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