6: Drama

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Ana's POV

"I'm here to re-assign Ana for the wedding vows? Or what am I here for, oh I'm right, I'm here for that," she rambles, flipping her pink nails in the air.

"What?" I poll, unsure of what I just heard.

"Trust me, I don't like the idea either." She says, shrugging her thin-strapped black crochet-clad shoulder, her legs covered in a pair of white Aphrodite trousers that showcases her thin frame.

"Then why are you going through with it?" Ike raises a question, an eyebrow lifted.

"That's a great question, Daniel. I didn't know you are this smart when in the same room with her," she ridicules, adjusting the flashy pink bag she's holding.

"You still haven't answered my query," Ike grits through tightly clenched teeth, presumably aggravated.

"Oh, that," she giggles. "Um, it's Dad's money, and somehow I see the point."

"Emily?" I call out in a breath, "what is your reason for agreeing to it?"

"Well, you didn't finish the job, because Daniel doesn't have vows for me yet," she beams blinking rapidly.
"So now that I've responded to your questions, it's now my turn to be answered."

"What question Emily?" I implore, feigning ignorance and lending Ike a look discreetly.

"I asked what was going on here, thus it appeared you both were in the middle of a cozy session," she reinstates, folding her arms tightly below her bosom.

"That's absurd," I contest. "Ike and I were both having an argument."

"I'm not buying it," she tsks, ambling over to where he is standing, her pink sneakers generating no sound. I know, there's plenty of the color to make a person go blind. "Why did you come here, Daniel?"

"I came to hand something over," he conveys, matching her stare with his.

"May I inquire what that is?" She invites, her tone intimidating.

"It's personal," Ike utters in defense.

"Personal you say?" She quizzes before muttering under her breathe, "or fucking around behind closed doors."

I inhale in shock, my orbs wide and gaping as I ogle her, the words she just let out ringing in my ears.

"Emily, I think it's time for you to leave," Glory whom we forgot about her presence declares, her head corked to the side and eyes blazing with fury.

"Why is that?" Emily interrogates, pretending to be sad. "I didn't say anything wrong did I?"

"No, but I think you've said what you came here to, now kindly follow me," she responds, motioning to the door.

"Yes Emily, I suggest it's best you go with her," Ike murmurs, his voice strained, the veins in his arms visible from gripping the table in anger.

"I'll need you to go over the details with Glory, and beware of the extra cost thus it has exceeded the initial time of contract," I convey as I struggle to put my emotions in place and hold in the tears threatening to pop out.

"Money isn't a problem Ana," she smirks, offering me a sly stare. "Besides all this wouldn't have happened if a slut didn't play a few games."

"Can you repeat?" I compel, ready to counter her statement if she takes the bait.

"I know you heard me," she sneers and swerves to shuffle out. "Walk behind me Glory,"

Glory bestows me an edgy gaze due to Emily's tone which I exchange with a pleading one, murmuring a quiet "please."

Rolling her eyes and releasing an irritated sigh, she obeys and walks after her, abandoning me and Ike in the now silent room, our breathes the only sound that can be dictated.

"That slimy snake," Ike mutters as I slump in my seat, exhausted. "I'm so sorry about that Ana."

"Don't apologize," I order, not ready for his sympathy.

"I have to," he confesses. "That bitch just called you a slut."

"That bitch as you easily claimed is currently your fiancee," I argue, peering at him from below my lids.

"Still, that doesn't give her the right to lay out insults," he growls, running his fingers through his dyed blond hair.

"Well, it's kind of your fault," I shrug, willing my heart rate to go back to normal hence I can hear it pounding, in my ears.

"At times Ana, I don't know if I should strangle or kiss you, because you drive me insane. Sometimes I think I'm losing my mind, going crazy even, but I can't seem to know which way to act when I'm close to you," he rants, pacing the space between my desk and the door.

"Yeah, like those sweet words will work on me," I scoff, aiming to hold in my hysterics.

"I didn't intend__ wait did you?" He stops to question.

"No!" I exclaim, thankful for the caramel skin I'm gifted with that doesn't allow my cheeks to turn crimson.

"But you just__" He starts but I stop him halfway.

"You spoke earlier about being here to offer me something?" I remind, not allowing him to continue his sentence.

"Oh, yeah, that," he confirms and slips his palm into his back pocket to retrieve a brown envelope he places on the table.

I eye it warily, plucking it from where it lay. I slide it open and produce the folded white paper within. Unfolding it, I observe it's the test result handed to me by the doctor.

"How did you get this?" I poll in shock, examining it to verify it is indeed what I deem it to be.

"I noticed it hanging off the side of your purse that day you showed up, so I got curious and skimmed it when you weren't looking," he asserts like it's no big deal.

"May I kindly inform you that's an invasion of my privacy," I scold, fixing him a scowl.

"I needed to know what it contained," he contends, coming to stand in my vision.

"Are you suggesting that I'm a lier?" I investigate, a sense of hurt squeezing my heart.

"I didn't say that," he insures. "I would have still returned it if otherwise."

Inhaling a puff of breath to still my unsteady feelings I close my eyes and let it out slowly. "I wanted to show it to you,"

"Then why didn't you?" He doubts, and I feel him stoop a bit, his carbon dioxide fanning my face.

"I totally forgot about it," I say, unraveling my lids to gauge his reaction.

"You forgot," he snorts, bending to pin his hands on the armrest of my seat. "Or you got occupied."

"Get out Ike," I instruct, my voice temptingly low as I clench my fists to lessen the anger and desire threatening to surface.

"You can't order me out of your office love," he beams, his lips curled at an angle. "I'll leave when I want to."

"Then go, please," I beg, as I observe my will crumbling.

He must have understood the message behind the well-composed letters because he smiles, and brushes his lips on my forehead before changing his position to face the door, and pauses to turn to me, "just get ready for antenatal," he informs.

"But I have a doctor," I contest, peeping at him as I struggle to discern his absurd remark.

"Pray tell, is this your doctor a he or a she?" He consults in a frown.

"A male, why?" I issue, not sure where this is going.

"It's settled then, I will set an appointment with a female doctor at one of the hospitals I own," he states in a final tone.

"You own a hospital?" I ask in disbelief.

"I own a few hospitals," he grins, shrugging.

"Fine," I succumb. "But, that's because I don't have any energy left to argue with you."

"Sure, we'll go with that," he mocks, and winks at me before calling over his shoulder, "you two be safe alright?"

Shaking my head, a small smile on my lips, I sit upright and stare at the lightly closed door. A minute later it is pushed open and Glory strolls in.

"How did it go?" She quizzes, the instant she reclines on the chair.

Letting out air through my nostrils, I fill her in on all that occurred between us, leaving her flabbergasted.

"I know," I nod. "Please don't tell Oluchi about this."

"My lips are sealed," she speaks, making a sign of locking her lips.

"Thank you," I beam. "What time did Emily depart?"

"If you are asking if she was here the time he exited your office, the answer's no." She chuckles.

"Oh thank the heavens," I sigh. "I wonder why I can't have a drama-free day."

"Girl, you have a stupid ex, had an affair with a senator's son who was and is still engaged to a governor's daughter, and to top that, you are pregnant for him, what did you expect?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"Don't say it that way," I plead, cringing. "I had no idea."

"There's no other way to say it, babe," she snorts. "I'll advise you to brace yourself because the drama is just getting started."

Gaping at her as she says this, I am not able to contradict her statement thus her words have never been more true.

Hello my people, how are you all doing? I hope everyone is fine and staying safe?

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In Glory's words, brace yourselves, because the drama is just getting started.

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