7: Speech

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Ana's POV

Navigating my car through the busy town roads I exhale in joy at the fruitful outcome of the NAFDAC meeting that just got concluded not up to an hour ago. Thankfully the 500ml paracetamol produced by 'Steph Cures' is officially approved and ready to market.

I vibe to the beat and rhymes of 'Faded' by Benjackson Troy playing through my phone's playlist which I connected to the car's equalizer, the long slit flower-patterned gown I'm donning not being a barrier for my dance moves.

The fact I'm driving at the same time doesn't also deter me as I'm presently in a jolly mood. I miss Glory's presence beside me as she is absent hence she had to go change at home because her flair trouser got torn by the sharp end of a malfunctioned metal railing.

I don't doubt she will be at the restaurant before me as a result of the short distance from her home to the said destination. Speaking of, I'm currently heading to the new Mr. Biggs fast food place that is being opened to the public today.

I was appointed by the soon-to-be manager to fashion an amazing and stomach grasping speech for the unveiling ceremony, which I spent an hour or two working on last night after I had devoured my dinner.

I edited it for the last time this morning and emailed it to him before I went to work. Why I am going there you may ask? Well, I'm heading there to be able to correct any last-minute errors before he goes on stage.

Reaching there, I steer into the almost filled parking lot and switch off the engine aside Glory's red Toyota Avalon. My blue glass heels are the first to touch the interlocked floor as I stretch my arm to the passenger seat and pluck my black bag that contains a lady's necessities and a black pen hanging off the side pocket.

I shut the door of the silver Lexus 350 after I alight, and smoothen the crinkles on my dress from sitting and make my way towards the entrance of the establishment where I see Glory conversing with who seems to be the doorman.

She excuses herself the instant she sights me and walks over, meeting me halfway.

"I still got here before you," she beams, looking stunning in high-waisted black jeans and a multicolored button-up blouse that makes her appear professional as she wears nude pointy heels and dark-rimmed glasses. Her plaits are also pulled back and rolled in an onion atop her head with her front strands laid down to frame her face.

"It seems you are having a good time. The doorman catch your fancy?" I question in a mocking tone.

"Shut up," she snorts, rolling her eyes. "I have a boyfriend."

"That doesn't stop some people," I shrug following her to meet the said doorman who pushes the glass for us to proceed inside.

"I am of a different species then," she smirks, sauntering ahead while I pause for a minute to take in my surroundings.

People seem to be in a plenty number but not much that it's crowded, some are sitting on the well designed plastic chairs of various hues around plain white tables. Bottles of water and bouquets are organized on the tables bringing a soft touch to the nude walls of the place.

I also notice a few others standing and talking or walking around on the tiled floor. The scent of flowers in the slightly chilly air, due to the numerous air conditioners mounted at various corners of the area.

"I found our table," Glory informs coming to join me and motioning to one at the VIP area.

"Must it be so close to the stage?" I groan, not feeling in the mood to be the center of attention.

"I know right? But we've gotta suck it up," she motivates and hooks her arm in mine.

"If you say so," I grumble as she weaves a way for us through the series of tables and cloistered humans till finally, we are where we are ought to be.

The middle-aged manager spots us the moment we take our seats and strolls to our location, a wide smile gracing his lips. "Miss Alex, Miss Denise, it's a pleasure to have you here."

"The pleasure is ours," I nod. "I hope you like the speech?"

"Oh yes, yes I do," he affirms and shakes the palm gripping a piece of paper. "It's what I'm holding right now."

"That's nice, is there anything you would like me to correct? Re-word or adjust?" I inquire in doubt.

"No no, everything is perfect," he grins. "You clean up nicely."

"Thank you for your kind words, sir," I declare, my teeth peeking through my nude lips in a smile.

"It's no problem, I'll see you after the speech," he bids and waves at us before going back to climb the makeshift stage, the orange button-up he's wearing enough to call attention to his position.

"Hello and welcome everyone," he greets and we all respond.

"I am pleased to have you all here to celebrate the grand opening of our new branch of good food.
Firstly I would like to give all glory to God for making today a wonderful one and most of all for allowing this new faction to be actualized.
Secondly, I want to----------

"Ugh, this speech is so long!" Glory moans, disrupting my attention from what the man is saying.

"He specifically asked it to be a lengthy one," I tell, switching my focus to her. "Bored already?"

"Uh-huh," she responds. "How many words?"

"Three thousand two hundred and fifty-six words to be exact," I confess in reply to her query.

"Wow!" She exclaims, gaping at me with a weird expression.

"What?" I ask in a laugh, not knowing the reason for that look.

"I don't know which to be amazed at, the fact you know the exact number of words or the fact that the man is going to bore us to death," she lets out in astonishment.

"You are buying time aren't you?" I snort, noting the little tilt in her lips.

"Fine, you caught me, I just don't want to channel my interest to his presence or I might doze off," she sighs.

"Suck it up," I smirk, throwing her words back from earlier.

"You are mocking me aren't you?" She polls, squinting her eyes at me.

"Maybe, maybe not," I shrug, aiming to keep in my laugh. "Anyway, he'll soon be done."

It appears I am right, thus after I say that, he says a last "thank you," and descends amidst claps and hollers.

"Oh thank you, God, thank you thank you," Glory praises, her palms raised heavenwards in gratification.

"I suppose your tactics worked," I tease, as she discreetly clasps her hands together and lightly bangs her head on the table in a bow.

"I have never been more glad," she grins, turning to gleam at me.

My retort is held back as one of the ushers' places plates of fried rice and chicken in front of us, with two cans of coke, spoons, and forks.

"Thank you," Glory appreciates while my eyes become large and dazed at the sight of the delicious beauty in my vision.

"Stop drooling and eat," she commands.

"That is one order I will forever obey," I mumble and unwrap the utensils, diving in like a hungry beast.

"Did you have breakfast this morning?" Glory implores in awe at the speed at which I start eating.

"I did, but I swear I'm hungry as hungry can get," I answer, my words smothered as I talk and chew all at once.

"I know how you are with food, rather I beg you to eat civilly," she urges and I halt at her statement, my mouth forming a pout as I blink my lids rapidly.

"No," she declines at my silent plea. "This is for your good."

"Okay," I accept, though reluctantly.

"That's more like it," she snickers at my sad look.

"Face your food," I order after I swallow a sip of my opened can of Coke.

"Before you ask, I unlatched them while you were gulping down grains of rice," she says, her orbs signaling at my can.

"Do you want a medal?" I taunt.

"I wouldn't reject if you----" she stops speaking.

"Are you okay?" I quiz in concern at her sudden silence.

"Um," she clears her throat. "Ken just walked in."

"Why is he here?" I interrogate my gaze diverting to the entrance.

"I don't know girl, and he appears to have spotted us," she pronounces, lending me a sympathetic glimpse.

"Yep," I confirm as he bestows me a sly smile that brings me goosebumps as he strides in our path, and these are not the good kind. "He's walking towards us."

My statement proves correct as he arrives at our table and rests his hands on it. "Well, well well, if it isn't my whore of an ex."

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