72: Proposal

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Ana's POV

Two days after the whole result wahala, I'm preparing to leave the hospital. This is why I'm walking around the white tiled floor to check if there is anything I'm missing.

My eyes going to the nails on the walls in case of any hanging jacket, the cupboard at the far right corner of the bed, the table, the little fridge, and any other place where things can be forgotten.

Ike should be here any second now to pick I and Miracle who is fully clothed in a white onesie and giggling to himself on the bed, the gaggle sound he's making warming my heart and bringing a smile to my face.

"Okay Miracle, I guess we are set," I say to him as I scoop him up. "Daddy will be here soon, are you eager to see him? Are you? Ouch!"

He pulls on my Louis Vuitton gold earring that adds color to my attire as I'm donning a black short-sleeved curve-fitting dress. Oluchi did me the honors by weaving my hair into zig-zag lines, making me appear reasonable.

"What did you do that for?" I pout at the child provoking chuckles to leave his form as he dances in my arms. "You are going to be a tricky one."

My response is more giggles as I shake him, his eyes mesmerizing as that of his father, "You really love to laugh."

"Is he troubling you already?" Ike speaks, the door opening as he strides in, looking sexy as ever that I feel the previously calm hormones stir in my system.

"He will grow up to be a troublesome one," I convey, poking Miracle's puffy cheeks, my attention thereby on the man who just walked into the perimeter as I take in the way the long-armed blue vest hugs his muscle hands and displaying every hill and valley on his eighth pack.

"Not when I'm present," Ike counters kissing my cheek, and I clamp my lids, inhaling as I enjoy the tingly sensation that comes even after his lips retreat.

"Are you sure about this?" I implore when my eyes open to clash with his black eyes. "I told you it isn't necessary."

"I've never wanted anything as much as I want this," he murmurs, his hot breath whiffing my ear as he speaks and nibbles the skin there.

*Calm down girl,* I urge my sanity, the hands holding Miracle vibrating as he is surprisingly silent, watching our exchange.

Ike has insisted on taking us to his house, one he built personally for himself and his future family. We've been arguing now and then about the idea with me reminding him he doesn't have to do this, while on the other hand, he insists he wants to like he's doing now.

"Look Ana," he speaks clasping my shoulders. "I've had this house for over two years now, but somehow I haven't brought myself to taking Emily there even when I was hopelessly in love with her."

"Rather the idea of you staying there with me even before you got pregnant with Miracle has always seemed so appealing," he confesses. "And nothing will make me happier to have the two other most important people apart from my family living there with me."

"We can start this new phase of our lives afresh, with each other, as we grow day in day out to be the family God wants us to, with more children to come by the way," He goes on to say and I blush when I sight the hidden lust in his dark irises.

"I love you," I say out loud, not holding back my emotions anymore as I tiptoe and lift my lips to him for a kiss. He accepts, smiling into it as we pour all our affection into the act, his tongue and mine dancing in the process, creating desire in our bodies.

"I love you more," he breathes, our foreheads linked together as he peers into my eyes while he says this, causing oxygen to leave my existence as I gasp at the intense emotion that comes with those words as I notice he means it.

"You know, I haven't thanked you for saving my life in that horrid place," I tell, appreciative of his efforts. "So, thank you."

"I won't accept your thanks," he blurts, stunning me for a moment until he continues. "Because you've got the rest of your life to make it up to me."

"Why do I receive strange vibes from that statement?" I inquire, raising a brow.

"Strange vibes are meant to be felt from it," he smirks, releasing me and motioning to Miracle. "Give him to me."

"Everything is set," I announce as I do his bid. "We should be leaving now that you are here."

"Did you forget your parents are coming over before we go?" He recollects and I nod in affirmation.

"Yes, I did, shit!" I exclaim.

"No cursing in front of the baby!" He reprimands, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry, she needs to get accustomed to the idea of having a child," Oluchi mocks, trudging in with a grin on her face.

"Look who is abandoning us," Joe frowns, crossing the space in khaki shorts and a simple white t-shirt, and hugs me. "I will miss you girl."

"I'll miss you too," I chuckle, hugging him back as he sniffs in my shoulder. "You've got Oluchi to keep you company now."

"Yeah," he wrinkles. "But I'll still miss you."

"I know," I kiss him on the cheek. "You take care of my best friend alright?"

"Is it too late to ask you to change plans?" Oluchi broods, sitting on the mattress and Ike snorts. "Shut up Ike."

"You can ask him that," I point at Ike who is immersed in blowing air in Miracle's belly.

"I know he won't accept so no need," she shrugs adjusting the red clutch across her breast that is peeking through the cleavage displaying wraparound black wrist-length blouse that's hanging above ripped boyfriend jeans.

"It's good you know that," Ike ridicules and she glares at him

"I will miss my flatmate," she mumbles, dismissing Ike's jab.

"You made me your flatmate," I taunt, gauging her reaction. "It wasn't part of the plan."

"You should be grateful I was with you through these times," she gasps, her palm flying to her chest.

"True," I smile. "Without paying rent."

"How can you belittle me like that," she argues, her features playful as we both enjoy this banter. "I work for you."

"And I pay you," I laugh, and she pauses, searching for a comeback, when a few seconds pass without her letting out a word, I grin.

"I guess you won this round missy," she winks and I bob my head.

"I sure did."

"Are they like this often?" I heed Ike raise a question at Joe.

"Half the time," he answers and Ike nods in understanding.

"Can you help us carry some things, Joe?" I plead, offering him a needy look.

"No problem madam," he hails and picks up the two pieces of luggage in each palm.

"Let me handle one while you carry the other," Ike proposes, aiming to lend Miracle who has gone back to sleep to my waiting arms.

"Bring him here," Oluchi instructs and he does the instant she rises to take the babe and kisses his forehead. "I can't get over how cute and handsome he is."

"Don't take the compliment for yourself, Ike, " she orders as Ike appears to smile. "It's his mother's genes that brought about that."

"Give him a break Olu," I giggle as I sight Ike shake a bit. "My parents should be here soon, so we'll meet them outside."

"Okay," they nod and we exit the room.


As I predicted we run into my parents who are just alighting from Dad's car, about thirty minutes later as Ike wasted some time conversing with the newly appointed head doctor of this place.

"Sorry, we took longer than expected darling," Mom apologizes as she spots us coming out of the establishment and embraces me.

"Yeah, I continue to wonder why you agreed to live with a man you aren't yet married to," Dad insinuates in a grimace.

"Just admit you are sad your daughter is growing up too fast," Mom chastises, putting the long twists that halt at her gold satin gown covered hip behind her ear.

"Dad," I call ambling to him. "You should know that it's healthy to raise a child in a stable home with his father and mother present at all times."

"I understand," he sighs, buttoning the top of his short-armed brown shirt.

"You can also come to visit any time you want," I assert giving him some level of assurance.

"Make sure you care for my only daughter," Dad says in a dominating voice to Ike who shows a sign of affirmation. "Good."

"See you guys when I see you," I call over my shoulder after Oluchi places Miracle in my hold. "I'll text you the address soon."

"Bye," Ike waves and steers us in the direction of what looks like a Sienna Minivan?

"A minivan?" I ridicule as I spot the red-painted vehicle.

"I was told it's one of the safest vehicles compared to my death traps," he defends and I strive to clamp in my laugh but can't. "Laugh all you want, as far as you both are safe."

"I appreciate the thought," I grin and wait as he unlocks it and I place Miracle in one of the back seats while Joe helps to put the bags in the boot. "See you, Joe."

"Be good," he waves and I do the same, entering into the passenger side as Ike opens it for me from within and closes the door after.

The sleeping baby in the back, we drive off in whatever direction his house is. A contented sensation gears in as I gaze at the man on my left before staring out the window, my back relaxing on the soft-clothed cushion.

Time goes by together with the scenery gliding through my eyes, and soon we arrive at a huge metal gate, surrounded by a high wired blue painted fence.

He horns at the barrier and a minute later the gate slides open automatically and we ride past. I vision a bulky man dressed in all black standing at the side as Ike goes to park at the entrance of a wide two-story white-walled mansion.

I have no idea that my mouth falls open until he hits my jaw, laughing at my reaction as he reaches to open my side door. All I can do is swerve to him, my expression implying my amazement.

Like a zombie, I alight from the vehicle and stand in awe at the building and its beautiful makeup. The front is indicated by two red-painted pillars from the interlocked floor up to the roof.

The white-rimmed tall glass windows are framed by gold square ridges, adding more color to the house especially as the foot of the edifice is lines with various kinds of flowers, ranging from roses to daffodils, hibiscus, and down to sunflowers, their scent embracing the air around us.

I also notice how green climbing leaves planted amidst the flowers decorate the plain walls making the white color of it more astounding and breathtaking. I don't even want to mention the line of cars parked in the garage as there will be another time for that.

"Go on and freshen up, the door is unlocked," Ike tells, smiling at me as he says this and points to the brown bulletproof door leading into the mansion. "I and Miracle will join you soon."

I obey wordlessly as I am unable to create words at this moment, my mind guiding my legs towards the entrance, and truly the door is unlocked as it shows no resistance when I shove it lightly.

Thinking the exterior was dumbfounding, I see the interior is mind-boggling but in a good way as it renders me more speechless.

Ike's favorite colors are seen lying around as the couches are made of gold leather and rims, the side tables structured from black coated mahogany as they sit in between the seats that surround the vast glass center table.

I decide not to focus anymore before I go mute at the beauty of it all as I turn my face away from the 72inch black flat-screen TV hanging on the sparkling white walls and walk on the echoing blue marble tiled floor down the space in search of the steps.

My eyes catch hasty glimpses of what seems to be the dining room, the hall, the library which nearly tempts me to sneak in but think better of it as I have to get to the curvy barriers staircase.

Attaining at the first floor I saunter across the lines of rooms. Stopping at one numbered 'Room 1' and yes, all the doors are numbered. I bend the handle and step into the recently furnished space as everything appears new and shining.

The large bed facing me is covered in red and gold flower-designed bedspread, a reading lamp sitting atop a plywood structured table, the floor I'm standing on is made of white tiles. My attention shifts to the red curtains pushed to the side to let air into the room.

A fresh scent of peppermint fills the air and somehow I get mesmerized by it such that I close my lids and lift my face to the ceiling but open them as I feel a bright ray of light which makes me raise my head more carefully and note the chandelier displaying a fluorescent light to the room which helps the white walls to glitter.

My observation pauses as I hear the sound of people speaking reach my ears through the ajar door and, surprisingly they all sound familiar.

"Ike, what's going on?" I ask stepping out of the room. Hearing no response, I stroll down the path I came from."Ike?"

The noise halt after I heed someone making a shushing pitch. My eyes squinting as I aim to decipher what's going on as I arrive at the staircase.

My lungs stop their jobs as I observe Ike kneeling, what happens to be a tiny red box containing a glinting object opened in his right hand that's sitting above his right knee, a grin on his lips as my family and friends stand behind him.

"Oh my God," I palm my lips, laughter escaping them as I try to understand if I'm imagining it as my brown orbs become glassy. "Ike, what are you doing?"

"What I've been wanting to do for a while now," he says in a voice ladened with emotions as I slowly descend the steps.

Tears now running down my cheeks, my vision takes in my parents, my brothers, Glory, and Oluchi hugging each other as their boyfriends stand aside from them, Miracle in John's arms, all their attire same as the one they wore earlier today before left the hospital.

"I know our relationship was a forbidden one," he laughs and I nod, presently standing in front of him. "But somehow God showed us that we have a chance at this thing called love."

"You have been with me through the times when I didn't know what I wanted, a time I was confused, a time when it felt as if everything and everyone was against our union," he continues, a drop touching his cheek. "But look, we are here today, and it can only be evidence of God's grace."

"So my love, will you make me the most satisfied man on earth by agreeing to be my wife?" He inquires, stretching the palm with the ring.

"Why did you use satisfied?" I query in a laugh at his choice of words.

"Because my soul won't be satisfied until you become my wife," he responds and they all aww in delight. "So will you?"

"If not you who else?" I ask as I see my father give me a look of approval.

"In case you didn't understand," I roll my eyes as Ike frowns at me "That meant I'll marry you."

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