Journal 53, February 14

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Dear Lauren,

Have you ever dreamed that instead of just reading about shootings, it was your church, school, store, etc that was the one being shot at?

Let me tell you, it is a very terrifying thing indeed.

So many people could have been saved. So many people had a chance of life they never got because I ran away and didn't help them. Escape was so close, and he was right there. It's fictional people.

I wish we didn't live in America. You're so lucky you don't have to experience this anymore. Only minutes before I was making fun of Alexander Hamilton for being such a hot head, but now I can't stop reliving those moments. My parents will find me a little later stuck on the couch with my eyes wide open because I couldn't fall asleep.

They say the dreams you remember have special meanings. If so, then what's the meaning here? Is it some sort of deja vu? My parents have to work today. I don't want them to die, and they're the kind of teachers that will die if this happens.

Anyways, I think I might just go and curl up next to them just in case.

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