VIII:Mind and Memories

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Dedicated to LuckyCharm7786

Third persons POV

A tense silence hung in the air as Eira and her business associates or better call them minions sat in her office. The office wasn't very extravagant. With creme walls and a floral wall paper on one side there was hardly any furniture. Just a small oak wood table and a three seaters sofa.
Surprisingly an idol of god rested on a shelf in the far corner of the room. Everyone who knew Eira thought that she would be an atheist but her belief in god is stronger than an iron alloy.

As weird as it sounded, she performed various rituals and prayers and confessed all her crimes to god but never actually felt guilty for destroying innocent people's lives. She too sadly fell in the category of those people performed hundreds of rituals and prayers in daylight and committed unspeakable crimes at dusk, thinking they would get away with it.Life is that balance sheet that will tally itself up on both sides even if you try to it avoid.
Eira's life too had started balancing itself.

 In her 38 years of existence she had got away with most of her wrong doings but its coming back to her again. Business had slowed down and she had gotten into trouble with the authorities. Luckily for her, those authorities were just like her and agreed with a bunch of crisp,pink notes and a few free nights at one of her "buildings".

But the trouble was how did they catch a wind of what happened here? She and everyone else knew that it was the work of one of the insiders. The stunt had surprised and impressed even Eira. Impressed because no one had ever even dared to think of defying in all the years.

She started off in Mumbai back in the 90's begging through the streets all day, in the end to giving it to her leader. All this for a piece of bread,a few biscuits and a glass of water. No matter what she did today, she had struggled and grappled at that time.

Eira's POV

The TV kept playing a news channel and the news anchor still screaming but, for some reason I didn't want to listen to the news today. Rocking on the rocking chair and hearing news was an habit that I had developed but I guess sometimes monotony has to be broken. The channels were flooded with news about a girl who was raped and another one who raped and murdered in the last week. I knew it was done by my men because nothing escapes my notice. The entire country was outraged and the government had tightened the security and increased safety measures for everyone. I also knew that the families were going to press charges against my men and maybe me but nothing a smooth gun and money can't solve.

Initially I did feel guilty about what had happened to those girls but I realised with age I was getting softer. Maybe I should retire and hand the reins over to Shiv but that kid was too compassionate for his own good. I sure saw glimpses of my teen self in him. Those old times when me and mrunal would stay up till late nights giggling about boys, Leonardo Di Caprio and a thousand other things. But then that day showed it's face to us and things changed. For better or for worse, I don't know. I wish I hadn't.., closing my eyes I cleared my head and started humming to the song on the carvaan.
Ma was right music does bring peace to the mind. Maybe I should I try playing my Sitaar again.
Rocking on the chair and listening to songs I don't know when I fell asleep.

Hi folks wassup??
I'm here with the update.
This one was written specially for LuckyCharm7786 because she is going off wattpad for the next two years. Wish you all the luck for your future❤. Thank you for all the love on Aagneya. Hope you enjoyed the book so far and I'll be eagerly waiting for you to come back.
Maybe when you come back you can read the completed book😁.

Till the next update don't forget to:


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