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Akshara's POV

The sound of a gentle knock on the door roused me from my thoughts, and as I looked up, a nurse entered the room. Her presence interrupted the quiet stillness that enveloped the hospital room. "Excuse me, Mrs.Birla," she began softly, her voice carrying a tone of respect mixed with obligation. "Today at 3 PM, Mr. Birla's business partner, Mr. Parth Goswami, is scheduled to visit him. As you are Mr. Birla's immediate and only family member, it is protocol for us to inform you."

The mere mention of Parth Goswami's name stirred a wave of uneasy memories within me. Despite being Abhi's business partner, he had never exuded positive vibes in my presence. With a subtle nod, I acknowledged the nurse's words, silently contemplating the impending visit as she departed the room.

Left alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder about the outcome of this unexpected encounter. While I harbored no fondness for Parth, I recognized my lack of authority to deny him access to Abhi. My only hope was that his visit might bring about some positive development in Abhi's condition, though doubts lingered in the recesses of my mind.

Yet, amidst my hopeful anticipation, a nagging question lingered in my mind: why had Parth waited more than two weeks before deciding to visit Abhi, despite their longstanding business partnership? The unanswered query added another layer of complexity to an already fraught situation.

After a few hours:

A soft rap on the door preceded the entrance of a nurse, her demeanor poised and professional. "Ma'am," she began, addressing me with a respectful nod, "Mr. Goswami is here to visit Mr. Birla."

Glancing at the time, I noted with surprise that it wasn't yet 2:30 PM. "I was informed earlier that he is scheduled to visit at 3 PM," I remarked, puzzled by the unexpected early arrival.

"Yes, actually..." The nurse's explanation was cut short as the door swung open abruptly, admitting a figure whose presence filled the room with urgency. Without pause, he rushed towards Abhi's bedside, he cried "Abhimanyu, my brother, how did this happen? Oh, my dear friend, I..." enveloping Abhi in a tight embrace.

Reacting swiftly, the nurse intervened, her tone gentle yet firm. "Mr. Goswami, please refrain from agitating him without the doctor's approval. I had instructed you to wait outside in the waiting room until I informed Mrs. Birla about your visit."

Though her words carried a professional air, I couldn't help but detect a hint of shared observation in her demeanor, indicating that she, too, had noticed Parth's overtly dramatic behaviour.

Upon hearing the mention of "Mrs. Birla," Parth's gaze shifted towards me, his expression carrying something I couldn't quite decipher.

"Bhabi," he addressed me, before swiftly correcting himself, "I mean Akshara. How could this have happened to my dear friend, my poor brother? If only I had been in the country, I would never have allowed this to occur." His words were punctuated by sobs, yet I couldn't discern any tears glistening in his eyes.

Despite his outward display of grief, an unsettling sensation gnawed at me, whispering of an insincerity that lingered in the air. The way he addressed me as "Bhabi" felt like a veiled jab, a subtle reminder of the complicated dynamics between us. Was he truly mourning for Abhi, or was there another motive hidden beneath his facade? The uncertainty weighed heavily upon me, clouding my judgment.

With a silent gesture, I signaled to the nurse who had entered earlier to inform me of Parth's premature arrival that she could take her leave. As the door closed behind her, Parth turned his attention back to me, "If you don't mind, could I have some privacy with Abhimanyu?"

When the nurse initially informed me of Parth's impending visit, I entertained a flicker of hope that their meeting might offer a glimmer of progress in Abhi's recovery. After all, they were business partners, possibly even friends. However, as I witnessed Parth's exaggerated display of emotion upon entering the room, any semblance of optimism dissolved into uncertainty.

His tearful outburst felt disingenuous, and the absence of genuine sorrow in his eyes only heightened my suspicions. Moreover, I couldn't shake the lingering distrust I harbored towards him, knowing about his rivalry history with Abhinav.

As I observed Parth's over-the-top reaction and considered his questionable character, my earlier desire for their meeting to potentially benefit Abhi waned. Instead, doubts crept in, leaving me uncertain about the true nature of their relationship and its potential impact on Abhi's condition.

A flicker of defiance flashed in Parth's eyes as he addressed me, his tone laced with accusation. "Don't tell me you have any negative ideas about me. To be honest, if there's any negativity that can impact Abhimanyu now, then it's you."

His accusation hung in the air, and despite my efforts to maintain a composed exterior, I couldn't suppress a flicker of concern. However, before I could respond, he continued, his expression serious. "Don't worry, this hospital boasts the best security system," he assured me, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, yet his intentions remained inscrutable.

Though I knew the room was under CCTV surveillance, and its surveillance offered a layer of physical protection for Abhi, however it offered no defense against the potential emotional turmoil Parth might unleash during their private interaction. The absence of sound recording in the CCTV footage left me vulnerable to the unknown. The thought of him having unfettered access to Abhi's vulnerable state unsettled me, leaving me apprehensive about the unknown intentions lurking behind Parth's enigmatic smile.

As I continued to weigh my options, Parth interrupted my thoughts with a sharp clap of his hands, jolting me back to the present moment. "Are you even listening?" he queried.

"Come on, he's my business partner, my friend. Don't I have the right to visit him in private? Don't I deserve some privacy?" He said in a complaining tone, yet I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of distrust that lingered within me. Was it merely my preconceived prejudice against him, fueled by the knowledge of his past rivalry with Abhinav? Or was there truly something more sinister lurking beneath his facade of innocence?

As I searched for answers in the depths of his gaze, I found no solace, only an unsettling uncertainty that left me grappling with the true nature of Parth's intentions.

"You were supposed to come at 3 PM," I voiced, though my reasoning felt tenuous at best. Despite my internal conflict, I remained rooted to the spot, unable to bring myself to leave the room.

"Come on, Akshara," Parth countered. "It's been more than two weeks. I wanted to visit him earlier, but I was out of the country and got stuck there due to some passport issues. Can't I visit him a few minutes earlier?" His words carried a hint of frustration, "For all these years, I've been like family to him, a friend—everything. And now you're acting like family."

His words struck a chord within me, stirring a sense of guilt and uncertainty. Perhaps I had been too quick to judge, allowing my prejudice to cloud my perception of him, unfairly scrutinizing his every move. After all, for years, he had been a constant presence in Abhi's life, fulfilling roles of family and friend.Maybe, just maybe, his concern for Abhi was genuine, and my suspicions were unwarranted.

With a sigh, I conceded defeat, acknowledging the possibility that I had misjudged him. Resolving to give him the benefit of the doubt, I made my way out of the room and into the waiting area, allowing Parth the privacy he sought with Abhi.



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